2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #6

They say it takes 21 days to break in a new habit. Or 21 to break out of an old one? In any case, my recent travels to NZ amounted to about twice that count of days, and sure enough – the habit of compiling a “tumblr round-up” for you seems to have been eroded by my absence. Which is not entirely true. While I didn’t exactly miss my fan service duties while I was travelling – just as much as I missed having to cook, or unblocking the toilet, or cleaning up the cat’s vomit, all frequent occurrences in my domestic realm – it was right back in my mind the minute I got home and plunged into reading up on the last six weeks intra-fandom.

You see, I may not have missed the toil and time spent on scouring tumblr for RA-related novelties while I was gone. But being back here and waking up this morning realizing that I had utterly forgotten to schedule compile the round-up, I copped on that the weekly round-up is my regular way of checking in with you – when I have nothing else to say. “Nothing else” isn’t quite apt these days. My mind is brimming with impressions, memories, anecdotes, experiences from six weeks in NZ. But this is a RA-blog, so those do not really fit here in all their picture-illustrated, bible-length proportions. In the light of my own need for processing my holidays, I was utterly relieved that Armitageworld is busy these days, dealing with download issues downloading, watching and reviewing TC. So much so that I duly forgot to scour and compile a round-up ready for its usual Saturday 8 am GMT timeslot.

But hey, 8 am isn’t written in stone, and if anything then this week was great for a tumblr round-up because as soon as Digital Theatre’s TC  hit the domestic screens, tumblr was flooded with gifs. Here we go then, this is what I found when I reacquainted myself with tumblr.

round up header NZ 6

  1. Back in the day, my friends and I used to call faces such as this on jazzy2101’s screencap “condensed ugliness”. Well, not when it is *his*
  2. Is this true? Let’s put mrsthornton right
  3. There are countless first-response posts on TC but I am including armitagefan’s here because that first cap is just so beautiful! The light… the pose… the colours… art
  4. princevarric has some hand-porn gifs
  5. The most important gif set of them all. Ahem. Thanks arkenburglar
  6. LOL clematis70 connects past and present
  7. Loved Jollytr’s trifecta of Proctor
  8. Hearing the opening cue, posted by microlina, put me right back into the theatre *goosepimples*
  9. Christ, these caps and interpretations by thorinarmitaged really hit. I don’t think I can stand that right now in my raw emotional state
  10. Richardarmitageconfessions. Discuss!
  11. Now, I’d love to read that, binglybonglybeep!
  12. trinka-the-terrible has some RA autographs – but the first image in this set takes the biscuit
  13. Breath-takingly choreographed and executed. And heart-breaking closure to the play. Thanks for the gif to durinssons
  14. clematis70 has found some hints of Tolkien in UATSC. Coincidence? Kismet?
  15. And now for something irreverent and funny in the face of all the Proctorian seriousness – guys-texts-from-last-night
  16. trinka-the-terrible discusses whether it is wrong to enjoy watching the “kiss” scene and addresses “nipplegate”
  17. Pared-back design – and all the better for it. Edit by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  18. I am ‘owling with laughter here at gothicsouthpaw31universe’s edit
  19. And now for a bit of Dolarhyde… fringeofmadness has put this gif set together
  20. Not Proctor, not Dolarhyde, not even Armitage – and just good old-fashioned fun. Yes, I’d like to be asked this, too, modernromanticcapitalr
  21. ROFL – nice little anecdote relating back to 2012, but hey, RAnecdotes never age, do they. And I laughed at the reply 2) by plant-your-trees
  22. OMG these plushies by sinnaminie are so cute. Love them all!!!!!!!
  23. This should be on a t-shirt! By simplybentley
  24. Goodgirlheather has it down. I think that is exactly what happened *ggg*

Ok, I’ll leave it at that – as I was back in business on Tuesday – and don’t want to go back further in time. I hope you have enjoyed the quick look into tumblr, even if it is heavily swaying towards TC at the moment, somewhat anachronistically. Here’s the big disclosure: I have neither seen nor downloaded it yet. Even more shockingly: I have also not heard Richard reading those love poems yet. *thunderandlightning* At this point, I must be the only RA well-wisher who hasn’t. Will my non-existent membership in the Armitage Army be revoked? Do I have to hand in my deRAnged badge? Will Richard Armitage give a f*ck? *ggg* The answer is no. But well, I can lean back and calmly wait for the demands on the DT server to die down because I have seen it on screen in January. (Did not manage to watch it in NZ, btw – I just never happened to be in a place where it was on the night I was staying… Maybe the ETC was subtly sabotaging my fangirling efforts in an attempt to pay me back for all the involuntarily uttered tidbits about RA that she did not want to hear 😉 ?)

