Happy Christmas, All!

Have you unwrapped your presents already? One of you mscreen-shot-2016-12-25-at-08-31-08ay receive another present in the post, soon! Time to reveal the winner of the final Twelve Days of Christmas raffle. Without further ado: The “White Xmas” RAPS goes to… Stephanie! Congratulations! Hope you’ll enjoy the cheeky tin – let me know your address (e-mail at guylty(at)photographer(dot)net or DM on Twitter @guyltypleasure) and I will make sure this one-of-a-kind RA fan item will get to you asap! (For some strange reason, this morning my preferred random number picking service did not work and I had to resort to another method of identifying the winner, by simply numbering the comments and then generating a random number, which determined the winner – screenshot to the right.)

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all of the participants in the raffles for your kind attention, your comments, your encouragement and your support. Projects like that only work because you react and make it so fun for me. I love it especially when I manage to coax a “lurker” of long standing out in the open. Not that there is anything wrong with reading without commenting. You are welcome to do so. But I find it always interesting to meet new people, and I believe that interaction creates a stronger bond than one-way communication (Hello Richie, there is a not-so-veiled message in that, for you! 😀 ) I have really enjoyed my daily posts – much more than I thought I would, in fact – and I will be missing my early morning randompicker raffle action ;-). Thanks for indulging me.

Lastly, best wishes to you for a lovely Christmas, wherever you are, however you may celebrate – or not celebrate, for that matter. Christmas sounds like (and is) a Christian holiday – but the occasion is much the same in many religions and cultures all over the world – a celebration of light in a dark time. That premise sounds more adequate than ever, in our current political climate. No matter what religion (or none, for that matter), I think we can all agree on hoping (and working) for more light, more warmth, more love in the future. Light up your smiles, and make the world better. You can start by looking at the picture below.

Love, peace, happy Christmas 

❤️ 🕊 🎄


41 thoughts on “Happy Christmas, All!

  1. I dare anyone to hang some mistletoe over Richard…hehe. Thank you so much for these daily posts. I looked forward to reading them daily and they always put a smile on my face. It’s after midnight here….got home from work about 11:35pm and we started opening gifts. 15 y/o son was very happy with his haul. Have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a stressful day for you, valsgal. You really deserve a couple of days rest now. I hope you can relax and enjoy the family a bit.
      And thank you for your lovely words and your support.


      • Waiting to see what it will be like tomorrow at work with all the returns. Tried to sleep in and rest today. My niece who travels to England often and spent a semester there wished me a Happy Christmas today. Hmmm…we were just talking about the phrase.


    • Nach dem schlechten Start ging’s dann Gottseidank ohne weiteren Zwischenfälle weiter – obwohl wir auf der Fahrt zur Weihnachtsfeier mit der irischen Familie fast noch einen üblen Unfall gehabt hätten. Nicht unsere Schuld – ein anderer, unaufmerksamer Fahrer. Aber Mannmannmann, da kriegt man einen Schreck…


      • Ab und zu muss man ja mal testen, ob die Sache mit dem Adrenalin noch richtig funktioniert … Grmpf!

        Ich bin Freitag schwungvoll aus dem Bus ausgestiegen und habe gerade noch rechtzeitig stehen bleiben können, sonst wäre ich in ein fahrendes Motorrad gelaufen … Die Idioten dachten wohl, auf dem Bürgersteig könnte man mal eben dem Stop-&-Go-Verkehr ausweichen. :-/


  2. Congratulations for a very succesful Christmas action, it was fun to follow! And Hariclea with her Thorntons brought back some RA related memories, from The Crucible times, lots of love for her too! I think #raundermistletoe will be a classic 😘😘😘 Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for making our holiday season brighter, Guylty, in the midst of a dark winter. In New York we walked by the barricades outside Trump Tower and felt saddened. I am hoping for the best. There’s still so much love and good will in the world.


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