RA Pocket Shrine 78/? – Flower Power

A new era is starting. I shall not apologize, and I shall not justify *ggg* – but can I at least say that the following RAPS is not meant as a comment or a snarky aside, trying to push my need for harmony on my readers? In fact, I made this RAPS a few weeks ago, and the time never felt right to present it. I also didn’t know who to give this RAPS to, even though I initially made it with someone in mind. But it turned out a little bit too blingy for her, I think, and so I am thinking – how about I raffle this one off? To all you critical commentators, people pleasers and fellow fans out there? Have a look, and if you like it – leave a comment and you are in the hat for the draw. (Small print at the end.)

Flower Power Thorin (7)

It’s time for a bit of Thorin love again. This tin came to me from Suzy@Silverbluelining. She gifted me a whole stash of tins when she visited here in May. Faster, higher, stronger – yup, Thorin is all that. Eh. Sort of. In my imagination. What is he up to now?

Flower Power Thorin (3)

That is one fierce dwarf, guarding his stash. He is holding a real sabre, by the way, a fabulous miniature that came with Suzy’s tins. He seems to have changed his method of fighting slightly. This is the Middle-Earth version of an iconic image that photographer Bernie Boston titled “Flower Power” took in 1967. I wonder how Thorin named his weapon…

Flower Power Thorin (6)

When I think of Thorin I think… fur coat and nose. Well, and cuddles. What do *you* think?

Flower Power Thorin (4)

The words are magnets – so can be removed. No candles this time – not that he isn’t worth it, he certainly is. But I didn’t want to punch holes into the tin because I liked the cover of it…

There we are. A slightly lighter version of Thorin. I hope you like him. And if you want him, leave a comment and you are in the draw. Comments (and participation in the raffle) are open until 11.59 pm on Tuesday, 16th of June 2015. And guess what? That is Bloomsday – how very fitting for determining the winner of a Flower Power RAPS!

Good luck ❤

57 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 78/? – Flower Power

  1. Fantastic comparison to the flower in the rifle. I remember that time and the picture even though I was still in high school at the time. Question on the comment you scratched out….wasn’t Orchrist named by the elves? It was an old weapon. Or were you referring to RA’s comment where he said he named his “weapon”?
    I can’t comment on what I think when I see his nose. But I am seriously on the hunt for miniature swords like the fabulous ones your friend Suzy found at a flea market.


    • I really love the original photo by Boston, and what it stands for…
      Hehe, and yep, I was referring to RA’s cheeky innuendo there 😉
      Re. the miniature swords – I have a feeling they may actually have been intended as little skewers to put nibbles on. They are absolutely fantastic for my purposes, though…


  2. Of course, I want to enter. I can never get enough of Thorin. I like the bling, after all, Thorin has an affinity for it (so I’ve heard). It is beautiful. And you are too, for making such a wonderful tin of love.


    • Well, Thorin is reformed when it comes to his bling addiction, isn’t he? But well, we love him, fierce or fluffy. Suits him both, I think 🙂 You’re in 😉


    • I just couldn’t resist. The photo really looked as if he was missing an ornament in his flowing locks. And I had just the right thing in my stash…


  3. Oohhh, lovely RAPS but please don’t enter me either Guylty. I am waiting with bated breath for my lovely Thorin RAPS to arrive after winning the last raffle. I assume you sent him a while ago Guylty and I’m beginning to wonder where he’s got to, not off on another dragon hunt I hope, I want him safely home with me ;o) xx.


    • Oh austoz, I wish I could lie, but I hate telling lies (they always come back to bite one in the arse), so the truth is I have been neglectful and not sent the RAPS off yet. Partly due to me being not entirely happy with the cover (and thinking about changing it), partly because I am a terrible fusel. But as I am sending off a heap of stuff tomorrow, your RAPS will go into the post, too, promised. Apologies!! ❤