Anyhow, as a little eyecandy at the end of this post, I’d like to draw your attention to a project that my tumblr friend P___ aka riepu10 posted way back on the 1st of February and which I missed. I was off-comms somewhere in the skies of the Southern hemisphere between Taiwan and New Zealand at the time.

Is this cool or what? Which one do you like best? I couldn’t say – except that riepu10 made a Guy of Gisborne frame for me for a RA Secret Valentines project last year and later a Thorin in exchange for a RAPS, and so my favourites are already in my possession 😉 Although I really, *really* like that classy Belstaff-cum-profile creation up there. Anyhow, she is completing the series… Check out her post and give her some love – I think her creations are fantastic!

Happy weekend, luvvies, glad to be back! Fill me in on what I have missed in the comments!

Guylty ❤



37 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #6

  1. I’m still being pissy and boycotting the download of TC. I’ve gone so far as to block it on Tumblr, but it isn’t helping much. Doesn’t matter. I’m loving the stills anyway.

    Nice round up. Thank you for addressing Nipplegate.


    • Ha, I forgot about you and the DT-war. Well, there we are then, two lonely souls, unsoiled by the TC download yet. For me, the gifs and stills were all I needed. It is still so fresh in my mind, I had no trouble bringing context and effect back into my consciousness.
      As for nipplegate – I can see both sides. I have my own doubts about “trivializing” Proctor (which is why I couldn’t bring myself to write a ficlet about him in my recent *ooof*), and yet I cannot deny that the styling and characterization of the character exuded a rather sensual charm and magnetism. I don’t think that that was *unintended*, so I think it is perfectly ok for the audience to mention and react to Proctor’s muscular masculinity. It’s not an automatic conclusion that the same audience members did *not* understand the underlying message of the play. It’s a mere (and admittedly trivial) side effect.

      Liked by 2 people

      • but see, at least you’ve seen it live and in the theater. Not so here. And my ‘war’ has escalated – those people apparently do not understand that an unsubbing from emails means one no longer wishes their emails. After FOUR times of unsubbing from spam telling me where else I needed to buy theater tickets, they received a PERSONAL email form me through their website. What has gone from me being irate and probably capitulating and donwloading in the late spring, to hell will freeze over. Digital could show the ending of the World and the Second Coming of Christ and I would refuse to watch it.

        as for the other, it’s the people who are complaining about the sexualizing of Richard. They sexualize him in other ways but it’s okay when they do it. And to be honest, I’ve not seen any hawt man sexualizing. Only them whining about it. Maybe it’s the people they follow… either way, You’ve missed an ugly couple of weeks on Tumblr. Rather than further discourse on such a depressing subject, might I offer another suggestion and blatantly offer up some fanfiction. I’ve been busy in your absence. I sent you an email a day or two ago and I’m getting ready to update again. Past Guy, Future Guy and Gary are all well on their way…


        • I know, I know – I am waiting for my download with the luxury of someone who saw the play live – *three times*. It’s pretty easy for me to wait. In fact, I like delayed gratification. It appeals to my in-built masochism as much as to the obstinate fangirl in me who occasionally doesn’t want to be part of the crowd… The whole saga with DT is really rather unfortunate. I can’t understand why they couldn’t unsubscribe you. Mind you, there whole technical set-up needs an overhaul, I think. I receive all their e-mails *twice* not just once.
          Anyhow – the nipplegate etc. I saw the stuff you allude to. Unpleasant, as always. It is difficult not to feel hurt by some of the accusations but I am operating on a strict “read but no comment” policy, and I stand bz what I once (slightly cryptically) posted. Can we please concentrate on what unites us, not what divides us. Fan fic is a much more pleasant suggestion, I agree. I have read some nice stuff recently – followed your links but haven’t had time to reply to your mail. Apologies!


