Tuesday – Muse-Day?

I’ve been thinking lately. Yes, and it did not hurt, even though I am a natural blonde. No, seriously. This happened at the weekend when Armitage somewhat shocked us with his out-of-the-blue tweet that he had wrapped on Pilgrimage. Was it maybe just a typo or his “ortocurrect” and he really meant “Rapped”??? I’d like to hear that, btw, a RAp. Can some brilliant creative mind from the ranks of the Army please visualize/audialize that for me???  Because then I saw this today, from RA’s castmate on Pilgrimage, Irish actor/stuntman Tristan McConnell.


Ok, it’s from Sunday, and maybe he took the picture last week, so no need to get the knickers in a twist. The fact of the matter still stands – I mused what kind of topics we are going to amuse ourselves with now, that the current project is done with. Mr A’s next (known) project is Clearance, due to start filming in the autumn in gorgeous South Africa. Until then there is the summer. Or Summer? Whatever happened to *that* project??? Or will we get tided over the upcoming period of quiet by soon-to-start season 3 of Hannibal, which – frankly – won’t really attract me until Mr A makes his entrance as Francis Dolarhyde in episode 8.

It may just be a case of creating our own amusements again. I’ve been gagging for some more substantial topics again and jumped at the chance to get my teeth into some meaty discussions when Servetus recently started posting on the idea of an Armitage Religion or Armitage as Tulpa. Not that those posts can be belittled as “amusing”. But maybe, in the absence/expectation of less news (apart from the occasional promo tweet courtesy of @RCArmitage) it is not such a bad idea to look back at the community, or at fandom, or at ourselves as bloggers and readers. In that sense, the little fundraiser from last week certainly had one by-product for me, personally – a renewal and discovery of contacts within the fandom which went beyond the reach of this insignificant little blog. It may just be me, but I *love* getting to know people. And I love knowing more about them.

Ok, with all my bold letters and a conspicuous title, you have probably copped on that I am up to something. No, I am not finally understanding that RA is a muse. Doh, I made *that* realization rather belatedly last summer. But my pun and adage refers to the verb “muse”, as in “to wonder, the speculate, to think”. Even before coming to the profound *coughs* conclusions above last weekend, or before I realized that we are looking at a summer recess, a period which we rather descriptively and more fittingly call Saure-Gurken-Zeit in German (translates into “pickled gherkins period” – i.e. a period, usually in the summer, when the season yields little news in politics, business and culture), I had toyed with the idea of instigating a little navel-gazing project. An opportunity for bloggers to more or less advertise their blogs, or to while away the time with some introspective thoughts about blogging. I have come up with my own little Blog Introspection Challenge which I am going to post on Tuesdays, my new Muse Day. This is how it goes:

15 blog-related questions. To be answered in a post. Each. Or in one. With links, pictures. Diving into the stats and into the archives, to understand the why and the how of blogging Armitage – or any other topic, for that matter. This is the challenge:

blog intro challenge

Challenge ButtonWell, I certainly will while away my time with this, whether you like it, are interested in it, or not. *evil egotistical laugh* But if you feel like joining in, please do. Give us an insight into your blog – and your life as a blogger. And pass this on to your favourite bloggers in order to learn more about them. You can answer this in one go. Or make every question a post of its own. Pass on to any blog within or without your usual circle. And if you have finished the Blog Introspection Challenge, you can proudly display your participation with this badge (right).

I hope someone might take me up on the challenge. And I’d love to hear from the commentators what *they* think. What are *their* favourite this and thats. I’ll be asking them as I go through my list.

67 thoughts on “Tuesday – Muse-Day?

  1. Hey, gute Idee, die Bloggerovas sinnvoll zu beschäftigen (und immer wieder blitzt die Lehrkraft durch). Lehne mich entspannt zurück und harre den Ergebnissen mit Spannung. 😀


    • Scheiße, einmal Lehrer, immer Lehrer. Immer schön pädagogisch sinnvoll und sozial integrativ, nech? Jaja, so ist das. Und dann auch noch potenziert durch zertifizierten Persönlichkeitstypus ESFJ / ENFP.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Waaaaahnsinn, da wird ja wieder im ganz großen Stil geklugscheissert! Musste mir das erstmal zurechtgooglen. Ach, wenn ich dich nicht hätte, wer würde mir dann bloß ab und zu mal den nötigen verbalen Arschtritt ins Hirn verpassen 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hahaha, ich hätte wirklich im Fach bleiben sollen. Und ich sags dir, das Klugscheißen ins Hirn der Schüler hat auch Spaß gemacht. Wenn da nur nicht die nervigen Eltern gewesen wären. Und die ätzenden Vorgesetzten…


          • Wie schön, dass du hier auf deinem Blog den angenehmen Seiten des Lehrerdaseins frönen kannst, ohne lästige Nebeneffekte wie “Eltern” oder “Vorgesetzte”. Wirklich schlau gelöst, denn zum Thema Fotografie bist du hier auf weiter Flur DIE Kapazität. Da kannst du uns eine Menge weismachen, bis wir mal merken, ob du nur dünne Bretter bohrst. 😉


            • *kicher* Haha, da hab ich mir natürlich absichtlich ein thema ausgesucht, bei dem mir nicht so schnell einer beikommt. Allerdings war mein Steckenpferd “Geschichte” ja schon besetzt, und Richard Armitage vom innenarchitektonischen Standpunkt her war jetzt nicht sooo ergiebig… Obwohl, da könnte man auch noch ein Blog draus machen, so nach dem Motto “Welche Hosenform sieht auf der Le Corbusier-Liege am vorteilhaftesten aus?” Mannomann, die Mög-lich-kei-ten, die sich hier bieten… schier unerschöpflich!


