Updates, Lots of Updates

Have you noticed? WordPress has updated its platform. There is now a new handy “Reader” link in the black menu bar, and as I type, the font of the new post box is very eye-friendly – massive size. Hello to scrolling!!! Tech-Queen Guylty immediately follows suit and offers a number of updates, too.

1. Word has reached me that the fandom identifier aka well-wisher badge may have worked its first ever magic. RAfrenzy wrote a post a couple of days ago and mentioned an encounter with possible badge-involvement. If anything it sounds as if the badge attracted attention. Mission fulfilled! *fistpump*

2. The badge goes global. More photos of the badge on tour have reached me. And since I can’t continue reblogging the same tired old post all the time, and I am hoping that new badge photos will continue to come in, I have decided to give the Gallery of the Badged a permanent, easily accessible home on a separate page. You can now find it under Badgers’ Gallery in the page menu at the top of the page – check the new submissions from as far and wide as Down Under to Prague.

3. And while we are talking of the badge project: Contributions have continued to flow in. Since edition 2 of the project was also covered by friendly fandom fairies, we are now looking at another three-figure surplus which I aim to donate in December around the time of the premiere. – On that note: If anyone is still in need of a badge for various premieres and screenings – please get in touch and I will send you one, free of charge, anywhere in the world. (Contact form on the Gallery page.) And while I am at it – if there is anyone still waiting for a badge that I have promised to send: It’s possible that I may have lost track of the orders. Please kick my arse send me a reminder!

4. Back to updates: I am particularly proud of a tiny little adjustment that I implemented already a while ago. Did you notice that guylty.wordpress.com now has a favicon??? It’s right up there in the tab of your browser. I love those tiny unnecessary gimmicks… My favicon is my tumblr and twitter avatar, the photo of Armitage House – for cross-platform recognizability 😀 Years ago I used to have to design the tiny 16×16 Pixel icon myself and then type the code for such nerdy gimmicks into the backend. WP takes away such pain and you can add the favicon right from your general settings by uploading a “blog picture”.

5. Finally an outlook, not an update – yet. No, I am not announcing my withdrawal from the world of Armitaging. (Several worried messages reached me after my teasing cryptic sign off under my blogiversary post – sorry, I was just pulling my own legs there.) But I am possibly going to slow down my output here as I am now gearing up towards my big trip to New Zealand – and eventually going AWOL for six weeks when I am in Kiwiland. Just so you know and do not feel I am deserting you. Trust me…


30 thoughts on “Updates, Lots of Updates

    • Hehe, true – I have often thought that Ireland is Mini-NZ. Not quite as dramatic, a bit smaller in scale, but green, lush, lots of sheep. And very friendly people. I am really looking forward to those six weeks – such a long time to meet a country.


      • I spent six weeks in Rome once. It was one of the best experiences of my life 🙂 And that was only one city and its environs.
        My favorite landscapes in all the world are green hills dotted with sheep, so I’m probably living in the wrong place. In Wisconsin, we used to have green hills dotted with cows, and I liked that too.


        • Oh, six weeks in Rome – heaven. I could easily fill that time there 🙂
          I am a bit of a hybrid when it comes to surroundings. I love the city because of all the amenities in terms of culture. But I also like the peace and quiet of nature, and long walks, preferably in nice weather, though. In terms of landscape Ireland is pretty much my favourite, so far…


  1. *Kopf kratz* Hatte jemand wirklich ernstgenommen, dass du dein Werk für – möglicherweise – vollbracht hältst? Ich jedenfalls hatte mir keine Sorgen gemacht.

    Sorgen macht mir allerdings dein geplanter kleiner Ausflug zu den Kiwis. Kann ich dich nicht irgendwie überreden, die Kiwis im nächsten Lebensmittelgeschäft zu fotografieren? Wie sollen wir ohne dich soooo lange auskommen??? *herzzerreißend schluchz*


    PS: Schöne Gallery.
    Aber ich ernenne cRAmerry nicht zum Ehren-Hedgehog, nur weil sie ein prickly Badge-Pic gemacht hat. So! 😀


    • Na, dann ist ja gut, dass ihr nicht in Panik geraten seid. 🙂
      Ja, der Trip ist ganz schön lang. Und nee, ich kann ja nicht nur braunstacheliges Obst fotografieren 😀 Ihr werdet es ganz sicher überleben. Jeder ist ersetzbar, da mach ich mir nichts vor.
      LOL Ehren-Hedgehog. Der Gedanke war mir übrigens auch gekommen…


