Here’s to RL Love

Let’s be honest here: For those of us who have significant others of the male persuasion, our RA interest obsession is often hard to swallow. I do understand that although I am completely unable to tone my RA love down in any way. It must be weird being faced with a number of autographs “from Richard with love to S___”, miniature Thorins, Armitage calendars and brooches of aquiline profiles at every turn. Not to mention jealousy-inducing. Frankly, I am not sure how *I* would deal with pictures of a busty blonde actress being pushed into my face…

Mr Guylty is one such pitiable, RA-beleagured male. Granted, he occasionally benefits from the warm tingle *ahem* that a certain actor is able to induce in certain parts of my anatomy me. But he just as often also has to listen to long expositions on the minutiae of principal photography of The Hobbit AND he had to let me go to Berlin for the DOS premiere. I’ve always suspected he is a veritable Harry Kennedy – and he has just proven it with his late Christmas pressie that I was allowed to open upon our return from the Fatherland. It started pretty harmlessly:

Shrine outside

Is that a little dig in there – the “fickle heart”???

But when I opened it, I nearly cracked up laughing:

Shrine open

A portable shrine to RA – all hand-crafted from recycled bits and pieces. I think my daughter’s play shop was raided as well…

Shrine open left

Anybody know where I can fill up R___’s love potion??

He even remembered that I have a candle or two burning for a certain dark knight…

Candle holders

Sir Guy holds a very special place in my very large heart…

There is also some Eau de Richard in there, and space for more A___ devotionalia i.e. Thorin figurines etc.

Shrine open rightThis has got to be the best end to my year as a RA fangirl. Not that I feel validated in my fangirling by my hubster making fun of my irRAtional behaviour – but essentially Mr Guylty has proven that he is real while someone else is not…

This will bring a smile to my face, every time I see it. From silly cat pictures to silly shrines. It’s all in good humour, it’s all fun. Maybe this is a lesson in tolerance? Live and let live. Love and let love. I know where my RL love is – and where my RA love is, too.

Have a lovely last day of 2013 – and let’s start the new year with a lot of love and tolerance, too. I look forward to reading you!!

93 thoughts on “Here’s to RL Love

      • Please add me to the list of RA ladies hugging and kissing Mr. Guylty. You’re the luckiest girl in the whole world 😉 Hugs to you too and have a wonderful 2014! 😀


        • Thanks, C – Mr Guylty doesn’t quite know what has hit him :-D. If this goes on, he might send a letter of thanks to RA “Yo Armitage – I used to think you were a twat, what with your exaggerated smoulder and the overly masculine stubble. But actually, mate, you’ve done me a massive service. The love is flowing, man, so thanks for that. Keep it up, mate, hit them in the feels. I am getting used to the love! Mr. G”


  1. What a beautiful and charming gift. Totally reminds me of my portable Buddha pop-up altar 🙂

    However, in my case, my husband knows me so well, that if he ever made me one, I’d knock him out all the way to the next city.


    • Undeservingly lucky. I better get my act together and give some love back… Those Harry Kennedys are just so hard to live with – far too nice for regular Geraldines like myself…


  2. The disco ball!!! Disco BALL!!!! What an amazing gift! He clearly put a lot of thought, time and effort into it and just knew how to make you happy 🙂 It seems that our loved one, instead of being silent suffering victims of our fangirling are whole-heartedly embracing it.
    Based on this mini RA shrine I’d say this guy’s a keeper (and also, he has the coolest wife with exquisite taste in men).


    • Hehe, agree on the last part, of course. My taste in men is impeccable 🙂 only that I do not deserve him at all. But the disco ball was the clincher. Especially as Mr Guylty is a firm non- dancer.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You just can’t have a fully operational shrine without a disco ball! Oh, and you will be (virtually) slapped if I hear you say that you don’t deserve your man! You forget- I’ve met you and consider you a friend!


