The Twelve Days of Christmas – Day 12 [Raffle]

Congratulations – you have made it through my twelve days of distracting you from the end of the autumn of love love love Christmas! For me, the big day has arrived – my final raffle post for you, *and* Christmas Eve is today. That is the big day in a German household. Depending on when you are reading this, I will be… decorating the tree in the morning, sitting down for a light lunch, indulging in a family tea time with all four candles on the advent wreath lit, eating traditional bratwurst and sauerkraut dinner, or unwrapping presents under the Christmas tree… Happy Christmas to you all!


Before I move on to the final raffle, I have to announce yesterday’s winner of the RA Xmas bauble. Rocking around the Xmas tree will be… Esther! Please let me know your address (via e-mail at guylty(at)photographer(dot)net or DM on Twitter @guyltypleasure) and I will put the package in the mail for you as soon as the post offices reopen after the holidays. Thank you to all for taking part! (Draw protocol via click of seal to the right.)



And now on to the final raffle item. You may have already suspected that I would throw one of such items into the giveaway. Of course, I could not resist offering…

1 RA Pocket Shrine


It’s Christmas time, and I am hoping for snow. And presents. And somehow this popped up… Too hot for Christmas? Sorry not sorry. For those who do not know – this is a RA pocket shrine, a mini-shrine in a mint tin, complete with a couple of candles to slot into little holes and light up your altar of RA-shipping ;-). I’ll be indulging in a customary RAPS post later on with a few more pics, so you will be able to see more of it. If you already like what you see, leave me a comment below and you are in the raffle to win this little gift. You have 24 hours to do so, until 8am on 25 December, 2016. 


As for now, and since I will be celebrating Christmas today, I wish you all a wonderful celebration. May you be with people you love, have warmth and a roof over your head, some favourite food in your bellies, and hopefully a lot of fun and rest. 


The last recap and small print of the series: Raffle for 1 RAPS, open to all until 8am GMT Dec 25, 2016. The raffle items will be sent anywhere in the world, no P&P costs either. To enter the raffle, just a leave a comment below. Winner to be announced tomorrow in my Christmas post.


Best of luck and love to you all!

90 thoughts on “The Twelve Days of Christmas – Day 12 [Raffle]

  1. Merry Christmas to you. Loved reading how you will be celebrating today. Me…. will be spent sleeping in as I need to work the 4pm to 11:30pm closing shift. Hoping all the last minute shoppers are kind. That is a naughty shrine….Ho, Ho, Ho…

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s always interesting to know the different traditions of Christmas (or any other end-of-year/winter celebration) in different countries and different families. I hope you’ll get through your last shift quickly and without any major difficulties. Happy Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Merry Christmas Guylty!!!! ❤ Sauerkraut and Würstchen sounds delicious – laßt es euch schmecken!!!
    And many thanks for organizing this raffle and for the first smile of the day – this shrine is another masterpiece andI love the naughty touch!!! 🙂


    • Let’s blame the muse for naughty, hehe. Can’t help it, if he comes across that hot…
      And now with lunch out of the way, I am looking forward to sauerkraut later. Bring it on. Frohe Weihnachten!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Schöne und friedliche Weihnachten dir und deiner Familie! 🙂

    Mal sehen, ob ich diesmal bei der Verlosung Glück habe … Als Esther K. irl wäre das doch sehr passend. *gg*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mensch, das war mir mal wieder nicht mehr präsent, dass du Esther K. bist. Ich drücke dir die Daumen, denn so ein Daunen-Daniel muss in der Tat an eine Esther gehen 😉
      Auch dir schöne Weihnachten im Kreise lieber Menschen!


  4. Happy Christmas to you! This afternoon is our crib service at church in which I parade round the church with a selection of angels, shepherds and wise men. And then collapse.

    The shrine looks wonderful.


    • Ah, I am looking back fondly to the years of attending the crib service for the sake of my children. And yet, I am also glad that we can just relax these days. Have fun at the service – and a very merry Christmas to you!


