Armitage Weekly Round-up #40 – tumblr edition

My weekend started wonderful yesterday – after work I received a couple of parcels with some gorgeous gifts. Thank you to Ch___ and E___, what a surprise! Ahhhhhh, the smile was permanently fixed on my face. And I hope that *your* smiles will be permanently fixed once you have been through today’s tumblr links, too. Much, of course, has been taken up with bits and pieces from the DOS DVD release. So Thorin season has officially started. Finally my current tumblr round-up banner is topical…

BOFA round-up 40

  1. Thorin is synonymous with “majestic”. Under all circumstances. In any weather. Inchells proves
  2. planet715 strikes again – but this time with a truly unique birthday card. Absolutely fantastic
  3. Dayum, Thorin. Be careful with that kind of pose… By Kaetiegaard
  4. We’ve known Evankart mainly for her beautiful portraits of Thorin. Now she tries her hand at a cartoon
  5. I totally love ohminastirith’s style of digital painting. Here’s Proctor
  6. Christ!!!! That look and the flowing locks had me stare for minutes… Gifset by bilbo-greene
  7. kumawind has designed the definitive alternative poster for BOFA. I am still rofling… that grimace on Thorin… priceless
  8. And in this gifset by look-back-look-back-at-me we find out where the grimace came from…
  9. Sorry, I am really pushing it. But take a look at the larger images by notready-todie
  10. And this is planet 715’s take on the scene
  11. A someecard by goodgirlheather for all those poor Armitage orphans out there
  12. Now, now, Richard. We *know* you didn’t like being vlogged, but really, such rude gestures… Thank goodness oppuchan also caught that gorgeous smile at the end!!
  13. armitageuniverse does what it says on the frame: focus on the EYE
  14. nightshadow993’s capture is as good as a painting. Or a photograph in pictorialist style. Love the majestic profile
  15. yreensdiary gives an insight into the stages of a digital painting. If I am totally honest, I like the roughness of the very first image best
  16. Thorin Armitage at age 10. Says it all. By non6ix
  17. armitageuniverse has launched a serious attack on ovaries far and wide. *dead*
  18. kurosmind gives us l’Oreal Erebor
  19. After the sheriff star last week RAsnarktastic comes out with another snarky brain bender… What if…
  20. A new Guy of Gisborne/OFC fic started at RAsexualfrustration. Looks promising
  21. And finally: I thought this gif by shisanlv was so cute… It’s like a watcher-insert gif…

There we are. As I said – rather Thorin-y, but well, he’s our next best bet, isn’t he? And maybe all this Thorin-love has given you an idea for the Thorin Project? It’s still time to send in a submission. Anything that you like about Thorin, really. Go on, you want to submit of that classy (…) book 😉 Here’s an exclusive peek at the cover:

cover cropped

Enjoy your weekend, lovelies – G. ❤ ❤ ❤

70 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up #40 – tumblr edition

    • That drawing was inspired by RA in shorts on set, I think. Funny.
      And glad there were new things in there. I don’t always reblog everything on tumblr all the time, so there’s always a few gems left.


  1. Armitage giving the finger is great!!!
    I must admit that I just watched “Desolation” and was extremely underwhelmed with the script and direction and all-too-obvious padding with action scenes… at least the acting was good. Thorin a combination of heroism and stubbornness, which is (sort of) true to the source. Lots of scenes of him looking tasty. But the one who took my fancy was wee Martin Freeman as Bilbo! Oh, and the guy who played Bard 🙂


    • Oh, Linnet, be careful what you say here :-D. Bilbo is my least favourite character… and Bard, nah, not that keen on him either. You redeemed yourself with the adjective “tasty” :-D. But your criticism of the film is fair enough. I found some of the action stuff in the mountain rather unnecessary. (Thorin surfing on the wheelbarrow for instance.) I really look forward to BOFA, though. The battle plan as it has been disclosed so far, looks interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, knew I was on thin ice there, LOL. I was thinking that Thorin’s costumes are interesting, especially the heavy belt he wears (it seems to have some sort of large cabochon jewels), and the way the draping of his garments emphasizes his shoulder breadth. I’m thinking of the Durin’s Day scene, after Lake Town. Tried to find images online, but didn’t see what I was looking for.


