*ooof*: A Look in the Boudoir

Jeepers Creepers! I have really started this year slowly. If I don’t want you, my dear esteemed readers, to forget me while I’m gone, I better get my act together! And lo and behold, on the day of the week that used to be my dedicated *ooof*day in days long gone, I have managed to cobble one such photo ramble together. I was even inspired to write a ficlet. What brought that on? Well, read on, and you’ll find out…

Just a few weeks ago I remember seeing a photo shoot with Luke Evans and declaring that what I would like to see Armitage in a similar set up that included a cosy bed. No, not like *that*. I was just longing (not sure if that is the appropriate word in this context *coughs*) for a photo shoot with context, and not the neutral background stuff that we had lately been given. Sarah Dunn made my wishes come true, because some time in December 2014 she released images from a Hobbit cast location session with Armitage that also contained a bed picture. But not to worry, you can stop hyperventilating. This is not going to be smutty and NSFW. I will subdue my RAging libido *ggg* for the public and analyse the image as usual. Where some people have to recite Bible verses or recapitulate mathematical equations, Guylty thinks of camera angle and f-stop. Mind you, occasionally that can be quite an excitement-enducing pursuit, too… if you are a photo geek. Here it is, then, the first ever bed picture of RA. Well, the first ever published one, that is. Who knows what the man has on his iPhone…

dunn ra bed

Richard Armitage expertly modelling the spring 2015 bed wear collection. Image by Sarah Dunn, 2014

Let’s delay the interpretation with some titillating picture description.

A man Armitage sprawled on a bed.


Do I need to say more?

Alright then. We have a cosy little scene here. In what looks like a shabby chic cottage with flaking paint, exposed beams and old-fashioned window we see an old, ornate metal bed and a small round bedside table. A candle and table lamp sit on the table. In the centre of the monochrome image we have the sitter reclining on the pristine linen on the bed. Armitage is fully dressed in jeans, a cosy chunky woollen sweater and a bulky military style coat.

While a picture of a hot man in a bed may be enough for some, a good picture is one that can sustain the interest beyond the “drool factor”. Switching fangirl Guylty off and ignoring the person in the picture, the image loses some of its magic, I must admit, even though I am generally a sucker for shabby chic and the aesthetics of peeling paint and by-gone interior non-design. But there is an interesting tension between the upper and lower half of the image that keeps my interest engaged for a little longer and beckons me to examine the scene a little more. The tension is created by the composition of the setting itself: The upper half of the image is strongly characterized by various vertical lines – the window frame and panes, the wall beams, the bed frame and the tall table lamp. The lower half of the image is devoid of any such lines – a contrast that you may not even consciously discern. No wonder – the sitter in the centre of the image diverts your attention. His face in near-profile stands out and commands your gaze in the upper half of the image, while the rim effect caused by light from the left highlights the shape of the sitter’s propped-up left leg in the lower half of the image. As usual, the tension derives also from the contrast between the round shape of a human and the straight lines of inanimate objects – wall, window, bed frame. There is also the inferred contrast of hard metal and the soft bedding, or the whiteness of the bedding and the dark colours of the sitter frolicking in it. This kind of contrast and tension is what compels the viewer to look closely, to try and understand, and to interpret what our eyes communicate to our brains. Ok, yeah, and then leaves us to deal with the titillation.

But the question is, is this titillating? And if so, is this titillation purely in the eye of me, the beholder? Or is there intent? I would argue that there is. Because a bed in a picture is not only its denotation, i.e. a place to sleep and to rest in. It comes with a range of connotations, for instance a place where you are stuck when you are sick. Or a place that most many humans prefer for indoor sports certain other activities. Now, Mr A certainly does not look sickly in this image. In fact he looks quite happy, as snug as a bug in a rug coat. He smiles and lounges comfortably, sprawled on his bed. His body posture is certainly suggestive – he has positioned his arms in such a way that his torso is unobstructed. This could be construed as an open invitation to come and join him there – the literal “open arms”. Mind you, his left leg is restricting our visual access, and he has kept his right foot on the ground. Ready to get up and flee? Nonetheless, the leg position is not entirely restrictive if only we could see from the other side. Seen from futher to our left our gaze would not be restricted by the leg, and the overall impression of comfort would not only apply to the position on the soft bed, but also to himself, as a body in its own right. There is a certain suggestiveness in the right hand holding on to the bed’s metal frame, too. The mind may take a few detours to construe something titillating from that – metal bed frame > metal bars > prison > handcuffs, for instance; or possibly a bit less circumspect by associating the hand holding on to the bar with a situation, right in this particular setting, where a person might attempt to hold on to their own composure by steadying themselves on a bedpost.

And yet the titillation is not quite as straightforward as that. By looking off-camera, the viewers are not directly invited to jump into the subject’s arms. The sitter is merely toying with the connotations, throwing the suggestion out there, but not giving any indication via his own gaze what he really wants or thinks. The turned-away head could even indicate that he is ignoring the viewer completely. For all we know he might be enraptured by the thrilling suspense of daytime TV flickering on a set in his line of vision but out of our sight. Yet the passivity and stillness of the pose invite viewer reaction.

