
Three weeks have passed since the last post – and after touching back down on Irish soil last night, the objective today was to catch up with all things fandom. A Castlevania review is waiting to be written, my holiday reading (jealously guarded by Pop!Thorin, see right) warrants some mention, and above all, plenty of interesting posts have piled up on tumblr, to be compiled in a summer edition of the Weekly Armitage Round-up. And to top it all, the plan for this evening was to watch Pilgrimage in the Irish Film Institute – accompanied by Mr Guylty Yes, he had expressed an interest in seeing this film. Despite my confession that Armitage was playing in it.

Apart from those pleasant fandom activities, I also had a number of chores on my list. Putting on a wash of all the holiday garb. Stocking the fridge. Getting my holiday photos transferred onto my Mac. And last but not least – get through the work that had piled up in my absence. However, it wasn’t my usual reluctance to re-immerse myself in blogging after a longish absence that thwarted such plans. It started with me getting completely distracted today after Sinnamin encouraged me to create a Society6 store for the chaRActer designs. Society6 is a online print service much the same as Redbubble – but actually has much better promotions than the latter, as well as better sharing functions. So I started uploading the fabric designs, frustrated by the fact that the files are too small for the various print options available on Society6. *hmph* Which then led me to experiment with larger file sizes by way of my photographs. And *boom* the afternoon was gone after I got sucked into uploading another, and another, and another photograph… If you want to have a look, you can check the RA collection here. Same fundraising rules apply as with my other fandom designs. I’ve added a link to Guylty on Society6 in my side bar.

Some of the photographic loot from Crete Santorini

Having frittered away the afternoon, the evening also didn’t go as planned. I spontaneously decided to forego the pleasure of watching Richard Armitage emote under chain mail (…). As Mr Guylty and I were leaving the house to take a 30 minute walk to the cinema, I remarked that it was a shame to sit in a dark cinema on a beautiful, mild and sunny evening such as today. Instead, hubster, daughter and moi bought fish & chips and drove to our favourite spot in the middle of Dublin Bay to watch the terns catch their dinner in the smooth sea. Pilgrimage can wait another day; making use of a sunny summer evening in Dublin cannot.

So fandom duties must wait until tomorrow. But at least I have taken the first step. I am back.

PS: Society6 promo with free shipping + 20% until midnight tonight!


35 thoughts on “Back!

    • Thank you 😊.
      Well, I had it easier with Pilgrimage – it’s set in a part of Ireland that hubster is familiar with, it is a home-grown production, and like me, the hubster is a history head. I think his suspicion of Armitage was overridden by his interest in the subject/cinematographic representation of Ireland. However, I *do* expect scathing remarks on Armitage’s performance… if only just to rile me.


  1. I agree — in your part of the northern hemisphere, sunshine must be exploited when available! Sounds like a great evening. Look forward to your impressions, though.


    • I don’t regret spending the evening out and about, but I confess that I am getting really impatient to finally see the film on the big screen. It has made its way to me by other means, but I much rather want to experience it in the cinema. Tonight’s the night. Hopefully.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back! I hope you had as relaxing a time as I did in my vacation! (I’m waiting until tomorrow to tackle the work back-up though.)
    Wow! I see they have your RA designs as bath mats! …. wonder what my hubby would think about that!?!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Sue – our holiday was great. All the heat and sunshine I had been hoping for. It was really relaxing.
      The bath mats are a hoot! I was laughing when I saw that option…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Just three weeks – but yes, feels like forever for me, too. And I *hate* it when things pile up fandom-wise, in the meantime. I get easily discouraged when I am faced with a mountain of stuff. Luckily, work is slow today, so I will have time to deal with this…


  3. Ha, DAS nenne ich Prioritäten setzen! Gut gemacht. Ich habe es gerade mal geschafft, das erste Drittel anzusehen. Der Rest wartet noch auf dem Rechner. Ist wahrlich nicht gerade gemütsaufhellend 🙄


    • Jawoll, man muss im Auge behalten, was wirklich wichtiger ist. Du glaubst gar nicht, wie glücklich ich den Gatten mit meiner spontanen Umentscheidung gemacht habe. So a la “gegen Armitage, für Gatten” 😂. Dabei ist Armitage nur auf die lange Bank geschoben. (Da macht er sich ja auch ganz gut *höhö*).
      Und ja, so richtig freuen kann man sich auf den Schinken ja nicht. Man weiß ja bereits jetzt schon, dass das alles unschön werden wird. Grah.


  4. Welcome back! My eye was immediately drawn to your holiday reading photo. Believe it or not I literally just finished reading The Sunne in Splendour 2 days ago! Great choice 😊


    • Haha, in German we call that kind of coincidence “Two idiots, one shared idea” 😉. That book was a long time coming – and I really enjoyed reading it. I got quite emotional over Richard III, and when I was talking to hubster about the book, tears threatened to spill again. Testament to Sharon Penman’s persuasive writing. What did you think?


