The Second of All of the Awards?

Ok, let’s celebrate. For the second year in a row, Armitage has bagged a Saturn Award. Last year it was for “Best Supporting Actor in a Film” for BOTFA, and this year he was presented with the gong for “Best Supporting TV Actor” for Hannibal.

//’s with all the “supporting” in those awards? The industry really needs to wake up and give the man a few leading roles. He can pull it off, people!

Anyhow, in the absence of any confirmation on the various projects that are currently being bandied around, I thought I’d honour Richard’s turn as Francis Dolarhyde with a little reverence and self-reference. I am feeling quite smug here (obviously…), having hailed his whole performance as FD last year, and right from the get go. Well, ok, I am a fan, so that was expected… But I feel slightly vindicated in my praise by the fact that he was given an official award. But ok, rather than put you through endless quotes of my immensely prescient past posts, I’ve got a short cut:

Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 16.51.29

Essentially a visualisation of my various reviews of the individual episodes etc. Unfortunately my RAPSian visualisations of my appreciation of RA did not count for the wordle. But heck, my blog, my bar – here’s a quick collage of all the shrines that Richard inspired through his portrayal of Francis Dolarhyde/The Great Red Dragon:


Congratulations on your second Saturn Award, Richard! 

Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

42 thoughts on “The Second of All of the Awards?

  1. I’m thrilled… so well-deserved. Makes me want to have a Hannibal final 6 episode marathon to revisit all that gory glory! And yes! Give the man more leading roles. He’ll NOT disappoint!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Speaking of final 6 episode marathons: Remember how we were saying before Hannibal 3 ever came out, that there would surely be a fan-cut at some stage? Well, doesn’t really look like it. I really do not want to sit through the whole thing again – but if someone edited all the non-RA scenes out, I’d watch it again.


    • Hehe, why *evil* ;-)? Well deserved. And especially since you are a “proper” Fannibal. I just think it is so cool that two of my creations have travelled so far…


  2. Loved the retrospective of Dolly shrines. I didn’t realize there were so many, and all masterpieces of course. Nice to know you were in the forefront of Dollarhyde appreciators. And I mean not just his physical attributes, although those were considerable. Loved your trophy graphic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yup, I was half surprised, too. I knew that there were more than just the six I made concurrent with the series, but I more or less stumbled over the other ones when I went through my picture archive. So yeah, it was worth it 😉


  3. Nicht nur du, auch RA scheint in Feierlaune zu sein – kabbelt sich neckisch mit
    Dawn French. Es sei ihm von Herzen gegönnt (Ich schau mir den Dolly trotzdem nicht näher an, kann ja hier bei dir die Shrine-Herrlichkeit bewundern) 🙂 🙂


    • Da bringt RA natürlich gleich das versammelte Fandom zum verträumten Schwingen. Harry und Gerry sind ja schließlich DAS Traumpaar. (Man könnte jetzt mal weiterforschen, warum das eigentlich so ist… aber vielleicht lassen wir das mal lieber. Das könnte dann doch ehrenrührig werden.)
      Ich sags jetzt hier auch noch mal auf Deutsch: Es besteht innerhalb des Fandoms dringend der Bedarf nach einem Fan-kompatiblen Dolarhyde-Schnitt der letzten sechs Hannibal-Folgen. Wer will den anderen Scheiß schon sehen? Entscheidend sind ja nur die Szenen von RA. Am besten dann noch mit Einblendung von kleinen Warnungen, wenn eine blutige Ekelszene bevorsteht, damit die etwas zarter besaiteten Fans weggucken können. Dass das noch nicht gemacht worden ist… tstststs


      • Du solltest einen mehrsprachigen und ganz offiziellen Aufruf starten. Vielleicht musst du einen entsprechenden Shrine als Belohnung in Aussicht stellen 😉

        Harry und Geraldine sind einfach zuckersüß zusammen und manchmal braucht frau einfach dringlich eine zuckersüße Liebesgeschichte nur so zum Dahinschmelzen. Was gäbe ich nicht für eine Fortsetzung ❤ ❤

        Was sagst du zur heutigen Abstimmung über den Brexit? Herr Armitage hat sich erstaunlich eindeutig positioniert. Er folgt hier konsequent seinem pro europäischen Kurs.