But any picture of a cosy scene on a bed is of course reminiscent of boudoir photography. This is a genre of photography that has recently become rather popular but has been around for longer than most people realize. As early as the 1920s, photographers made pictures of women in the intimate setting of bedrooms, and before that there was a rather popular genre of painting which was expressly made for display in private rooms, and therefore often depicted scenes of a sensual nature – harems, partially nude sleeping beauties and such like. Like in the early days, boudoir photography nowadays aims to stir. Most often than not they are images of scantily clad brides in picturesquely ruffled beds, intended for the happy grooms. As a by-product, boudoir photography is also often seen as a self-esteem boosting exercise for women, allowing them to enjoy their bodies and to feel confident about their looks, especially when set in scene by a sensitive and creative photographic pro. But a boudoir image need not necessarily feature a (partially) undressed subject in order to kindle emotions of a sensual kind. The mind works in wondrous ways, and even a high-necked woolly sweater can look titillating on an attractive man… [insert own further imagination HERE]. I think this picture is a case in point, fangirl Guylty bounces back.

Having said all that, I am not sure whether this image is a classic Armitage Army favourite. If so, it is maybe more for its novelty factor (“first ever Armitage bed pic”), its titillating content or technical execution. The lighting, for instance, works marvellously in this image, the slight vignetting in the corners adding to the cosy feel of the cottage and simultaneously reminiscent of the early days of photography, which gives the image a certain classic, time-less feel. It may look as if the image is naturally lit by the light that streems in from the window, but if you look closely you will notice the shadows of the metal bed frame against the wall, indicating that an off-camera light-source was used to throw some illumination onto the scene. But even the (deliberate?) arrangement of the askew lampshade works well to make us think that light is coming from that angle. (It was probably placed out of frame and Armitage is facing it, otherwise the side of his face would be in shadow.) As usual, I have my niggles with Dunn’s cropping – which is largely fine, placing Armitage bang in the centre. And then cutting off part of his foot.

What I like least about the image, as much as I like seeing my wish for a bed pic fulfilled, is that to me a believable context has not been achieved. There is nothing wrong with fully dressed men posing on a bed, even in a photo that is reminiscent of boudoir photography (see above). In a way, that could be even construed as an ironic take on boudoir photography by creating all the sensual trappings of an intimate boudoir image – cosy, vaguely classy background, metal bed, ruffled sheets, candle stick and all – and then offsetting that with a demurely dressed sitter. That could be quite funny, or even thought-provoking, actually (a photo project waiting to be made, Guylty makes note). But the suspension of disbelief stops at a man *in a thick warm coat* and *shoes* lounging on a bed. No, it is not that I have an imaginary Mama Armitage in my head, berating her son for putting his dirty shoes on the pristine bed linen. It is simply not taking it far enough, it’s too subtle to be seen as an ironic take on boudoir photography, yet too much clothing to fit a realistic and thus non-ironic context. The image illicits the (presumably) intended emotional response from me. “Take off your coat and shoes, Richard!” I want to shout. But for the wrong reason. It’s not because I want to see more of the man’s shape, but because a coat and shoes in bed are simply wrong: There’s no need for them. If we want to warm up, we take the coat off and huddle under the covers.

Having said that – I *am* pleased at seeing a bit more than just a neutral background. As much as I like to concentrate on the features of my favourite subject, there is a certain visual familiarity with his face. A picture with a background takes a little longer to explore. And I enjoy spending time with Armitage – even when it’s only in 2D. And even with my niggles with the image – I appreciate that Dunn gives us new imagery, professionally executed, whatever the intention. Believable context or not.

But hey, I do not know what the intention, the intended context was. For all I know, this is what really happened:

This was a good sign, she knew. After he had tidied away their lunch in the cosy mountain hut, he had donned the big, bulky coat. She loved seeing it on him – it meant he was warm and happy, and they would spend time on an extended walk. Just him and her. That meant alone-time. No phones ringing, no one coming to the door and visiting. They would be outside on one of their peaceful walks, enjoying their time undisturbed, and together. In the short time she had known him, he had become her sole focus. Away from it all, he cared only for her, and even when he had to look at his work, he would allow her to cuddle up to him, nudging her blond head under his arm. He didn’t have to talk to her. She enjoyed his mere presence, even if she didn’t have his attention. But on their long walks she knew she always had his attention…

She was out of the door of the chalet before he had even closed the buttons on his coat.  It had snowed the night before, and the air was chilly despite bright sunshine. She ran ahead kicking up the deep soft snow that surrounded the hut. “Wait”, he shouted with a laugh, “not so fast.” Not turning back, she ran on, but stopped with a start when something soft, wet and white exploded on her head. She playfully growled. What the??? Today he meant serious fun, it seemed, and when she turned around, he was already running towards her, grabbing another handful of snow and hurling it into her direction. She ducked and shrieked with joy. “The fun is in the chase, eh”, he panted as he continued to follow her, “wait til I get you!” She shook her blond tresses and made a sharp turn, just about missing his big powerful hands that were ready to grab her. She knew how to keep him chasing after her… and yes, there was nothing better than that.

