Armitage Weekly Round-up #37 – tumblr edition

If this week’s tumblr round-up is a bit short, you can blame yourself *ggg*. No, not for not producing anything worth-while, but for keeping me busy with the little badge-bombing spree. I have been printing envelopes and cards, attaching pins, writing notes, trudging to the post office, updating my analogue Excel book-keeping aka handwritten list, replying to e-mails, keeping up with the donations. Phew. Not complaining – I love organising such things, so you are welcome to continue keeping me busy. There are still badges available, so if you haven’t requested one yet, you still can!!! Just send me an e-mail to guylty (at) photographer (dot) net with your address and I’ll pop one in the post for you!

Ok, but now for the weekly round-up – another mixed bag of funnies, cartoons, edits, creative writings and general expressions of RA love. Dive in…

BOFA round-up 37

  1. Aw, maybe we should start a campaign based on this richardarmitagequotes
  2. ChaRActer expression gifs by r-armitage-characters-home. From Oh to sorry… very handy
  3. It was only a matter of time until we got this blast from the past in handy gif snippets. Laughter-inducing. In the most respectful way. Such a talented young man. Thanks to Oneking2another
  4. This isn’t really new at all, but I swear to you I spent several minutes looking at the graceful dance of the swords. Theheirsofdurin posted this
  5. Again, not new. But I literally stared at the twinkling in his eyes for several minutes… Just the twinkle in when he says “No”. By hobbitfangirl [ETA: Now linking to my own reblog because the original seems to have gone???)
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhh, *that* is why the Canada Premiere outfit looked so familiar… thanks plfall
  7. I totally laughed out loud at Sahraobsessed’s cheeky little photo set. Very bunny, S, very bunny…
  8. Look back with fondness – Armitage in red. A long time ago. By intheshadowofhismajesty
  9. More Proctor cuteness in another cartoon by Planet715
  10. No Thorin in this, but it’s still really sweet. Nice dof, fathersfigures!
  11. Not sure how long this sweet cartoon of Thorin, Bilbo and Frodo by seadeepspace has been around, but I only found it this week
  12. Here is a Crucible review from very young fan with-love-kazuya
  13. Pollysthings has come up with a lovely little ficlet to accompany her edit of Mr Thornton. Really sweet
  14. A richardarmitageconfession about Sir Guy
  15. And another one that could spark discussion. Have we really slowed down? And is Richard de-mystifying himself?
  16. Jollytr has giffed Staged and adds the text in the caption. Almost eerily clairvoyant, all of it. Makes you think…
  17. Cuddly Sir Guy. Really. And for sale, too. By Sinnaminie
  18. Tankhera’s Thorin cosplay is amazing. I had to look twice to make sure it wasn’t Armitage behind those prosthetics. It also helps that the photography is pretty good!
  19. Armitagefan quotes from a magazine interview on ITS that had passed me by (probably because it was a translation) and links to the translation on allthingsrarmitage over on blogspot. Recommended reading – Richard wants to play a RomCom!!!!!!!!!
  20. Loved this dash coincidence by Thorins-crown. You probably know my position on the issue by now…
  21. We are only four days into October, so you can still print out r-armitage-characters-home’s calendar for this month

So  here’s to autumn. Time to catch our breath before the BOFA madness starts.

Happy weekend, lovelies,

S. xx ❤

53 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up #37 – tumblr edition

  1. #4 never gets old. That twirl… Planet715 keeps churning out good stuff – very good at finding a character trait that will make the cartoon believable. And those plushies! Have you seen the others? My fingers are itching…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Twitter question is interesting. Does it de-mystify? Yes, I think it must in some degree. The jokes he has made bring him down to earth, but in a charming way. We CH fans have to wait for the interviews, which only come when there’s a new project (thankfully new projects have been multiplying lately). But here’s something I’ve been wondering about: does RA answer tweets from fans? Only at designated times? Or randomly? Mr. H. does not have a twitter account and I don’t expect he ever will. But maybe he ought to. He’s not a total Luddite even though he only started using a computer in the late 90s. He’s got a smart phone and they say he gives good text 🙂