        • Eigentlich gar keine so schlechte Idee – man muss nur fragen, dann wird manchmal ja auch jemand aktiv. Ob es da mit einem Schrein allerdings getan ist… Ist ja ne Sauarbeit…
          Die Brexit-Abstimmung ist hier das Tagesgespräch. Natürlich immer noch keine Hochrechnungen (dürfen die in GB wohl gesetzlich nicht machen, weil das ja die Wähler beeinflussen könnte…), aber da es da ja nur um zwei Kästchen geht, dürfte die Auszählung dann ja nicht so kompliziert werden wie sonst bei dem Mehrheitswahlrecht.
          Für Armitagsche Verhältnisse waren die Ansagen tatsächlich sehr deutlich. Wobei ich vorhin noch einmal hämisch gegrinst habe, als ich seinen letzten tweet gesehen habe, wo er darauf hinwies, dass der Ausgang der Volksabstimmung aber noch nicht mal bedeutet, dass die vom Volk getroffene Wahl verbindlich ist. So schlüpft er einem dann immer wieder durch die Finger, der Schlingel. Nun gut, aber das beigefügte Video von Stephen Hawking hat dann natürlich unterstrichen, wo der “Europäer” Armitage sein Kreuzchen gemacht hat… 😂


          • Ich gehe fest davon aus, dass er sein Kreuzchen für Europa gemacht hat. Er ist ja vor Ort und so dürfte das kein Problem gewesen sein.
            Sieht mir zur Zeit wirklich sehr heruntergehungert aus, der Gute. Er erinnert mich stark an den frisch der russischen Folter entkommenen Lucas – das weckt sofort sämtliche Kümmer-Reflexe bei mir (sieht so verletzlich aus und auch jünger, was aus meiner Sicht nicht sein muss, aber für den Film vielleicht nützlich ist).


            • Ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen, dass ich ihn sooo dünn nun auch wieder nicht finde. Klar, auf jeden Fall schlanker als zu Hobbit-Zeiten oder Proctor oder Chop oder im Wind-Film, aber ich persönlich finde jetzt nicht, dass er abgemagert ist.


              • Vielleicht würde ich mich halt nur gerne kümmern… *ertapptguck*
                Nein, nicht ernsthaft.
                Aber da sieht man mal wieder wie unterschiedlich doch die Wahrnehmung ein und desselben Bildes ist. Die Wahrheit liegt im Auge der Betrachterin. 🙂


    • Did you watch the Saturn Awards? Was it on stream somewhere?
      I can hardly believe that it is almost a year ago since I made most of these shrines…
      The word cloud is really cool, isn’t it? It’s all the words from my various reviews of the episodes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, I’m afraid they did not stream. And no Periscope either. I searched. Such a shame. It appears they only live Tweeted and Instagrammed, with most of the Instagramming at the after party and no Instagram video at all during. Considering the star power, and clout they should be carrying because of it, it’s a shame they didn’t put some money into at the very least a stream. Buying bandwidth to host and storage for access can be expensive I suppose, but I don’t know…YouTube? Anyway, to be honest, as much as The Castaway is a nice place to eat with a really great view of Burbank and Los Angeles, it is not what I would call a top notch venue for such an event. The Wi-Fi signal up there is dicey (which was perhaps an issue) but there are ways to get around that. But even so, with the kind of posts we got, it feels like the social networking team was run by interns. :/


        • That’s really a shame – I would’ve thought they realise that there is much interest in some of the shows that were given awards on their ceremony… Hm, I don’t want to be negative, but it makes me wonder how important these Awards really are, then…

          Liked by 1 person

          • My impression is: really important to a niche audience. Once upon a time these categories (scifi, horror, thriller) didn’t get much play in the Golden Globes or the Oscars. That’s why they created them and that is their audience. As these genres become more mainstream, the Saturn becomes less important.


          • The best thing about the Saturn Awards is that they uniquely cover genres that other awards do not, so in that I think they are important. They just need more financial backing to get on a grander scale if they want to be taken more seriously.

            The opened up voting to the everyman last year by creating special memberships. I think that was smart to be so inclusive, but I think it wasn’t quite enough to fund this year’s awards yet.

            But please forgive my openness in my criticism of this, and other shows like it. My intention is not to be negative, but I am sure I am not alone in some of it. My hope is that the show organizers are not so surrounded by Yes Men that they aren’t willing to make changes or progress based on criticism (and not that they will ever see any of this.)

            But I should just put my money where my mouth is and write to them, shouldn’t I?


    • I really should do more of those collage posts – all Harry Kennedy’s in one post, for instance? (Actually a bad example – I haven’t really made many Harrys…)
      And yes, hoping for the next big award for Richard. The man should be validated, properly.


  4. I have my shrine on my desk in front of me. 🙂 🙂 Love the connection of Chandler Riggs making the announcement. Both of his “Walking Dead” parents have starred with RA. Andrew Lincoln in Strike Back and Sarah Wayne Callies from Into the Storm.


  5. I love my Dolly Shrine, the one with the mirror. And, thanks to going through Guylty’s retrospective of her 1st 100 shrines, I discovered that the key was missing. Or was it? Found it hung up behind the mirror. A little delicate surgery and the key is back where it belongs. The shrine sits with my Dolly plushie from the plushie queen Sinnaminie, and my Funko Dolly. I’m still in his serial thrall.
    All the fuss and hullabaloo about his taking that role. Obviously Mr. A knows what’s best for Mr. A.


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