  2. Cool! I was just thinking how aMUSEd I am that I can breathe again for the first time since January now that the spring term is in the books. This might be just the thing I need to get back into the swing of posting regularly while I MUSE on some classical topics I’ve been idly kicking around! IntRAspection ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bring it on!!! I was really restless yesterday, even though I somewhat enjoyed not having any blog duties on my shoulders. And hey, if it gets boring, one can *always* talk about oneself *ahem*. Would love it if you took part!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Well, I don’t even think that this challenge is that much about yourself, as about re-visiting your blog and digging through the archive to regale your readers with posts they may not have read yet. So you are absolved and may introspect to your heart’s content.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Ich hoffe ja nicht, dass es eine saure Gurken Zeit gibt aber die Idee finde ich toll.
    Freue mich schon auf hoffentlich viele andere Beiträge um neue Blogs kennen zu lernen und werde meinen Teil dazu beitragen. Brauche allerdings ein bisschen Zeit, ich bekomme morgen Besuch und Shakespeare ist angesagt, time limit?


    • Super, freue mich, wenn du mitmachst! Und nein, es gibt kein Time Limit – ich poste das Ganze ja auch sozusagen erst nach und nach, vermutlich einmal die Woche, jeden Dienstag. Aber im Grunde kann man die Liste auch in einem einzigen Beitrag verwursten – oder in einer Woche runterziehen. Was auch immer gefällt und Spaß macht!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Das hast Du aber schön formuliert – edukativer Nebeneffekt, in meinem Fall: wo finde ich die Statistik die ich hier brauche? Zum glück musste ich nur noch nach den kommentaren gucken, die hatte natürlich RA, die meisten Post-Klicks allerdings nicht…..bei mir wird es wohl eher ein Post für alle Fragen, bin gespannt was die Anderen schreiben!!!!


  4. You rang?

    This would be an interesting challenge…. I fear there are parts from mine that owuld make people cringe….

    I suspect our darling has something up his sleeve. He doesn’t rest for long, I’m discovering…

    Liked by 3 people

    • What? I rang? Whom? When? What?
      Cringey parts – ooooh, we like to see those 😀 If only to see that there are others who do the same stuff that we do 😉
      And yes, I doubt he’s idle. He never seems to be. And he couldn’t be – in *that* business. It’s just that there hasn’t been any work announced for the summer, that’s all. And btw – I don’t grudge him his holidays. Time to look after yourself, Armitage!


  5. As you know, I am not a blogger but I cannot keep still. Just have to say, what a great idea to give bloggers a creative jolt and a chance to share their thoughts beyond their own platforms. Well done! I can’t wait to see what insights come out of your challenge.


    • hehe, you will not escape, though, Kathy – I intend to ask my commentator-only readers to apply the questions to their own activities within the Armitage blog world. 🙂
      But I am very glad the idea is gaining traction. I am merely curious, and I was hoping others are, too…


  6. I thought I loved you before but I’m sure of it now…I love “challenge” questions!! and I haven’t answered any in awhile so you better believe I will be answering yours! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. For you Guylty, almost anything. I’ll give it a whirl and answer most of the questions. But by “pass it along” to other bloggers, do you mean pass the challenge along? Coincidentally, just last night I sent links of some my favorite posts and most popular to a RL friend who asked how to access my blog, so I’ve got a leg up.


    • Aw, Perry 🙂 ❤ It goes without saying that no one is obliged, and people can choose how much or how little to say. And by passing on I mean linking in or leaving a comment with a link to your challenge post on other blogs that you read – whether within Armitageworld or without – and whose authors you would like to know more about. Thanks 🙂


  8. Hi you, Mrs Restless!! Nice one! But as you are threatening us sensitive and apprehensive fangirls with a probable “Saure-Gurken-Zeit” (oh je!! 😉 ), I swiftly wanted to ask (you Twitter-ladies): Has anyone of you ever asked Candida Brady whether she can inform us/give us some hints about the whereabouts of her film “Urban and the Shed Crew”??? There really is a too little talk about this production……. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know – whenever I think I can finally lie low, some “brilliant” idea pops up in my half-brained head… BTW – commentators are eligible for participation, too – just answer the challenge in the comments 😉
      As for the wherabouts of Urban and the Shed Crew – good idea, someone tweet her, and tag Armitage into it. Maybe he has something to add?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Blog Intro Challenge 1: What made you start blogging? | Guylty Pleasure

  10. Pingback: Bringing Back Socks with Sandals « Nowhere in Particular RA

  11. I love this idea and I’ll definitely take part. This will force me to figure out how to tell what my top posts are (well, I’d be stupid if I didn’t have some idea which ones they are) but there are several contenders and I don’t know which. Should be fun and interesting!


