Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #30

Well, hello – here is week 30 of tumblr goodness to look at. This is what I found:

Round-up header crucible 30

  1. Evankart does colour
  2. Dayum, Thorin. I like how radiorcrist makes you tie your hair. Half-naked. (There, I bet you’ll click this link…)
  3. Oh Mahal, the heartbreak of it. It is much too early for this. Please… December will come early enough. Drawing by thorinsshielding
  4. OMGGGGG – look how the focus shifts in that first gif… sorry, got carried away… photographer’s porn… But really a cool gif set of Lucas North by the eponymously named lukasnorth
  5. Baby Thorin is just so cute… Here’s a new version by koreandruglord
  6. If Erebor were real, this might grace our covers. Great idea by magnolie
  7. LOL – some comic relief courtesy of Jollytr
  8. Ohhh, a pivotal scene (or two) in RH between Sir Guy and Marian, written up by dagninexfg
  9. A text post meme with Thorin. Laughed out loud at that, particularly pic 3 and last one. By Ladamemangociana
  10. Comprehensive Lucas North gifset by richardarmitage-poland
  11. Capt. Ian MacAlwain as you probably have not imagined him before. NSFW by triple-r-porn
  12. What’s Gisborne hiding under all that leather? Thedeviantgentleman has the answer
  13. Awwww, this Durin comic is so cuuuute. By Gimmesherlock


46 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #30

  1. Great visuals. I like Thorin tying his hair back. In my picture (which I would draw if I had any artistic talent) I would be behind him to help with any tangles or stray hair he might need assistance with. Or perhaps hand him an extra hair tie. Or maybe pick up the towel he has unfortunately dropped on the floor. Or maybe not.


  2. I love your weekly round-up Guylty. I don’t follow tags and usually only read a few favourite sites each day so I enjoy your links and I’ve usually not seen them. I’m quite partial to the Thorin drawing……hmmm, wish he was real !! haha! and I like the lucas giff especially the ones of him walking.
    (By the way, I’m not new here. I was ‘Joanne’ but WordPress wouldn’t let me have that name when I joined so I’m now ‘austoz’)


  3. Baby Thorin spricht das Mutterherz wirklich an. Erinnert mich an die Super-Nanny im TV . Kennst du das noch? Die hat die Kinder immer auf die “stille” Treppe zum auskühlen gesetzt.
    Na ja, und der anregende Count-Down ist wieder was für Kenner . Wobei ich mittlerweile aber auch schon alle Versatzstücke in der Formulierung kenne. 😎

    Ach ja, schön dass das hier keine geschlossene Veranstaltung mehr ist ! Dachte schon, das sei jetzt der Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl. “Sorry , nur ernsthafte Kundschaft” 🙂
    Nachdem aber Herba ja auch nicht ins Allerheiligste vordringen konnte, habe ich beschlossen, das nicht persönlich zu nehmen. Was war? Stau im Netz? Trollalarm? Oder einfach nur den falschen Knof gedrückt?


    • Was für ein anregender Countdown? *gedächtniskram*
      Ansonsten: Nöööö, nicht immer alles gleich auf einen selbst beziehen 😀 Ich musste hinter den Kulissen etwas aufräumen, und dabei ist was schief gelaufen. Nun ist aber mit kleinen Änderungen alles wieder paletti.


  4. Guy dancing is absolutely hysterical ( reminds me of a Seinfeld episode, but what doesn’t). And EvanKart in color is just fine with me. But OMG – a Typhoon was coming. AT first I thought she meant Into the Storm, but . . .

    Liked by 1 person

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