          • Cryptic is not in my vocab. I stayed nicely on the fence until someone decided to take a chunk out of me. Bad move. Baaaaaaaaaaaad move. I will wholly support your right to your opinion even when it doesn’t agree with mine, but some of what’s going on is pretty ugly. You’re right – we should get a long and concentrate on what unites us. Sadly, some don’t see it that way. 😦

            I’m doing beta cleanup on the next installment of The Shepherd. I hope it will go up within the hour. I got a REALLY nice piece of FB on AFH on Ao3 this morning… it just made made made my day.


  2. Bin ich froh, daß mir endlich wieder die RA-bedingten tumblr-Abgründe von dir vorsortiert und mundfertig in kleinen Häppchen dargereicht werden. Wobei manchmal ja auch richtige Brocken dabei sind, Stichwort Nipplegate. Ich glaube, nachdem ich dieses sich Abarbeiten am OdB hier jetzt schon eine Weile aktiv beobachte, daß wir diese Themen in einer Endlosschleife immer und immer wieder auf den Tisch kriegen. Pass bloß mal auf, was wir mit dem Dolly noch erleben werden und seiner Hasenscharte. Das gibt dann den nächsten Aufschrei der moralisch Gerechten. Also, mir hat die Replik zu Nipplegate richtig gut gefallen! Und ich habe laut aufgelacht, als ich beim Runterscrollen auf Sponge Bob gestossen bin. Respektlos, albern und unfassbar komisch 🙂
    Und dann der Porter auf der Hauswand. Im Sinne der allgemeinen Verkehrssicherheit ist es besser, wenn man da zu Fuß unterwegs ist. Wobei dann natürlich die Gefahr besteht, überfahren zu werden, erst von den Gefühlen, dann vom 10-Tonner……. Fazit: Fangirls leben gefährlich 😉
    Zum Glück ja alles nur getumblred.
    Ach ja, fürs Protokoll: good to have you back! 😀


    • Ha, kleiner Nachtrag zum Thema Nipple: ich dachte erst, ich hätte mich beim Gucken vertan, aber nein, es existieren 2 verschiedene zerlumpte Hemdchen. Hat das schonal irgendwo einer erwähnt? Eines mit dem Riss über der rechten und eines über der linken Brust. Ist echt lustig, wenn Proctor zum Schluß seine Ausführungen zum Thema: “Ich habs zwar unterschrieben, aber jetzt könnt ich mich mal…” in 2 verschiedenen Hemden vorbringt. Gibt es nicht beim Film extra Leute, die dafür verantwortlich sind, dass die Klamotten in den aufeinanderfolgenden Szenen einigermaßen passen? Tja, der- oder diejenige hatte wohl beim Zusammenschnitt von TC gerade frei.


      • Lol. Nein, es rechnet nur keiner mit den Adleraugen der RAfans. Continuity heißt das, und da hat einer heftig gepennt. Ich finde, man sollte sich beschweren. Sowas lenkt ab. Geld zurück!


        • Läge der Fokus nicht auf den Brustwarzen, wäre ich da wohl so schnell nicht drauf gekommen 🙂 Aber solch eine schwelende Diskussion schärft natürlich den Blick und das Bewußtsein. Und ganz ehrlich, die rechte Brust wollte halt auch mal raus 😉 Also kein Grund für irgendwelche Reklamationen. Ich bin dankbar für die vielen Gründe, derer wegen ich mich damit jetzt dringend und gründlich befassen muß 😀


