Armitage Weekly Round-up #36 – tumblr edition

The Saturday routine. Lying in. Leisurely breakfast. Check e-mail, messages and notifications. Maybe a protest or two. Some culture? No dinner preparations. Ahhhhh, the life. And for your delectation – the best of tumblr, Guylty-ly subjective, of the past week. Get yourself a cuppa or a coffee, lean back and let yourself be entertained…

BOFA round-up 36


  1. Some RL RA gif goodness by richie-crispie
  2. NSFW – triple-r-porn goes slash. With Porter of all people. Acquired taste *ggg*. For advanced learners *ggg*
  3. boudicca61 has a “domestic Thorin” who goes on adventures, too
  4. Enigma solved. I love RAsnarktastic. He/she always keeps it *real*
  5. Thearkenstone-ck has put together a set of BOFA Thorin posters… Dayum, oh majestic one
  6. Very elegant display of a very elegant RA. Jollytr seems to have a similar taste to mine (re. black frames. Oh, and men. *ggg*)
  7. Crucible throw-back: Some fabulous SD images by petruchiolucasthorin
  8. Thorin fan art by moshimoshisempai
  9. LOL. And no, just laughing, not trying to fan discussion. Comic by monkeyscomics
  10. lukasnorth apparently has a no tie fetish
  11. Loved this Porter edit by Serik27
  12. Thank you richardcfarmitage. RARA should never be forgotten. *swoon*
  13. These drawings by planet 715 are unbearably cute. I want them on a pair of pajamas! Who’s your favourite?
  14. And here is Thorin, from the same series
  15. And for a good cause I’ll even include a third
  16. Mezzmerizedbyrichard concludes: Once a dancer, always a dancer…
  17. I didn’t dare reblog or comment saucily on this handy picture set by Sketchlavie. *ahem* *coughs* blushes* *dies* (slightly NSFW)
  18. guystextsfromlastnight with another hilarious contribution.
  19. redlibrary shows off her framed Crucible poster. Which leads me to ask: Have you got one? Is it on display? Show us?
  20. Wow. I did not know the fact in this thorinoakenshieldconfession. I praise the universe…
  21. Some early Armitage by richardarmitage-poland. Had I seen him then, I would’ve been an instant casualty nonetheless…
  22. Circusgifs has lots of chaRActers eating. And I have some carnal desires now…
  23. That picture on thorinoakenshieldconfessions is the definition of “majestic”
  24. Oh, please burst this bubble. Edit by aniarafan2
  25. And finally some laughs at Guy’s costs by nfcomics

Not bad for a quiet week, no?

Hope you enjoyed it and are now ready for a long leisurely weekend. Oh, and a reminder – you can win my latest RAPSi by reblogging my tumblr post. There. I even got some advertising for my own blog in this time.

Peace, love, hugs,

Guylty xx

90 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up #36 – tumblr edition

  1. Samstag morgen und dann hamma uns ma zurückgelehnt 🙂 Könntest du freundlicherweise demnächst deine pikanten Stories ans Ende verlegen? Das bringt mich schon am Anfang aus dem Konzept und macht mich immer gleich so fertich 😎 Die blackframe-Bilder sind ganz klar war für die Hall of Fame. Verboten gutaussehend. Und auf meinem Pyjama nehme ich den Thornton (das ist dann schon ziemlich haptisch und gaaanz nah am Einreiben!). Zu Nummer siebzehn (ich schreibe die Ziffer aus, dann fällt es nicht so auf 😉 ) muss ich natürlich dann auch noch was sagen, das bin ich meinem Ruf schuldig: Ich habe da ja immer so eine “huch”-Reaktion. Wie blöd. Kerle glotzen den Frauen schon immer ungeniert auf die Brüste, bloss bei uns hält sich noch ein so lästiges Schamgefühl. Und deshalb: ja auch ich glotze und das mit zunehmender Begeisterung!!!! Es lebe die Emanzipation!

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – ich hatte dieselbe Überlegung wie du: Sollte man die sexy stories lieber an das Ende setzen, weil die am Anfang sonst schon irgendwie die ganze Luft rausnehmen? Habe mich dann aber für ein streng chronologisches Vorgehen entschieden.
      Was den Blick auf den Schritt angeht – ich finde ja immer, dass das relativ aussagelos ist. Sieht manchmal nach mehr aus als es ist. Da sind Damenausschnitte eben doch aussagekräftiger. Aber wenn wir damit unsere Emanzipation ausdrücken können, bin ich selbstverständlich kompromisslos und für den guten Zweck mit dabei.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Das mit der relativen Aussagekraft ist allerdings war. Solche anatomischen Dispositionen sind auch gerne mal nur Schall und Rauch. Nehmen wir’s gelassen hin und denken uns unseren Teil. Es könnte ja sein…… 🙂