      • Das Naturheulverfahren hat auch schon mal besser gewirkt … *grummel*

        Naja, Merry hat ja nur dafür sorgen wollen, dass die Flora auch unter den Gutwünschern vertreten ist … Ist bestimmt einfacher, einen Badge auf einen Kakus zu legen, als ein armes Blümchen zu durchlöchern (das anschließend unter dem Badge-Gewicht eine Verbeugung macht) … 😉


  2. wir sind natürlich höllisch gespannt, was Du aus Kiwiland berichten wirst – auf den Spuren des Königs, äh nein der Zwerge, äh nein – was auch immer….
    Auch wenn das WLAN dort sehr schlecht und nicht immer verfügbar sein soll wir freuen uns auf jedes Lebenszeichen und ein paar tolle Bilder ❤
    was ist AWOL?
    Die gallery wird sich füllen, badges around the world und in jeder Lebenslage! toll, dass Du die Seite realisiert hast 😉


    • Pssst – ja, für mich ist das eine totale Middle-earth fan tour. Verrat das bloß nicht meiner journalistischen Reisebegleitung… Die weiß noch nicht, dass wir eine Tour der gesamten Hobbit Drehschauplätze machen *höhö*. Sind ja alle hööööööchst landschaftlich schön… “Lass uns mal zum Pelorus River fahren, soll sehr malerisch sein… Ach, so ein Zufall, Mensch, hier wurde ja die Barrel Szene aus dem Hobbit gedreht. Sowas aber auch…”
      Ich muss mal recherchieren was mit WLAN etc in Kiwiland so abgeht. Vermutlich werde ich mir eh eine NZ-Karte fürs iPhone zulegen und einen Stick für den Internetzugang kaufen. Insofern werde ich zwar angeschlossen sein, ich schätze aber eben, dass ich selber den Anschluss an die Vorgänge in der RAwelt vorübergehend verlieren werde.
      Ja, die Badge Galerie ist nett. Danke für den Anstoß dazu!


  3. ich first thought fav-what?? then i realised what it is ( i do wonder why mine is round and yours is square tho…hm) 6 weeks in Kiwiland… sigh… envy.. of the good kind, you will have such fun, such experiences and we will have suuuuuch beautiful pictures, won’t we? 🙂 I am sure it will be an unforgettable trip! 🙂


    • Eh, yours is square, too, Hari. Maybe you didn’t even know you had one? It’s not my blogging avatar – which in my case is RA holding up the piece of paper with a doctored *ooof* on it – but the tiny square picture on the tab in your browser. The reason your avatar looks round in your black menu bar and mine is square in the comments is because you always see your own avatar round.
      Your favicon is a blueish picture, presumably the facade of the Old Vic, lit up at night? And your avatar is the “I ❤ " sign.

      Liked by 1 person

      • aha… sheesh you’d think i’m a technical numpty and i’m totally not :-p but i can’t be bothered with the details in WP i just want it to look decent and let me right and attach stuff easily :-p the avatar is my old ‘ i love ROH’ thing 🙂 i still do, maybe not as exclusively as i used to but can;t be bothered, too many loves to stick into an avatar :-p ah and i see my square things is… slits eyes.. ah yes an old pic of ROH at night… boy don’t even know when i put that up, should probably change that and make it actually the Old vic 🙂
        Love your tshirt by the way, you do like to be in charge, or is that called being bossy? :-p


        • hehe, no criticism intended re. avatars and favicons. It’s total nerdism 😀 And I got it completely wrong with ROH… Don’t worry about changing it – you are recognisable with it.
          My t-shirt arrived yesterday and I love it. As a German, giving orders, being in charge and generally bossing people around is in my blood 😀 I tend to call the shots in my family. You could also call me a tyrant… *not ashamed*


          • LOL.. that work’s well, i’m the ‘whatever-you-like-dear’ person :-p but i like to be consulted 🙂
            apropos, hast du bei Oscura gesehen , es hat mich an Rodin erinnert.. ich denke du solltest das Foto schon ooofen :-p oder hast du das schon und ich hab’s vergessen? 😦 ich wunschte es war ne Skulptur um sie von mehrern Seiten zu bewundern 🙂


