2015 Armitage Weekly Round-Up – tumblr edition #15

Apologies for another late round-up publication. I did not collect links during the week because I was occupied elsewhere. And now I am trying to catch up – which seems futile in the face of thousands of posts after the first reveal of Francis Dolarhyde… You could say that this is actually a Dolarhyde Special *ggg*… So much so that finally the time has come to replace my old Pop!Thorin Round-up banner with a new one. But anyway, the “Dolarhyde Supremacy” is not all that bad, considering the amount of skin we have been teased with. I feel some shrine work coming on. I am intrigued, to say the least, and not only by the Dolarhyde storyline. Much to my surprise I found myself fascinated by the glimpses into the other storylines mentioned in the promo trailer. Not so much Will Graham (he is slightly too whiney for my taste), but Hannibal and Bedelia. And boy, I did NOT see that coming. I thought Hannibal would eternally repel me. But in combination with Bedelia, the psychology of her involvement with Hannibal (and his crimes) has really gripped me. Anyhow, here we go then…

Hannibal round up

  1. Idontfindyouthatinteresting unifies and combines the glimpses of Dolarhyde with a quote. Not sure what the quote is, but sure looks great in this gif set
  2. caffeineheroes shows us a variation on the “awkwardslide”. Tbh, I don’t find it that awkward at all – but I like looking at it
  3. WOW! Now here is a variation on the Red Dragon tattoo that I would’ve found truly different. It’s part of red-nightlife’s entry to tattle-crime’s #BoldlyBecoming fan art contest. Totally love this artwork
  4. Clematis70 has a photo set that says what I am thinking, too – and boy, it surprises me that I am feeling this way… Shit, is it really that long???
  5. LOL!! Thorin-baconshield aka rashisama aka Grace shows off a trading card in a somewhat familiar way
  6. Some fan art drawings by antatius. I think he/she really has a knack of catching his likeness really well
  7. Remember the Yankee Candle post from last week? Steampagan has it. Now it’s perfect. (And I still haven’t been down to the YC shop…)
  8. I am trying to decide whether cro-gall’s post of Richard’s Weibo #Pilgrimage post is actually a painting or a manip. It’s cool, though
  9. Ooooooooooooooooh. I loooooooooooove this fan art of Red Dragon by ezyoung. So sleek, so clean, and yes, I’d like to pull that bow open. With my teeth, actually
  10. Well, then you would nicely complement his left nipple, wouldn’t you??? (from richardarmitageconfessions)
  11. A photo set by sympathyforthecannibal that allows you to compare all three versions of the Red Dragon tattoo. I haven’t made my mind up yet because I’d like to see RA’s version in greater detail
  12. And now for something different – a NSFW Thorin Oakenshield fantasy by triple-r-porn. Read at own risk!
  13. Oh, *is* Richard aware of tumblr? I didn’t know. But if so, I will feel a bit like the anonymous confessor on richardarmitage-confidential
  14. Great gif set by lethal-desires of the new Dolarhyde scenes
  15. Eeeeek – the first gif in this set by tooth-fairytales – the horns had totally passed me by in the Hannibal teaser clip. Will Dolarhyde be wearing them when he is the Red Dragon? Now, *that* would be a new, great interpretation. So excited right now
  16. I love these three text post initial reactions to the Dolyarhyde reveal on tumblr. A point! Sherlockholmeson, eronadventures and sarah-pete-designs
  17. Look-back-look-back-at-me has caught RA’s expressions in the Hannibal promo interview. I really never get tired of looking at his face…
  18. Sounds like applefia2036 has a series of posts on. Colourwheel blue – looks very good on and around RA, don’t you think?
  19. Sorry, not new. But I couldn’t resist linking britscatsandromance’s picture post in here. My GAWD! Such a suggestive, challenging look. Straight addressing of my ovaries. Honestly. I can feel them. Sorry. TMI. (And me still not a beard fan…) (But the nose! The glorious nose!!! Awwww, damn!!!!)
  20. Hear, hear, richardarmitageforever – is there a petition I can sign?
  21. Fringeofmadness put together a few gifs that shows Richard (deliberately? mis)interpreting himself. Come on, Richard, we know you have a naughty mind!!! I only say “pre-coital or post”…
  22. Microlina got some more info about #Pilgrimage out of scriptwriter Jamie Hannigan
  23. OMG, halapapita’s Thornton doll is adoRAble!!! And look at the set-up she created for him. Perfect!

I know that I have missed stuff on tumblr this week. Let’s face it – Dolarhyde has completely overshadowed everything else. Good marketing *hehe*.

Enjoy the run-up to the great becoming, then…

Good weekend, everyone!

Guylty ❤

44 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-Up – tumblr edition #15

  1. 9) Bow string 😉 Dolly unsere Überraschungspaket.
    19) *wave* beardlover meets nose-lover. Verboten gehört sowas! Also, so auszusehen. Hat der Mann eigentlich einen Waffenschein oder Strahlenpass? Sowas kann man doch nicht unbeaufsichtigt auf die Menschheit vulgo die Frauen loslassen……. Schnell die Schutzbrille aufgesetzt 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, bei Nr 19 war ich einfach machtlos. Natürlich schon tausendmal gesehen, das Foto. Und tausendmal ist nichts geschehen. (Hallo, Klaus Lage!) Und dann macht’s plötzlich ZOOM. 😀 Der Blick hat mich voll getroffen. Die Mischung aus “wink wink, nudge nudge, come on and get me, girl” und “I have no idea what you mean, I am only looking aggressively, it is *you* who is interpreting it in a different way”… Mannomann, Strahlenpass ist noch untertrieben. Der Mann gehört in einen Atombunker. Mit Rund-um-die-Uhr-Bewachung durch seine Army.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: ICYMI: More Information on Pilgrimage Plot | Armitage Agonistes

