2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #8

Ok, first of all, have you recovered from this:


Note: No bad language was used in the making of this gif *snarks*

Right, that – or rather the Twitter Q&A that followed that – dominated the week. Just to say that I very much enjoyed Richard’s answers to the well-chosen questions. (Congrats to those whose Qs were picked. They were worth answering.) I’ve said it elsewhere, but I really am quite impressed with the eloquence he harnesses in 140 characters. Some of his answers really struck a chord with me because he expressed himself really beautifully – and thoughtfully at the same time.

Ok, enough swooning. Tumblr came up with some new goods this week, too, and they are worth looking at. The new RA31DC (Richard Armitage 31 Day Challenge) for instance proves really exciting. I loved reading the personal reflections that the bloggers are adding to their answers to the challenge. As usual, it gives more insight into *their* minds than into the actor/chaRActer they are writing about, and I really enjoy that. You will find some of them in the round-up. Here we go.

round up header NZ 8


  1. ledamemangociana gives Pop! Thorin the Arkenstone – cute
  2. lethal-desires has visualised Dolarhyde’s story in gifs. Here’s part 1. SPOILERS
  3. *giggles helplessly* Thank you the-majestic-king-thorin for this link to the BOFA EE interview with Richard
  4. Very simple graphic representation of RA. lizzymell1994 says it’s her first attempt. I really like it
  5. This is a richardarmitageconfession that sums up my attitude (but isn’t mine)
  6. I really liked applefia2036’s edits of well-known magazine shots of Richard
  7. LOL – sketchlavie illustrates “Richard being considerate to others” etc. Love me a bit of irony!
  8. Zeesmuse publishes aside 3B from “Manna” via rasexualfrustration – well-worth reading!!!
  9. richardslittle-infinity has a number of edits in the same vein as this pic of Thorin. I like the design
  10. larygo seems to have been able to make the rider picture of RA bigger without losing quality. For those of you who want to see RA’s thighs face better
  11. richardarmitageforever’s must-watch work of RA on Day 5 of RA31DC
  12. binglybonglybeep calls out RA US. I’m not linking this here to stir trouble, but I’d be interested to know if you thought that a) there was much to criticize in the Q&A and b) if criticizing is off-limits and c) taints all of us?
  13. A quote from the Q&A that is worth repeating here. Posted by benedictarabic
  14. I hope circusgif’s gif doesn’t provoke a “bend-over-table-gate”
  15. @ theplaid-wearingmoose: yes
  16. warspaetgestern digs up a quote from Harry Lloyd (Will Scarlett in RH) on working with Richard
  17. Thorin the blacksmith by goodgirlheather. I’d rather like to see him without the apron…
  18. An updated compilation of the Armitage Selfie oeuvre. What’s with the weird angle, mister? Guylty must write a collective *ooof* on that, I think. Maybe that’s something for the annual birthday post?
  19. baneofdurin quips re. the aforementioned Q&A eloquence LOL
  20. Mezzmerizedbyrichard very beautifully expresses (and illustrates) for Day 4 of RA31DC what is so attractive about Richard

20 is a good number. I think I’ll leave it at that even though I haven’t covered *all* the ground. Which means that tumblr is alive and heaving with RA-related stuff at the mo. That’s good, isn’t it? And with the end of the Hannibal shoot and Richard upping sticks for Europe, maybe we’ll see some more of him? Hope he gets a bit of a break before he has to brave the weather on this stormy little island. That’s if he is filming here at all. But if he is, my lovely mint tin that I bought last week will be topical…

I’ll show you Connemara, a beautiful area in the County of Galway in the West of Ireland, in another post. If you want to see bits of Co. Mayo, another of the film locations reported so far, you could look at the little slide show I made for my OT photo post last November. Re-watching that just now it struck me how some images reminded me of NZ…


40 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #8

    • Arrggggg, giggles helplessly……. Zum Glück versteht mich hier fast keiner. Schnell, lösch’ das 🙂
      Ich versuche jetzt, das zu verstehen. Bin wohl wegen mangelder Nahrungszufuhr noch ein wenig trödelig im Kopf.
      Kommentar folgt.


