RA Pocket Shrine 45/? – Proctoritage

You like rule breakers? Well, I am breaking two of my rules today. The fourth post in a row. And a RAPS reveal before the shrine has been received by the person it was intended for. Well, Guylty doesn’t break rules for the sake of breaking them. She has reasons excuses. RAPS reveals always cheer me up, somehow – it makes me feel really good sharing them with you. Funny, that kind of trust and willingness to share my creative work does not apply to my photography which I self-consciously and protectively guard – for fear of being criticized for it? Lately I have been feeling rather tired and achy, and the prospect of travelling back to Germany soon, the first time after my father’s death, does somehow not fill me with the happy anticipation it used to. In fact I dread it. The long time in the summer and the frequent difficult phone calls with my mother have left bad associations with “home”. Sorry, that’s all very needy and soppy and TMI. Snap out of it, Guylty!

Someone else has been feeling a bit down lately. Lovely Herba of German-language Unkraut vergeht nicht-Blog needs a bit of love, too. I’d like to dedicate this post to her – but I am not even sure whether she will be uplifted by it or brought down. You see, Herba was unbelievably nice to me earlier this year. She surprised me with a wonderful gift – she sent me one of the gold coins that were used for decoration at the European THDOS premiere in Berlin. Her gesture did more than just brighten one dull January morning. It set the bar. I remember thinking at the time how generous I found her gift. Herba and I had missed each other at the event (that would definitely have been *the* occasion to wear a fandom identifier…). And despite knowing each other as fandom members we were not necessarily close fandom friends. And yet she reached out and decided to give me one of the precious souvenirs she had picked up from the red carpet post-premiere. My self-centred, greedy little mind was reeling. Someone giving away a coveted keepsake. With no expectation or request for returning the gesture. What a lovely idea.

Of course I wanted to somehow return the favour, but I never did. Until I had an idea later this summer. Herba won one of the Crucible posters in my raffle, and I decided to add a little extra to the shipment. Something personal. You probably have put 2 and 2 together by now – I made the first Proctor RAPS for Herba.  And you know the real bummer? It appears as if the shipment has gotten lost. Four weeks after sending it on the 23rd of September, it has yet not been received by her. I think we need to look the grim reality in the eye. It has been lost. Or stolen by a Armitage admirer in the ranks of the international postal services??? Who would have thought?!  And that’s why this is a bittersweet present. Herba doesn’t even know that a RAPS was coming for her unless my increasingly impatient enquiries about receiving the “poster” raised her suspicion. Well, now she does – and yet the RAPS is out of reach. This is what she is missing. Damn, I am really rubbing it in, amn’t I? Sorry!


Look, Proctor is also really annoyed that the little tin has been nicked.  This is one of the tins from Mimi’s stash of mini mint tins. I thought this was perfect for Proctor, the sinner, looking for atonement from the adultery.


The play was pretty dark, so Proctor had to be placed on a dark background. But I gave him some soft feathers. Well, ok, maybe that was also because the Proctor skin seems to demand a soothing and soft touch…


If you can avert your gaze from the Armitage beak or the stragglers of the Armpitage hair… ooopsi for a moment, you will see Proctor transformed back into Armitage in the bottom part of the RAPSi. This is where Herba came in – I used her photo of the Old Vic as the background, as a little souvenir from her own visit to the theatre. And of course Mr A and his big heart had to be included.


I guess I am going to have to recreate this somehow. Good thing that I always take pictures of  my work. I only need to find another of these darling little tins. So Herba – hope this doesn’t make you feel worse. This was just the practice run.

57 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 45/? – Proctoritage

  1. How awful that your package was lost in the mail:(

    I love the tin – perfect for Proctor. Where will you ever find another like it? It was so thoughtful to personalize it with her photo of The Old Vic. Another awesome RAPS!