      • Hehe I prefer the saying “great minds think alike” but I have to admit the German version made me laugh. 😆 Penman’s portrayal of Richard III deeply touched me and actually brought me to tears more than once upon reflection of what he endured in his life and afterward in death. Beyond the novel, it does break my heart that history has maligned him so undeservedly 😢


        • Exactly the same here, Donna. I am not an expert in that era of history (or of English history), but I am inclined to believe Penman that RIII was much maligned and misconstrued. I certainly admired the fictionalised Richard; he fought for the love of his life, then stood by his wife (although she couldn’t bear him (another) heir) and came across as a realist and pragmatist. I cried hot tears of grief in the middle of the beach club when I read the last chapter of the book.


    • /° Well said bloodangel !
      Oui cette photographie est SPLENDIDE. Si elle a été prise de jour avec un filtre, mes félicitations à la photographe professionnelle. Si c’est une vue de nuit, vous étiez chanceuse de dormir à Santorin. Ce lieu est définitivement MAGIQUE.
      Ce volcan, qui rentra en éruption vers 1 500 avant notre ère, est sans doute à l’origine du mythe de l’Atlantide et des catastrophes historiques de l’ancien monde méditerranéen;
      . On a relié cette éruption volcanique:
      * à la disparition de la civilisation crétoise, évoquant un tsunami,
      * aux 10 plaies d’Égypte:
      « ….toutes les eaux qui sont dans le fleuve se chargèrent en sang »
      « …les grenouilles montèrent et recouvrirent l’Égypte »
      « …toute la poussière du sol se changea en moustiques »
      « …des taons en grand nombre entrèrent […] dans tout le pays d’Égypte »
      « …tous les troupeaux des égyptiens moururent »
      « …gens et bêtes furent couverts d’ulcères bourgeonnant en pustules »
      « …Yahvé fit tomber la grêle sur le pays d’Égypte »
      « …les sauterelles […] couvrirent toute la surface du pays… »
      « …il y eut d’épaisses ténèbres… »
      « …tous les premiers-nés mourront dans le pays d’Égypte… »
      * voire même à l’ouverture de la mer qui a permis à Moïse et à son peuple de fuir l’Égypte,
      * et il se pourrait que cette catastrophe ait inspiré le mythe du Déluge.
      Sans oublier qu’au milieu de cette caldeira béante, un nouveau volcan se forme sous nos yeux.
      J’y retournerai bien en vacances ainsi qu’en Crête, mais au printemps ou à l’automne, il y fait définitivement trop chaud l’été.


      • ‘Merci’ pour le compliment, Squirrel :-). The picture was taken in the early evening, against the sun, but without a filter. About 2 hours before sunset. With the sun shining into the lens, the shadows got darker, hence the dramatic effect.
        And yes, the caldera was absolutely awe-inspiring. I seem to remember the guide saying that the last eruptions were in the 1950s. But as you say, with the volcano active over the centuries prior to that, it seems likely that it was the inspiration for many a legend, like Atlantis…
        I think you are very wise to go to Crete in the autumn. To be honest, I had not quite realised how far South in the Mediterranean the island is situated – next stop Africa…


  5. welcome back and glad you had a nice holiday! Even without holidays things do tend to pile up, all in your own time 😉 I think it was a good choice, such nice days are rare round here although this summer has been a bit odd. Sunny is however only nice when close to nature or the sea 🙂


    • Thank you x
      And now that I have finally seen the film I can safely say that I am glad I made use of the beautiful weather while I could. Not because I didn’t like the film – but in the end, it did not matter when I saw it.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hoffe Du bist gut erholt, wie du siehst arbeite ich gerade ein paar Blogposts auf.
    Pilgrimage habe ich inzwischen auch gesehen, düster, aber Mr. A sieht recht schnucklig aus 🙂 Der Film wird bestimmt nicht in die Hitliste der besten filme aller Zeiten eingehen, aber die Landschaftsaufnahmen sind richtig beeindruckend!!!


    • Schön, dass du gerade mal ein bisschen Zeit für dich hast und hier aufholen kannst. Ja, ich hatte einen erholsamen Urlaub, und das Wetter in Irland ist diesen Sommer trocken, so dass es sich richtig ferienhaft anfühlt.
      Was Pilgrimage angeht – ja, ein Kassenschlager wird das nicht, auch kein Geheimtipp. Eher so ein Film für Jungs. Höhö, und Raybo schnuckelig? 😂 Naja, Testosteron verströmt er ja schon ganz großzügig. Nur muss ich ehrlich zugeben, dass der französische Akzent die dabei gewonnene Männlichkeit *für mich* wieder einbüßt.
      Bei der Landschaft konnten sie echt nicht viel falsch machen. Draufhalten und gut ist, egal welches Wetter…


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