More Pretty Getty

Remember the great news for bloggers from March 2014? Well, Getty has been tweaking its system. Recently it updated its embed feature which now appears slightly different on your blog (with a grey bottom edge and the Social Media sharing options lighting up on mouse-over in the bottom right corner of the image). Its new embed code also somehow f*cks up my blog – I end up with unwanted formatting changes in my comment section, but that is a different issue. Now Getty launches an app that will delight the photo lovers among you, as well as those of you who blog via mobile device.

The new app is called Getty Stream and it is geared for use on devices that work on iOS 8. My ancient iPhone 4 is sadly excluded from this. You can download it for free in the App Store. Getty Stream distributes images via app and makes sharing images on Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr easier. The app is targeted at non-professionals – i.e. bloggers and Social Media users. It brings beautiful professional photography onto your mobile screen and makes sharing of the images you like best easier. Think of it as Instagram without an upload button. And featuring only professional photographers.

Getty Stream app Image:

The goal of Getty with this new app is to get more images embedded by users. You may wonder why they would want to do that, after all they make their money from *selling* images, and distributing/making them sharable for free is contradictory to that. Well, by creating an app like Stream, Getty brings their content to more users. They increase their potential customer base. And by providing the embed feature and code, they basically “mark” their images and make it easier for themselves to track the images. That way Getty gets information in return – not only on where their images are shown, but also how often they are clicked etc. It is more than likely that Getty might use this information in some shape or form at some point in the future. So an app and the free embedding of the images is still of benefit for Getty – even if not necessarily for photographers.

Getty Stream is meant for non-commercial use. It is a handy option for bloggers who want nice, professional photographic illustrations on their blog without having to cough up for them. The price you pay is essentially the pre-determined look of the embedded image on your blog, including the source, Getty logo, copyright and the in-built link. But you have a legal way of showing professionally made images on your blog.

For bloggers the available Getty imagery doesn’t always suit the purpose. We often need very specific images to illustrate our respective posts. Which leaves us in the same old conundrum as before – no embedding feature at our disposal, but the desire to illustrate a post with a particular image. I am going to talk about that in a separate post tomorrow, hoping to shed some light on some of the seemingly grey areas that our blogging activities happen in. Meanwhile, take a look at Getty Stream and enjoy a pretty slide show of gorgeous RA.


24 thoughts on “More Pretty Getty

  1. Toller Ratgeber-Blog hier, danke! Habe mir die App brav runtergeladen und was soll ich sagen: 1179 Bilder unter der Rubrik RA (abzgl. 5-10 “Der andere RA” plus einige Verirrte). Ja wer soll denn da seine Nachmittagsgeschäfte erledigen, sach ma? Nicht , dass ich die Bilder nicht grösstenteils schon gesehen hätte (war ja seit Jahresanfang auch nicht nur faul 🙂 ), aber das ist vielleicht immer wieder ein Sog! Habe jetzt bei Foto 350 erstmal abgebrochen, um mich hier zu äussern 🙂 Die Bilder screenshotte (geiles Wort) ich mir bloss, dann fällt der dämliche Getty-Banner weg. Also hier beim Halbtagesendkaffee ist grade alles richtig Sahne 😀


    • 😀 We aim to please. Allerdings werde ich dir morgen dann noch mal richtig einen überbratzen, wenn es zum Thema Screenshots und Copyright kommt 😉
      Ansonsten: Neid. Mein olles iPhone 4 darf Getty Stream leider nicht runterladen. Damn! Naja, immerhin habe ich so eine Ablenkung weniger zu verkraften.


      • Also, wenn man so unreflektiert sucht wie ich und nicht ordentlich filtert (OMG, OMG Bilder, Bilder von unserm Richie, hechel…..), dann übernimmt tatsächlich so etwa ab Bild 600 “der andere RA” das Feld. Geht also schon so mengenmässig. Aber war trotzdem schön, mal wieder rumgetextet zu haben.
        Und du mir was bratzen? Ist doch alles nur fürn Hausgebrauch und um die dürstende Seele zu befriedigen. Wer wird denn da Böses unterstellen 😀
        Wie gemein, dass es wieder ein getunetes Iphone sein muss, damit man mitspielen kann. Säcke, jawoll 🙂


  2. I don’t know what my phone incarnation is, but I know it’s not the latest or greatest, according to people more familiar with technology than I. (Which means everyone in the world.) But in the unlikely event that I will catch up with it someday, thanks, Guylty, for the information.


  3. I love that Getty recognizes the potential of making images easily available for social media. By allowing sm users to upload their images with their discrete markings intact they have created a win-win situation. I wish all image purveyors were as forward thinking! Thanks for sharing this cool information 🙂


  4. Technerd? 🙂 Is iOS 8 out? I need that system update to fix a glitchy sound issue on my iPad Gen 3. I suppose I’ll have to wait a bit until the iPhone 6 madness wanes for the iPad version to hit.

    Love to page through the Getty Images…I feel a “kalos” post brewing!


  5. Pingback: ὅ παῖς καλός: Richard Armitage, Getty Images Ap edition | Ancient Armitage

  6. Pingback: Photo Copyrights and Blogging | GUYLTY PLEASURE

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