    BTW the link from the email didn’t work. The one on your page did.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a shame I hope it’s not lost. I also waited 3 months for a parcel from Canada. It went via Japan! I still got it though so there is hope yet. It’s a lovely shrine Guylty and I hope that you and Herba feel back to your old selves soon xx.


  3. Oh no, it can’t be lost. I hope it is only delayed. It is a heavenly creation..Love Proctor nestled into black feathery angel wings. I hope the fall brings good fortune and happiness to both of you. I heard October is a good time to drink beer in Germany. Or was that just a rumor started by the German Tourism Board?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Grrr. Hope it turns up soon from whatever detour it’s taken- great to see Proctor making his first RAPS appearance, and it would be such a shame if he didn’t make it to his destination.

    Thinking of you, Guylty, for your trip back home.


    • Thanks Katherine – I am probably making it worse by not looking forward to it. At least I will have hubster and kids with me. That will make it easier.
      And hopefully the RAPS will eventually turn up. Not for my sake, but for Herba’s.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ist-der-schön! Was für ein postalischer Gau. Da sollte der Götterbote Hermes mal tätig werden, und seinemr irisch/deutschen Aussenstelle etwas auf die Füsse treten. Tatort Postverteilerzentrum im Nirgendwo: “Hoppla, kuck mal , was ich da hinterm Sortiertisch gefunden habe. Sch…, das hätte ja schon vor Wochen zugestellt werden müssen. Huu, wenn das mal bloss nichts wichtiges war und wenn uns dann der Boss im Olymp dahinterkommt. Jetzt bloss mal schnell…..” Angst sollen sie haben!!!!!!!!! *daumendrück*


    • Hihihi, mir gefällt dein Szenario (du bist ja schon nach einem Tag voll auf Griechenland eingestellt, wie mir scheint?). Hermes, mach deinen Unterboten Füße!!!


      • Na ja, den Anspruch habe ich jetzt schon, möglichst passend zu kommentieren. Mein Intellekt wird aktuell nicht so gefordert, da kann ich wenigstens (vermeintlich) schlaue Texte absondern 😉
        Und wenn dann vielleicht noch der Chef von det Janze, der Zeus reinfährt dann wird die Sendung für Herba bestimmt doch noch zugestellt. Ob ich mich auch mal auf ficlets verlegen sollte? 🙂
        Das ist wirklich so ein knuffig personalisierter Schrein mit dem SD-Foto, bin immer noch ganz gerührt. Herba, sei nicht geknickt ❤ Guylty wirds sicher richten.

        Liked by 1 person

        • anscheinend macht die griechische Sonne deinem Bildschirm nichts aus :-p oder tragst du einen Riesensonnenhut? :-p hoffe deine Zehen sind im Sand und da hast einen kalten Drink in der anderen Hand 🙂 Gruss die Gotter, brings uns bischen Sonne zuruck 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh no, that’s tragic… But it may yet turn up. Fingers crossed… And it will be a lovely surprise if it does. Brilliant RAPS as always! That tin really had to be Proctor, didn’t it? 😉

    Hugs for both you and Herba.


    • Thanks Helen :-). Yes, initially I had the “Sinamint” tin earmarked for Proctor, but then I thought it was a bit too harsh. Atonement is more like it – Proctor knows that he has done wrong…


  7. Oh, wie ätzend! Ich hoffe, da hat die Post nur geschlampt und das Päckchen macht nur einen riesigen Umweg, kommt aber doch noch an. *Däumchen drück*
    Proctor, (geteert und) gefedert – es wäre zu schade, wenn er ganz verschwände. 😦

    Guylty, dir wünsche ich vorab schon Kraft und Nerven für den kommenden Besuch in D. Kopf hoch!


