2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #36

Wow, time flies. Wasn’t it just summer? And now we have already Advent coming. My plan today is to bake the first two batches of Christmas cookies, and to decorate the house with two tons of assorted Christmas decorations. Since I will not be celebrating Christmas in my own home this year (heading back home to the Fazerland for the festivities), I have to make sure my baubles and knickknacks are put on display in other ways… I’ll definitely sneak Hallmark Thoza back into the decor…


But before the pleasure of decorating I have the pleasure of rounding up. Here’s this week’s compilation of noteworthy posts courtesy of our fan-friends over on tumblr:


  1. I am including this collection of caps by drldeboer here for the picture of Dolarhyde’s handwritten note. “With these he offended me” – did you realise that the handwriting is actually Richard’s?
  2. A gif set of a particularly evocative *coughs* scene from Hannibal by ghisborne. I know, you’ve seen drooled over it before, but I had to post it here because I only just spotted the hint of Richard’s “Adonis’ belt” there. I stared at it for far too long…
  3. Some Bagginshield sweetness by radiorcrist
  4. Heyerette’s Pop!Thorin is already busy decorating for Christmas, helped by Pop!Bilbo
  5. Bagginshield Coffee Shop AU by srapsodia – nice modern realisation of Thorin and Bilbo
  6. Forgive me, if I post this richardarmitage-confidential despite being sort of “quoted” in the illustration myself, but this expresses all that is good about our fandom, so it deserves reblogging! Honk your horn if you agree 😉
  7. And here is a gif set by theheirsofdurin that reminds me of how sweet RA is to his fans
  8. Jassy2101 has a cap of Chop that really shows him with the look of a big-hearted softie I could easily fall in love with
  9. ROFL. Thorin as you have never seen him before. By tankhera
  10. Need a hug? Circusgifs spoils us with a gif set for bad days. Or good days. Heck, for *any* day!
  11. Some naughty-naughty quips from nfcomics’ What a Guy Wants series
  12. For those of you who haven’t got the BOTFA EE yet, here is another pic set with captions courtesy of clematis71 – of the running-up to the dwarf phalanx in the battle. Interesting!
  13. A rather old quote as such, but it is one of those funny little quips that I noticed and made me laugh, too, the first time I saw that particular interview. And what is more scary, I can *exactly* imagine RA’s voice and posture as he is saying it… By richardarmitagequotes
  14. Plunkyplum calls for poll time. Gimme 2 all the time, please!
  15. I take it this is some sort of fan art – but if so, fridamavor could’ve fooled me, so real does this look. And boy, do I love that casual look and slightly shy pose on RA
  16. *coughs* “Crown Jewels” will forever be associated with something else, according to this richardarmitageconfession
  17. Triple threat (or treat?) by sinnaminie – she was commissioned three plushies to commemorate the Leeds weekend. I want them all, too
  18. LOL. Yes, I hear you, iyajar (I think that was in reaction to the deleted scenes from Hannibal that surfaced for a short time on Thursday)
  19. Cute imagining of the run-up to the fan selfie with Richard in Berlin the other day. Kebab – yum. By sefarlen

There we go – enough material to spend a cup of tea over.


Guylty ❤️

24 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #36

  1. Ah, ein paar Leckerlis. 🙂

    Danke fürs Zusammenstellen.

    #6 fand ich übrigens auch sehr schön.
    Ich bin immer wieder überrascht, als wie großherzig und -zügig viele Fäninnen *gg* sich entpuppen, wenn man ihnen nur das Bällchen zuspielt. Das steht so sehr entgegen dem Egoismus, den zumindest ich IRL deutlich mehr erlebe, dass es mich immer wieder positiv berührt. Doch, das verdient den Reblog!


    • Voradventliche Leckeres. Wegen letzterem komme ich auch jetzt erst zum Antworten – war heute schmück- und backtechnisch voll eingespannt.
      Ja, die Großzügigkeit unter den Fans ist schon ein erfrischendes Gegenbeispiel zum Alltag. Kann man sich richtig ein Beispiel dran nehmen.


    • Hello Vidala and welcome to my blog. We know each other from Twitter, don’t we? Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope you’ll come back again. Another round-up next week, and other stuff usually in between.