By the time they were both exhausted from the chase, not a single snowflake of the previously virginal snow around the chalet had been left unturned. He smiled at her, his rapidly coming breath leaving clouds of steam in the chilly winter air. “Come on, let’s go back inside, I need to catch my breath”, he softly said to her. She sidled up to him and together they leisurely walked back to the entrance porch. She was enraptured, observing him opening the buttons of his coat, and before she could slip in through the door, he held her back, leaned down to her and smoothed a few bits of icy snow from her hair, finishing up with a tender kiss on her head. She sniffed softly, the warmth of his breath on her head sending shivers of affection through her, and pushed past him into the hut, sneaking into the warmest room in the house.

He was close behind and fell on the bed with a loud sigh. “That was exhilarating fun, my sweet”, he exhaled. He hadn’t even taken his coat off, but with a contented sigh he pushed his bum up further on the bed and pulled himself up by his right hand on the metal bed frame. He closed his eyes contendedly. When he opened them again, she was standing by the fireplace, warming herself, her chest still rising and falling from the frolicking in the snow a minute ago. He smiled and winked at her. “You look like you need some warming-up…”,  he enticed her to join him. “And so do I. Come here and be a good girl”, he patted the white duvet with his left hand. She had waited for that sign. Tail wagging, she jumped on the bed with a “woof”.

192 thoughts on “*ooof*: A Look in the Boudoir

  1. Mmm, the chase never loses its appeal 🙂
    I agree with you on the shoes. Very distracting. But the almost-profile, the lampshade askew (hinting of vigorous activity) and the left hand make you forget everything else…

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  2. this photo seems to be a fan favorite but I could take it or leave it, honestly. I do like that it has atmosphere, instead of just a plain background, but the bed doesn’t automatically excite me. it’s the coat. I dislike that over-sized coat greatly (more so in the others from this series). the sweater/jeans/boot look is a keeper though! somehow the context of spending an afternoon playing with his dog makes this more sexy to me than seeing him lounge on a bed 🙂


    • Agreed. A bed in a picture doesn’t instantly make the depicted scene sexy. (Although an Armitage in a picture instantly *does*. Hm. How’s that for an unsolvable interpretatory dilemma?) I do think the lounging pose is sexy as a rule – I found all previous sofa “lounges” rather suggestive – but I get distracted by the details such as the clothing. And while I like the coat as such, I just think it is out of place here. Boots, jeans ok, but chunky sweater not my preferred “kink”.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for you analysis Guylty 🙂
    I like this pic and a couple more from the more recent SD session but I must admit all my past resentment for her is still intact. She is the only one in this world (no, wait, Steve Quale too!) that can delete any expression from the handsome face of Mr. Armitage.
    I don’t like the huge coat used in SD photosession while I wildly love the sweater he wears in this pic. So much better that the real horrors Ilaria put on him during BOFA press junket! What a shame this years has been.
    That said, I’d like to know why so many girls I talked about recent RA pics ALWAYS complained about shoes on bed, on table, on couch. Ladies, who the heck cares about it? I didn’t even noticed and, for sure, I wouldn’t care. I’d simply clean everything after. LOL!

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    • Aw, now, come on, the last year hasn’t been a total shame 😉 Just remember the DaMan shoot or some of the really great theatre stills! As for fashion – I am a total illiterate when it comes to that, so I can’t judge. I’m not a fan of formal wear, and the stripy sweaters didn’t really appeal to me, either, but that’s my own memory of the 1980s and some unfortunate Ernie and Bert associations playing tricks on me…
      As the erasion of facial expressions – it’s curious, that. In some pictures SD really had a knack for letting his eyes pop (the leather jacket b/w), and I did like the two pics where he looked off-camera and laughed. The latest pics from that location shoot, however, did not appeal to me so much. Not sure if they were over-produced or over-exposed on the face, but somehow his face looked rather like a mask in them, as if all characteristic lines had been erased or a layer of wax been applied. But then again, it’s all in the eye of the beholder. Her artistic decision.


      • ahhh I was talking about Ilaria fashion choice and last year BOFA press junket only!

        I love DaMan shoot and suits, almost all of them.
        About SD pics: if you are talking about the pic in which RA face looks like a chicken tandori yes, that one is terrible. There is a close up I love so much, in her last hobbit photo session. A simple portrait but with the lights on Richard’s eyes that produce a masterpiece. At least, to my non professional eyes 😉


    • LOL Micra, I’m so with you on the shoe griping from people! Maybe I’m just not much of a housefrau (actually that’s for certain 😉 but I’m not out prissify or shame a good man on his manners, short of outright destructive behavior…. especially this fine one ;D

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  4. Oh, Guylty. This is the best! I loved the surprise at the end. I was completely in tune with a snowball fight and a bit of outdoor fun before a hot session in that bed, and you turned it upside down and made me realize what a perv I really am. Lol. I actually love this photo and blogged about it, too. Not nearly so eloquently, though. =)

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  5. WAS!!!! NACH dem Schneegestöber mit den Schuhen ins Bett? Das ist ja noch ärger als angenommen 🙂
    Deine Fantasie läuft ja dankenswerter Weise wieder auf Hochtouren.
    Und Armitage als Modell für die neueste Bettwäschekollektion, sehr fein!
    Wieso muss ich gerade an den loriot’schen Bettenkauf denken??? Probeliegen mit Armitage, schön was man so alles visualisieren kann.
    Ja du hast Recht, es gibt keinen Grund, jetzt schon unnötig das Tempo rauszunehmen, bloss weil du demnächst mal weg bist. Vergiss meinen Vorschlag. Ich bin doch nicht blöd (mir den Spass deiner *ooofs* schon jetzt entgehen zu lassen). 😀

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  6. I love this picture and truth be told, I’ve never really SEEN the outerlying details before. I’ve not noticed the pattern on the sweater, the things around it.