    • Yes, I agree. It demystifies him in a good way. He’s just a bloke, after all, who enjoys toilet humour :-D.
      Afaik he doesn’t answer fan tweets. Probably too many of them. Good thing, too – he’d be glued to his iPhone for the rest of time if he did, judging by the noise on Twitter 😉
      CH is wise if he doesn’t start the whole SM activity. While it gives the illusion of bridging the gap between celeb and fan, it really has no deeper meaning. And it also creates expectations. In RA’s case for instance, he hasn’t tweeted in a few days. I bet people are already getting impatient with him for that after his initial tweeting spree.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, Twitter definitely sets up expectations. Mr. H. has always found the fan thing a little perplexing. He doesn’t answer fan mail except to sign photos, though he’s generous with his time at the SD. From a different angle, Twitter worries me because people feel they must report every sighting, when and where. It’s a bit invasive. They think it’s harmless, but if there was a stalker, it would help that person immensely. It’s OK to report an encounter, but I wouldn’t pinpoint the spot…


        • Yup, that is a general problem with our SM-fuelled online lives. However, celebs do not go into the whole Twitter-thing unadvised, I am sure. They probably have a marketing strategist holding their hand (at least initially) and telling them what to do and what to avoid. And explaining the potential pitfalls. I suppose the celebs individually make up their minds what is more important to them – privacy or publicity.
          Personally I agree that it can be quite invasive. I am not a huge fan of posting stuff like that myself, but I admit that I enjoy looking at such posts. That makes me a bit hypocritical. As regards stalkers – I suspect that they would find a way to stalk, anyway, whether they monitor SM or not.

          Liked by 2 people

          • thank God he’s not on it every day, i’ve been enjoying the partial peace 😉 the sifting through twitter is time -consuming 😉 i’d rather spend more screen time with his work than with twitter 😉 And at the number of fans/ followers it has to be pretty one sided, i mean he shares for people to read but can’t realistically interact in the classic sense 🙂 Just a way to say hi from time to time i guess in a more personal way than interviews and such. And more informal ( humour very welcome)

            Liked by 1 person

  3. *rumhops* Doing-doing-doinggg! Ddoppelter Ddank ddiesmal!
    Nicht nur für die Zusammenstellung, sondern auch für – TADAAAA! – Post.
    Badge kam unbeschadet an, und das RAPS-Inc.-Logo äh… rocks! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – Du hast sogar deinen Internet-Namen dafür geändert? Geil 😀
      Cool, das ist ja prima, dass der Badge schon angekommen ist. und dass mein unter großen Mühen erstelltes Umschlagdesign so gut ankommt *gg*. Ich hab absichtlich das Stichwort Armitage weggelassen. Es soll ja alles diskret bleiben, nech…


      • Der Vorteil, wenn man sich nur mit der Mail-Adresse ausweist: Man hat frei Namenswahl (verrät sich allerdings weiterhin durch die zugeteilte Grafik). 😉

        LOL Ja, ich hab erst mal gelacht, und das ist immer gut. 😀
        Ich war total überrascht, wie schnell die Post war.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anonümer Kommentator *rofl* – aber genau, ich hab dich sofort am grünen Gekrüssel erkannt…
          Lachen ist gesund – genau das war ja auch beabsichtigt.
          So, und nun muss ich los. Treffe mich mit ein paar Ladies who lunch. In einem fancy schmancy Restaurant. Ich bringe meine Kamera mit. Mal sehen, was dabei rauskommt…

          Liked by 1 person

        • Ganz schön schizo…… Die Frau mit den vielen Gesichtern 😉
          Wie cool, dass dass dein Badge schon da ist *neidaberichgönnsdir*.


      • ach bah mann muss sich nicht in der Masse einreihen 😉 Ich war im Ballet schone Jungs ansehen (Manon + mein Lieblingstanzer), dann Einkaufen, Waschen, Handwaachen, Kochen, Bett frisch beziehen und nach all dem Schuften haben ich mir endlich deine Selektion in Ruhe gegonnt :-)))) das beste Ende des Tages! 🙂


        • Wenn ich dich so höre, fällt mir wieder ein, warum ich a) doch gerne in London leben würde und b) wie schön es wäre, wenn ich mein sauer verdientes Geld nur für mich ausgeben könnte :-D.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. RomComHero! 😀 Meine Güte, dann mach doch mal endlich, wird’s bald? Egal, das Foto vom Waterstone Event ist ja wieder so ein In-die-Knie-Geher: das richtige Verhältnis von Haarlänge zu Bart, dieses Profil (Mann, Mann, Mann), dieses Grinsen (sorry wenn ich abschweife). Mir ist gerade so romantisch zumute 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jou, er hat das noch nicht ganz gespannt, scheint mir. Die Damen sind keineswegs vom Bart angetan, sondern sie haben Angst vor der Intensität ihrer Liebe zu der Haupthaarpracht… *spontaneouslycombusts*

