Help Needed

Dear friends, sisters-in-RA, fellow human beings,

over the weekend, no doubt you have seen the heart-breaking image of a little Syrian boy, washed ashore in Turkey. For me it has highlighted the urgent need for all of us to step up to the plate and do something about the current humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, as have the images of hundreds of people welcoming the refugee trains in Austria and Germany, with food and gifts. Tbh, I am put to shame by the efforts of some of my friends who are actively helping on the ground. A friend of mine is organising shelter in Regensburg (town in Southern Germany), directing the logistics of sheltering refugees, collecting items and welcoming the first busloads of refugees. Another friend in Austria is collecting items. Even in Ireland my German friends are active. A crafty friend of mine has pledged all proceeds from one of her needle art projects to go to the refugees, another one is collecting baby slings and will send them to the Greek island of Kos where a lot of refugees arrive with babies or even highly pregnant, and need something to carry their precious children in. I have goosepimples just thinking about it.

I want to do something, too, but I can’t collect urgently needed items and am too far away to lend a helping hand at a refugee shelter. What have I got that could generate a donation? I can make shrines and auction them off for charity. But is it too soon for that after the previous RAPS for Charity in aid of Nepal? Tbh with you, I didn’t really care yesterday, I just wanted to do *something*, and so within 36 hours three shrines saw the light of day.

Shrine for Charity (1)

And not only that. As soon as I had mentioned I was embarking on this charity idea, I received offers from other creative, compassionate souls who have offered to add items to the auction, among them the wonderful Nancy/@_sinnamin who did not hesitate and immediately created one of her unique and inimitable plushies to go into an auction. (I have been granted a sneak preview and I can tell you it is to-die-for cute!!!) Add to that the as-yet secret gifts that my tumblr friend Paula/pollysthings sent me a while ago with the stipulation to auction them off whenever I was going to do another fundraiser. So we have a number of items that could raise a donation for the refugee crisis.

Now, the trouble is, that I will be on a business trip for a week from Thursday. I would like to get a fundraiser going sooner rather than later, but an auction takes time and needs promoting, and the two days until I go away are simply not enough for getting attention, organizing the auction and going through with the bidding process. I am at a loss what to do – I need help deciding. Is it too long a run-up if I start advertising an auction now but will only hold it next week? Should I hold the auction immediately upon return? That would mean starting on a Friday – is that bad timing? (Are people more likely to be online on weekdays?) Was three days long enough/too long when I did the auction last time? (There were a few late bids which I could not accept as bidding had already been closed.) Any suggestions what could be done better? Ideas for fundraising in conjunction with the auction? I’d be grateful for your feedback.

In any case, it’s a foregone conclusion that an auction will happen. Because we need to raise money for the refugees. And since I have made those yokes, they have to go, either way. I’ll leave you with a teaser – or a reward for reading and replying. This needs a new home:

Shrine for Charity (2)



52 thoughts on “Help Needed

  1. Großartige Idee! Ich glaube es eilt nicht. Das Problem wird uns noch längerfristig beschäftigen und auch hier wird schon fleißig Geld gespendet. Auch Sachspenden gibt es genug. Das Problem ist mehr die Verteilung. Lass Dir ruhig noch eine Woche Zeit, dann kannst Du entspannt vorbereiten 🙂 Aber vielleicht schon ein paar Infos mehr für uns neugierige shrine Fans?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, hat der Teaser seine Wirkung getan? Absichtlich mal wieder nur häppchenweise ausgeteilt… Marketing-Queen ist Marketing-Queen 😀
      Du hast sicher Recht, dass Spenden auch noch übernächste Woche vonnöten sind. Als oller Marketing-Fuchs (siehe oben, *gebetsmühl* ;-)) ist man aber natürlich voll darauf geeicht, die Gelegenheiten so zu ergreifen, als denn die Feste fallen. Oder so… Wie dem auch sei, danke für das Feedback, das ist nämlich wichtig für mich, zu wissen, ob ich mich sputen muss oder nicht.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You know, I think if you do the auction next week it will be soon enough. This will be as much a problem today as it is in 2 weeks. Good idea to build it up a bit, start with teasers to keep interest and then do the actual auction next week.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You are so right, and in a way it is probably good to schedule things in the future – it will also continue highlighting the issue, and that is a good thing too. We forget so quickly. Too quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Have just checked my stats, and you are right, the weekend is not as bad as I thought. On the contrary, Sunday apparently is the most popular day, and 6pm gets the most views. I think what I’ll do is I will schedule the bidding for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. That way people who only go online at work still can see the posts and possibly take part. Thanks for highlighting the plan on your blog! Your reach definitely helps!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Help Needed | ramused

  4. Pingback: Those refugees that could be us | Me + Richard Armitage

  5. Wie Suzy es sagt: die Geschichte wird uns noch lange beschäftigen, da ist bei weitem noch kein Ende in Sicht. Die Hilfsbereitschaft wied eher irgendwann abflauen, das ist halt so. Gehe es in Ruhe an, wenn du von deiner “Mission” zurück bist. Die Aktion ehrt dich. Gut gemacht. ❤


    • Das mit der abflauenden Hilfsbereitschaft ist genau mein Problem hier. Gerade jetzt sind wir alle auf einem Bereitschafts-High, weil die Bilder frisch sind – sowohl die des Elends, als auch die der Helfenden. Da ist man eher bereit, sich spendentechnisch zu beteiligen. Andererseits ist es wiederum gut, wenn man die ganze Problematik länger im Auge der Öffentlichkeit (bzw. der Mitleser) hält. Wie auch immer – dank meiner ungünstig liegenden Dienstreise isses nun mal so. Irgendwie kriegen wir den Kram noch unter den Hammer.