    • tumblr-Abgründe, du sagst es. Mir macht der Round-up deswegen leider auch immer weniger Spaß. Ist allerdings meine eigene Schuld, da ich die entsprechenden tags nicht geblacklisted habe. Letzten Endes bin ich aber sowieso so oberflächlich und mit kurzer Aufmerksamkeitsspanne gesegnet, dass ich den Mist sofort nach Lesen wieder vergesse 😀 Natürlich wird da derselbe alte Brei immer wieder aufgewärmt. Mir ist das schon über, insofern probiere ich davon auch keinen Happen mehr.
      Och, meinste, dass Dolly kontrovers sein wird? Die Figur ist doch von vornherein sexy angelegt, da kommen wir um gratuitöse Detailbetrachtungen der Armitagschen Figur gar nicht drum rum. Mal sehen, welchen Slash-Akzent wir dann noch vorgelegt bekommen. Ich freue mich darauf, dazuzulernen.
      Porter auf der Hauswand hat schon was. Ich hätte da eine sehr Plakat-freundliche Hauswand direkt gegenüber von meinem Arbeitszimmerfenster zu bieten, die sich als Projektionsfläche anbietet. Muss ich wohl selber mal den Diaprojektor anschmeißen, wenn ich da einen überlebensgroßen Porter haben will. Schön war bei dem Bildchen aber auch das an der Hauswand daneben angemalte Kinderköpfchen, das staunend den Porter-Brustkorb bewunderte…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ja, der Kinderkopf ist klasse. Mir schwebt in Ermangelung einer planen Hausfront in meiner Arbeitsumgebung (alles bloß Büros mit Fensterfronten) eine Sonnenschutz-Lamellen-Variante vor. Diese kann dann mit Positionieren der Lamellen die Hitze in den Büros dort minimieren und direkt an uns Außenstehende in Form dieses Hotties an uns weiterleiten. Das würde die Arbeitsleistung an Sonnentagen bei mir drastisch gegen Null vermindern 🙂


        • Das könnte man evtl. auch innenliegend mit einem Rollo umsetzen? Es soll doch Anbieter geben, die Wunschfotos auf ein Rollo drucken? Klasse Sache… (Da fällt mir ein – ich sollte mal die selbstgebastelte Variante ausprobieren und an die innenliegenden Fensterläden meines Arbeitszimmers ein lebensgroßes RA-Foto kleben. Fällt nicht auf, ungestörtes Drooling garantiert. Gatten-kompatibel.)

          Liked by 1 person

          • Du weißt, ich bin im Rahmen meiner (beschränkten) Möglichkeiten immer gerne mit semi-kreativen Ideen behilflich. Klar, die Innenvariante rockt 😉

            Liked by 2 people

            • kicher 🙂 das ist ne gute Idee, kann man sicher auch as traditionellen Vorhang finden denke ich 😉 Apropos, ja es gab immer 2 Hemden, haben sie sicher wegen eine wichtigen Punk so zusammengepickt denn Kontinuitatsfehler war immer da, beim Mikro auch sichtbar, aber manchmal ist halt der Ausdruck im Gesicht oder so besser gewesen, oder vielleicht war weniger Rotze da 😉 Sie hatten ja nicht sooo viel zum zusammenschneiden. Das ist immer das Problem wenn man live aufnimmt und sich auf sehr wenige Vorstellungen beschranken muss. Aber so kann sich eine Nip nicht von Diskriminierung wegen der anderen beklagen 😉
              Apropos Dekoration, im Old Vic soll es jetzt einen Shop geben und sie sollen prints haben und so, werde mal zusehen dass ich hinkomme und Foto machen von dem was es gibt falls jemand was mochte 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the welcome, Mimi – and yes, back in business with mind and body intact. Only just pining for NZ. (Had to make a trip to the local Natural History Museum yesterday and lessen the loss by looking at the stuffed kiwis in the glass case…) Hugs back.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: 2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #6 | mimicruzc

    • Glad you like the Crucible-overload 😉 Re. Nipplegate – from the POV of someone who saw this play last year, I almost felt like yawning. Seen it, discussed it before. With much guilty conscience, of course, at trivializing Proctor. But then again – *they* put him in *that* outfit with *that* strategically placed rip. Come on, if that wasn’t done for effect, I’ll eat a watercolour by Blake. And yeah – a nice little spooof piece with a hapless costume assistant would not be amiss *ggg*

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Schau an, schau an, ein kleiner angeschmuddelter Pop-Thorin grüßt aus Hobbiton. 🙂

    Rückreise und Willkommensparty (St. Guylty’s Day oder so …) gut überstanden? Bis zum Abwinken NZ-Fotos gesichtet und der Family vorgeschwärmt? Erste Richarding-Anfälle durchgemacht?

