2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #16

Maybe there was less creativity on tumblr than on Twitter this week (keyword #BoldlyBecoming), or maybe tumblr was merely dominated by the gospel straight from the lord’s mouth various interviews with RA and Bryan Fuller, but I didn’t find as many links I wanted to pass on this week. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Maybe I am fatigued.

Let’s get to it.

Hannibal round up 16

  1. Have you recovered from the double-whammy ovary onslaught puppy love? Thorin-baconshield reminds us that it is not the first time we have thus been assaulted
  2. In case you missed it – a richardarmitagequotes that proves that RA believes in Lucas North, too
  3. Oh, I think I have missed this Richard Armitage Animal Photo Meme. Zeesmuse has put something together – LOL
  4. Haha, another someecard by goodgirlheather. While I don’t really care much for the selfies, I relate to the addiction
  5. richardarmitage-confidential is testing a new way of posting NSFW confessions. Here’s one just for practice, no other ulterior motive. Of course… Ahem.
  6. Fringeofmadness has paired Richard’s quote about playing Dolarhyde watch his own footage with the original text from Red Dragon Christ, I had forgotten that… Whoa, sounds like a challenging scene for an actor to play, alright
  7. Jollytr has a few screen caps of RA BTS from ITS (can I just momentarily draw your attention to the thighs…) and makes a comment on Richard’s use of accent. By the bye – I did not even know there was a BTS! Is it anywhere to be seen?
  8. LOL – thorin-baconshield’s comment. I’d add to that: “… and when it is dyed jet-black…”
  9. NSFW Guy of Gisborne Modern!AU – sounds promising. By triple-r-porn
  10. Yep, I occasionally confuse fantasy and reality, too. richardarmitageconfessions
  11. Nose job? Not new, still not clarified, but always interesting. Hobbitjt discusses and backs up with evidence
  12. thorin-baconshield got confirmation on where RA is in that antique group photo from 1867
  13. Did anyone ever think RA was second choice for Dolarhyde? Richardandlee makes a good argument (against the second choice interpretation, of course)
  14. LOL – here’s the most obvious piece of Dolarhyde fan art I have yet seen. By girl-of-gisborne
  15. Scrapbookingbyruna makes a lovely Richard Armitage scrapbook – almost like a portable, two-dimensional shrine, don’t you think?
  16. *giggles* Striking similarities? Or blasphemy? Brought to you by felorinbailenshield

Nothing clever to say or add. That’s a novelty. Guylty’s shut up. Enjoy it while it lasts, peeps.

Have a good weekend!

Guylty ❤

13 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #16

  1. You are not allowed to shut up. Your commentary is far too valuable. Have a great weekend and remember, no shutting up unless forced by a sore throat or fingers. 🙂


    • Hehe, it’s all on you then, Kathy… Here’s to more commenting… I am just delayed today because I just bought myself a new iPhone and am struggling with the transfer right now.


  2. 3) Ha, so I’m not the only one wondering about this sheepish look 😉 Armääääääääähhhhtage
    7) Ja also, was soll ich sagen, die miserabelst geschnittene Hose der Welt! Skandalös!
    9) Ehrlich, 7x (wenn ich mich nicht verzählt habe)? Oh wunderbare Welt der Imagination. Danach biste ja reif für die Anstalt…..
    Have a nice weekend und erhole dich bloß schnell von deiner Sprachlosigkeit ❤


  3. re: Richard as “second choice” — Fuller said as much in one of the interviews published this week. He was expecting / hoping for Lee Pace to do it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry, aber besser spät als nie,wie immer eine wunderbare Zusammenfassung 🙂
    Zeesmuse and the sheep – great!!!
    Das ist wirklich klasse!
    Kann ihm mal endlich jemand sagen er soll das mit den selfies LASSEN!!!


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