Armitage Weekly Tumblr Round-up – 2016/2

How are we doing, with week 1 of the new year under our belt? Everybody back to work? Looks like Richard is, too, freezing his peaches off in Berlin *sniggers*. Well, I presume they are filming indoors, too. 

IMG_7536Last night I started writing in my new notebook. I transferred the list of shrine commissions from the old notebook, desperately trying to get some order and organisation in my RAPS endeavours. And because the notebook looked so empty and sad, I started noting down ideas for shrines. Before I knew it, I had filled six pages with ideas for 27 different shrines. Well, that looks promising. The creative juices still seem to be flowing. If I want to put my resolution of “one shrine per week” into practice, I have to get a move on, though. I am secretly waiting for Mr Guylty to return to work, though – can’t work with him around.

Tumblr has been creative, too, this week. Have a look at what I found.

2016 tumblr round-up

  1. A new year’s present to the RArmy: totallyradioactive15 has made a 2016 calendar. Here is part 1
  2. And here is printable part 2
  3. Riepu10 reminds us what we are waiting for. Sigh
  4. This is actually several years old, but I am posting it here because I had missed it back in the days – clematis70 links to a radio interview RA did in Australia 2013
  5. Guy losing his rag with Marian. A post from nfcomics’ What a Guy Wants-series
  6. Wow – they are all there, aren’t they? Another army of chaRActers by Sinnaminie
  7. Clematis70 illustrates the term “hot villain”. Apt!
  8. Circusgifs has prepared another total onslaught on the fan ovaries – so cute
  9. Scary but true – I am familiar enough with the Armitage to be able to tell the difference mentioned in this richardarmitage-confidental. Can you?
  10. Eh – goes without saying. Post by newb42
  11. ROFL. Sir Guy explains with much poetic eloquence how much he cares. By gisbxrne
  12. I don’t remember seeing this picture of full-length RA from the Peter Jackson Walk of Fame ceremony. Posted by kimanne723
  13. This picture wall by totallyradioactive15 looks so real, I have no idea whether it’s a manip or not. Not husband-compatible, though
  14. Clematis70 has transcribed parts of the Spooks commentary where RA is mentioned. Comes with nice pictures, too 😀
  15. The Durin nephews are taking a leaf out of Uncle Thorin’s book. A cute comic by sarcasticasides
  16. A look at BOTFA promo fashions, jumper edition. Sorry, not a fan, myself. By richard-crispin-armitage
  17. I quote a confession from richardarmitageconfessions: “Richard’s smile when he shows his teeth.” Yeah
  18. Never underestimate observant fans. Another case of “wandering tattoo”? Fruityadobo is on to something…

Keep rocking into 2016, girls! 🤘🏻

Guylty 💕

26 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Tumblr Round-up – 2016/2

  1. THank you so much for this week’s roundup!

    Personally, I rather LIKE the sweaters….

    All of this has set my bunnies off. Well, bunnies were set off anyway – look for something new and pink and fluffy in the next 24 hours…

    Liked by 1 person

      • Last night was very successful! It’s very pink and fluffy, but it was successful. If you’ve NOT read the most current Asides (William Edward) you probably will want to read it first. For reasons. I’m going to be posting over the next hour.


          • It’s up at FFnet and DF…. Getting ready to load at Ao3 and send to RASF. The Diary ALSO updated at AO3 and ffnet… I have to recode it for Open Scrolls.

            It’s VERY pink and fluffy and then has a nice bite at the end!


              • It bit me and wouldn’t let me go. Do you know how HARD it is to keep Guy in character in these situations? I don’t think I did a good job with it this time.

                Ah well, back to more William Edward and Gary has been whispering.


                • What? Keeping him in character? But what is wrong with your description of him? Maybe 12th century Guy would not entertain a little daughter’s demands, but 21st century Guy is a loving father despite his alpha male-ness. Nah, I think it still gels.


                  • No, Guy MUST retain some semblance to Guy or he won’t be recognizable. Personally, I think he would have been an indulgent father – especially if no one was looking. But that’s my take.

                    Years ago, when I was heavy into Severus Snape fanfiction, someone wrote a fic where Snape was SOOOOO OOC, he wasn’t recognizable.It was all pink and fluffy and while the young girls who hadn’t READ the books loved it, those of us who had read the books and knew Severus wasn’t really a nice man were rather infuriated. I quit reading by the 3rd chapter, when it was obvious the writer was going down her own path. Personally, I think she should have changed his name and written him as an original character, but that’s just me an I’m sure others have wished the same of me.

                    He just needs to be recognizable as Guy.


    • Third year now. Sometimes it really feels like a drag, or I am reluctant to look at tumblr for whatever controversy is raging there, but then I am reminded that a good few people regularly read it, and that makes it all worth-while.
      I just wish that someone would take on the fan fiction and blog round-up again. I have completely lost touch with the fan fiction world…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So ein Kalender ist doch wirklich was Schönes! Jeden Monat was neues zum anschmachten ❤ Dummerweise wüsste ich nicht wo ich ihn hinhängen sollte, selbst im Wäschekeller sind meine Männer hin und wieder zu finden…..
    Viele schöne Fotos dabei, so zum niederknien oder an mich drücken 🙂
    Ich habe gelesen, dass 4 neue Robin Hood Verfilmungen geplant sind. Aber kein Guy wird so gut aussehen wie unser Guy ❤


  3. Thanks from me too, Guylty, and a belated Happy New Year.

    ROFL @ No Johns in number 3. And 5 and 11 have me giggling and swooning at one and the same time.

    As someone who doesn’t know her way round the net too well, I’d love a blog and fanfic roundup. As it is, I’m sure I miss a lot. I do know there’s been great stuff up over at DF this past couple of weeks.


    • And a happy new year to you, too, Jenny.
      I only catch up with a couple of fan fic writers here and there, but I really have lost track of all the stuff that is out there. Even on DF – there is just too much. I’d love for someone to write a digest that makes it easier to find the stuff that is interesting to me…


Let me know what you think!

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