  3. What a lovely, lovely gift from (as it seems to me) very self confident husband, who knows he´s your RL love.

    Hugs to Mr. Guylty if you don´t mind, lucky lady that you are.


  4. Verbosa silenced (yes, a rarity) with combination of laughter, delight & admiration. Obviously, Mr. G. is a treasure! Isn’t the best kind of gift one that keeps on giving? Thank you for sharing with/giving one to all of us out here!


    • Hehe, sorry to silence you, Verbosa 😉 I am still on my live spreading mission here, and it seems Mr G is unwittingly part of that now, too 😉 Thanks for your comment!


  5. You undoubtedly have a treasure there not only in Mr. G but also in this unique gift he made for you!! That took a lot of care and attention to detail. I love it! Please pass on a hug from me (if you don’t mind!). I’m sure he must be enjoying all the love being showered on him. 🙂 Hugs to you too. May 2014 be a wonderful year for you and your loved ones.


    • Thanks Teuchter 🙂 This gift certainly means that I am finishing 2013 on a high, and with much love for everything that is contained in the gift – the man who made it, the fandom it refers to and the subject it enshrines 😉 We all should have a little shrine like that 😉 to remind ourselves of joy and happiness. (Ugh, I am a bit too happy Henrietta today. I apologize!)


  6. If Mr Bolly did this, I would suspect he was taking the piss. However, my revenge would be to place the shrine in a central position and worship regularly at it!

    It was a lovely gesture though. Mr Guylty is a good man.


    • *hehe* That is exactly what I intend to do, Bolly. And no doubt there was a good portion of irony in this gift, together with the love and planning and creativity. But then again – I find myself looking at myself with a good bit of irony, too *ggg*


  7. He’s a keeper! I do sometimes wonder how the average male ego handles a wife smitten by RA. This bit of creative silliness is just adorable for what it says about your relationship. You’re cherished – even with your slightly deranged obsession concerning Mr. A. I would crack a smile every time I saw it, too. 😉


    • “slightly deranged obsession” LOL. Down to a tee, Trudy. And no doubt Mr. Guylty loves to make fun of that. He comes out with little gems like that all the time. Like the time when he said to me “Apropos Richard Armitage – have you taken the rubbish out?” ROFL. Yeah, it grates – and then it explodes as a massive bubble of laughter. Humour is just the best love potion, isn’t it? (Armitage – note!)


  8. Here’s to the Mr. Guylty’s and Orcrists of the world. I am in awe of Mr. G’s imagination and pizzazz! Orcrist filled my Christmas day with more Thorin gifts than you could imagine. Make no mistake, RA fans of the world, Guylty and I can turn off our computers and slip into the arms of our RL idols as easily as we can slip into the fantasies of RA. A warm hug and big kiss (on the cheek of course) to Mr. Guylty. He’s my newest hero.


    • Glad to hear that there are other lovely RA-appreciators-by-association out there, Arkie. They are very special because they can see beyond the surface. – When I read your post about the many Thorin pressies you received for Christmas, I did not realise they all came from your lovely man! Well done to him!


      • I just show Orcrist your pressie!!! He busted up laughing. He said, “Ask Mr. Guylty if he’s planning on selling the pattern to the rest of us? Now we’ll never get away with buying ready-mades…”LOL He walked away mumbling “where am I ever going to find a disco-ball that small?”


        • Oh Arkie. ROFL! Your Orcrist is a hoot! Loved that comment. And the disco ball aside. (Tip from the crafter: They sell Christmas baubles that look like disco balls… psssst ;-)) I haven’t actually told Mr Guylty about all the comments he has received, but I think I will have to show him this comment. xx


  9. I’m sitting here bawling like the hopeless romantic I am because I am moved by how much your husband loves you. He has a very noble heart and you better have already started plans on how to build him a shrine. The man deserves your adoration. Most women on this planet will never have the kind of love you have. Please stop saying that you don’t deserve it. Your Irish man certainly thinks you do, or he would have never bothered to woo you, let alone build a life with you for so many years. Yes, there is humor in his gift, but there’s also vulnerability and a silent plea of hope that you will always believe that he has earned his own shrine – the one in your heart of hearts.