    • *claps hands* yay – geat!! I was hoping you would. And yes, there is some sort of benefit in this challenge (apart from advertising ourselves) in that we have to negotiate our way through the stats page. Guylty is ever the schoolmistress *lol*. I made a start on taking notes for my challenge and already encountered a few problems re. finding the necessary stats. Suffice to say you can forge your stats – no one will know 😉 Looking forward to your posts!


  12. I think I’ve answered all these questions throughout the years, so I’m going to give it a miss, but it will be interesting to read what newer bloggers say!


    • Yep, I think you have been doing that on an ongoing basis – which I always find interesting to read. There is much to be learned (as a blogger) from the reactions of the readership. And yeah, the (relatively) new bloggers are particularly interesting!


  13. I want to talk, too, but I don’t have a blog (and don’t want to set one up)! So I’m allowed to blab all over the place “commenting” at everyone else’s blogs, right? Delicious. I love the questions, love the topics. You’ve hit on many subjects I’ve wondered about as a reader. I can’t wait to read the replies.


    • Ha, you have no idea how grateful we bloggers are that readers want to talk!!! Without you guys it wouldn’t be half as fun. So yes, comment away, that’s the point of it all. I really look forward to the reader reactions on all the posts, mine and others.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Ah, the Manly Muse–definitely what fandom is about for me (that and the community). In spite of being a Classicist, I never understood before about the direct connection between creativity and the Muse(s). Quite a lesson it has been.
    I have joked about being monolatrous and so forth, but for me the “religion” part is not about worship. It’s about the inspiration that takes hold of you as a result of being a fan. The particular Muse is only a conduit for that power. Not just anyone can become that conduit, and perhaps only one person. It is like Plato’s description of how the appreciation of beauty in the beloved leads to the apprehension of Beauty itself. Not only that, but his Muses were all Male 🙂


    • Oh, I love that Platonic description. That is so true. And yes, it is not about worship but about inspiration manifesting itself in creative energy. I like the way you describe the muse as a “conduit of power”. Again, I think that nails it. It’s an intangible connection (but basically just one way) that has tangible results.

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  15. Pingback: GUYLTY HAS CHARGED! ( Us to Complete the Blog Introspection Challenge) Part 1 | Armitage Agonistes

  16. Pingback: Armitage Agonistes

  17. Pingback: Blog Introspection Challenge 1- Blogging #RichardArmitage | preoccupiedwitharmitage

  18. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge – part 3 | Armitage Agonistes

      • I think your challenge is fun Guylty, but my life is completely out of control most of the time, (since I suffer from workaholism) at least for the next year or so if my plan works out. I also do not consider myself a blogger, I do not really write, or even want to write. I want to read. I enjoy reading your blog, obviously. 😀 Hope you don’t think I’m diss’ing you or anything with my rude comments.


        • hey, no, I like rude comments :-). And being busy in RL is far more worthy than any virtual replacement activity. So keep reblogging and reading – that’s fine! And don’t worry about challenges – they are certainly not compulsory!!!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Whew, wouldn’t want to offend you Guylty. Not that I think you are a easily offended. I just seem to be really good at offending so many people. If only those offended actually knew it was not intentional, but careless inattentiveness on my part, I _am_ busy ya know. I visit you here to enjoy, well um, you know, things.

            In full disclosure, I admit and own the fact that I am not, nor am I attempting to be a good, kind person. Retail has ruined that potential for me. It was a good week despite having to eject one man out of the store, luckily, my authoritative tone was all it took (hubs says, my 5’5″ stature is not threatening, I beg to differ.) I told the disruptive man in our store, only once, he had to leave and when he tentatively asked: “I have to leave?” I firmly stated: “Yes.” And he did. I went back to work without further drama. Yay!


  19. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge -Part 4 | Armitage Agonistes

  20. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge Part 4 | Armitage Agonistes

  21. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge Part 6 – With Pictures this Time. | Armitage Agonistes

  22. Pingback: Blog Introspection Challenge 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 | preoccupiedwitharmitage

  23. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge Part 7 | Armitage Agonistes

  24. Pingback: Blog Introspection Challenge #7 – The Most Commented Post | preoccupiedwitharmitage

  25. Pingback: What, Which, Why, and How Long? | RAFrenzy

  26. Pingback: Blog Introspection Challenge #8, 9, 10 and 11 | preoccupiedwitharmitage

  27. Pingback: Rising to the challenge: blog introspection | The Book of Esther

  28. Pingback: Rising to the challenge : blog introspection part 2! | The Book of Esther

  29. Pingback: 15 day blog introspection challenge – in one go! or two…. | silverbluelining

  30. Pingback: Rising to the challenge: blog introspection part 3 | The Book of Esther

  31. Pingback: Time for A[nother] Fan Challenge | Guylty Pleasure

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