  5. What? What? I actually WON something? I never win anything, and now I get a RA bauble? Woohoo!!!!! I’m so thrilled!! Thank you!!
    I wish you a very Happy Christmas, Guylty!! And thank you so much for your generosity doing this whole 12 day giveaway, thing.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Ooo, what a gorgeous shrine, mmm, drooling over here… ❤❤❤

    Big day in our household too, as this is when we decorate! Hooray! Then Midnight Mass but at 8pm, which is very civilised and perfectly proper because at sunset it becomes the next day (apparently, according to the Catholic Church) so then we come home and have our stockings in front of the fire 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helen – so glad to hear from you! Hope you are doing well!
      Ah, so you will be opening your presents tonight, too? I have never heard that from any of my English friends, very interesting. Makes sense, though, and explains why otherwise the presents are opened in the morning on Boxing Day – as it might have been considered too late for children to receive their presents in the evening the night before…


    • Happy Christmas to you, too, Glady. I still have one of your pressies to unwrap later on. It will join the rest of the presents under the Christmas tree.
      And I am very glad if my 12-day-distraction scheme worked.


  7. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Guylty …. Yum, I love bratwurst and sauerkraut 👍 😌 Delish . Lovely little pocket shrine …. Congrats to whoever wins and Congratulations to Esther . Wishing everyone who reads this blog a very Merry Christmas

    Hope you enjoy your Holiday with family and friends.


    • I hope you have a lovely Christmas, too, Clo. Your package is in the post and on its way to you – something to unwrap a little later, drawing out the present time 🙂 Happy Christmas!


      • Thank you, Guylty 😘 We had a lovely Christmas Eve … hubby and I went to house party and then on to Christmas Eve Mass, drove around town to see the houses all decked out in lights (we live close to a Victorian seaside resort town) and have been watching cheesy Christmas movies and Old Doctor Who episodes all day today 👍😎

        Oh YES, definitely something to look forward to … your lovely RA calendar and Hariclea’s lovely chocolates … I am a lucky lady 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄


  8. Your idea of giving 12 days Of Christmas gifts has been amazing!(the gifts were great too). Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends.


  9. What a gorgeous RAPS – drooling here too. 😛 Thank you for your generosity and time organising these raffles Guylty. It’s currently just gone midnight here so it’s officially Christmas Day now. Merry Christmas to you and all here!


    • A proper merry Christmas to you, Mezz. It is now in the middle of the night to you, as I am writing this, and when you get up, you can unwrap your presents. I hope there’ll be lots of love and fun in it for you. Merry Christmas, and thank you for your support and friendship!


  10. Merry Christmas Guylty! Thank you so much for this fun RAffle. It has been great! An RAPS is just what I need to make my Christmas bright!! 🕯🎄🕯😊


    • I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for a bright Christmas for you, with or without RAPS. Thank you for your comments and participation – I have so enjoyed the last 12 days. Merry Christmas!


  11. Nachdem unsere Tage heute parallel ablaufen werden (hier bei uns nur ganz ohne Sauerkraut), findest du vielleicht noch Zeit, diese Grüße zu lesen.
    Ich wünsche deiner Familie und dir eine fröhliche und gesegnete Weihnachtszeit und danke dir für dein großes Engagement und für deine Begeisterung, die mich immer wieder mitreißt. Schön, dass du diesen Ort hier mit so viel Liebe für uns alle bereit hältst.
    Vielleicht bin ich nach fast einem Jahr hier bei euch auch in der Lage, mit dem eventuellen Gewinn solch eines besonderen Döschens umzugehen. “hust”
    Mal sehen 😉


    • Liebe Elanor – auch dir und deinen Lieben einen fröhlichen, friedlichen Heiligabend und frohe Festtage. Die letzten 12 Tage haben auch mir riesigen Spaß gemacht, und ich wenn davon etwas auf meine Leser übergesprungen ist, dann habe ich meine Mission erfüllt.
      LOL – langsam müsstest du dich an die Schreinchen gewöhnt haben. Ob es eine allergische Reaktion gibt, müssten wir dringend mal austesten. Wenn es bei der Verlosung klappen sollte, erwarte ich den Testbericht 😉
      Happy Christmas!


      • Ich bin ja schon länger überzeugt, dass du mit deinen Kunstwerken eine Packungsbeilage mitschicken müsstest. Sie sind hoch wirksam und du solltest vor Nebenwirkungen waren: unkontrollierbares Starren, Sprachstörungen, Tagträume, vermehrter Speichelfluss…
        Und das heute zu verlosende Stück birgt wegen der vielen nackten Haut ein besonders hohes Gefahrenpotential. Ich mag mir das kaum vorstellen.


        • Kicher – hahaha, ja, das habe ich schon mal gehört. Ich mache mir da gelegentlich auch schon Sorgen über evtl. anfallende Regressansprüche. Ich muss das mal mit meiner Rechtsberatung besprechen und eine entsprechende Ablehnung aller Gewährleistungen formulieren…
          Gefahrenpotential 😂


  12. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 131/? – White Xmas | Guylty Pleasure

  13. Merry Christmas! I so enjoy your posts, shrines & all the humor you send our way. Thanks for keeping us so well and *ahem* suggestively entertained in RALand, and may you & yours be truly blessed this Christmas & in 2017.