    What my attention is drawn to and holds my eye, is that impossibly mile-long leg…that I fantasize about removing his shoe and shock and then kissing my way up, starting with the arch of the foo…..

    Sorry. working on a new fic and got carried away.. *coughcough*

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  7. I laughed so hard at the last line of your story … well done! Was not expecting that 😀 The photo has, since first view, disturbed me and until today, I couldn’t figure out why. I love, love, love the top half of it. Everything about it. But the bottom half is distracting, and not in a good way. There’s something about the perspective of that leg which throws it into fun-house mirror proportions. Don’t get me wrong, I quite appreciate his long, strong legs *grin* … but in this pic, it feels like it’s either is inhumanly big or barring access to the rest of the photo… not sure which. It’s sacrilegious to chop off the man’s legs, but I desperately want to in this pic … and that’s from a person who felt a little light headed gazing at the underside of his firm thigh. All that aside, this is one of those photos which sparks the imagination (and not all in naughty ways, hehehehe). I have a sudden craving for hot chocolate with whipped cream 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ist doch immer wieder erstaunlich was Du in so einem Bild alles entdeckst. Das mit den Linien ist eindeutig, ist mir aber natürlich erst durch Deine Beschreibung aufgefallen, gute KOmposition. Und er sieht aus als warte er auf irgendwas oder jemand. Klingt ja erstmal ziemlich heiß ❤
    Ich mag das Bild aber nicht, es ist mir zu eindeutig auf diesen einen bestimmten Effekt hin gemacht worden. Natürlich hat man bei der einen Hand die Handschellen Assoziation und die Klamotten sollen ja eigentlich sagen, viel zuviel für so eine warme Bettdecke, schnell ausziehen –
    aber bei mir kommt nur der Gedanke auf "Gott muss der arme Mann darin schwitzen" und dem tut bestimmt die Hand weh, denn bequem ist das auf Dauer nicht (Sind Handschellen bestimmt auch nicht, aber die haben ja einen anderen Hintergrund – hust), irgendiwe hat sie am Ziel vorbeigeschossen, weniger ist manchmal mehr. Unsere Fantasie braucht nicht sooo viel um angeregt zu werden oder?
    Heißt aber auch,so manipulierbar sind wir Frauen nicht…. 😉


  9. Oh sorry, die Geschichte !!!! I forgot die Geschichte!, die ist VIEL besser als das Bild, was habe ich gelacht beim letzten Satz, da wäre ich gerne Hund, denn DIE ist viel anregender als das ganze Bild ❤

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  10. Love your *ooof* not a fan of the photo. It feels very contrived to me being in bed with a heavy coat and boots. I don’t really like any of the latest photos SD has taken. I totally agree about the waxy look.

    I fell right into your trap. So far down I had to go back and re-read it. The first time reading it the last line didn’t even register. Shows where my mind is 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. OH HERR GIB MIR KRAFT!!!!! Himmel, habe ich eine laaaaaaange Leitung. gerade eben habe ich das ficlet kapiert. Wuff! Zeigt mir ein Loch, in dem ich mich verstecken kann……. Ist das peinlich

    Liked by 1 person

      • Nee, anscheinend too much information. Habe vorher in den Kommentaren von Serv gewühlt. War sehr anstrengend fürs Hirn. Und dann ist mir wohl hinten raus die Luft ausgegangen 😉


            • Ich bin ehrlich gesagt gerade total entsetzt und geschockt. Ok, baddie geht ja noch, ist man ja gewohnt, aber diese Kannibalismusserie ist so ungefähr das Geschmackloseste, das ich mir vorstellen kann. So richtig verstehe ich nicht, dass das so ein Hit ist. Aber gut, ich hab’s noch nie gesehen… Außerdem finde ich natürlich auch bedauerlich, dass er eine US-Fernsehkarriere anstrebt… Perlen…

              Liked by 1 person

              • Dachte mit schon,dass du auch nägelkauend und paralysiert (geht das zusammen?) vorm Rechner sitzt. Bisher dachten wir, das Schlimmste könnte der Vampier Clairmont sein, aber oh Wunder: schlimmer geht immer 😦 Irgendwie nicht sooo der prickelnde Jahresauftakt fürs Fandom.


                • Da nehme ich den blutleersten Vampir doch noch mit Kusshand!!! Wuah, es schüttelt mich hier. Erinnerst du dich an diesen ekelhaften Gerichtsfall vor rund 10 Jahren? Ich kann so etwas einfach nicht als Entertainment verkraften. Meine persönliche Schmerzgrenze ist erreicht. Das schlimmste dürfte sein, dass man die gifs und Fotos vermutlich nicht vermeiden kann. Horror!