      Liked by 1 person

      • Angst vor der Intensität zur Haupthaarpracht? Ist das eine neue Phobie? Kann da gerade intellektuelllllll nicht so ganz folgen……


          • Mist, das ist dann immer der Moment, in dem ich Aussteige, weil ich das nicht so schnell verknüpft kriege. Das ist so, als ob du englisch mit mir redest (wie?… also warte mal…… 😉 ) Okay, got it 🙂


            • *kicher* Dabei hatte ich das ja schon extra auf Deutsch übersetzt und ich dachte das Stichwort “Intensität” würde bei dir auf Kenntnis stoßen 😀
              Aber so hatte ich dann wenigstens Gelegenheit, mal das authentische, geschriebene Wort von Herrn Armitage hier direkt als Tweet einzubinden. Hat WP da übrigens irgendwelche Änderungen vorgenommen? Seit wann erscheinen Fotos, Videos und Tweets eigentlich in Bildform angezeigt??? Dolle Sache…


              • Fand ich jetzt auch erstaunlich, dass das nicht nur ein Link war. WP ist wahrhaft ein Mysterium. Tja, manchmal nützen dezente “Hinweise” nichts. Bin vielleicht gerade nicht so aufnahmefähig. Zuviel Manna Manna. Sie hat wirklich Witz, die zeesmuse. Ich könnte mich beömmeln, wenn sie ihre Protagonistin bei seinen ersten Annäherungen konstatieren lässt: “Something smelt rotten”. So geil, das! Und Guy und das iPad. Unfassbar komisch. Am Weiher war jetzt noch nicht sooo viel los. Dafür aber in Kapitel 15, da steppt der Bär im Kettenhemd (sozusagen) 😀


                • Also, die leisen Töne sind doch wohl auch mal schön. Muss ja nicht alles immer gleich full frontal porno sein *hmph* Ich lass mir die Weiherszene nicht vermiesen. Die war für mich ein Höhepunkt.
                  *hüstel* Die anderen Höhepunkte kommen dann noch *hüstel*. Die sind auch gut.
                  Ich muss das Ganze wahrscheinlich noch mal tutto completti von vorn bis hinten durchgehend lesen. Wenn man sich von Woche zu Woche hangelt, bleibt manches irgendwie nicht hängen. Ich sitze da ja jetzt schon seit einem Jahr mit drin.


                  • Ich gönn dir den Weiher (auweia, ha, Kalauer) und habe mich auch sehr gut mit dem Crescendo angefreundet. Wirklich sehr ansprechend, mal nur zusammen zu schlafen ( keine Ironie!). Ich meine, es kostet ihn schon was 🙂 aber was so ein ritterlicher Ritter ist, der muss da durch 😀 Und dann wenn es zu arg wird, muss halt ab und zu mal ein Feuer gelöscht werden, heidewitzka! 😎 Und dann noch als Krönung Guy als Masseur, Wahnsinn.
                    Ist denn mal langsam ein Ende der Story in Sicht? Bin sehr gespannt, wie sie das Auflösen will.


                    • Ja. Guy bekommt stellt da mal endlich die Seiten vor, die wir sonst nur in Anklängen zu Gesicht bekommen haben. Herrlich. Ich bin ganz verliebt *ggg*…
                      Was das Ende angeht – ich sage nichts. Ich nehme dir doch nicht die Spannung aus der Story…


                    • Ne, Spoilern brauchste nicht. Ob es zum Ende kommt, wollte ich wissen. Oder ist das ein Projekt fürs nächste Jahr?


              • spoilers! aber macht ja nichts, habe so viel im Kop bis das dran ist hab ich alles wieder vergessen 😉 klingt sehr nett, muss es wirklich vom PC zum Kindle laden, mein Rucken straubt sich milterweilen von den vielen Stunden vor dem laptop… da konnte ich glatt ne Massage gebrauchen 😉


                • Gut, dass du es erwähnst: Mein Rücken schmerzt wie Hölle! Ob er Hausbesuche macht? Ja tatsächlich, ich bräuchte da mal dringend einen begabten “Handwerker”. Kopfkino an 😎

                  Liked by 1 person

  5. Forever reblog the dance of death training. A lot of that has to do with the way WETA Workshop designed Orcrist for the films, but Richard’s dance and theater background makes up the other half of that amazingly beautiful ballet. It always intrigues me to watch both the training and the heart Richard poured into it, as well as the final product in the Goblin caves.