      • Ich sag dir was: als ich fertigargumentiert hatte, wurde mir bewusst, dass man natürlich jetzt auf gesteigerte Hilfsbereitschaft trifft und sich diese zunutze machen kann ( klingt blöd, du weisst, was ich meine). Andereseits glaube ich, dass hier viele gutmeinende Seelen unterwegs sind, die durchaus auch nächste Woche ihre Spendenbereitschaft nicht verloren haben.


      • Auch wenn ich hoffe, dass es keine Bilder von toten Kindern mehr geben wird (will gar nicht wissen wie viele im Mittelmeer ertrunken sind ohne dass es jemand gesehen hat!), NRW erwartet allein zum Wochenende 14.000 Menschen und es wird weitergehen, also auch in 2 Wochen noch voll aktuell, so schnell hört das nicht auf. Das Problem ist, dass wir irgendwann keine Zeltstädte mehr bauen können 😦


  6. Agree with those who have said hold it when you get back – this issue isn’t going to go away any time soon. Great idea, I salute you and your other contributors. And I’m highly intrigued by the sandy bum 😉


    • The consensus seems to be that despite the urgency, the auction can also be held next week – which really helps my schedule. So thanks for your feedback, Helen, it really helps me get the planning right.
      PS: Sandy bum, now *there’s* an idea…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. As said above this crisis will keep us on our toes for a long time to come. Take your time. Help will be desperately needed in a few weeks also. I will be happy and grateful to participate in whatever you will come up with. This is the most frightening challenge of my lifetime. And also the opportunity to stand up against racism and right wing idiots who claim to have more right of being here and being supported by the authorities. As much as I am devastated to see and hear of the terrible suffering the refugees have to endure, I am also upset and helpless in rage about the online statements I come across every day. We should have learned our lesson from history. It is not that long ago we have been urgently in need of help here in middle Europe. Now it is our turn to give something back. With a willing heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you i.f., for your support and feedback. It means a lot to me to have all of you behind me in this.
    You are right, there is a lot at stake here. I see it as a humanitarian issue. I know there are politics and religion mixed into it, and I am far from apolitical, but this is a matter of common decency, of compassion and simple human-to-human help. I really hate how some people are turning it into a religious and/or right wing issue. Innocent people are suffering. They need help. And yes, too right – it’s not that long ago, that my own family were refugees, too.
    With a willing heart – yes, yes, yes.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. As everybody said before, no need to hurry! Situation will be the same next week and the week after….. (and btw, in the long run (or not so long run!) it surely will challenge the entire European idea!! (Has there really been any??)).
    I’m here and I’m willing to take part. Every kind of initiative from the heart is a worthwhile one and it’s a sweet thought to imagine a wonderfully handcrafted little thing with a certain luscious, mysterious man hidden in it’s depths…..and to possibly hold it in one’s hand! Thanks Guylty!


  10. Wonderful idea, and whenever you decide to hold the auction, I’ll be more than happy to bid. I agree though, that this crisis is unlikely to be beyond need of donations in a matter of a week or two, and contributions a bit later will be every bit as valuable as contributions now.


  11. Pingback: Die Flüchtlinge und Deutschlands Image in der Welt | silverbluelining

  12. Pingback: Helping refugees in the Netherlands | The Book of Esther

  13. Besser spät als nie: Meine Meinung.

    Ich stimme den anderen zu, dass das Problem leider noch länger bestehen wird. 😦

    Es ist bestimmt besser, die Auktion in Ruhe und gut vorbereitet anzugehen. Hoppla-hopp-Aktionen müssen nicht sein.
    Betrachten wir die bisherigen Twiddeldidums, Blogposts und Reblogs einfach als erste PR-Aktion für das kommende next best thing nach geschnittenem Brot. 😉

    Falls ich dir irgendwie helfen kann, lass es mich wissen. Meine Unterstützung im Geiste hast du auf jeden Fall.


  14. I fully agree with everyone, the help will be needed for quite a while to come so anything that can be done over next weeks will help. No rush, better we do this properly.
    I was going to reblog but i’ll hold off and do it next week closer to the date when it may be more effective to remind again.
    And thanks a mill again for organising this in spite of everything else going on. Anything can help!


    • Thank you so much, Zan – the feedback has been really helpful and makes it easier for me to set off on my trip on Thursday. I’ll try and get stuff scheduled before then so that the auction can go ahead as soon as I am back! It would be great if the future messages about the upcoming auction were spread… Thanks x


  15. So many wonderful people, spreading so much love. Blimey, that sounds corny, but it’s meant honestly. Anything, anytime is wonderful. Thank you. For anyone in the UK, are running an online petition to get David Cameron to wake up and help. It’s at 1.4million so far! Wishing you an amazing auction, can’t wait to bid! Wishing you and everyone else the best of everything. Gen


    • Hello Gen, and welcome here! Have we met before? In any case, thank you for your comment, your kind words, and your good wishes. I’m really looking forward to the auction, and it’s going to be extra-exciting because there will be items by other creative fans in there.
      I’ll tweet that online petition if I can find it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


  16. I used to make and sell dolls on eBay. Although it has been years since then, I did make a 12 inch John Thornton/Richard Armitage doll for myself that I would like to donate to this cause. He is Ken/Barbie sized but is a highly articulated action figure wearing John Thornton’s iconic black suit and top hat. He comes with a pocket watch and chain, a book (not Aristotle or Plato but Robin Hood. I thought that was funny), a John Thornton “Look Back At Me” bracelet (human sized) and a Thorin tote. I do have pictures. My email address is

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Pingback: Announcement: #cRAftingForCharity Auctions Coming Next Week | Guylty Pleasure

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