  4. Ich habe dann doch mal wieder kontextbezogen gegrinst heute morgen 😉 Danke du Blümchen ❤
    Der Kontrast zwischen dem grimmigen Kämpfer und den lieblichen Blümelein und schimmernden Preziosen ist wirklich äußerst ansprechend. Und dann dieser reizende Haarschmuck. Den müsste er bei mir aber zuallererstmal ablegen…..
    Was mir zu Thorin einfällt? (nicht ganz genau deine Frage, ich weiß 😉 ):
    1) klein=geht überhaupt nicht
    2) klein=geht garnicht
    3) klein=geht nicht
    4) klein/=
    5) geht schon
    6) garnicht klein=GROSS
    Fazit: Geht doch 😀
    Und re. Name des Schwertes: ich frage mich, wie der Ray sein bestes Stück nennt. Schwerhilde?
    Müsste das ein Name analog Orcrist sein, dann überlege ich, wen oder was unser wackerer Hüter der Reliquie bisher schon so umgemäht hat. Ungläubige, Heiden, Ketzer? "Hereticrist" könnte passen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh ja, ich bin ein süßes kleines Gänseblümchen. (Gerne auch in Thorins Haaren *öröm*)
      Haha, deine Reaktionskette ist durchaus nachvollziehbar. Mir kommt er ja auch nie so klein vor, wie er angeblich ist. Das haben die im Film ja auch sehr clever eher zurückgestellt und Thorin nur selten neben große Leute gestellt. Danke, Peter Jackson!!!
      “Schwerhilde” LOL. Tja, so ein mittelalterlicher Ritter, der hat da sicher was besonders Zackiges auf Hilde, eh, Halde. Hereticrist, wunderbar! Da fliegen ja wieder die Wortspielbälle!


  5. Thorin mit Blümchen im Haar, wie süüüüüüüß! *gg*
    Wenn er das rausfindet, kriegst du Ärger … Oder hast du sowieso schon Ärger, weil du dir an seinen Juwelen zu schaffen gemacht hast? 😉

    Schön: Die Verbindung zu dem Foto. Pädagogin Guylty? 😛

    Bitte mich *nicht* in die Verlosung aufnehmen – ich kenne diese Dosen, und das stellt ein paar gedankliche Verbindungen her, die mir nicht so ganz behagen.


    • Thorin ist ein wahres Lämmchen, wenn es darum geht, mich als Muse zu besuchen. Er macht das sehr clever – ihm ist alles egal, Hauptsache, er ist im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. An seine Kronjuwelen lässt er mich allerdings nicht ran…
      Und ja, mal wieder dezent ein bisschen Fotografiegeschichte eingeworfen. Conflict Photography ist seit Uni-Tagen ein Steckenpferd von mir.
      Und weißt du was – selbst als Raucher ist mir auch immer ein kleeeeeines bisschen unwohl, ne Zigarettendose zu verwenden.


      • Ich habe kein Problem damit, dass es eine Zigarillo-Dose ist, nur damit, dass ich die Dinger mal verkauft habe. Mit der Zeit verbinde ich nicht unbedingt negative Erinnerungen – aber auch nicht unbedingt positive Assoziationen.


  6. Yep, and it’s so sad that we would all have loved to oblige 😉 Great shrine, Guylty! Love the lid too – is that sandpaper? Goes beautifully with the lovely sailing ship… I think this is pirate flower power Thorin… With his buried pirate treasure 😉


  7. Bei dem oberen Gesichtsausdruck schoss mir sofort “so sieht er aus wenn er all die Posts liest, die retoure kommen auf die Cyberbullying Geschichte” 🙂
    Ich liebe das kleine Bild mit den Magneten von Thorin, es war das erste und einzige 🙂 das ich mir je von ihm ausgedruckt habe. Schöne “Verarbeitung” der Dose – Hohemeisterin der shrines ❤


  8. Oh Guylty,I must have that shrine.I have Thorin all on bookshelves.Plush,pop,hallmark,candy and bridge direct Thorins all say pretty please.!!! I am now having hot flashes…pretty please,pretty please..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great look for Thorin with all that glittery bounty! he’d looove that :-))
    For some reason he doesn’t inspire me for cuddles though… just saw the end of AUJ on telly last night again and it remains one of my favourite moments 🙂 I think he’ll always be my romantic conflicted worrier hero 🙂 But i’m just not feeling the sword wielding, fighters &killers at the moment (sorry!) I’ve decamped in Lucas, Sparkhouse & Urban real-ish world territory temporarily so not for me this one 🙂


  10. Love this new Thorin shrine. Yummy Oakenshield with flowers… ❤

    By the way, this is your 78th shrines and the last one I saw was named "61 Thorin for Charity". Can you please tell me where are the posts with the shrines 62 to 77 please ? Thanks in advance. 🙂


  11. My dear sweet Pop Thorin is already surrounded by flowers as he proudly guards a certain dReAmy picture 😉 and just think of Pirate Guy being jealous – we know how bad he can be 😈 I would love it but I already have so many gifts, feel free to save my turn for another time ❤


  12. With apologies to that most famous of flower power songs, “Aquarius”:

    With the walls aglow with the last light
    Of Durin’s Day we’ll stand before
    The secret door that shows the way
    Inside the halls of Erebor!

    This is the dawning of the new age of Erebor
    The new age of Erebor, of Erebor, of Erebor!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Pingback: #BlogIntroChallenge #5 – The Post with The Most Views | Guylty Pleasure

  14. Pingback: And the Flower Power Thorin Goes to… | Guylty Pleasure

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