                  • Fies, dieser Kanibale aus Rothenburg. Da hört bei mir auch der Spass auf. Ist wirklich das letzte, was ich mit Armitage in Verbindung bringen will. Wie gehen eigentlich andere Fans mit den absonderlichen Rollen ihrer Odb’s um? ich bin auch noch am für mich Einordnen. Jedenfalls, bitte keine Schreine 🙂
                    Leise flüster: ich glaube, ich bin doch ein gaaaaanz doller Vampierfan 🙂


                    • Hallo Mädels, habe den Schock von gestern Abend immer noch nicht verkraftet, den Gedanken RA als beißenden villain löst pures Entsetzen bei mir aus. Ich glaube da ist eine Grenze erreicht.
                      Ich habe vor zigtausend Jahren “Schweigen der Lämmer” gesehen, nicht im Kino, nur in TV, danach konnte ich tagelang nicht schlafen. Die Bücher habe ich z.T. gelesen, aber in einem Buch produziert man die Bilder im Kopf selbst, im Fersehen ist alles irgendwie doppelt grausam.
                      Ich mag diese Art von “wir erzeugen Spannung durch besonders viel Gewalt, Blut und was auch immer” Filmen nicht, vielleicht habe ich zu viel Miss MArple gekuckt, das ist eine andere Art Spannung. Ich werde mir jetzt nicht die Hannibal Folgen reinziehen nur weil da demnächst RA mitspielt. Und wenn die “unseligen” Folgen dann fertig sind schaue ich erstmal auf Youtube (gibt´s bestimmt ganz schnell) rein ob ich mir das antun mag.
                      Da wäre mir der Vampir doch lieber gewesen.
                      War da nicht was in Irland im Gespräch oder noch was ganz anderes? Wieso denn jetzt plötzlich Hannibal?


                    • Irland ist eine andere Baustelle. Die hat weder mit Vampiren noch mit beißenden Massenmördern etwas zu tun. (Gottseidank – grauenhaft, der Gedanke, dass dieses schöne Land mit *sowas* assoziativ verbunden werden könnte…) Da handelte es sich doch um einen mittelalterlichen Thriller, der unter Mönchen ausgespielt wird. “Der Name der Rose” für Irre (oder Iren? fast dasselbe *hust*), quasi.
                      Und ja, ich taste mich auch gaaaanz langsam an diese Aussichten und späteren Ansichten heran. Fürs erste bin ich noch nicht ganz überzeugt, dass ich mich dafür erwärmen, geschweige denn es ansehen kann, aber die Option bleibt offen…

                      Liked by 1 person

              • *hüstel* Dann bin ich wohl unter den deutschen Damen die einzige mit schlechtem Geschmack?
                Soll heißen: Ich überlege schon länger, in die Serie mal reinzugucken. Sieht so aus, als hätte ich bald keine Ausrede mehr. 🙂


                • Du, das wird von vielen als echte Herausforderung im positiven Sinne gesehen. Bloß mein inneres Fangirl und ich kriegen da gerade keine Übereinstimmung in der Bewertung hin. Schwierig !

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Da sag ich nur – viel Spaß. Ich habe es eben gerade mal versucht und mir die Trailer auf YT angeguckt. Beim Season 2 Trailer musste ich zur Hälfte aussteigen. Ich pack es nicht! Ich kann zwar nachvollziehen, dass die dargestellten – geradezu darge*botenen* Opfer mit offensichtlicher Ästhetik hindrapiert sind (das ist ja auch der Sinn und Punkt des hannibalschen Mordfestes), aber mir wird dabei wirklich schlecht. Das wird eine echte Herausforderung für mich werden…


              • Abwarten! Wir müssen einfach sehen, wie es gemacht ist, bevor wir sagen “Okay” oder eben “Nicht okay”. Oder halt entscheiden, dass die ganze Serie ZU krass ist und sowas nicht als Unterhaltung dienen sollte. (Da wird es sicher einige geben, und das kann ich auch nachvollziehen.)

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              • Guylty: Wer sagt denn, dass er “eine US-Fernsehkarriere anstrebt”? (Dass er in den USA nicht nur leben, sondern auch arbeiten will, ist klar, aber deine Formulierung grenzt das meiner Meinung nach zu stark ein.) Wir reden hier erst mal nur über eine einzige Rolle für wenige Folgen – und die in einem Bereich, in dem er bisher noch nicht gespielt hat.

                Ich weiß es natürlich auch nicht, aber ich kann mir jedenfalls problemlos vorstellen, dass für unseren Mr. Armitage vor allem ausschlaggebend war, dass dies eine neue Herausforderung für ihn ist.


