Time for Luuuurve

Two more days to go before V-Day! Time for some praise – and a reminder 😉

RAworld Secret Valentine 2014

FunPhotoBox2140431008ynjkie Hello dear Luvvies,

praise is in order. More than 50 percent of all submissions for the RAworld Secret Valentine have already arrived in Guylty’s inbox. Thank you for that! The blog is already half-populated, and it has helped me a great deal being able to spread the work over several days. And let me say one thing – Friday is going to be one big love fest!!! This site will explode in pink, in hearts, in RA and in an amazing display of creativity, both verbal and graphic. Every single one of the posts is a gem… my oh my, I am beginning to regret that I opted out of the initiative… I would have loved to receive one of those love letters 😉

As for those who have not yet submitted their Valentine’s post: You know who you are *ggg*. Deadline is tomorrow, 13th February, 11pm. But the thumbscrews…

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10 thoughts on “Time for Luuuurve

      • Please don’t. After a relatively asthma-quiet day, I woke up at 3 AM unable to breathe. There is a river of something thick running out of my nose and down into the upper reaches of my bronchial tubes and I… just… Guy. Guy. Okay???? Guy has been nice and quiet – sort of – for months and he’s breaking free from the chains. It might be dangerous… especially for my pre-reader. *cough cough cough*

        And John ‘Reaper’ Grimm is demanding some satisfaction as well. I need to update that story – I have readers calling for my head. I’m soooooo screwed and you KNOW I’m loving it…


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