    I am immensely happy for you because you deserve this thoughtfulness and much more. Please tell your Prince that if I ever earn the love of a man half as noble, steadfast and generous as he is, I will consider myself truly blessed. I love you, my friend. Happy New Year! (…and yes, I’m still crying)


    • Thanks for your heartfelt comment, B. I think you have touched on something there – there is not just fun and a bit of irony in it but as you said also hope and vulnerability. I have been steamrolling over that a bit in my blinkered obsession. You are reminding me to be open to his needs and hopes. And I love the idea of building a shrine for him… although I cannot think of anything he would want to adore. He’s such a level-headed guy (except when it comes to me, it seems *ggg*). His gift is all the more special because of that. It makes me smile, too, because it seems incongruous for a grown man to make such a thing. But then – he reminds me every day that it is not the number of years on our birth date that counts but what you feel inside. He is way younger than his years – and he keeps me young, too.
      There are more gems like this one out there, too. I am sure you can find one if you keep looking, B. The universe has a way of pushing us when we let it…


  10. What a treasure you have, and I’m not talking about the shrine.Mr. Jones is also supportive, but alas not as creative. He did take me to DOS IMAX 3D 48 frames, and considering his taste in films (artsy, best if subtitled) that was a big deal.I think Mr. Guylty has the wife he deserves, btw.


    • It’s the little things that count. The fact that your hubs went out of his way to take you to the film is worth more than any diamond. RL has a way of obscuring that, sometimes. Maybe we have to celebrate the little things more… Thanks for your kind words, Kathy!


  11. Oh Guylty- that’s absolutely brilliant. So much thought and planning went into the making of that gift- I love the gentle humour of it, as well.


    • Yes, it’s an open acknowledgment that he has accepted my (current) obsession. Very generous, that. (He did point out, however, that the shrine can be updated at any time… maybe with his own pictures??? ;-))


    • I have to say that all my RA-related gifts that I received this year are the best gifts… the postcards I was sent, Agzy’s brooches and bookmark, a lovely scarf crocheted by a friend… and all the attention and thoughtful commentary I have received on the web. Oh oh, I am welling up… 🙂 I still believe that this fandom is special. Fights or not – there is so much positivity in this. I am glad that all of it is coming to a culmination on the last couple of days of the year. It ends on a high – and will thus stay in my memory as a wonderful year. Thanks for being part of that! x


  12. What an awesome gift. I’m very impressed by Mr Guylty and his talent for giving. I have been grinning ear to ear since I started reading your post. What a lovely way to end my cyber day. Thank you for sharing it. I wish you both a fantastic 2014!


    • Thank you, Treehouse :-). Sharing is caring, and your comments are making my gift even more precious. It always delights me to see how warm and generous the response is to heartfelt posts. It’s what I love about this fandom. It’s members are truly, truly special, and I feel really happy being part of it. Yes, I may be a bit sentimental here, but then again, there is no harm in reinforcing happiness. Lots of love back to you!


  13. I am beyond speechless. Think how long it takes to make something like this and how easy it would be to abandon due to boredom, disinterest, unsureness, nervousness, impatience…. He finished it. This is love, woman. You are one lucky, well-loved woman. In case you aren’t sure how to reply—give that man a n y t h i n g h e w a n t s. He is most definitely, as we Americans put it, “a keeper.”


    • He worked on this for a good while – in the unheated, freezing cold garage/workshop. It was so cold down there, he said, that the paint wouldn’t dry. Aw. So yes, he really put dedication into it. And I am planning on repaying his love and generosity with more attention and love next year. I’ll hang on to him. Thanks for reminding me 🙂


  14. How sweet, is this and that he made it for. Give him a hug from me too. I don’t talk about the whole thing, Mr. 70 knows but don’t say anything. But then he is to busy looking at the great army green stuff to buy on E-Bay and knows better than to.