  3. Aaaaaaah, doch noch eine Sammlung Leckerbissen! 🙂

    Ich dachte, du verschiebst es vielleicht auf morgen oder lässt es mal ganz ausfallen. Es hätte dir sicherlich niemand verübelt. – Aber um so netter war die Überraschung. Danke sehr! ❤

    Oh, und sei vorsichtig – nicht dass wir uns daran gewöhnen, so verwöhnt zu werden … 😉


    • Tbh, ich hatte schon daran gedacht. Und dann fand ich doch, dass ich meinen Pflichten nachkommen sollte 😉
      Hehe, und nix da verwöhnen. Ich bin höchst eigensüchtig mit meiner Bloggerei.


      • Solange du uns verwöhnst, sei dir deine “höchst eigensüchtige” Haltung beim Bloggen großzügig gegönnt. 😛

        Gestern vergessen: Ich mag das neue Round-up-Bildchen.
        So sieht er bestimmt aus, wenn er über deine samstägliche Sammlung stolpert – hin und her gerissen zwischen Hände-vors-Gesicht-Schlagen und Blogger-Erwürgen … 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. bei der Nr. 1 den Gymnastikübungen fage ich mich jedesmal wo das Tatoo abgeblieben ist? Es zieht sich offensichtlich über beide Schultern, aber Gymnastik macht er ohne? – sorry, bin heute in Krittellaune 🙂
    Ansonsten finde ich alle die Verrenkungen, sei es jetzt mit den Fingern (was die noch so alles anstellen könnten), dem Body oder den Oberarmen echt heiß. Aber das solls ja auch sein, sonst würde das Tatoobild nicht gerade über der interessanten Stelle auf hören…. ein Appetizer halt, ich nehme das gerne und bin gespannt auf weitere Bilder.
    Bei Pilgrimage befürchte ich, dass unser intriganter Ritter ziemlich schnell gemeuchelt wird, sonst wäre er wohl jetzt kaum schon raus?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Huhu, die Damen.

    Spekulativ: Möglicherweise sehen wir in der Krabbelszene einen erwachenden Drachen? Also: Eine körperliche Reaktion Dollys, seine Erkenntnis, dass da ein Drache in ihm steckt, der heraus will?

    Wir werden’s sehen.


    • Also im Buch gibt es keine “erwachender Drachen” Szene, vielleicht haben sie ja was dazugedichtet, das kennen wir ja schon – aber bin schon sehr gespannt wo die auftaucht.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Im Buch wird dazu kaum was gesagt, also könnte ich mir schon vorstellen, dass sie das dazugedichtet haben.
        Und diese seltsamen Verrenkungen … *Schultern zuck* Ich fänd’s dazu passend.

        Aber natürlich weiß ich auch nicht mehr. Also: Könnte bitte jemand die Zeit vordrehen?! 😀

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow, Dolarhyde dominates 😉 thanks for finding the time to do this as well as everything else! It is nice for all of it to be this busy again 🙂
    3- wow that is truly scary and quite in the spirit of the show I would think
    7- that is a perfect mountain cabin candle 😉
    9-nicely tied package, erm ribbon 🙂
    11- I kind of like monochrome best or at least that interpretations as it feels more creative..
    13-wonder what he’ think of tumbler in comparison to twitter 🙂
    15- the black figure with the horns is Hannibal, at least he’s been it throughout the first 2 seasons… but nevertheless do wonder how they will incorporate the dragon’s horns..
    17- you’re so right, just what I was thinking – I never get tired of watching his face and how animated it gets when he thinks or talks or reacts to something
    19- hadn’t actually seen this one! I have one on my desktop at the moment from that series but I like this even better 🙂
    20- yes we need a new professional photo-shoot.. for anything really, would be nice if it were from a new photographer as well to get some new perspectives…
    22- aha, so sounds like maybe the psychological aspect will be discovering or understand a bit more about the motivations of the monks for the journey but also of their opponents.. of which they seem to have gotten rid of some quite quickly… siiiiighhhhhh
    23- aww, basket and all, sweet! 🙂


    • With all the excitement building re. Dolarhyde, it is getting harder and harder to stay away from Hannibal, I guess. The Fannibals are really quite active, and it’s exciting to get into that, I must say.
      15 – oh, I didn’t realize that was Hannibal with the horns. Interesting! What’s the significance of the horns on him then? Or should it be antlers? I seem to vaguely remember that there was some sort of antler theme in previous seasons?


      • oh i used the wrong word! they are antlers, he’s always portrayed, especially in Will’s dark fantasies as a black stag, mostly in human form, completely black but with two big pairs of antlers growing out of his head. Tbh i can’t remember from season 1 how that came about, by s2 it is so established that it is no longer explained 😦 Sorry maybe somebody here has watched more carefully and remembers why.. Ah look what i found, the hannibals have a sort of wiki where it is described and pictured 😉


  7. Now, this took me a while to work through all this!! Da kommt frau vom Hundertsten ins Tausendste!!
    but……17 ) Beautiful, youngish and innocent (almost chaste) looking RA. Actually when I saw the trailer the first time the formerly often used expression ‘shy’ came to my mind again, despite I think we haven’t seen a shy RA in an interview for quite some time now. Don’t let me get this wrong: He’s supposedly a serial killer here….. right????? 🙂


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