    … Na dann: Willkommen daheim! 😀

    Durchklicken werde ich später, morgen oder so, deshalb gibt’s keine Kommentare, aber begrüßen wollte ich dich doch wenigstens. 😉


    • Danke für die Begrüßung, Igelita! Jou, Thorin ist auf der Reise ein bisschen dreckig geworden. Aber ein dreckiger Thorin ist ein guter Thorin *hüstel*.
      Sichtung der NZ-Fotos läuft noch länger – ich fotografiere ja immer lieber als dass ich sichte/editiere/nachbearbeite. Aber *grrrr* irgendwann muss ich dann mal richtig ran. *nerv* Wie gut, dass ich noch bis nächsten Donnerstag “arbeitslos” bin. Bis dahin sollte ich das mal gemacht haben. #Wunschdenken


  5. Great round-up, and love the Pop!Thorin cover photo! 🙂 Welcome back–even though I’ve been avidly following your NZ adventure!

    Regarding Nipplegate, honestly, when I saw the play live (twice, but haven’t downloaded DT yet), I never noticed it. Yes, the washing scene was hard to miss, but like the kissing scene, they were just so crucial to the visceral presentations of this play; when watching the play, I noted those scenes but my heart was wrenching at the same time. So I think being able to highlight these things afterward in a light-hearted and fun way with screencaps and gifs is a perfectly normal reaction. Some people (like me) can’t always vocalize the deep emotions felt after witnessing the play and Richard’s stunning performance. So instead, we marvel and have fun with all of the other wonderful aspects of the man *cough*hawtness*cough* and the play.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Willkommen zu Hause!!!
    Wie gut, dass wieder mal jemand den Blick auf die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens lenkt. Ich werde mich nachher mal in Ruhe durchklicken….
    Ich gebe zu, ich habe TC auch noch nicht runtergeladen. Ich habe es im Kino gesehen und momentan sowieso keine Zeit dazu. Ich werde das irgendwann in Ruhe angehen und lese die vielfältigen Berichte dazu was alles schief gehen kann 😉 und dann natürlich cramerrys Beobachtung mit den Hemden ganz genau studieren.
    Thorin als Streetart – was für eine Idee!! Wir haben ihn auf Flugzeugen, wieso nicht auch auf Häuserwänden? Und wo ich doch so ein faible für streetart habe? Gegenüber haben wir eine Hauswand – nicht allzu groß – aber für den Blick aus dem Wohnzimmerfenster genau richtig – da würde sich ein Thorin doch wirklich gut machen. Schritt2: Finde einen Künstler der mir das sprayt! Das dürfte dann eindeutig das größte Problem daran werden. Daran werde ich mal arbeiten. Am besten mit so einer Art Vorhang für ein zweites Bild das man runterlassen kann wenn die Family nicht zu Hause ist. Meiner Nachbarin gefällt das bestimmt auch, sie fällt in die Zielgruppe der RAarmy. Tolle IDee von Euch! Aber jetzt zu den Links 😉
    ❤ Schön, dass Du wieder da bist!


  7. Glad you are back. I don’t do tumblr so missed nipplegate, but sounds like another phoney controversy created by people who take themselves wayyyyy to o seriously. I have avoided TC download so far, but having seen the play (only once, poor old me), I am not in that big a hurry. The screencaps are great, nipples, kisses, washing, all the wonderful scenery the play provided. Proctor is supposed to be sexy, so what is wrong with acknowledging that, and throwing in some irreverent humor along the way? Puhleeze. Are the Puritans alive and well on tumblr?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ode to a nipple

    A well- defined pec is great,
    But alas created nipplegate.
    A play so weighly and deadly serious,
    Should never make the ladies delirious.
    Though only peeking through a well- placed rip,
    ‘Twas a joy to behold, this awesome nip.
    So we salute RA’s beauteous chest,
    As well as Miller’s play, one of the best.