  2. Cool collection to take with my morning coffee! Thanks! There’s hotness (#2… oof!), there’s food for thought (#4… that!!), there’s majesty (#23… tone it down please, RA!) and there’s cuteness overload that is planet 715’s cartoons! Each one is more adorable than the previous, and what I like best how (s)he makes them all true to the character with a subtle detail. Even SD RA is still Proctor. 🙂


    • Yes, I totally love those little cartoon chaRActers. Very faithful. I am just imagining a PJ with lots of little green-motorcycle RA’s suggestively stretching himself out on it… I’d probably find a good reason to go to bed early every night… Wonder whether the husband would cop on who the little cutie patootie is…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks Guylty. What is it about that tieless photo? It was magnetic. She got the exact same angle in each one. And those cartoons are a hoot. As for the cartoons of Planet 715, PJs sound like the perfect ground -my favorite is John Proctor washing himself.


    • Yes, the set with the tie-less throat worked so well because the perspectives were identical. Loved it, too.
      I am undecided who I like best of Planet715’s cartoon chaRActers. I kinda have a soft spot for RLRA in his green motorcycle pants… Really don’t know why at all. I didn’t really like that shoot all that much…


  4. I gained ten pounds just looking at all the eye candy you directed me to. Lovely assortment, eating, drinking, blue eyed staring, bulging … my goodness gracious, I am undone.


    • Ich entnehme deinem Kommentar, dass du “The Impressionists” also auch noch nicht gesehen hast? Ich habe mich da auch sehr lange geziert, weil mich die Perrücke und der Bart so abgestoßen haben und ich mir die Schönheit des Mannes nicht versauen wollte. Allerdings habe ich dann unter Druck nachgegeben. Und meine Freunde hatten Recht: Impressionists ist wunderbar, denn als Monet spielt RA endlich mal eine Figur, die in ihrer Positivität erfrischend erfreulich ist. Also sieh über den Ziegenbart weg und zieh dir die Serie rein.

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          • ist auf meiner Wunschliste Teil 2, erstmal ist Guy und John T dringender 😉 also ich mag Bart, auch wenn nicht unbedingt den Ziegenbart 😉 ich freue mich eigentlich, dass er wahrscheinlich wegen den bartigen Hobbitpromofotos eine Weile weiterhin am Bart hangen muss 😉

            Liked by 1 person

      • Ich habe mich auch noch nicht rangetraut…… Sah mir bisher auch immer ein wenig zu, nun ja Ziegenbart-lastig aus 🙂
        Aber, ich arbeite gerade an meiner Ernsthaftigkeit (krümelverschluck) und sollte mal von dieser infantilen rein optischen Schiene wegkommen (neinzappelichwillnicht). Ich werde mich dem Bart stellen!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. since i’m still up and sleep is nowhere to be found i’m going to dip into this tonight already though i was going to save it as a Sunday treat 🙂 but i want to take some of this to my dream so here we go 😉 Thanks very much! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Helly Guylty. Because of my knee I cannot stay as long as before in front of my computer but I don’t want to miss your round-up. Absolutely not. I really love # xiii, xiv and xv and the winner is… Thorin my babyking ! Just a little information regarding # 20. G. Del Toro was preparing The Hobbit for more or less 2 years and as he already took R. Perlman to play in his movie “Hellboy” it’s logical that he thought to take the same actor for The Hobbit. But then for many reasons he has been replaced by P. Jackson who started everything again including the casting of the actors and he has choosen RA to play Thorin. So many many many thanks to Sir Peter Jackson. A lot of us would have missed this wonderful actor and The Hobbit would not have been the same without him. Right ???

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for that info, Katia. That is really interesting to know – I had no idea!!! And yes, damn, the world would have missed something had PJ not re-cast the whole thing. (Although I have to smugly say that I had already discovered him before that… yeah…)
      Hope your knee will get better soon. Sounds all very bad if you can’t even sit at the PC for any length of time. Baci!!


  7. right, quick recap: cartoons, soooo cute! Thorin is just majestic, i love the downcast one on the throne, awwwwww The bubble Ra is so sweet, nobody should burst that! RARA i have to study in more detail, how old are those photos, they are gorgeous! Lucas in b/w ohhhh! Guy.. snort :-p
    Beautiful framed C poster! really need to decide on mine and get it framed, too bad i now regret not getting it signed, but nothing to be done about that. Lol at the bench-cartoon 😀
    And those gorgeous no tie photos really dried my throat! short confession – Very strange, the first time i saw the C i was too far away to see him well and did wander what everyone was raving about, in as i didn’t think he was especially handsome (don’t throw things at me pleaseee, i’ve since seen the error of my ways 😉 ) It was sort of a gradual recognition not an instatn bam! The first feature that i actually found attractive besides the laser eyes that haunted me even at the 1st C was his neck, can’t even explain why, a strange feature to be so entRAnced by 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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