Pop!Thorin’s Holiday Snaps

After his first foray to Greece last year, the Mighty King of the dwarfs was on holiday in the Aegean again. With his majesty’s permission, I am showing you some images from his personal photo album.





A holiday on the Southern-most Greek island of Crete was much after the King’s liking – on account of the Minoan heritage still visible there today. The King graciously posed at the Malia palace site.






Crete was very, very hot – at least for the first part of Pop!Thorin’s holiday. 43°C (110°F) on the beach and hardly a breeze. However, dwarves are hardy types, well-used to heat from their mines close to the heartbeat of the Earth, so the King did would not take his kit off on the beach… He got into a spot of trouble with the beach club owner because he refused to hand in his weapons. Pop!Thorin argued it was better to have Orchrist near – in case he had to fight off some Germans for the best sun lounger. Thankfully, any nasty spats were avoided on account of lack of Germans (present company excluded).


When he wasn’t parachuting onto the beach (see left), Pop!Thorin amused himself by having his personal attendant (aka Guylty) read to him. The story he had chosen: A tale of kingly loyalty, honour and a willing heart – the story of King Richard III. Pop!Thorin particularly enjoyed the battle scenes (except for the sorry end of Richard III on Bosworth Field), approving of the Yorkish king’s strategic and combative prowess. However, he adamantly denies that he shed any tears over Richard III’s tragic losses.






Pop!Thorin insisted on mid-morning drinks in the beach club…








… mid-afternoon snacks (psssst, don’t tell him I caught him playing with the cherries. He thought no-one was watching.)










… and went exploring in a magic forest.







He also took possession of the pool…








… but was rather put out by “some soft-fuzzy, pretty-boy knight” (quote) who was hogging all the sun loungers. (“Probably German”, he muttered.)


Final verdict? “Great place. No dragons. I’m the King under the Umbrella.”


31 thoughts on “Pop!Thorin’s Holiday Snaps

  1. His Majesty certain seemed to have had a fabulous time during his holiday. I’m sure it helped that his companion was a beautiful blonde lady. Mr. Standring, on the other hand, was probably not as pleased that Thorin hogged all her time. Who knows what moves he made while she lounged by the pool! Do tell. Did he feed you any of those cherries? Scandalous! XD


  2. Braucht er einen hohen Sonnenschutzfaktor? Als “König unter dem Berge” ist das mit der griechischen Sonne sicher nicht so einfach. Wie hast du ihn davon überzeugen können sich einzucremen…
    Wahrscheinlich erträgt er einfach einen ungeheuren Sonnenbrand ohne mit der königlichen Wimper zu zucken 🙂 🙂


    • Ein König muss sich nicht eincremen. Sowas wie parfümierte Creme kommt seiner Majestät nicht auf die Nase. Er hat sich möglichst im Schatten gehalten – oder sein prächtiges Haupthaar als Sonnenschutz eingesetzt…


      • Prächtiges Haupthaar – das hat er zweifellos…
        Den Sonnenschutzaspekt hatte ich bisher noch gar nicht bedacht.
        Ich finde es einfach nur… prächtig.
        Das Haar jenes Ritters aus Pilgrimage kann da in keiner Weise mithalten.


      • The only thing he liked about the beach was someone dug up a HUGE Sand Lonely Mountain and actually put a secret entrance with keyhole in it. He was FASCINATED with that – until the incoming tide washed out the moat.

        I think there are pictures of it… it would be in July of 2014. He’s refused to go since.


  3. How lucky you had Thorin on hand to protect you from any stray Germans who happened along. He is ever vigilant, even when roasting in his armor. What a great guy. That softie on the lounge chair looks very high-maintenance. His eyeliner alone would bankrupt most people. Of course he would have to buy the expensive kind that doesn’t run under any circumstance, even trickling sweat from his lovely forehead..


    • Roasting in his armour – like a chicken wrapped in tinfoil, on the BBQ 😂. But yes, great company, very vigilant.
      As for Guy and his liner – an expensive hobby indeed. Mind you, he’s such a cool cucumber, he doesn’t sweat…


  4. So funny! I guess this is one case where you don’t have to protect the privacy of your travelling companion! He looks very proud to be photographed.


  5. Pop!Thorin certainly looks like he had a great time! 😃
    I’ve been into a few 2nd hand bookshops in England, looking for ‘Sunne in Splendour’ but not found a copy yet. Amazon marketplace here I come (after I get back home again).


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