RA Pocket Shrine 120/? – Daniel Miller Enters

When new work sees the light of day, there is always huge excitement. And ever more so, when it is so completely unexpected as yesterday. There had been no indication that Epix was going to release a first trailer a mere three weeks after wrapping the Berlin Station shoot. My first thought was, “I love everything about this teaser”. The question was how to react? Apart from reblogging every screen cap and gif that quick fans had already produced. When the first Hannibal trailer containing RA saw the light of day last year, my first response was an impromptu review of the trailer. If I hadn’t been out for a family dinner last night, I might have done the same for the Berlin Station trailer. Instead, I decided to try a quick response RAPS.

I actually laboured over it all day, it didn’t quite flow – a reaction that can be ascribed to the fact that we are not as familiar with Daniel Miller yet, as we already were with Francis Dolarhyde last year. After all, Dolarhyde was already a well-known character, thanks to the literary source. But if I were to be totally honest, Daniel Miller already has carte blanche with me. Take me, darling, I’m yours. With his rooftop antics and snug pea coat collar turned up, Daniel seems like a reincarnation of Lucas North. That impression is probably only going to last as long as he doesn’t open his mouth to speak. No offense, dear American friends, but I dread to anticipate the American accent that will identify Daniel as not-Lucas.

Good thing then that the RAPS comes without sound. However, you may imagine the thumping industrial soundtrack of the trailer when you look at what came off the shrining bench… I decided to replicate Daniel’s turn high above the rooftops and did a little photo session on my roof. The weather is absolutely stunning today, and the shamrock is in full bloom on my improvised roof terrace.

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A little bit too romantic for a hard-hitting spy, I admit. I think the context of the next pic is more suitable for the mole catcher.

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Let’s take a closer look.

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Too windy to get the candles burning… Not sure if you get the full three-dimensionality of the piece. The characteristic logo of the show with the elongated letter “i” and the red silhouette of what I presume is Daniel Miller, really looks great. I had to make use of it.

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This is a less frilly, less heartsy-fartsy RAPS, but the trademark heart on the chaRActer’s chest is not missing…


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There – the first *proper* Berlin Station RAPS for you.

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I honestly can’t wait to see more. And despite the aforementioned “lack of flow”, there are already other ideas for drool- and shrine-worthy Danny floating in my brain. I printed the caps several times – more D-RAPS coming soon.

This shrine needs a home! Anybody out there who is already in love with Daniel? If so, leave me a comment here on the post, and you are in. I’ll keep this giveaway open until Monday, 16 May 2016, 10pm BST

Hope you like it and good luck – or “viel Glück” as we say in German.


90 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 120/? – Daniel Miller Enters

    • Me too. From what I have seen so far, it looks very much up my street. Loved the glimpses of Berlin, and the hard-hitting spy mystery. I hope they will spoil us with more trailers along the way.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Can’t wait to see the series. Totally impatient to the spies in Berlin. Wonderful shrine again … 😊 👍 😍


  2. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!!!! I only have ONE!!!!! They would make a great pair and my boyfriend isn’t jealous a bit!!!!



      • pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease


  3. Himmel, jetzt erschließt sich mir erst der irre “Dany” von vorhin. Peinlich, so eine lange Leitung 😁 Das bleibt aber unter uns 😂 Wie schön, dass es wieder einen neuen Zuwachs in der ChaRAkteristika gibt.


    • Äh, es heißt wohl besser …Zuwachs bei den ChaRAkteren…. Klassisches Verheddern im Besserwisser-Fremdwort-Dschungel 😁


            • Oh du meine großzügige Herzensfreundin 😀 Habe nunmal diesen störenden Anspruch, gut UND richtig zu witzeln 😁 Und gerade im Umgang mit Fremdworten finde ich solche Lapsi besonders peinlich. Aber sonst habe ich keine Probleme, nönö…..


              • *kicher* So, und um jetzt doch noch mal die vier Semester Germanistik und das Große Latinum raushängen zu lassen (den Anwurf kann ich ja nicht auf mir sitzen lassen): Lapsus, Lapsus, maskulinum. *grins* Es sei denn, das war jetzt Absicht, dann nehme ich alles zurück!


