2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #30

Gosh, I nearly forgot about this round-up! Between my laptop folding unexpectedly and work keeping me extremely busy, it got to Friday evening until I remembered the weekly round-up. This one may be a bit shorter, guys and gals, and since I am working from my PC, I haven’t got access to my extensive library of RA images, which also holds my round-up banner template. I wonder whether I can recreate it…

Chop round-up 30

Here’s this week’s tumblr loot:

  1. First of all, the hoped for news are finally here: Urban and the Shed Crew will be shown at Leeds International Film Festival!!! Thanks for the info, clematis70! 
  2. The most unlikely things can be considered cute… or so this richardarmitage-confidential says. Do you agree?
  3. O – M – G. Read the script provided by vi0lentquiche. Fuller and the other pervs writers on Hannibal really got that script down to a tee… “erotically-fetishistic” is an UNDERSTATEMENT, lads!
  4. If Thorin were a kitten… now there is an interesting thought by awesomesmonson
  5. This gif set by ludokt isolates a characteristic RA gesture
  6. Mr Thornton times 3 by sinnaminie – which one do you like best?
  7. Nfcomics always makes me laugh with her naughty “What a Guy Wants” series. Here’s a new one
  8. Well, if that is drawingjustforfun, then I bow to your effortless talent. Thorin painting
  9. Judging by the number of notes, this fan art of Thorin and Dis reunited by tosquinha must have been around for a while, but I like it, so here it is
  10. I would still kiss those lips. Even on a punkd Guy. Edit by punkd-edits
  11. Breathe in deeply when you approach this link. Circusgifs gives us an intense Dolarhyde. I am transfixed by that eye…
  12. A very close-up Portah by mezzmerizedbyrichard. Love that tiny smile
  13. Ok, check gif 3 in this set by circusgifs. Can anyone NOT immediately fall in love with this man? The joy in those eyes (and cheeks) really gives me butterflies in my belly. Oh, and Berlin look forever!!!
  14. Supposedly a “tiny” Thorin. Cute fan art by quadrupedum
  15. And here is “squinty eyes Thorin”. I love these animated cartoons by tosquinha
  16. Here is a SFW triple-r-porn story featuring a very gentle, lovely Guy
  17. Now, this is what I call serendipity! Not-that-kind-of-hot spotted this in her local supermarket. What are the chances that a fellow RA admirer works there, stacking the shelves???
  18. Thumbs up to this set of pics collected by thorin-baconshield
  19. I don’t recall seeing this pic of RA at the Jameson Awards before. Posted by mrpuddingston
  20. LOL. Lukasnorth has combined gifs with the tags that were posted with them. Some gems in there. Note: ALWAYS read the tags on tumblr!!!

20 is a good number, right? I wouldn’t want to over-burden you. But hey, isn’t it great that UATSC has finally found a first outlet to showcase the film in? Very exciting because we may get a first review in just about a month’s time. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Candida Brady and the whole team. That film is eagerly awaited – and has a subject matter that sounds very worthy of attention.

Have a lovely weekend, all!

Guylty ❤

25 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #30

  1. 😁 Schon wieder die Erste…
    4) ich mag den Kleinen mit der roten Fliege.
    11) ist dir aufgefallen, dass sie seine Lippenform verändert haben? Und bevor du schreist, ja, ich habe die Hasenscharte auch gesehen, nein, ich meine die Unterlippe. Die ist auf “voller” angeschminkt, so scheint es mir. Gibt ihm zusätzlich ein verändertes Aussehen.
    12) oh ja, er ist der Meister der Minimalstmimik. Werde bei diesen fast unsichtbaren Zuckungen auch immer wieder weich 😏
    Hab ein schönes WE!