    • Geteert und gefedert *lol* – der arme Proctor… Hoffen wir mal, dass er irgendwann unbeschadet ankommt.
      Und danke für die guten Wünsche. Kann ich gebrauchen 😉


  8. Grr to the postal services! Let’s still hope it’s only delayed and temporarily lost in sorting and will be routed back to the proper destination soon! I once send something to Austria and it got there via… Australia! Raps- It’s lovely! fingers crossed. i really like the black feather idea 🙂
    Sending warm thoughts for your trip back to G, she probably just misses you more now and i’m sure it will be better when you see each other, hug!


    • I usually go by “in dubio pro reo” but when it comes to the postal service I am pessimistic. Still – here’s to hoping.
      You are right – my mum misses me, and one of the reasons I dread going back is my guilty conscience. Leaving after a week will be horrific…


  9. Ich drücke ganz fest die Daumen, dass das Päckchen nur irgendwo pausiert, in der Ecke eines Postautos liegt, am Montag entdeckt wird, einen Umweg über Grönland macht und bald bei Herba eintrifft, ein beeindruckender Proctor shrine, was für eine wunderschöne Erinnerung an den Besuch im Theater im Sommer.
    Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für den Deutschlandtrip, halt die Ohren steif, big hug 😉


    • Grönland *kicher* – naja, eben auch so’ne Insel, und fängt ja auch mit G an wie Germany… Kann also alles sein.
      Deutschlandtrip erst nächste Woche – da hab ich mich selber versehen. Ich dachte, es geht am Wochenende schon los…


  10. MY thorin mousepad took a month and a half to get here.Have faith Guytly!! I must say my badge arrived very fast.This RAPS was beautiful.Lovitage Armitage as Protctoritage.!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thanks for the nice words and the wonderful shrine my dear Guylty!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ I really love it!
    Maybe I'll get lucky and the parcel will reappear some day. And if not at least I have the pics now to treasure and as a reminder for the generosity in our fandom.
    Sending lots of love and a big hug your way right now 🙂
    Kopf hoch und alles Gute für den Tripp nach Hause!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  12. This is a wonderful shrine, G, I hope it is finding its way to Herba even now 🙂
    Maybe you and yours are finding your way on your journey even now, or soon… First times are hard.
    Healing is my heart’s desire for you & your mom. And hopes for a special time with all your family. Hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Wunder gibt es immer wieder | Unkraut vergeht nicht….oder doch?

  14. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 46/? – No Frills RA | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  15. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 48/? – Dear John | Guylty Pleasure

  16. Pingback: Ein jüngerer Bruder… | Unkraut vergeht nicht….oder doch?

    • Yeeahah, good to know he has arrived, safe and sound. I am always slightly worried that one day the postal service will mess up. But now have fun. Warum schreibe ich hier eigentlich auf Englisch??? Völlig durcheinander…


        • Sehr komisch, stimmt – ich wollte meinen Kommentar eigentlich bei Herba hinterlassen… Da muss ich nochmal ran. Irgendwie spinnt hier heute alles – mein blödes Back-up ist auch noch nicht durch, und ich habe mein schönes neues iPhone immer noch nicht in Betrieb nehmen können. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeerv.


          • Superlästig, dieses Einrichten von neuen Mobilgeräten. Eigentlich willste doch nur sofort mit deinem neuen Baby loslegen und dich schimmelig freuen. Irgendwie geht das immer alles nur komplett mit gezogener Handbremse. Du schaffst das! Das ist die allgemeine Einrichtungswoche scheint mir. Bei mir läuft auch alles bis aufs Festnetz. Muss ich morgen mal ran. Aber Hauptsache, das Netz steht (sozusagen).


            • Konzentrieren wir uns mal wieder auf das Positive – ist es nicht genial, was für technikaffine Menschen wir sind??? Von wegen Frauen können das nicht. Oder interessieren sich nicht – bei uns im Haushalt bin ich jedenfalls für Technik zuständig. Und irgendwie finde ich das cool.
              Dann mal viel Glück mit der weiteren Einrichtung deines Festnetzes.

              Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: RAPS in Retrospect – Part 1 [John Proctor] | Guylty Pleasure

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