                • Höhö, das war ein Tehest (könnte ich jetzt sagen 😂). Mein kleines Latinum (nein, ich spare mir den Witz mit der Verballhornung zu Latrinum) hat mir immerhin das Zucken bei dem Wort Lapsi beschert, welches auf den möglichen Fehler hinweist. Zur Lösung hat es nicht gereicht. Immerhin bin ich der Falle “Lapsusse” nicht auf den Leim gegangen 😉


                  • Das war die klassische Hyperkorrektur… Aber ist ja auch irgendwie ein doofes Wort, das den falschen Fehler nur so herausfordert. Und dann auch noch die ganzen Kakti und Globi und Stadien und Museen. Echt, das hätte man in 2000 Jahren Lehnwortbereitstellung doch mal langsam anpassen können.


                    • Lehnwortbereitstellung. Ich verneige mich in Ehrfurcht 😂 Großartig! Das Wort habe ich mein Lebtag noch nicht gehört. Und ich habe schon einiges vernommen 😀 Auch mit ohne Germanistik.


                    • Das ist ja das Schönste an der deutschen Sprache – die endlosen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten zusammengesetzter Hauptwörter. Was für eine wunderbare Sprache!!!

                      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, Daniel is so beautiful and I think I’ll fall head over heels over him (like I did with Lucas). Good work with the shrine!


    • Same here, Clematis. I am ready to love and forgive anything and everything that Danny Boy is going to do… I am hoping for some nice imagery along the way. I doubt we’ll get skin galore like we did with Francis, but if they keep up the nice styling, that’ll be good enough for me 😉


    • Glad you like it, Serv! The trailer looked promising. And since Lucas was quite a distinct, unique character, I trust that Daniel will be different.


  5. Another beauty Guylty! I am excited to meet this new character Daniel who I see as an older & wiser Lucas North. Kind of like a Lucas 2.0 & having improved with age. I hope I don’t have the same problem with his American accent as I did with David Tennent when he did the American remake of Broadchurch. But I’m sure that as the series goes on I will be quite distRActed by Daniel’s good looks and forget about the accent lol! One question OT: do you plan to do a King of Underland RAPS once the movie is released?


    • Yes, like you, I also can’t wait to see what Daniel will be like. Older & wiser Lucas could be interesting (although I think Lucas is a truly unique character). And the accent issue is something I slightly worry about, too, as you could see. I wouldn’t be able to pin down whether his accent sounds genuine or not, but I just love his English accent and think it is such a pity that he has to lose it…
      As for your OT question: 🤐 😜 (I am sure you can deduce what that means…)


  6. I’m totally 100 % head over heals in love with Mr Miller but also dread the moment he’ll speak. I’m afraid I won’t find his US accent convincing. Then again I should have more faith in the guy, shouldn’t I? He did very well with Francis. Though that was helped I think by the speach impediment.. But back to Miller, I just love the way he moves..Like an elegant black panther! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the DM RAPS and would love to have it to keep my beloved First Aid RAPS company. 😀


    • 🙂 It is just lovely to hear how enthusiastic we already are about Daniel. We have a lovely German word for that – it is called “Vorschusslorbeeren”, which translates into “premature praise” but literally means “advance laurels”. (Heck, I love the thought and the word – I might use that for a post on the trailer :-)) In any case, I wish that RA knew this and would feel validated, vindicated, gratified by that. We all trust him that he will create another outstanding character – and we do so on the basis of a few seconds… You know, the comparison with an elegant panther – I was thinking along those lines, too. Daniel to me looked like a mixture of agent Lucas North and Guy on the prowl. Hm. Methinks, there is a shrine in that, too 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Blue, black, silvery shrine??? What’s not to love about it? ❤

    Trailer was great and had to remind me it's not Lucas 😀 I especially love that close up shot from below where his chin and eyes are in the spotlight.


  8. I love Daniel already, gorgeous spies are my weakness. I can’t wait to see more! And that RAPS is absolutely amazing..