        • You know, I was quite intrigued with his armour. There is some really interesting design there. Also in the Erebor throne room stuff. All those straight lines, angles and diagonals. It very much reminded me of Cubist architecture. That sounds like a contradiction in terms – Cubism and architecture – but it does exist. In Prague. It looks very interesting, and I was wondering whether the set designers and the two painters who worked on it had been inspired by that…

          Liked by 1 person

          • I definitely see the resemblance! I had no idea that there was a connection between Cubism and architecture, but the two seem to be a good match. Yes, the Erebor scenes are among the best. I liked the massive spaces and the monumental quality. That part really did justice to Tolkein’s vision of the dwarves, I think.


            • I loved the design of it – completely different from Laketown, or Dale, or Minastirith or Edoras etc. The Weta design team is absolutely amazing. The chunky, Cubist-inspired architecture is so fitting for the heavy, stony dwarves. And they took it right to the costume design. Fabulous detailing.

              Liked by 1 person

      • I had no idea you were underwhelmed by Bilbo, Guylty. Me too. I find his overuse of nose twitching extremely irritating even if he graduated from the bunny school of acting. Bard is barely OK, and surfing Thorin in wheelbarrow was a bit much. But all is forgiven when Thorin unleashes his majesty and hotness. Your preview of the Thorin Project looks beautiful,and thanks for the wonderful Round-up. It was great, as always.


        • Yes, I know I am blaspheming by being underwhelmed by Bilbo/Freeman. It’s just that he seems to go through the films with one facial expression. And it doesn’t help that Bilbo is always so reluctant and whiney… Even in the book I never really identified with Bilbo… Thorin, however, had me from the get-go.
          Glad you like the Thorin Project. We are slowly getting there. I want to get the book out to the printers by early November.


    • It’s definitely a sign of things to come, isn’t it? It’s easing us into the whole promo season, and well, seeing that we will have an acrymonious farewell eventually, I am soaking up all the goodness beforehand..

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  2. So, habbe fertich. Diese Fisch-Finger-Flutschi-Nummer ist ja unsäglich 🙂 Und in epischer Breite. Ich merke schon, dass für mich jetzt harte Zeiten anbrechen, da ich nicht so der ausgewiesene Zwergenfreund bin. Aber für einen guten Witz riskiert man schonmal einen Zwergenkönig 😉 . L’Oreal Erebor ist total treffend. Dieser London-Paris-Mailand-Blick. Und von den Bildern zu xv. finde ich auch das erste am Besten. Die anderen sind schon ein wenig mädchenmässig.
    Und so ein Bussi zum Schluss, das würde ich mir auch gefallen lassen 🙄

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  3. Die Story mit dem Fisch ist einfach wunderbar. Ich liebe es, wenn aus RA mal der kleine alberne Junge herausblitzt. Dafür, dass er angeblich auf dem Set immer nur rumgemuffelt hat, war er in den Fischszenen offensichtich äußerst gut aufgelegt. Wunderbar, dieses zerknautschte Gesicht. Und dass er sich nicht zu schade ist, so einen Quatsch zu machen, und riskiert, dabei auf Film gebannt zu werden, spricht für ihn.
    London-Paris-Mailand-Blick LOL – genau.
    Und das Bussi war einfach wunderbar – volle Traumvorlage. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Er hat also am Fisch-Set gemuffelt? Kein Wunder, wenn’s da muffelt 🙂 *schenkelklopf* Hat er nicht sowieso einen Dreh zum eindeutig zweideutigem ? Kam mir manchmal in den Interviews so vor .


      • Umlaute nicht vergessen, liebe cRAmerry. Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen muffeln und müffeln!!! (Ja, ich war mal Deutschlehrerin :-D)
        Der Hang zum “innuendo” ist eine seiner besten Seiten :-D.

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        • Also Frl. K., dann mal los. Ich bin zwar nicht ausgewiesen vom Fach, aber immerhin Absolventin des Deutsch-LK ’82-’84 der GSO Gesamtschule Oberursel mit gymnasialem Zweig. Und ich kenne wohl den Unterschied, als auch die Übereinstimmung von muffeln und müffeln. Das ist rein olfaktorisch nämlich das Gleiche, will sagen, da wo’s müffelt muffelt es auch. Und wenn dann noch einer ein selbsternannter anti-socialite ist, dann muffelt er halt in doppelter Hinsicht.


          • Oh – ist das auch keine regionale Besonderheit? Oder bin ich meiner eigenen regionalen Besonderheit aufgesessen? Ich dachte, dass das Muffeln immer die Laune betrifft, während das Müffeln in die Nase zieht :-D. Vielleicht ist das ja nur in Nordd’land der Fall?