    • Thank you for the lovely comment, seekers. I am happy if I can entertain you, and spread some fun and cheer in a world that sometimes leads us to despair. A happy Christmas to you, too!


  14. Does it come with a pack of cigarettes? I’m afraid I’ll want one after seeing this prize…and I haven’t smoked in years. Merry Christmas!!!


    • Hehe, no no no, I won’t enable that. Even though I smoke. But I know it’s bad. Fangirling, OTOH, is good for you, so I am happy to enable that kind of addiction 😉


  15. I love this RAPS! *fans self* Daniel Miller makes a spylicious sexy Santa! (He has definitely distRActed me from thinking of the end of the Autumn of LLL) My maiden name is Miller so the initials DM (on the outside of lid) are a great connection for me. Thank you for these 12 days of Christmas fun. You are always so kind and generous with your time and talent. I wish a joyful Christmas to you and your family and much happiness in the New Year. 🌲❤️🌲


    • Oh, that would be great if this shrine went to you, D, with that kind of reference! Fingers crossed!
      You know, none of my creativity would flow if it wasn’t for a) RA and b) my fellow fans who are not only an audience, but also my inspiration. It’s a huge pleasure for me because I receive so much back.
      Have a lovely Christmas – I hope you’ll be celebrating with your children. Happy Christmas to Michelle!


  16. This is my first comment on your blog! We’ve exchanged tweets, though. 😉 I can’t stop looking at naughty Santa Daniel, lol. The perfect RAPS to keep one warm in the winter. Since you’re interested, my family spends Christmas Eve eating cookies, drinking cocoa, and watching Christmas movies. Presents are opened first thing Christmas morning, followed by a big brunch. 😋 Enjoy your own Christmas celebration & thanks for doing the raffle! Happy Holidays! 😘🎁🎄


    • Hello and welcome here, Jenn – of course I know we have tweeted 🐦 😊
      Oh, I’d love to sit down with cocoa and cookies… I love my Christmas traditions, but it is certainly all very pre-planned, and little relaxation. A movie day would be a dream…
      Happy Christmas to you too xx


  17. Oh my ……goodness! I haven’t even read any of your post after the picture of the shrine. Oh my oh my oh my!!! Merry Christmas Eve, thank you for all the pleasure you have given this reader in 2016 and very best and warmest of wishes for 2017!


    • *giggles* A picture says more than a 1000 words?
      Thank you for your lovely comment – and thank you for reading and thus supporting me. It has been fun – and I hope to continue next year, too. Lots of love!


  18. [Not an entry}
    This RAPS took my breath away! What great pictures you have chosen!
    On Christmas Eve, we always have tortière and tarte au sucre to keep alive my French-Canadian roots. On Christmas Day, it’s turkey with all the fixings.
    Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of my more daring shrines, I dare say… Let’s blame RA – or the makers of that show 😉
      Tortiere and tarte au sucre – sounds heavenly to me even though I don’t know what it is. But French cooking has that kind of salivating effect, in any case. Happy Christmas.


  19. It’s a good thing I was sitting down, otherwise I would have found myself on the floor. *be still my heart* . Since there would be no snow tomorrow or the next xxx days, Mr. A would be a great consolation. *g*
    Merry Christmas to you Guylty, and all the lovely ladies here!
    p.s. Enjoy your bauble, Esther! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • I need to start putting warnings into the headlines of these shrines, if my cheeky-naughty streak continues… Wouldn’t want to risk any injury among my readers.
      Hope you had a lovely Christmas, Andrea!


  20. This is fantastic! You’ve outdone yourself, especially with the licking the lollipop idea – naughty! Congratulations in advance to whoever wins this. Merry Christmas, everyone!


  21. Splendid way to close the raffle! He would be perfect under any tree, in any stocking or pocket! Nothing wrong with a bit of naughty at Xmas, right there with Wurst, Sauerkraut , cocoa and cookies 😍 have a Merry one!


    • My mission is done if I have managed to spread a bit of fun the last 12 days. It’s been great from my side, too. Thank you for reading and commenting, and hope you are having a good one!


  22. Congrats Esther..I have not seen BS,have to wait till it comes on HULU,but,Til i see it I will make believe it’s Lucas..Happy Christmas S..


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