    • I wonder how much of my enthusiasm is also some sort of misguided hope to see Lucas – redeemed and vindicated 😉 Well, whatever, Danny looks good, the show looks good. Hope there’ll be more peeks for more shrines 😉


  9. “As long as he doesn’t open his mouth to speak.” haha! So true. Great work on this one. I have a feeling this series is going to be a good one.


    • Fully agree with you – it looks really well-made. I loved the cinematography on it, the thumping soundtrack, the look for Daniel, the hints and mystery… I can’t wait for it (and don’t even know when I will be able to see it…)


  10. The shape of those legs on the rooftop caught my eye right away and hasn’t let go (my poor eye). The look of Berlin Station is amazing – our Mr. Armitage is going to be too sexy to bear. Love the D-RAPS !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you sparkhouse 🙂 The legs… seem to be sheathed in trousers straight from Lucas’ wardrobe. I love the look so far, of both DM and the show. Here’s to hoping that EPIX will continue giving us preview glimpses!


  11. I’m going to have to make more room in my heart for Daniel alongside my other chaRActer loves – he’s won me over already. As much as I could appreciate RA’s Dolarhyde role, it was one I always viewed with dread and I haven’t revisited since my initial watch, so the anticipation of a character like Daniel in a project such as Berlin Station is beyond exciting. 😀 (not an entry either!)


    • I know what you mean, Mezz. Even though I had much less problems watching Hannibal than I thought, it’s not a series that I have gone back to. I enjoy watching the gifs, but I haven’t looked at it again. Mind you, I think a serial killer may have been a bit more interesting, acting-wise, than a spy… Daniel, however, looks as if he could be a serial attraction in his own right.


  12. good evening, Guylty. really love the Daniel shrine. I might not be able to get that epix channel down where I live at but just seeing the previews of Berlin Station it looks very exciting and if I can’t see Berlin Station, I just might have to buy the series Spooks(only the seasons that have Mr. Richard Armitage in it) because a few people say his character Lucas is almost like Daniel and the show is almost like spooks.( hope that is the right show and character I am talking about, if not sorry for the mistake).


    • Yes, you are spot on, bloodangel. Daniel is very much reminiscent of Lucas. Well, in looks at least, although the trailer seems to hint at possible shades of character, too…
      Epix doesn’t broadcast where I live, either. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. The trailer sure has whetted my appetite.
      And re. Spooks – no question, bloodangel, you should DEFINITELY get seasons 7-9 of Spooks and watch it. It’s well worth seeing, Lucas North is a fantastic, very interesting character. Plus, RA is in every episode, with much eye candy 🙂 It’s an investment that will pay off, I can assure you!


  13. Lovely minimalist shrine. Very sleek and contemporary.lines. I like the red silhouette on the stripe. It looks like a James Bond type design. Very sophisticated, Great job..


    • It really is quite minimalist, compared to my usual opulent hearts-and-feathers type of stuff, isn’t it? I really like that logo, I must say. The red silhouette is a nice focal point. And the whole colour scheme is quite Bond. Love what they have been doing so far.


  14. Retweeted with much glee. A wonderful first edition Daniel Miller. Would love to give him a cozy home. And watching him climb around the roof really got my libido leaping. The man is so….athletic. Shall we see a Miller shrine each week like we had with Dolly?


    • The rooftop scene was nicely smooth, indeed. The trailer did everything it was supposed to – it whetted my appetite in every way. And yes, I’d love to do a weekly shrine again, like last year. Alas, I won’t have access to EPIX… I’ll have to depend on gifs and caps by others.


  15. Lovely work! And so quick! Can’t wait for the show (hopefully to be shown in Australia) and I’m sure there will many, many inspirational Daniel Miller pics for your future RAPS projects 🙂


    • The quick response thing is something that I have always admired the fan art creators on tumblr and elsewhere for. No sooner is there a new picture of RA, or an appearance at an event, and they have giffed, drawn, painted, plushiefied him. So I set myself the challenge of doing the same as soon as something new turned up. The King of Underland appeared earlier, but there is so little material of him yet, so I did not find him suitable. Daniel Miller OTOH was a no brainer 😉 Let’s hope we get more trailers until the autumn! Keeping my fingers crossed for you to have the show broadcast in Australia! Not sure whether I will get access to it in Ireland…


    • Parched is a fitting description, Austoz. Same here. Positively starving for something new. Thus, it was an absolute no brainer to put Daniel into a shrine.