                • Stimmt, “Fernsehkarriere” ist wohl nicht korrekt. Zudem ja die mitspielenden Kollegen auch alle Film-Credentials haben – Fishburne, Mikkelsen, Dancy. US-Karriere dann?
                  Ist im Grunde ja auch alles Banane – gerade *weil* es sich um eine US-Serie handelt, dürften wir uns darüber freuen, dass wir sie auch in jedem anderen Teil der Welt zu sehen bekommen werden. Das ist bei den dörflichen Wald-und-Wiesen-Produktionen aus Europa ja nicht der Fall.
                  Ich hoffe mal, dass das ne Herausforderung für den werten Herrn wird. Viel Spaß beim Sezieren des Massenmörders… *kotz*

                  Liked by 1 person

              • Ach, Merrychen, ich kann Spooks 8.4 kaum gucken und habe jedesmal einen verkrampften Magen dabei – so weit stehe ich über den Sachen und bewundere nur die darstellerische Leistung. Ja, nee, is’ klar …

                Ich habe nicht die geringste Ahnung, welche Reaktion ich habe, wenn RA eine Thomas-Harris-Figur spielt. Das Problem – und gleichzeitig der Grund, warum Thomas Harris als Autor Erfolg hat – ist ja eben, dass die Figuren *nicht* eindimensional sind. (Und da die Serie so erfolgreich ist, hat die Übertragung wohl geklappt, nehme ich an … )



              • Also, ich bin gerade fleißig am Kommantare-Lesen bei Serv.

                Kinners, seid ihr bekloppt, King und Harris zu vergleichen?!?!?!
                Zugegeben: Von King habe ich ein paar Sachen gelesen, bevor mir das zu blöd wurde, und von Harris habe ich nur Verfilmungen gesehen. Trotzdem: Dazwischen liegen Welten!


              • Nochmals zur Klarstellung: Ich habe die Serie Hannibal bisher *nicht* gesehen, kann also zur Umsetzung nichts sagen.

                Aber *wenn* sie so gut umgesetzt ist, wie der Erfolg es vermuten lässt, wird das sehenswert.

                Kann allerdings sein, dass wir ein paar Tage nur noch mit Licht schlafen können.
                Oder gar nicht. *gg*


                • Ich glaube, ich werde den Serienauftritt von RA bei Hannibal eher “büfetär” verfolgen – selektives Schauen. Zu mehr bin ich nicht willens und auch nicht fähig. Scheiß auf die Psychologie. Dann schaue ich eben nur für den Drool-Faktor und klammere alle blutigen Szenen aus.


                  • Ich habe doch den Harris und King bloß in Bezug auf die “massiven” Eindrücke und ihren direkten Einfluss auf meine Physis verglichen. Literarisch erlaube ich mir keine Wertung 🙂


              • Nee, das sind fast alles Kommentare von gestern Abend/heute Nacht.
                Ich habe da nur gestern nicht mehr reingeguckt, ich war nur noch müüüüde.

                Jedenfalls: Hannibal ist Psychothriller, kein Horror, und RAs Rolle ist kein Kannibale.

                Das macht das Genre nicht weniger beängstigend, und es macht die Taten seiner Figur nicht sympathischer, aber die Unterscheidung muss trotzdem sein.

                So! 😉


              • Wollte dir nur bestätigen, dass das auch ankam – wenn auch erst bei der Wiederholung. (Ich hoffe auf den zweiten Platz im Schnellmerker-der-Woche-Wettbewerb. 😉 )

                Liked by 1 person

  12. Hng! “Mountain hut”?? Musste das sein? Was vorhin einen anderen Mountain besuchen … *ein Tränchen aus dem Augenwinkel wisch*

    Danke für den Köter-Lacher, der kam gerade richtig. Mir waren zwar ein paar Stellen aufgefallen, die ich seltsam fand (vor allem “nudging her blond head under his arm”), aber damit hatte ich dann doch nicht gerechnet. 😀

    Zur Foto-Analyse werde ich morgen was sagen, dazu fehlt mir im Moment völlig die Konzentration und Lust.


    • Deine Analyse des Fotos hat mir kein Mehr an Verständnis dafür gebracht, wieso SD gerade dieses Bild als ihr Lieblingsfoto von diesem Shoot bezeichnet hat. Ich betrachte daher meinen ersten Verdacht als bestätigt: Fan-Teasing. “RA aufm Bett, das muss doch den Fans gefallen …” Hm. Sorry, Frau Studiobaby**, aber damit machen Sie sich nicht beliebter bei mir. :-/

      Es ist eindeutig eins der besseren Dunn-Bilder aus dem letzten Shoot, das gebe ich gerne zu. Nicht so maskenhaft, es gibt ein Außenrum, Jeans und Pulli wirken schön “normal” und gefallen mir ebenfalls – nett. 🙂

      Dass der Blickwinkel das Bein so in den Vordergrund bringt, hat was. *sabber*
      Extrem störend sind der Mantel und die Schuhe. Und der abgeschnittene Fuß. (*Augen roll* Mann, echt, das wäre doch wirklich vermeidbar gewesen… ?!)

      Was mich auch stört ist, dass die Vignette nur auf einer Seite ist. Ich habe so den Eindruck, dass ich nur einen Ausschnitt des Bilds sehe.

      Naja, vermutlich steht da der Fernseher, auf dem entweder das spannende Nachmittagsprogramm läuft … oder eine gewisse Serie. Das würde auch erklären, wieso sich Richard am Bett festhält … (Angst, Süßer? Komm her, ich beschütz dich!)

