Pocket Shrine® 3/? – Lucas North

[From the latest promotional material of RAPS Inc. ]

“I need a hero” Bonnie Tyler desperately declared in 1984. Well, times have not gotten better, and for those of our valued client base who are in need of a valiant rescuer from all things evil, we now have relief. We present the

Lucas North – The Pocket Shrine®

LN shrine (28 of 29)

The tiny scale of the Pocket Shrine® makes this a life-saving necessity for any woman’s handbag. Easily fitting in the palm of your hand – or between thumb and index finger – relief is only twelve square centimetres away whenever you need it.

LN shrine (8 of 29)

Hidden behind a silhouette of London, the Pocket Shrine® focusses on the essentials, “Know who you are!” Heroic Lucas North has been given the crown of laurels he duly deserves for his service to queen and country. Great care has been taken to show Lucas North with his trademark Omega Seamaster watch.

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Not forgetting the hero’s time spent languishing in a Russian jail, Lucas North is pictured on a map of Moscow. A dark horse, a man of light and shadow – and with an impressively toned (if a bit skinny) upper body, this is a must-have item for any William Blake enthusiast… [yeah right *coughs* – the Editor]

LN shrine (19 of 29)

Whether you are enjoying the sparkly jewels in glaring sunlight or in cozy half-light in the comfort of your own home, the Lucas North Pocket Shrine® is designed to give you feels comfort at the flap of a lid. (Candles supplied).

LN shrine (4 of 29)

RAPS has rewritten the history of the hero that is Lucas North. John Bateman? We have never heard of him! Basta. (Only genuine with the trademark RAPS disco ball!)

Stay tuned for the unveiling of the John Standring Pocket Shrine® – another RAPS original, coming to your screens, soon…

PS: The Pocket Shrine® has not only gone into production, it is positively booming… You are keeping me busy for the next few weeks, it seems. A number of orders barters have rolled in, and the definite plus of it all is the lovely exchanges I have been having behind the scenes with those of you who have gotten in touch with me. As I was saying to one of my “suppliers” – the shrine-making appears to have a good influence on me. I am usually not one for fiddly work that needs lots of patience. I am more of the “ah-sure-it’ll-be-grand” kind when it comes to my creative projects. But these little miniatures are making me slow down and fiddle around. No thanks to Mr A and his delightful portrayals of all the chaRActers…

PPS: Happy St Patrick’s Day!

22 thoughts on “Pocket Shrine® 3/? – Lucas North

  1. Who doesn’t need a hero?! You’ve outdone yourself with Lucas… Yummy tummy Blake? Strategically placed London skyline? Golden laurels? Gun aiming at the disco ball? Map of Moscow with glitter and jewels??

    I’m crying. 😀 😀

    /Happy St. Patrick’s to you too, and it’s nice to see how much fun you’re having with these!/


    • *mwah* to you, Mezz – btw, I was wondering how the shrine survived the journey? Did the laurels come off? And did the candles leave wax all over the place? I may have to be more careful in the future?


      • Not a crystal or laurel out of place Guylty. No wax deposits either. If the PS survived the trip Down Under, I reckon it will go the distance anywhere else. 🙂


  2. Was that song really 30 years ago? Good thing Richard Armitage’s characters have appeared to fill that whole in our lives. I love picture of his hands on the gun — sort of against my politics 🙂


    • You know what – I had great reservations about putting guns into the shrines. I was already annoyed with the big MG in the Porter shrine… But for the purpose of watch-appreciation, this was the best image I could find (more to do with sharpness and resolution than with a particular scene in Spooks). I like to think that Lucas is not shooting bullets but discoballs with his gun :-D.
      “Holding out for a hero” – 1984, yes. I checked. Scary!!!


  3. This is the 2014 invention for the Guiness Book you know ?
    Your Pocket-Shrine is a very precise “heart-compass” in order for all of us to always know where is the “North” !!! Bravo


  4. Pingback: Pocket Shrine 4/? – Harry Kennedy | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  5. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 13/? – Thorin #3 – Discrete Edition | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 22/? – Elucasive North | GUYLTY PLEASURE

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