  2. Honest, I didn’t send in ANY of the Confidentials or Confessions posted here. Honest.

    Great round up as usual!

    (No decorating for me this year. The Great Move should be finished next weekend and then I begin the Great Digging Out… of the boxes.)


    • Sure you didn’t. But you thought them 😉. As do I.
      Aw, no decorating? Well, it’s all a bit new, isn’t it, and you haven’t yet furnished the house. Maybe a candle or two will find their way into the house…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hope so. I was going to buy a Christmas tree (fake. I’m allergic to the real thing) but the cable guy said there was one in the attic. I won’t be able to get up there until I get a ladder and besides, Spawn won’t arrive until AFTER the holidays… so there’s really no need. 😦 I might get a little tree….


        • Oh do – a little bit of Christmas cheer is always good! I am actually disappointed that I won’t have my own Christmas tree to decorate this year. Hence I have to overdo it on the rest of the decor 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for introducing me to the term “Adonis belt”‘. Did it come from Obscura? In any case, a lovely name for a smoking hot RA body part.


    • Yes, credit for that goes to our antiquity expert, Obscura. I don’t think it is a “real” term as such, but it’s nicely evocative. Ahem, as is that part of the male anatomy…


  4. No.2 well, I had to Google the term first but after that I was transfixed long enough for my coffee to go cold…….
    No.3 second drawing is cute!
    No.6 Honk! Honk!
    No.7 I think this is my favourite in the round-up this week, so sweet.
    No.8 reminds me of Guy for some reason.
    No.10 Yup I do need a hug….can I have one please?
    No.11 ‘What a Guy wants’……….LOL
    No.12 Still waiting…………..
    No.13 Funny man…..
    N0.14 A year ago only look 2 would do……now I could go with 3 as well which has shocked this anti-beard gal to the core.
    No.17 Perfect plushies!

    Thanks for the round-up Guylty and happy decorating xx.


    • No 2 – I have a strange obsession with that, nearly beating my armpit fetish :-D…
      No 7 – it always gives me a happy glow when I am reminded of that. Tides me over the occasional doubts of my own sanity…
      I haven’t got the EE yet, either. I am not really sure whether I should wait patiently in case someone might give it to me for Christmas. OTOH I don’t think the family is quite that observant *coughs*.
      Happy first of advent, austoz!

      Liked by 1 person

      • No.2 yeah it’s a close run thing for me too hehee.
        My EE has just arrived, will be watching tonight!
        Maybe a not so subtle hint is required re your copy, I hope you get one very soon xx.


  5. A very belated thank you for taking one for the team and being our eyes and ears in Leeds. It was a tour de force.

    And thank you too as always for the roundups. They make my week.

    I second austoz on numbers 6, 8, and 11, (Oh, my poor, deluded Guy!) But for number 14, my answer is ‘all of the above.’

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for commenting, Jenny! Leeds was no hardship 😉 – quite the contrary. I’ll be your eyes and ears any time 🙂
      Glad to hear you tune in regularly for the round-ups. Sometimes I get a bit stressed out by them, but it’s always worth it in the end.


  6. Lieben Dank, wie immer für die schöne montag Morgen Anregung! NFComics sind wie immer zum brüllen, ich liebe diese Comics 🙂
    Fertig dekoriert? Cookies verputzt? Ich habe am Samstag 2 Bleche gebacken und Sonntag waren sie weg. Hält irgendwie nie wirklich lange 😦 Guten Start in die Woche!!!


    • Die Deko steht noch nicht ganz, aber immerhin ist schon mal der Kamin geschmückt ;-). Muss nachher mal die Adventskalender für die Kinder fertigmachen. Die Kekssituation dagegen ist zufriedenstellend. Samstag und Sonntag drei Sorten gebacken, eine Sorte ruht gerade noch im Kühlschrank, dürfte aber schnell gehen (nur Heidesandrollen, zum Abschneiden und Abbacken). Wie lange das allerdings vorhält, steht in den Sternen. Die Vanillekipferl sind schon wieder fast weg… Sauarbeit.
      Schönen Wochenstart!

      Liked by 1 person

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