    • I have to admit that Mr Guylty is oblivious to the whole extent of my fangirling activities. He knows I am active within the community and that I follow RA’s work, but since he is not at all au fait with the internet, he does not know about my blogging… I think he is happy that I am happy – and that is probably the way it should be 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mr Guylty received about 25 extra hard hugs last night. He didn’t really know what had hit him (I am usually a bit of a cold fish :-D) and I couldn’t quite tell him that a whole Army of women had sent the luvvies to him. Mind you, he did not complain…


  15. Oh my goodness, this is just wonderful, amazing, fabulous beyond belief! That your wonderful husband would do that for you is just … perfect. Add me to his list of admirers, please! 😉 You lucky, lucky lady, Guylty! Not that you don’t deserve it, of course! I’m like Katie70, I don’t talk about my obsession.


    • I think Mr Guylty’s karma has received a massive boost over night :-). And yes, he deserves it. He is my best friend, and as such I just cannot lie to him, so he knows I am infatuated with RA. He is a realist, though (and so am I) and therefore he knows the difference between admiring an actor and loving a RL husband. He’s not really worried about RA at all *ggg*.


  16. I burst out laughing when I saw your Richard Armitage triptych. It is completely hysterical, and your husband is amazing.

    I remember the husband of another fangirl encouraging her to search out RA when he was filming Black Sky. He was happy for his wife when RA came out to greet them. He even encouraged her to take photos. I don’t think that I would be so gracious if I had a husband who had a big thing for Beyonce.


      • *giggles* – leave a few hints. Spread the RAvotionalia (love the coinage!) in inappropriate places. A lockable, portable shrine then becomes an easy solution. I am planning to redecorate my study today and find an exposed spot for my shrine. Currently it is sitting on the kitchen table – not really ideal (although quite exposed, too).


    • Oh yes, I have to admit I don’t think I would be quite as gracious and generous myself if Mr Guylty was infatuated with some celebrity actress. “Thou shalt not have any other goddesses beside me” 🙂
      I remember that fan encounter, too, and it struck me back then that the husband in question really must love his wife very much. Another lucky woman! Here’s to all the loving husbands and partners in the world!


  17. Mr. Guylty is a treasure. He deserves a shrine of his own. And he’s handy as well. I wish we all could have seen your face as you discovered this. Have a wonderful, New Year Guylty. It’s been a treat to know you and learn from you.


    • He does. And no, I am glad you didn’t see my face. I am sure it was a grotesque grimace of utter delight *ggg*.
      Thanks for reading, commenting and support, Perry! Let’s all make 2014 the best there ever was 🙂


  18. This is superb – and it cracked me up over breakfast. Even Mr Astera, who is normally RAphobic, thought it was very creative, particularly the love potion. Three cheers for Mr Guylty!


  19. Wow, Mrs Guylty! Me being away only for a short time (from RA-Land) and meanwhile the most extraordinaire things happen in Guylty-Land !!! This is a truly mind-boggling and plain fantastic gift. This labour of love looks like handcrafted from a real devoted (sweet) and determined Mr. Guylty.


    • Thanks Linda :-). Mr G has proven himself a loving, understanding and humourous husband… The shrine is now up above my desk – with his approval. All good in the Guylty household…


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  23. Pingback: Annual Review | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  24. Pingback: Christmas 2015 – UnwRApped | Guylty Pleasure

  25. Pingback: Christmas 2014 – UnwRApped | Guylty Pleasure

  26. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge #6 – The Post that Continues to Give | Guylty Pleasure

  27. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge 12 – How Blogging Has Changed My Life | Guylty Pleasure

  28. Pingback: RA Challenge ♡ #3: Fave Fan Art | Guylty Pleasure

  29. Pingback: Hello Again, So Nice To See You! #RABlogReunion | Guylty Pleasure

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