RA Pocket Shrine 81/? – Hunt the Hermitage

Remember this picture?

ConnemaRAPSoids (6)

There are 2 (two!) Irish mint tins in this. Which leaves the conclusion that there is another reveal due. Like the ConnemaRAPSoid for Suzy, this one was also made as a thank you for participation in the RAPS for Charity auction. And since recipient CraMERRY was a companion on my second trip to Connemara, the little tin of RAlove was personalised along those lines.

CraMERRY has lately developed some tender feelings for an as yet rather shady chaRActer, Raymond de Merville. So much so that she has actually taken the plunge and written her first ever fan fiction about him. (German language, on Herba’s blog)

Hunt the Hermitage (4)

He’s coming for her. Strutting straight through the Irish undergrowth.

Much like in RL, too:

Hunt the Hermitage (6)

Jogging in the Connemara wilderness. He’s got his Irish on (red, sparkly beard + hair).

Hunt the Hermitage (5)

And because I don’t often get to do this, here are the twin tins beside each other:

ConnemaRAPSoids (3)ConnemaRAPSoids (4)

I think he looks rather good in green

54 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 81/? – Hunt the Hermitage

  1. Hehehehehehehe 😉 Ooo, I’m feeling tender thoughts for Sir Raymond too 😀

    Now I don’t want to be critical, Guylty, but when I saw the sparkly beard I thought he had a bad case of the pimples… I’ll get my coat!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ich glaube, der stolze Rittersmann hat schon viiiiele Herzen erobert, und das mit nur einem gescheiten Bild. Talentiert, sag ich da nur! 🙂
    Jau, auf den Herrn bin ich schon sehr gespannt – und bis es so weit ist, darf er auf den Bildern von seinem hübschen grünen Schrein bewundert werden.

    *gg* Ich dachte auch erst “Was ist *das* denn” bei der Haar- und Bart-Deko … (Andererseits ist bei dem Bild ohnehin nicht viel zu retten … *schleunigst die Flucht ergreif*)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Da brauchst du gar nicht zu flüchten – ich bin ja eigentlich auch kein Fan von dem Selfie. Sieht irgendwie nicht wirklich aus wie er. Irgendwas stimmt da mit der Perspektive nicht. Aber es war halt das einzige Irland-Bildchen von Herrn A. Da gefällt mir Ray doch wesentlich besser, der hat Dynamik und dem ist sein Aussehen gerade egal – weswegen er umso besser aussieht. Versteh einer die Logik…


  3. Beautiful as usual.

    I’m praying I can FINISH one of my fics (preferably Gary) before Pilgrimige comes out because you KNOW I”m going to want to write Raymond…. actually I need to finish Aside – one broody, dark, knight is enough on my plate…

    Liked by 1 person

    • There’s a natural deadline there for you :-D. Yes, Raymond already looks as if he will provide rich pickings. Ulterior motives, violence, shady character – perfect material for some background dipping…

      Liked by 3 people

          • Exactly!!!! I don’t worry so much about OOC. I was obsessed with making sure Guy stayed in character – more so now with the Asides and Shepherd. Different name, different time, different circumstances, same character, same soul. he still has to be recognizable.


              • Thank you. I’ve got a load of things that MUST be done today and tomorrow, but I’m hoping to set aside some time to WRITE later this week. Roland is screaming! 2 chapters should finish his story line and then we start with William Edward who is QUITE the conundrum… He’s the closest to early Season 1 Guy I’ll channel.

                I dunno. that ghost of his later on is pretty evil. i’m going back into that one to beef up, but not right now…


                • At least it sounds as if you have a plan. Knowing you, you have it all mapped out and bullet-pointed. It’ll be there for you to get back to. Give them the time they deserve, don’t hasten.

                  Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m smiling at the Irish goodness. 😉 When will we see a ‘flower crown’ shrine, please? I have to see one!!! That picture you have here as your blog background is perfect in every possible way. I love it. OOOF!!! 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    • More flower crowns in shrines – good idea. A 3D one, this time. Here’s an exclusive disclosure: the flower garland I wound around Pop!Thorin’s head for my little recreation of RA’s flower crown pictures were bought for the shrines on the same day but just before the pictures appeared. Coincidence? Or kismet? The universe seems to be back on my side 😉
      And yes, that picture as the background makes me feel the butterfly wings of joy in my belly every time I look at my blog…

      Liked by 3 people

      • Such a beautiful, genuinely happy smile ❤ All his pics from that night seem very relaxed and he's obviously really enjoying himself…. I love seeing this background too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I think I need a flower crown shrine 😉 Maybe with a touch of Lucas Dolarhyde… That may stretch your muse beyond comfort… but there is a Saturn link 😉 How are your stocks of vegetable crisps, Guylty? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ah the dark brothers :-p I like the contrast between the cheeky exterior and the brooding interior and sparkle can only improve ‘that’ photo ;-))))) Congrats to the two lucky ladies 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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