I Like Foxes. Oh, And Raffle Results

Sitting at home, the storm battering against the rickety old windows and howling in the fireplace, I feel like an arctic fox, holed up in her den. It’s cold here, but well, I am mildly disappointed with the course of the status red nature event so far. But talking of foxes, the silver variety is also very pretty to look at.

Right. Just in case you hadn’t seen my fun little zoology lesson.

On to the important things. Babyface!Rich is dancing excitedly. He’s got a winner to announce:

Just to spell it out properly: The winner of the latest RAPS is Dele Haynes. (I have got your address already, Dele, package will go on its way as soon as the weather calms down 😉). Congrats!

Thank you all for commenting and taking part! And btw, I have decided on a new approach for the next RAPS raffles. I think lady luck is being really fickle with some of you. Next time ’round the winner will be hand-picked, subjectively and in an absolutist manner, to give those of you a chance, who haven’t been lucky yet. Let’s hope the snow melts away by next week, and hubs and daughter are back at work/school, giving Guylty free rein in the house for unobserved shrining activity.

20 thoughts on “I Like Foxes. Oh, And Raffle Results

  1. And as well as that rich-ly attractive pelt, they both have pointy ears and an impressive nose.

    I just saw on the shrining thread that people are still having trouble getting in touch with DF. I sent a pm to redliverpool when I wanted a new sub-forum for my fic. She got back to me pretty quickly, so maybe she could help get the message to the relevant place.

    Hope everyone is safe. ⛄️ And congratulations to Dele Haynes. 💐

    Liked by 1 person

    • Finde ich auch. Mir gefiel das an Trevor/Daniel außerordentlich gut – wahrscheinlich, weil er damit irgendwie realistischer war, greifbarer. Und eben auch seinem (und unserem) Alter irgendwie gemäß. Natürlich ist schon längst wieder alles übergefärbt. Meh.


  2. Really interesting, your morphological studies I have to say. Therefore I can only encourage you to go on with them. They are both cute but I prefer the bearded urban variant 😉.


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