Congrats to the Raffle Winner

Someone is in festive mood and wants to pass on the good news himself… Plushie Guy presents the winner of the RAXS raffle:


I think this was the largest number of participants yet, and I am very happy to send the prize to Kimanne from tumblr. I have already procured her address, and the parcel will go on its way today as soon as I get my ass in gear and drag my feverish body to the post office. I’m a little under the weather today.

RA Boxing Day

Thank you to all of you who have reblogged, commented and RT. Hard luck this time – but there will be something else, another time, I promise.

For the sake of transparency – here’s the draw protocol:


40 thoughts on “Congrats to the Raffle Winner

    • ich sag dir – ich muss eigentlich morgen schon wieder fit sein, da ist mein dienstlicher Großkampftag. Hab heute schon geschwänzt und eine Übersetzung abgelehnt. Lange kann ich mir sowas nicht leisten… und schon gar nicht, wenn Weihnachten ansteht…


    • Ha, Have figured out what happened – you are in there but the auto correct changed your name from Yve to Ive – don’t ask me why, my Mac does that all the time, much to my annoyance. You are in row 10 on page 2 of the list.


  1. Congrats to the lucky winner, Kimmane. It’s always fun to participate in your raffles, Guylty. Thank you for your generosity. My day will come someday so I’ll keep playing 😊 Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your holidays. Take care and have a safe trip. ❤️xx


    • Thank you, D – feeling better every day, and by tomorrow I’ll be fine, I’m sure. Luckily it’s a direct flight, so I only need to get on and off, and then mama will look after me 😉
      Happy holidays to you too xx


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