            • Und ab geht’s in die deutschen Untiefen: muffeln i.S. von müffeln ist tatsächlich eher im süddt., respektive österreichischen vorzufinden. Kannst du Nordlicht also nicht automatisch wissen. Woher ich das habe, keine Ahnung. Hängt vielleicht mit der relativen Nähe meiner Vorfahren sprachlicherseits Richtung Bayern zusammen. Vielleicht habe ich aber auch bloss zuviele Bergromantik-Schmachtfetzen a la Ludwig Ganghofer gelesen 😉


                  • Sorry, nein, habe ich echt nicht… Ich war schon immer ein arroganter Schnösel. Ich hab erst später angefangen fremdsprachlichen Schund und Schmutz zu lesen. Da hatte das aber immer noch einen edukativen Nebeneffekt 😀


                    • Na, da bin ich ja froh, dass du mit mir sprichst. Wahrscheinlich hätten wir uns vor Jahren nicht mit dem A… angekuckt, weils vermeintlich kein Thema gegeben hätte. Tja, hätte hätte Fahrradkette. Und dann im reiferen Alter kommt man doch zusammen 😉 So hat halt jede von uns ihre ganz spezielle Vergangenheit.


                    • 😀 Och, heutzutage genieße ich die sorglose Träumerei in diesen Wegwerfromanen. Man kann ja nicht immer nur Kafka lesen *kotz*. Ich will ja sowieso nur Schönes sehen und lesen. Problemfilme kommen mir nicht ins Haus. (Hoffentlich ist Sleepwalker nicht so ein Drama…)

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                    • Keine Lust auf so Konzept-Filme und Autorenkram? Da braucht man dann schon gute Laune für. Und auch Kafka ist ja nun nicht gerde eine Stimmungsbeschleuniger. Ich merke an der Wahl meiner Lektüre immer sehe schnell, wo ich gerade so emotional stehe (nur für dem Fall, dass ich mir das nicht eingstehen will) und somit gibt es da ein munteres Auf und Ab. Und natürlich auch bei den Filmen. Du glaubst aber nicht wirklich, dass SW ein Problemfilm wird, oder? Vielleicht wirds ein Problem, weil es wieder so ein oskarreifes Werk ist wie ITS 😉 . Aber sonst sehe ich da keine Gefahr. Wobei, wenn man mal die ganzen unscharfen Bilder nimmt, vielleicht gibt uns das auch schon einen Hinweis aus das Genre (dunkel, düster, undurchsichtig).

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hm, als hochintellelle Kunstliebhaberin (*Laberrhabarber*) ist natürlich alles, was nicht Autorenkino ist, schon mal in-dis-ku-ta-bel… *hüstel*. Nee – wie gesagt, ich will alles schön haben, bitte keine Problematik. Aber bei der Hollywoodkost ist da wohl auch nichts zu befürchten, egal wie unscharf die Bilder sind. Ich nehme mal an, dass das Endprodukt dann sehr wohl die Umrisse von Herrn Armitage in voller Schärfe bringt. Herr Lester scheint ja diesbezüglich die Vorzüge seines Hauptdarstellers bereits umrissen zu haben *ggg*.

                      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great line up as usual!!!! (I started the story as well – good good start! Finally, I’m at a point to read some Guy. I’ve got a back log, tho!) I’m hoping she doesn’t take as long to update as I do! LOL!


      • Yes we ARE going to get some Gary! I want to finish writing Manna first (but I’m now at the point in Manna where I can safely look at other Guy fic now! LOL!) I also have my Big Bang almost complete (I love working. I get so much writing done!)

        And when I finish Manna, I’m going to rework and overhaul it and see if I can sell it.

        I’m also considering making my Gary bunny original and selling it – it would be easy enough to do. Probably easier than rewriting Manna… I dunno. BDSM is selling like hotcakes right now.

        Have your gamma notes and I just sent you a history lesson about the South. (didn’t mean to – it just came out that way. I”m rather proud of my roots… )


        • History lesson read :-). And the Southern Sociology class, too 😉 Interesting. It’s all very logical. (Although that does not mean that my subjective feeling agrees with it :-P)
          Anyhow – with you dropping all those hints here, Gary, BDSM etc etc – I am getting rather impatient :-D… No, I don’t really want Manna to end, but well, it looks as if there will be new stuff coming, so at least I can look forward to that…


          • There will probably be a break before I start something new. There are a few things I need to finish, or at least add a few chapters to… And my Gary bunny is pretty barebones right now. I’d like to get the guts in the middle ironed out.