      • Jetzt aber mal Butter bei die Fische:
        5: unterschreibe ich blind, kann man nicht oft genug wiederholen
        8: hatte ich schon abgearbeitet, schwer talentiert die Frau. Die Story entwickelt Suchtcharakter 😉
        10: jaaaaa, JETZT ist der Typ noch schärfer….. manchmal ist das Gesicht garnicht so ausschlaggebend.
        12: ach was täten wir ohne die Moralkeulenschwinger. Ich glaube, mir ist da bei RA US bisher irgendwas entgangen. Mein persönlicher Moral- und Kritik-Radar empfängt jedenfalls auf einem anderen Kanal…..
        14: ich habe mich sowieso schon gefragt, wann sich die Erste mal DIESES Themas annimmt. Bringt auf jeden Fall Abwechslung in die tragische Handlung und führt mal wieder mehr ins körperlich Zwischenmenschliche.
        15: auch yes!
        18: also, das wäre mir auch ein Anliegen, diese Selfies unter dem Gesichtspunkt dieser offensichtlichen Anglitage mal gründlicher unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Mich verwirrt diese Schiefitage immer sehr. Da sieht er ungewollt gerne mal doof aus ( ich will nicht gröber werden, als nötig 😉 )
        20: was für eine reizende Zusammenstellung im folgenden Link. Ich glaube, sie hat fast nichts von seinen Reizen vergessen 🙂
        Schön war’s wieder. Danke.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Ja, war wieder mal eine schöne Mischung aus Drool und Reflexion. Das mit den Selfies muss ich mir wirklich mal vornehmen. Das hat ja irgendwie schon System bei Armitage. Ich denke dabei immer an diese Passfotos aus den 80er Jahren, wo man sich so ins Bild reinlehnen musste. Grau-en-voll…


          • Der braucht enfach mal jemanden, der ihm die richtige Selfie-Pose beibringt. Also Abstand zur Linse und den Neigungswinkel des erlauchten Hauptes. Und wenn das sitzt, DANN kann er sich nochmal um den richtigen Gesichtsausdruck kümmern. Mensch, das können ja 13-jährige besser 🙂


        • I know #8 is about me and I had to throw it into a German Translator! thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.


          Ich weiß #8 geht es um mich und ich musste es in einem deutsch-Übersetzer zu werfen! Vielen Dank. Ich bin froh, dass du es genießt.

          (That’s not me. That’s the Starz21 translator)

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Hah, endlich wieder ein gemütlicher Samstagmorgen-Genuss! Danke! 🙂

    Letzte Woche habe ich unfreiwillig pausiert; weiß gar nicht, wie ich das überstanden habe. Hööööllisch, sag ich euch!! 😦
    Das einzig Gute daran ist, dass ich noch etliches nachzuholen habe. 😉

    Da ich nicht weiß, um welchen Sturm im Wasserglas es bei der 12 genau geht, beschränke ich mich auf:
    a) Für mich gab’s da nichts zu kritisieren,
    b) man *darf* immer kritisieren, wenn man das für nötig hält, aber man ist nicht dazu verpflichtet, sich selber Sachen schlecht zu reden, wenn man sie ebenso gut einfach genießen und sich daran erfreuen könnte, und
    c) dass es solche und solche Leute überall gibt (also auch in jedem Fandom), ist allen klar, die schon mal mit größeren Gruppen zu tun hatten, und den meisten Menschen kann man zutrauen, nicht von einer Person auf Tausende andere zu schließen.


    • Hallihallo – und wie schön, das Igelchen wieder zu lesen!!!
      Und danke für deine Meinung zum Thema – es ging wohl irgendwie darum, dass Kritik am Twitter Q&A von Mr A geuebt worden war. Und zwar von jemandem, der eben dank seines Twitter-Namens offizioes klingt. Ich denke da so wie du. Kritik ist immer erlaubt, ist eher die Frage, in welcher Form sie stattfindet.


      • Oh, ich hatte schon da oben im Link gelesen, aus welcher Ecke die Kritik kam. Ich weiß nur nicht, was sie denn eigentlich gemault hat, weil ich manche Seiten nicht unbedingt verfolgen muss. *Schultern zuck*


  2. I really enjoyed the selfie and magazine shot roundups. Would like to see your shots of Connemara. I recall Mr. H. saying he “has a dream to do a film in the west, Donegal or Connemara.” That must mean it’s a beautiful place!


    • It’s really handy when they compile the photography into edits. I quite like that, myself. Well, I suppose nothing can go wrong when *he* is in it 🙂
      As for Connemara – will definitely make a post with a few pictures. It’s a beuatiful and wild part of the country, rocks, mountains, castles, nicely remote, too. CH could do worse than film in that part of Ireland.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. As always, tons of good stuff that I missed. tumblr moves too fast for me to keep up some weeks…that’s a good thing since it usually means there’s a lot going on.