      ** Bin ich die einzige, die diesen Twitternamen fürchterlich findet? Erst recht für eine Frau mit ernsthaften künstlerischen Ambitionen?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Du sprichst hier so einige wichtige Punkte an. Ja, das war ganz klar ein “Geschenk” an die Fans, ein Bullet Point abgehakt – vielleicht auch ein kleiner Versuch, bestimmte, immer wieder aufflammende Gerüchte irgendwie dank vager heteroerotischer Ästhetik einzudämmen? Naja, oder auch nicht. Auf räkelnde Sexobjekte stehen ja auch Männer…
        Ich fand das dank Kameraverzerrung hervorgehobene Bein auch sehr attraktiv, vor allem den so schön angestrahlten Oberschenkel. Und dann kommt immer wieder irgendso ein kleiner Schnitzer, wie der abgeschnittene Fuß. Klar ist so was zu vermeiden. Man tritt einfach einen Schritt zurück. Ich kann SDs Schneideästhetik überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen. Fällt mir immer wieder in ihren Fotos auf. Ich mein, nicht, dass mir das nicht passiert ist, wenn ich Fotojobs gemacht habe. Aber nach dem zweiten Mal habe ich daraus meine Konsequenzen gezogen – bei der Bildkomposition gehe ich heutzutage voll auf Nummer Sicher. Das Schneiden findet sowieso immer erst in der Postproduktion statt…
        Vignette – fällt rechts stärker auf, ist aber oben links auch noch irgendwie sichtbar und ist unten rechts dank der dunklen Schuhe noch irgendwie im Hirn konstruierbar… Das ist aber auch eher eine Kleinigkeit (hätte man aber auch in Postproduktion künstlich herstellen können…)
        Was den Namen angeht – unglücklich gewählt, ja. Zu ihrer Verteidigung sei gesagt, dass das wohl ein Fall von unüberlegtem Anmelden bei Twitter sein dürfte. Sie ist ja schon seit längerer Zeit dabei, und beim Anmelden macht man sich nicht immer Gedanken darüber, in welcher Form man das Medium in Zukunft nutzen könnte…


        • Öhm … Du interpretierst gleich viel mehr: Geschenk an die Fans? – Ja, stimmt vermutlich. *g* Ich hatte mich nur auf Dunns Aussage bezogen, das sei ihr Lieblingsbild. Ich sehe halt keinen Grund, weshalb sie – als die Fotografin – das Bild besonders mögen sollte, und deshlab komme ich mir bei der Aussage aufgezogen vor.

          Sorry, ich sehe da links nur ein paar Schatten, ganz anders als rechts. Ist aber auch egal, mich stört’s jedenfalls, weil es auf mich abgeschnitten wirkt.

          Jau, der Oberschenkel … Hach ja!!

          Ja, der Twittername wirkt, als hätte sie ihren Spitznamen dafür verwendet. Vielleicht hat sie für mehr künstlerische Zusammenhänge ja noch einen zweiten. *Schultern zuck*


          • Och, wieso sollte sie das Bild nicht tatsächlich als das gelungste aus dem Shoot herausheben, kann ja sein. Wobei du sicher Recht hast – die Aussage bzw. “Bewerbung” des Bildes mit dem Stempel war natürlich suggestiv.
            Jup, kann auch ein Schatten sein.
            Nö, ich glaub, sie hat nur einen Twitter. Schließlich tweetet sie ja ihren beruflichen Kram darüber… (Aber so hochkünstlerisch finde ich sie nun sowieso nicht – mir fehlt da der Überbau.)


  13. Totally caught me of guard with the doggie reveal. I was wondering why his significant other was blonde. Talk about being distracted by irrelevant information. But if he puts his lovely shoes on the bed he would certainly allow his furry love interest access to the pristine duvet.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ha ha! What a lovely ficlet, made even nicer by the ending. I feel all warm and fuzzy…

    The shoes and coat bother me too – and not because I am a fussy house Frau but because of the context. I have to say I’m not a great fan of the lapels on that coat, which bothered me in the street shot as well. However, in my efforts to create context I have imagined he is all ready to go out and is waiting for his partner ( who just might be me in a parrallel universe ;). ) to get ready. Hence the bored expression. The bed is crumpled from earlier activities… But I’ll leave it there out of respect for your wish to keep this clean!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hehe, I guess there are various approaches for a possible interpretation. Waiting, bored, yeah, might make sense also. As for prior activities – well, unlikely. Notice those fold lines in the linen? Pristine, freshly made bed!!! (Although that little detail may be the case in point…)


        • I didn’t notice the neat creases in the sheet. That really would a parallel universe – me ironing a sheet is about as likely to happen as getting under one with RA!

          He’s on the bed because the dog has already got the couch.


          • I have to admit I didn’t even think of ironing sheets. (That is just not part of my reality as a “house frau” 😀 Take that, critics ;-)) I simply saw the whole scenario in the context of a location shoot. And I immediately thought of a stylist, opening a brand new, shop-bought set of linens and putting them on the bed.
            Yep, doggie has taken up the couch.


  15. OMG…when this picture first came out I was in absolute heaven. It has everything I love in RA pics…the short cropped hair with the beard….love it when he models those high collar coats….nobody rocks a sweater like Richard Armitage, his sprawled out full length showing off those long legs…body open and inviting….and…best of all….he’s laying on MY bed!!! That is just like my bed! Right down to white linens on a black bed. Except my bed has two framed The Crucible posters hanging over it (which would probably creep him out somewhat). But OMG, Richard Armitage is in my bedroom!! Sorry, this picture gets me so worked up I haven’t even read your dissection of it yet. I’m going to go do that now. Thanks for choosing this photograph, I’m so excited to go read what you wrote now!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Agree with you about the boots, I think socks or bare feet would have been better………..but then the coat would have to go…..and maybe that bulky jumper too……….ahhhh no, stop, stop! Guylty wants to keep it clean!