          • Hmm, I’m not German; last name Cruz (Mexican) and as I like to crudely joke, I have a little Irish in me…once in a while, (ignore the dejected sad sigh of my hubs in the background of that comment) but I have been telling people what to do and how to live their lives since I can remember. I would rather not be the boss though, so how to I get you (Guylty) to do it instead? heh heh


  4. oh and i also meant to say great news about the funds :-p which reminds me i’ll send you a bit on Monday to to add to the pot, as he’s also kindly reminded us too 🙂 sweet man


  5. There are a FEW places I could easily spend 6 weeks…. far too many to list here!

    But WOW!!!!! i’m jealous. I’m jealous of a LOT of things these days.

    I”m not so sure I like the new ‘Answer a comment’ tho. I had problems with it yesterday – I actually had to make everything SMALLER in order to find the ‘send’ button. And the last thing I need is to make stuff SMALLER.


    Jealous. Soooooooo jealous.


    Great news about the fundage! He has such wonderful charities as well.

    (When are you leaving for Kiwiland? I’m hoping Manna will be complete by Christmas. The Muse went silent on me for 2 weeks and is now talking again. I’m hoping my gamma beta will be riding this badboy to the end.)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Oh, lucky you, New Zealand, last paradise on earth! 🙂

    You would like to spend six weeks here? Hurry up, I don’t know for how long the city (and Italy) will stand up. The rest of Europe is beginning to rise their heads little by little and we are sinking, selling the country piece by piece 😦 My only hope is for Germany to invade us, can you put a good word with Frau Merkel? 🙂

    Thanks for the wordpress and avatar reminder, I guess it’s time for me to standarise them. 🙂


  7. Oh I like the new format Guylty and the new piccy of Guy in the header.
    Good news about the funds, another donation on the way!
    The T-shirt is great too, gosh I’m full of praise today ;o)
    6 weeks in NZ, now I’m jealous too, I’m only ‘across the ditch’ in Aus’ but I’ve never been, it’s on my wish list though, so maybe one day.


    • Great – glad that *someone* likes it 😉
      Yes, the funds are doing well. We have reached 120 Euro already. I really look forward to donating it soon.
      NZ – a dream come true. Is it very expensive to get to from Oz?

      Liked by 1 person

      • My hubs and I were just talking about NZ this morning, we have not been since before LotR filmed. His brother is taking the wife and kids over next month. They recently moved to a different state but had made their basement Middle Earth themed and not only was I envious of that achievement, now I’m doubly so with you, Guylty and them all going. I need to change careers. 😀


  8. Neuer Tag, neues Glück …, äh, Design? 🙂

    Die Startseite finde ich eigentlich sehr gut so, wenn es darum geht, von dort aus zu den Blogposts zu kommen.

    Schade, dass im Gegenzug der Blogkopf recht klein ist. Derjenige, der das entworfen hat, setzt die falschen Prioritäten. (War bestimmt ein Mann. *fg* )

    Die Links wieder blau? *g* Ich kläre das mal aus meiner Sicht auf: Eigentlich ist es ziemlich egal, welche Farbe die Links haben, wenn ich sie nur eindeutig erkennen und lesen kann. Aber *mich* stört es prinzipiell, wenn mir unnötigerweise eine Warn-/Signalfarbe um die Ohren gehauen wird, wo ein sanfter Hinweis auch ausreicht.

    So oder so: Letztlich muss es dir zusagen. Ich bin sicher, dass wir uns an (fast) alles gewöhnen, was du uns präsentierst, 🙂


    • Jup, ich habe gestern noch spätabends weitergebastelt. Dieses Theme gefällt mir nun besser – denn es hat diese Teaser-Ansicht mit Bildl und Textausschnitt. Das mit dem Header ist in der Tat extrem unschön. Was Größeres hätte mir auch besser gefallen. Geht aber mal wieder nicht. Graaaaaaah WP >(
      Immerhin sind die Links nun wieder blau. Das mit der Signalfarbe rot ist so’ne Sache. Ich hab ewig mit der Schrift auf dem Header experimentiert, aber dummerweise sieht man weder weiß, noch schwarz noch grün auf dem Bild. Also musste es was anderes sein.
      Ich glaub, ich belass es jetzt dabei. Wird schon werden… Aber danke fürs Feedback – das interessiert mich natürlich schon.


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