Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #20

Oh, a nice round number this week. I have been doing this for twenty weeks at this point. Interesting. It’s become part of my tumblring routine, really. This is how it works for me: I check on tumblr intermittently through the day every day. Whenever I see something that is new and noteworthy, I copy the link into my WP post that is scheduled for the next edition. Sometimes I reblog the posts on tumblr, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I have to edit my list when noteworthy posts have been reblogged on one of the RA blogs already. Usually, by midnight Friday I have about 15 to 20 links collected together. Here’s this week’s trawl:

round-up header 20

  1. Paula has put all her RA playing cards into a RED post
  2. The title of this pic set by ewebean is so completely misleading… I really wasn’t looking at the dogs at all
  3. For the visually and artistically inclined, there are these colour palette sets by lucasnorth. Aesthetic in their own way
  4. LOOOOOOOOOOL – Proof that the Army has a new member. wewillburntogether has put two and two together
  5. hattedhedgehog imagines Modern Thorin this way. Very regal. Not really like *my* Modern Thorin, but then again, mine is a CEO, not a monarch
  6. Bingo, lucasnorth – this sounds extremely familiar. Do you get this kind of thing all the time, too?
  7. I love gimmesherlock’s cartoon RA challenge…
  8. Interesting photoset by armitascha in combination with a confession that is very relatable
  9. Bye-bye *hehe* – thanks to youmet26
  10. Love this picture of Thorin as an archer by radiorcrist
  11. This richardarmitageconfession may be extremely wrong (well, I think so), but boy did the discussion blast off… Make sure you read the notes – if anything you’ll be impressed by the show of loyalty here
  12. Oh, I did not know that quote – and together with lots of gifs and photos, mezzmerizedbyrichard has really made a great set (PS: can someone identify that car for me??)
  13. LOL – notallwhowanderarelost is damn right. Pity we didn’t think of that!
  14. mmiintttu reposts this hilarious quip from originally from
  15. And last but not least something new for Guy Day, by dolphin444 (can someone make that for Richard, please, too?)

Enjoy your weekend, all you lovelies out there. And remember:

ecard 18 richarding

22 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #20

  1. Thanks for including my post Guylty. As I said in my caption, knowing what Richard was like with that car makes watching that scene fun, as I visualise him heading off around the block every take! One of the commenters said that the car was an Aston Martin, but I wouldn’t have a clue. 🙂


    • Just asked car mad son- he glanced at the photo for one second and said, ‘Aston Martin’. You can tell by the iconic front grille apparently, so there you go.
      Great compilation as ever, Guylty. I’m amazed by the work the artist put into the modern, regal Thorin artwork.


  2. Hello Guylty ! Obviously my prefered one # i : What did you expect ? Thorin + Letter ‘K’ + Red heart : this card is only for me !!! Then again for me # v : the perfect monarch to go out on (my) town. LOL. I really love and share the confession of # viii and finally I want to add a new note (in Italian) for # xi – even if everybody has the right (but not “the only right” as Thorin) to say what he thinks, if I don’t appreciate an actor I don’t go on one of his confessions’ blog to polluate it with one of my negative thinking) : “ma va fa…” (Italian people know what I mean, for the other ones this has something to do with “f… ..u”). Sorry but I feel better to have said it because RA deserves all our loyalty and sometimes we must show that we are his Army ! Don’t we ???


    • Good one, Katia – of course the cards have “initials”. Pity there is no “S” for me 😉
      As for negative confessions – yes, controversial, and it did smack a bit of trolling. Having said that, I do think it is valid to have criticisms of RA, even if we are his “well-wishers”, as long as they are backed-up and respectfully phrased.


  3. Been away for work, work and more work, but always look forward to brain-refreshing (whip the cobwebs away) moments when I can read through your blog(s); saving the *Ooof* for a break during this work day if possible. Also jealous to drive that pretty car, imagining the second(s) it would take to go from 0 to 90 and the thrill to be behind that wheel and horse-power engine. (sigh)


    • There’s something to laugh in the *ooof*, so perfect break reading-material 🙂
      As for the car: Aston Martin? *ouch* (I’ve obviously watched too many episodes of Top Gear.) On the other hand I wouldn’t mind a go – but being driven, rather than driving myself. And a hand-brake turn, so the theory of the Top Gear-Trio, is part of the human mating ritual, so bring it on 😀


  4. Anmerkung zu richardarmitageconfession: ich schaue mir das jetzt auch schon eine Weile an (klar!) und ich habe auch beobachtet, dass es innerhalb der letzten Wochen unfassbar an Fahrt aufgenommen hat. Aber die Richtung ist ätzend. Ist das der Preis für den Anstieg seiner Bekanntheit? Oder liegt es daran, dass innerhalb der sog. “Fanbase” die Generationen aufeinanderprallen. Ich habe schon kapiert, dass das keine “Blümchenplattform ” ist. Aber trotzdem, was da so gepostet wird ist nicht immer geschmackvoll. Hmm also Erotik gerne, aber das grenzt leicht an Porno (finde ich). Und dieser spezielle von dir genannte Post war irgendwie nur daneben!


    • Shit – riesen Antwort geschrieben und verloren. Rekonstruktion: Die Richtung ist nicht neu. Porno Confessions gab es auch schon vor zwei Jahren. Und das stört mich auch nicht wirklich – each to their own. Persönlich denke ich auch nicht, dass der Bekanntheitsgrad von RA wesentlich zugenommen hat. Ich finde eher, dass mit dem Hinweis auf den Generationenkonflikt, den verschiedene Leute auf verschiedenen Plattformen eingebracht haben, das Fandom absichtlich von den Gemeinsamkeiten abgelenkt und zersplittet wird. Fan-Sein hat nichts mit Alter zu tun.
      Wie gesagt, ich fand den eingelinkten Post interessant – der wirkte in seiner Kontroversität nämlich “generationenverbindend”. In der Verteidigung des geliebten RA waren Alt und Jung plötzlich ganz einer Meinung. Interessant 😀


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