  16. I didn’t know shamrocks bloom! (You can always count on me for a non sequitur about some random detail….) I’m dreading the accent, too, and I’m an American. I’m worried that it won’t sound like “him” and the voice won’t be as satisfying as it usually is. New topic: there’s a split second of Dolarhyde horror eyes in that trailer. Ewwwww.


    • All the shamrocks I know, bloom 😉 – the regular ones on the meadow have a different sort of flower, though. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trifolium_pratense The ones in my window boxes and roof garden came from a packet, though, so must be a different species.
      I think you have summarised my worries about the accent – the voice (and English accentS) are one of RA’s greatest assets. But I have to admit that it may just take a little getting used to, and soon the American variant will be another loved asset…
      Dolarhyde horror eyes – in the phone scene? That’s where I thought a bit of creepy danger was visible…


  17. Forgot to say that I checked in thinking “Oh maybe Guylty will post her Saturday list a little early, if she was poking around bored today and wanted to ‘finish’ something.” Instead you’ve been making a shrine! You, go girl!


    • Hehe, you were on the right track. Although I am otherwise completely routine when it comes to the round-up. That will never be posted pre-Saturday 🙂


  18. Pingback: Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/19 | Guylty Pleasure

    • Hehehe, what a sweet comparison! For some reason I now have Daniel Miller, dressed in red, with a flowing white beard, shouldering a big sack of presents, in my mind’s eye… (Christmas card 2016 sorted ✔️) I can think of other “traps” for the sexy spy…

      Liked by 1 person

  19. *g* Maybe I inspired you for a Christmas Edition RAPS …? Such a pity that we don’t have Santa Claus in Austria … My letter to him would be hilarious this year: “Dear Santa, do yourself something good and take a break this year. Let Daniel Miller handle this.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • 😂 Yes, I suppose Daniel Miller wouldn’t look quite as convincing if he turned up as Christkindl… Oh god, the visuals… 😂😂😂.
      But yes, now that you mention it, I should keep Santa Miller on my to do list for Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Daniel looks dashing! And a lovely first Daniel RAPS.
    I hope we get to see Berlin Station in Australia (and on free to air), otherwise I will be anxiously waiting for the DVD release. I also hope that Daniel doesn’t break my heart like Lucas did.


  21. Another beauty! Yep, I’m in, if I’m not too late… Oh wait, I already RT’ed on Twitter, so I’m already in the draw, yes? If not, no biggie… but I do really like the look of Daniel and this shrine!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Lovely shrine count me in. It seems too early to release trailer for a programme for the autumn unless they think people will need time to buy the channel but that makes little sense if its only shown on Epix.


    • Cool, you’re in!
      And yes, very early. I just think they are throwing a lot at their investment. Start early, wear everyone down. I like it, in this case.


  23. i really like the edgy street look of the trailer and the RAPS 🙂 and look forward to the drip by drip enjoyment of it once it comes out, i sure hope they don’t do the Netflix style bulk release as i love the weekly anticipation and pondering between eps 🙂
    From the looks of it i hope it will be able to stand with head high compared to recent spy drama around and it certainly looks good, We’ll cross the accent bridge when we get there, it didn’t alter his voice completely as Francis so maybe we’ll get lucky also since his speech will not be impaired this time. Hope dies last 😉
    I hope there’s good script, good acting and interesting story line 🙂 And a DVD at the end or some way of purchasing the lot.
    PS, sorry for the dirty mind but we really need to call Berlin Station something else than BS LOL 😝 Somebody in the branding department didn’t think that quite through when they named it 😀


  24. Pingback: RAPS in Retrospect – Part 2 [Daniel Miller] | Guylty Pleasure

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