    There are several items here that are really topical in light of the past few weeks. I’ve been reflecting a lot about opinions and the “right” to express them recently. IMO (😜) there’s room for a vast array of opinions if only people could remember that while “free speech” allows you the expression of your opinion, it also allows for others to disagree with that opinion. Disagreement doesn’t immediately NEED to descend to ugliness.

    I have lifelong friends with whom I disagree on any number of things…we debate, we argue, we usually agree to disagree. It seems like a sad sign of the times when so many differing opinions episodes end up in a hostile “my way is the only right way” impasse.

    RAUS? I think (again…only my opinion…informed observationally) that there is a certain precedent of behavior there that rubs the wrong way. It’s not always what is said, but rather the way it is said that rankles. I’m not entirely sure that ranklement isn’t exactly the intention. There’s my two cents worth 🙂

    If I don’t talk to you, have a happy and peaceful (how’s that going?) Easter.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lots of good stuff. Thank you. I’m on hiatus from Tumblr right now – with the exception of posting at RASF )Nemo’s been updated) so I’ll have a basis to work on and look at, if I ever go back.

    I got a really interesting request yesterday. I’m going to share it on my blog, but I’ll spill the beans here as well. Someone has asked me if they can translate Manna and the Sides (Aside from Manna and The Shepherd) into German and post them at their German fanfiction site. I don’t know which site it is and have asked for a link, but I’m rather… I’m blushing!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Another terrific round-up Guylty, I don’t know how you do it but I’m glad you do! xx.
    Watched The Crucible for the first time yesterday, it’s still stuck in my mind, powerful stuff.


    • Thanks austoz – hehe, it takes a bit of time, but it’s always worth while because afterwards we all get to chat 🙂
      Oh, and your first encounter with TC. Yes, it really is very powerful. I take it you enjoyed it. You must watch it again and see what it is like when you have overcome the first awe 😉


  6. I love that gif LOL and relieved it wasn’t just me 😉
    Wasn’t aware of the tumbler challenge but will try and make time to have a look more often 🙂 Sounds like a great idea.
    2- that is eerie how well it fits.. strange to think a few months ago we all went: WHAT??? Doesn’t seem that odd a choice these days at all 😉
    3- LOL.. very good indeed! 4- pretty!!! 5 –jawohl , well said.
    8- thank you Zee for more of Guy and more of Gary 🙂
    9- really cool edit
    10 –the face??? Oh, riiight, right! The .. face, cough cough
    11- yes fully agree, Lucas was/is really special , have only watched the first RA season so far but I really like it, not sure if I want to watch his last one..
    12- sigh, here’s my 2 pennies- I loved this QA, I thought it was a particularly good one, loved the questions chosen, loved the answers given even more, it had a perfect end for me, I keep going back to his answers to re-read them 🙂 So in this case I have no idea what there would be to criticise about it. But it is always personal how we perceive things. Having said that, yes of course anything and anyone can be criticised, why not? But you sometimes wonder if it is worth it to pick at everything and anything. Some things are more important than others, some things are worth being talked about and some other less so. Having said that and I think I’ve said that before for myself: no opinion is my own or represents me but my own or unless I specifically say so. Nobody represents me but myself. I don’t feel either responsible or involved in what other people say, it is my choice to get involved if I so choose but it will do so clearly. And I think RA understands that everyone is their own person with their individual opinions. He’s smart enough and mature enough 🙂 I also don’t feel the need or have the time to read or have an opinion about what anyone says to or about RA. Shrugs, I suspect he also doesn’t have the time or bother reading most of it 🙂
    14 – 🙂 I find it fascinating how they managed to make it very physical and intense but at the same time if you look closely he is bracing her against his arm, making sure he doesn’t hurt her 🙂 nice.
    15- ‘ggg’
    16 I don’t believe that for a minute!!! 🙂 I am sure he’s far away from dad-dancing 🙂
    17- health and safety! Health and safety!
    18-oof please 😉 I have to say I really like the last one, there is something natural and normal about it , I can even see a hint of dishevelled hairs 😉
    20- so so yes, gets me every time too 🙂
    Thanks again for the lovely round up, I wonder if I can skip work tomorrow on account of not having finished all my Richarding chores??? Surely that is a good excuse…

    And yes please to pics of Connemara 🙂


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