Gisborne – f*ck yeah

Some of you may already know that I am gearing up towards the trip of a lifetime. I am heading to New Zealand early next year. What had been a dream for a long time is becoming increasingly real at this stage. While I am a fairly relaxed traveller who is happy to just follow the flow and to spontaneously change plans, the trip for me already starts with the planning. To that end I have started a blog in which I am chronicling the run-up to the trip, but which also serves as my online notebook that records the things that I would like to do and see in NZ. I’d be delighted if you followed me over there – and if you have tips and ideas, please comment and let me know. All info welcome.
The blog Off2NewZealand launched in August, but since there wasn’t much content there, I hadn’t yet publicized it. There are only ten posts in total, yet, so you can easily catch up 🙂 But as a teaser, I am giving you this post from last week which you might be interested in…

Off To New Zealand

Was perusing my wonderful wall map of NZ when I nearly choked on my swig of tea. There is a town called GISBORNE on the North Island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guyWhy has no one told me that before? I am *so* going there! My travel companion will have to bite the bullet – or we’ll split up for that leg of the journey, but as a self-confessed Guy of Gisborne-fan I just can’t let this opportunity pass.

For those not in the know: Guy of Gisborne is Robin Hood’s nemesis in the old legend of the noble outlaw. In the latest BBC version of Robin Hood, Guy of Gisborne was played by Richard Armitage, who now holds his own special connection with NZ due to his extended residence there while filming The Hobbit trilogy.

*So* marked on the map:

photo 3 (2) Guy says: I’m gonna cut ya if you don’t go to my place!!!

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58 thoughts on “Gisborne – f*ck yeah

    • LOL – mein Schicksal erfüllen. Vermutlich ist das ein ganz verschlafenes Nest. Außer dem Namen nichts Aufregendes dran. Aber ich kann es kaum erwarten, ein Selfie am Ortseingangsschild zu machen :-D. Ich sollte einen lebensgroßen Cut-out Guy mitnehmen, um das Foto aufzulockern – wäre auch als Reisebegleiter nicht schlecht…


      • Er wäre als Reisebegleiter in JEDEM Fall eine Sünde wert 😉 Ihr würdet sicher auch ein nettes Paar abgeben: die Blondine und ihr Black-Leather-Knight 😎 Und im Hintegrund grasen friedlich die Schäfchen……


        • ROFL – das wird ja immer besser. Oh Scott, ich kann mir das sehr grafisch ausmalen *schluck*. Ich fürchte ja nur, dass meine Reisebegleitung das nicht ganz so witzig finde – selbst wenn ich nur einen Pappkameraden mitschleppen würde. Sie ist extrem tolerant, aber bei zu viel Guy/RA würde sie vermutlich streiken. Ich muss in Sachen Hobbit-Location-Hopping wahrscheinlich gaaaaanz unauffällig vorgehen *grins*


          • Ja, lass das Kopfkino los…… Ich habe mir schon gedacht, dass dich deine Begleitung wahrscheinlich fluchtartig sitzen lässt, wenn du zu auffällig agierst. Wobei vielleicht dann das mit dem Schicksal erfüllen doch noch passiert 🙂 Entwerfe doch fix noch einen aufblasbaren Guy. Den kannst du dann immer unauffällig im Handtäschchen mitführen und wenn du deine Begleitung entsprechennd abgelenkt hast (*schau mal, gaaaaaaaanz dahinten, dieses PHÄNOMENALE Motiv, bütte, bütte hol mir schnell die Batterien aus dem Hotel*), dann seid ihr Beide, das Ortschild und die Schafe ganz privat 😎


              • Die Gummipuppe sollte ja nicht wirklich das Problem sein. Da gibt es so Versender, weisste?! Nur am Gesicht muss noch etwas manipuliert werden. Und ganz wichtig: dass er nicht nach Gummi riecht, sondern idealerweise nach Kerl und Leder 🙂 Doch, ich bin dir gerne bei deinem Kopfkino behilflich. Geteilte Freude ist doppelte Freude 😉


              • Ledergeruch gibt’s künstlich. (Schnüffel mal an Kunstleder – das riecht heutzutage nach echtem Leder.)

                Aber ob der echte Kerl-Geruch von anno Guy so unbedingt sein muss …? Vielleicht lieber nicht. 😀


    • *giggles* Sorry, Sparkhouse. Unintented. But well, I spilt my tea, too. 😀
      Really, I am quite surprised that no one has taken a life-size cardboard cut-out of Guy to the Gisborne city limits sign yet…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow! New Zealand!! Yes definitely a trip of a lifetime! I can’t even imagine. One day. One of my best friends went and brought me back a book of all the places in NZ that LOTR was filmed. I love it! Let us live vicariously through you – lots of blogs about your preparations and trip, ok?? 😀 😀 😀


    • Yes, this has been a “one day” sort of trip for me, too. And then myself and my companion decided that there *never* is the perfect time for a trip, there would always be a reason not to do it. Money, family, job. But blast it – if anything, this summer has shown me that you have to make the most of life.
      Location tourism – oooh, that reminds me, there is a book coming out around now about all the Hobbit locations. Must see if I can order it.
      And yes, I hope to be posting until d-day and once we are on the trip 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So excited for you! New Zealand is glorious and you won’t regret it. I went in 2005, on a LOTR tour by Red Carpet Tours; I was a huge fan of the books and movies, but I really just wanted to see New Zealand, so I figured a guided tour would let me see a lot of different places since I was going on my own. It was a life-changing trip, and I hope to return there next year.

    Not sure if you’re a big LOTR/Hobbit fan (other than of Thorin, of course), but do you plan on visiting Hobbiton? When I saw it in 2005, it was just the bare bones; still beautiful, but not as wonderful as it is now (another reason why I must return!).

    I can’t wait to see your photos because I know you’ll capture the beauty of NZ. Heading over to your NZ blog to follow it!


    • Oh, that is really good to hear, Susie. The tricky thing with “trips of a life-time” is that there are huge expectations attached to them. I am investing a lot of money in it – and I have heard so many good things about it. Will it live up to it??? Well, I’m sure it will, and it is up to me to make it a memorable trip, but the pressure is there.
      Hobbiton is most definitely on the list. If you have subscribed to the blog you can even see it marked on the map in one of my recent posts 😉
      I really hope that I will capture the beauty of NZ with my camera… Pressure there on me…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Some interesting things to do in New Zealand : Eating kiwis (the fruit not the rugbymen). Taking pictures inside a barrel. Skiing (RA said that he loved to do it) and don’t forget to buy a lot of postal cards from Gisborne to send to your followers. LOL. I hope you will enjoy this trip and we will wait for your news for your “Unexpected Journey”.


    • Hehe, nice suggestions. Eating Kiwis *coughs* *blushes* 😉
      Great idea with the postcards, Katia. That is a must. Will have to make sure I get some Thorin stamps for that (if they are still anywhere to be had…)


  4. Ich brech zusammen!!!

    Guylty, Crucible-Screening in NZ – u.a. am 07. Februar im Dome Cinema in Gisborne … 😀

    Passt das in deine Planung?!


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