            I’m rather fond of Gary. Actually, of all of Richard’s characters – its the one I’ve related to the most…


            • Oh, that’s interesting. Well, in a way he is the “everyman” that Richard kept referring to, and as such an ideal projection space and figure of identification for mortals like us 😀 And especially so if you have a background in teaching…


              • for me it was the Single Parent, who has responsibilities outside the home and teenaged boys (frightening right there) and just seeing him pulled in different directions at the same time… I very identify with that.

                Of course, I have ONE boy and he was really a sweet and easy teenager for the most part.

                There was the one day, however, when I came home to find him and his buddy in his room with the techno-pop blaring and his and his buddy’s computers taken apart and strung all over.

                “Excuse me, but I REALLY hope you know how to put those back together because I’m not paying to fix it.”

                “Oh yeah, Mz. T.! We got it!”

                They did – thank God….


  5. AH THORIN ! THORIN ! Give me always more of Thorin specially the majestic profile and l’Oreal Erebor but I like the naughty side of RA too with Smaug and the gorgeous smile at the end and how RA is “fishing”, something very particular I must admit but so funny and finally planet715 because RA in front of the Stage Door, how could we forget ? LOL.
    P.S. I like the picture on the T.P. book. It seems a painting.


    • Yes, today’s list ticked off many of my own preferences, too – Thorin hair porn, rude jokes, silliness, cutesy cartoons.
      The picture on the cover is a photo – but it has been made opaque, therefore it looks slightly foggy 😉


  6. Oh dear, I’m there again! Thank you. ❤
    Lovely stuff as always!
    And if only I knew what to write for the Thorin Project… I risk to write an essay lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, you are here because I love your stuff. 🙂
      And it would be great to receive a contribution from you. Just a few sentences – it really doesn’t have to be profound. Just whatever it is that you are taking from Thorin…


    • It is a pleasure and a service that I enjoy giving. Mind you, next year I will have to look for someone to stand in while I am on my extended break… We’ll see how that goes…


      • Dann mach dir bloss mal rechtzeitig Gedanken, wer diesen 6-wöchigen Kreativausfall adequat auffangen kann. Guter Ersarz lungert nicht an jeder Ecke rum 🙂


  7. ii aaaawwwwww!!! Sweater than chocolate!
    V instant emotional memory 🙂 so suggestive
    Vi flowing mane, intense stare… makes me want to pull on his braids ‘ggg’
    Vii+VIII+ix LOL that fish on his finger and his face make me hear suckling noises :-p (clean minds, clean minds!!!!) and I just want to slap his hand when he places a stinky fish on the top of Dwalin’s head 😀
    X awwwwwww… (I identify with the fish :-p… just sayin’…. but he’d have to get those silicone dwarf gloves off first)
    Xii he looooooves being naughty :-p
    Xiii – if he keeps doing that I’ll start clucking like a chicken or something!
    xiv.. lashes…. Nose… sigh….
    Xvii mushy face… total wrap around hug…. Thud!
    Viii – Loreal Errrrreborrrrrrrrrrrr………….. gives me really itchy fingers…
    xix.. snigger 🙂
    xxi .. I’ve actually caught myself pursing my lips as he leans in…. ‘ggg’

    Liked by 1 person

    • 😀 I can see that you are an enthusiastic audience. Perfect. Yes, there is a lot of suggestion, a lot of fun, a lot of cheekyness in tumblr. The whole fish episode had me LOL every time I came across it. Fabulous stuff. So glad that the tumblrers picked it up…

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    • I am really really glad that the round-up still receives so much feedback. I actually never expected that when I started it in January this year. It was Agzy’s idea, and she was spot on with it, it seems.


  8. Thanks for the round-up, I had fun looking through some of those blogs I’d never seen before.
    I have been thinking of the Thorin project but I don’t seem to have any words :o( and I really don’t know why.


  9. Oh my goodness – seriously words are needed for Google. The notification of this post was in the spam folder!!! Not acceptable. Now that I’ve calmed down and have a cup of tea in hand, it’s time for a delightful weekend ritual – the Guylty Roundup 🙂 Happy days!


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