    Had to add this, nipplegate deserves a poem.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Welcome home Guylty…….
    Well now there are two of us who have neither watched her downloaded copy of “The Poems” or downloaded “The Crucible” yet….bad fangirls both, and I haven’t seen the play in any form before so that must make me doubly awful ;o) I admit though that it’s purely because I am skint until Wednesday that I haven’t acquired The Crucible yet and that’s due to buying a whole heap of table decorations, fancy cake and flower arrangements from the florist for my parent’s coming 60th Wedding Anniversary function, but that’s no excuse I know, and a bad fangirl I remain :o(
    Some people from areas around the East Coast of NZ and Gisborne were evacuated due to after effects of cyclone Pam which devastated Vanuatu. Seas rose 5 metres at Gisborne but they didn’t get much wind luckily and didn’t endure severe damage. It was only a week after you left Guylty, I’m so glad you weren’t there. xx.


    • oh my poor people 😦 hope not too much damage was done and that people are ok.. phew Lucky Guylty they didn’t encounter severe weather problems..
      and not to worry you two are not the only bad fangirls 😉 same here 🙂


  10. welcome baaaack! so happy you are here again 🙂 i was wondering if you’d have the time for the roundup 🙂 So glad you did! I feel bad as i haven’t been on tmblr at all these past week, but i don’t know how they passed tbh. Your lovely posts made time fly and in a pleasant way!
    You know the crazy fan-world, always stuff going on, poems, awards, nominations, new projects, Hannibal, cinemas etc It never stops! 🙂 Thankfully most stuff can be caught up with at any time 🙂 I’m bad as well as i haven’t downloaded, but with a TV that doesn’t even know USB, never mind HDMI and a tiny laptop which is several years old i have little technical incentive to do so in a hurry. I’m still debating another #onelasttime in the cinema but at 20 a pop when the download costs half i’m undecided yet as 4 full hours of peace are very hard to come by at the moment unless i give up sleep.
    I love the artwork, particularly the woolly-sheepy one 🙂 I think i need to try and make his acquaintance soon 😉
    Loved the roundup! (although i had to go somewhere else for square-pants! which made me laugh as i remembered us staring at a poster of him for hours waiting in December, remember that? 😀 . what can i say, sponge-bob has good taste ‘ggg’)
    Must be a bit weird dor you, leaving in the middle of a Thorin flood and coming back to all things Proctor when you are probably still in Thorin mood, understandably 🙂 I have to admit i have only parted from Thorin this week myself (though he’s still on my mobile). Love the travel-worn Pop T 🙂 dirt does look good on him 🙂
    But i don’t mind the Proctor wave, unbelievably i’ve not yet had my fill or have reached my limit on this 🙂 So keep them coming i what i say.
    I like both the emotional ones as i can hear it straight in my head and the funny ones as enough time has passed and i’m familiar enough with it to enjoy the funny images 🙂
    Loved the 2012 anecdote, hadn’t heard it 🙂 And the hand porn! Mkes me realise that in spite of all the energy and power Proctor exuded at times he’s always so graceful in his hand movements (maybe i do need to watch it again 😉 )
    In terms of what you missed, probably the best thing 😉 he got nominated for the Olivier! How amazing is that???? it’s been almost 2 weeks now but i still gives me great pleasure to just say it 🙂
    Thanks for the round-up , much needed boost of energy to deal with weekend schedule and chores, xx

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Welcome Home! It’s nice to have you back. re the Roundup, I am totally in love with the plush dolls. I have thought of making myself a plush Grandpa Pabbie from “Frozen” (since Disney inconsiderately failed to do so) but have not yet gotten around to it…


  12. Well come back Guylty ! I hope you did not forget Pop Thorin in NZ. He seems lost with his cute puppy eyes. I will make a little comment for n0. 2. To make a summary of The Crucible speaking only about a wet and half naked RA and a passionate kiss (even if it’s very important) is the same to say that Hamlet is only one sentence “to be or not to be”. There is so much more than this. There are more than 20 fantastic actors and our lovely man too doing a wonderful performance for more than 3 hours. There are the 5 stars given by the most important press magazines on The Crucible and last but not least, there are the real tears on Richard’s face every night, his powerfull voice, the music so special, the light with all the shadows, the breath of 1000 people, the standing ovation in front of a broken actor, and many other things I cannot list here but what is sure is that a kiss and a half naked RA are only 2 out of 50 shades of John Proctor.

    Liked by 1 person

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