RA Pocket Shrine 153/? – Celebrating #UrbanAndTheShedCrew at #NIFF2018

With UATSC receiving a second chance at the coming weekend – enthusiastically billed as “World Premiere” by Newcastle International Film Festival *ahem* hello? The first ever showing and hence the world premiere of Urban took place two and a half years ago in Leeds, if you please. I know, because I was there – all my hopes and best wishes are currently reserved for the film makers and actors. It’s a deserving project, focussing on the lives of a group of street kids in Leeds in the 1990s, based on a book by Bernard Hare about his own story as a social worker helping this particular group of kids. His character, called Chop in the film, and played by Richard Armitage, is one of those ordinary heroes who are actually not-so-ordinary at all. With the film regrettably never seeing a subsequent release until now, Chop never made it big in my shrine work. He has only turned up once in a shrine dedicated only to himself. But now is the time to celebrate the film and wish all those involved in it best of luck: Your movie deserves to be seen – I hope it will be picked up and distributed widely. 

I hadn’t planned on creating a shrine on this occasion. In fact, I was preparing for a different shrine project when into my mind popped Chop, a compassionate everyman, who made a difference to the lives of a group of kids. It was sparked by an e-mail from a fellow fan who wondered how she could help with the promotion of the film. As fans, we are limited in our reach unless we have top notch contacts in the film business, I guess. Discussing the film on social media may be one way of driving engagement. Buying merchandise generates revenues that go directly into the film makers’ pockets, writing to cinemas and media companies to request showing the film gets the word out there. For my own fun, I also like to mark a chaRActer or a project by creating a shrine – that’s my very own, individual engagement with the character, the topic, the film, and in this case also the occasion of a second-chance-release. I haven’t quite figured out yet what to do with the shrine – raffle? Authoritarian gift? Auction for a good cause (in this case Action for Children)? Even if not everyone has seen the film yet, the RAPS may still be interesting for anyone who likes RA – despite the little, removable reference to Newcastle:

Normal mint tin size (6 x 9.5cm), but this time with a ready-made design on both the lid and the bottom. Floating on the clouds?

A tribute to Chop. No ordinary angel indeed – with demons and faults of his own. But that’s what makes him human. Especially when wet…

Looks familiar? You must be an art buff… For comparison:

Who’s cuter?

Chop from his best side.

I’m lighting a candle to the one person who cares. And another to make a wish: Fingers crossed the film receives a great reception at Newcastle International Film Festival – and goes on to general release for *everyone* to see.

The Newcastle scroll is removable and can be kept inside the tin, or thrown away, depending on whether this RAPS goes to a Newcastle attendee or someone who didn’t attend the event.

Leave me a comment what you think I should do with this shrine. And keep your fingers crossed for the film at the festival – and for our fandom friends who are travelling to Newcastle to attend the various events. 



45 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 153/? – Celebrating #UrbanAndTheShedCrew at #NIFF2018

  1. Nice shrine. I surely hope that the movie can be released. I read the book and it was very interesting, I’m sure that the movie will be good as well


    • I really, really hope that this second premiere means that there will be some release – whether cinema or DVD – once the film has been shown at the festival. I did like the movie when I saw it in 2015, despite some criticism. And I am very curious to find out whether Candida Brady has made any changes in the meantime.


  2. I think it should go to someone who has travelled the furthest but not to someone who has been lucky enough to have seen the film before , this should make your decision a lot easier. LOL


    • Very good – the third vote for an auction. I will make up my mind about it today and decide by tomorrow. And if it is an auction, then I will organise it asap on eBay. Thanks for your feedback, Andrea.


    • Ha, you are absolutely right, that’s exactly the right angle. It’s decided then. I’ll update the post – and will let everyone know about the forthcoming auction asap!


    • Yay – great to get so much positive feedback on this. It’s happening then. I only have to finish work for today and get the auction ready on eBay.
      Thanks for your feedback!


  3. Oh, that’s a perfect shrine, Guylty. Chop certainly deserves one. Especially when wet, poor thing. . I’m another longing to see that film.

    Wishing everyone good luck for the auction. I’ll try to do my bit another time in a different way.


  4. Pingback: Spontaneous Charity Auction – Coming In Less Than Two Hours! | Guylty Pleasure

  5. I think an auction for this angelic little RAPS is a capital idea, especially if the proceeds go to a charity for children. I can’t remember the name of the charity associated with children like Urban but the proceeds could be given in Richard’s name.


  6. Pingback: Chop Auction Update 1 | Guylty Pleasure

  7. wunderschöner Shrine! Ich würde diesen Film so gerne sehen. Ich fand das Buch klasse und hoffe einfach (hoffe hoffe hoffe) dass frau ihn irgendwann irgendwo sehen kann…..
    Viel Erfolg mit der Auktion!


    • Es sieht so aus, als hättest du bald die Gelegenheit dazu. In Newcastle wurde wohl angesagt, dass der Film digital zur Verfügung stehen wird. Mal sehen, was wir heute Genaueres von unseren Fan-Freundinnen hören.


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