    • Die Plushies sind aller herzallerliebst!!! Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden, welchen ich am besten finde…
      Und 11) – oha, haben sie ihm die schmalen Lippen weggemalt? Na, das gehört dann alles zur Styling-Aufwertung im Laufe der Wandlung zum Red Dragon. Und da passen ein paar volle Lippen wohl auch besser zum Belstaff-Bolero. Die schmalen Lippen waren dagegen passend zur Oppa-Strickjacke. Ha!
      Schönes Wochenende auch dir xx


  2. Wonderful selection. Love the Dis and Thorin picture. It is a far cry from Tolkein’ s ending, which sucked IMO. Looking on the bright side, it’s the ending that launched a thousand fan fics and lovely art like this. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Just watched that ending. Daughter and I were both shouting at Thorin that he was a f*cking eejit, Standing on the ice and staring transfixed at the floating Azog, ready to be killed. Arrrrrrrgh! But yes, without it, there would be no need to rewrite… All good then.


  3. Delurking belatedly to thank you for all the hard work which goes into this weekly treat. I discovered you had a blog a few weeks ago, so it’s been fun catching up on all the goodies.

    I particularly liked number 16 this time. Gentle lovely Guy is a favourite of mine, I suppose because he hides that side of himself most of the time.

    Not that I don’t appreciate his dark side.

    Quite a lot. 😉


    • Hooray! Hello Jenny and welcome! It’s always a particular delight for me when someone delurks 😀. Thank you for reading! I hope you have fun going through some of the older posts!
      And I couldn’t agree with you more – gentle Guy goes straight to my heart. Dominant Guy goes somewhere a few inches below *coughs* 😉
      Hope you’ll find more things to comment on in the future, now that you have crossed over to the ‘dark side’ xx


  4. Thanks again for my weekly treat Guylty!
    No.1 Oh thank cod for that!
    2. Definitely agree.
    3. OMG is right!
    4. Look at those eyes, I want that kitty, and it is reminiscent of Thorin in a weird sort of way.
    6. Do I have to choose? I can’t really I want them all.
    7. “What a Guy wants” made me laugh out loud and I love the look on the other man’s face.
    8. Thorin is lovely, and the others are good too.
    9. Oh I wish it were true *sigh*
    14. is cute xx.


  5. So, endlich habe ich fast die ganze Wochenend Post aufgearbeitet,hah! Aber für manche Dinge muss frau sich halt Zeit nehmen und Dein round-up brauche ich Zeit!!!
    Bin gespannt wann Urban offiziell im Kino zu sehen sein wird. Habe ja immer nochnicht ganzden Plan begraben irgendwo hin zu fliegen um das Ding im Original sehen zu können, nur für den Fall, dass es in Germany nicht zu sehen sein wird 😦
    Leider kann ich Thorin nicht in der Katze, die ja sehr süß guckt, wiederfinden….
    Guy with Tatoo – ich fall gleich tot um – great!!!
    Der Tag ist gerettet ❤


    • Selbst ein abgespecktes Round-up braucht Zeit? Das nenne ich dann dedication!!!
      Bin selbst gespannt, wie weit es Urban schaffen wird. Ist ja jetzt leider thematisch nicht massentauglich. Ich fürchte mal, die britischen Inseln bleiben der einzige Markt. Aber ich lasse mich gerne überraschen.
      Schön, dass übrigens ein tätowierter Guy schon alles ist, der deinen Tag verschönert. Das nenne ich bescheidene Ansprüche 😉


  6. the kitty is really cute and i really like the plushie with the top hat, close up of Porter and snarky and slightly rude Guy always nice, as is nice Guy. Thanks for the great cheerer-uppers 🙂


      • No, i’m actually still awake, couldn’t sleep and trying hard to work on this sh.. report because it’s stressing me out and i need to reduce stress factors by at least 1. But looking at Porter’s smile is relaxing 🙂 too much so 😉


          • Will do, have to kick this cold first that’s been trying to catch but i think it’s nearly gone. After work u know what i have to do but at least i have some theatre ticks this week that i refuse to give back and hopefully it will be good. Off to get ready for work, will indulge in last round up tonight before bedtime 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

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