    • Totally agree. And I have to say I am really grateful to the gifmakers because these scenes happen so quickly in the film, you have no time to absorb the choreographic grace of it. Ballet is right!


  6. Thanks so much for this! And for doing all this on top of all the work this week which must have been crazy! It’s become my weekend indulgence and I’ve spend a lovely couple of hours giggling, smiling and swooning 🙂
    1. Yes he is funny… and yes somebody should film it! Problem is his mind is much funnier than most scripts out there I suspect 😉
    2. Got completed distracted by the main gifs left of the page, where do those images come from? Scrumptious!!! Will try to look away from those and study the other gifs 😉 God, I’ve just seen the Guy smile and I feel trapped in it… glups!
    3. Wish I would have been as graceful dancing back then 😉
    4. Must have been gruelling amounts of hours, have to admire the dedication … and those beautiful arm muscles in motion 🙂
    5. Somebody give the man some lip balm, that licking is distracting!
    6. Lol Lucas banker outfits… yaawwwwn!!! ( sorry!)That hand on his abdomen much more fascinating 😉
    7. Colour white tapestry??? Fashion gets weirder and weirder every year 😉
    8. Awwwww, that smile 🙂 I think that dark cherry red looks good on him 🙂
    9. Ohhh Elizabeth is so cuteeeeee ( and at least here they are vegetarian, poor rabbit ;-))
    10. Love the photos
    11. I’d like to see Thorin eating salad 😉
    12. Aww can never get enough of reading people’s impressions of the play..
    13. 🙂 as soon as I’m done with your lovely collection I’m back to JT !
    14. Siiiiigh… if only…
    15. I wouldn’t know really but I like the normality of it, make me feel less crazy myself 😉 And I don’t think guesswork about this work will ever stop! Not like he is giving much away, is he? 😉
    16. Hm…. Almost as if they were his own words… Though I do think people need to understand and ‘see’ his characters not him 🙂 In terms of what he can do as an actor I mean. I hope the bit about disillusionment is not true and he’s actually on a path of opening doors and exploring new grounds 🙂
    17. ‘ggg’ like this one, the evil smile 😀
    18. Wow! Even the expression is right….
    19. I so love this photo in the post (neck, eyes, nose… thud!).. I don’t want to wait 5 years for this!!! And loose the t-shirt and I’m in 😀
    20. Both! (evil laugh, I like the beard! But I am also curious to see him without it since I’ve never had the chance :-))
    Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  7. Loved all the links Guylty, thanks. I was happy to finally see some of the ‘dorky dancing’ from way back when, I’d never seen it and always wondered *ggg* My favourite of the day is his balletic Hobbit training giff though, hard to take my eyes of that turn he makes, now that is dancing.


    • “dorky dancing” OMG, I had tears of laughter in my eyes when I read that. Oh, and I had tears of laughter in my eyes when I saw the gif *ggg*. Kind of sweet, though, oh, the fun and folly of youth.
      And yes, the balletic sword dance is mesmerizing.


  8. great collection, as usual. re: blogs slowing down — it would have been hard not to. I had many days this summer with 10-15 posts. I don’t think it’s because of him tweeting, though. I think it’s b/c the summer was exhausting (I know i am still regrouping) and because the information flow has slowed significantly.


    • Tbh – even during the summer the information flow was slow – it was only that there were fans recounting their stories that there was so much to read… It was all “Ausnahmezustand”. I am glad to be returning to a slower routine…

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  9. well, I count fan stories as part of the information flow insofar as they also generate information, but I do think that the coincidence of the fan reception of the play with Into the Storm and ComicCon’s info distribution re the third film created a significantly larger information flow than usual (and then add to that the Twitter premiere and about two weeks of regular tweets), one that was pretty anomalous in my experience. I’m also glad for the calm down (and it won’t last all that long, anyway. I wonder what people will do after about January 1st or so …).


    • Ok, yes. Sellf-generated information is information still. And you are right – I forgot about ITS and WonderCon and all that. Plus Twitter :-D. By Jove, it was information overload, inflationary. What a come-down ;-). Just another lull, though, or maybe we are currently only in the eye of the storm and then we are into the other side with BOFA. The only question is: Who is Pete in this scenario??? 😀


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