    You got me with the last line of the ficlet ;o)


    • LOL – I have no idea why I tried to keep it clean when that picture is clearly intended not to be just what it shows 😉
      Great, glad I got you with the punchline. I thought the thin plot was too obvious 😉


  17. THIS is what i should have been reading last night! wayyyy 🙂 will be back with my 5 pence 😉 ) so glad you did one more ‘ooof’ Which reminds me i want to dig out the few photos i put away in December as ones i’d like to look more at 🙂


    • Glad you still like reading them. I am currently writing another one – replacement activity, if you want, absconding from the discussion, and from facing more Hannibalism 😉
      Yesterday I printed a heap of images to carry with me in my notebook when in NZ. Well, not that I really expect to be bored and having surplus-time, but I might while away an hour or two on the flights with some picture analysing…

      Liked by 2 people

      • 🙂 i know what you mean! I could read many more of these!! 😉 hint hint 😉
        I’me just about done with the whole Hannibalims stuff for now. I spend about 4/5 h a week watching murder dramas, don’t need to spend nights and days pondering about them too :-p
        I was supposed to get on with Proctoritage and posting some of my pointless full-moon-over Thames pics 😉 But tomorrow Crucible is back on so hopefully my mind will be back with JP again 🙂 And then i neeeeed to write about Guy! Hopefully we’ll have peace and quiet for a while, humpf! Lass uns mal in Ruh’ Hermi :-p i need Richard to leave me alone so i can do some Richarding of my own! LOL


  18. This is perfect! I mean your ficlet setting, for me it is spot on with the pic. And little blond fluffy is too cute :-p It hits the feeling that it inspires in me when I look at it. Maybe I’m just desperate for a little quiet cottage holiday myself (and I am) but it sort of is the atmosphere of the place that charms me first. It makes the clothed in bed natural. At least that is one of the secret pleasures of entering a hotel room, dumping yourself fully clothed on the freshly dressed bed 🙂 My mum can’t see so I love doing it. The pose is not quite right for it as I’d be face down or lying on my back on the bed, feet mostly dangling but the vibes that comes off him sort of match that.
    I’m sorry I don’t really find the pic titillating in itself, I think mostly because his expression though slightly smiling is very alert, open eyed, too active in a way. It’s too consciously posy on his part (which I recognise in quite a few of her shoots), he looks purposefully and consciously in one direction. Which frankly is a pity! Not because he is not facing the camera, I like that he isn’t … but imagine this exact same shot except his head slightly resting sideways on the bed frame as now .. but eyes closed 🙂 The potential in that!!! That’s what I would have done, tilted his head slightly more upwards and closed his eyes.
    That and taken the candle away. I am really bothered by both that candle and the lamp, lamp suits the room but I’d have put something else there, a folded newspaper, a book, unstrapped his watch and left it there or something.
    There are things that do titillate but it’s only partially the picture. It’s the way my attention is drawn to the same things as always: the ear and the partially exposed neck, the hand on the sheets in rest and the way you can see the veins a bit and the thigh. I’d say the first two is more my mind going its own way than the pose itself. The thigh detail is however definitely the product of the pose. It’s dead center in the image, larger because of the angle we look at it from, enticing in the muscle tension we can guess underneath (as the muscle creates a slight curve) and even further highlighted by the fabric stretched tight across it and slightly distressed/discoloured where it gets more use/friction. I’d say it’s the strongest pull to our powerless attention 😉 and the most distracting one. Another’s thigh however would probably not be as enticing 😀

    My instinct however would still be to swat that thigh, drag him off the bed and send him back out so I can take a heavenly nap alone in peace and quiet on those crisp sheets, possibly with a bit of window open so the fresh air can come in 🙂

    Thanks for the lovely ‘ooof’! wish we could have seen this in colour too, am intrigued by the colour scheme in that room ..

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  19. Am I the only weirdo (or perhaps the only one willing to admit this) who didn’t even register that you’re describing a dog? Because I’d be willing to jump on a bed, wiggle my “tail” and say “woof,” in a heartbeat, if that’s what he wants me to do. (Is that too much information about armitagebesotted?)

    My second reaction was: now that shoe is wet (from the snow.) Yuck. Get your feet off the bed!

    How’s that for going from the sublime to the prosaic?

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s exactly how the story was intended, so congratulations! And I was definitely playing on your willingness to wag tail and go woof 😉 As we all know, anything is possible…
      And that shoe on top of the duvet – really just a great excuse for some punishment! Ha!
      Prosaic is fine!

      Liked by 2 people

  20. As always, I enjoy your photo analysis Guylty and double fun fic treat for the start of my day. Now that I’ve been outside and back in half a dozen times with my hair-balls (dogs) I should get going to work and stop having so much fun here. 😀


  21. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge #6 – The Post that Continues to Give | Guylty Pleasure

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