2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #20 – and Some ‘Quatsch’ [New RA Selfie]

I wasn’t sure whether I was going to post a round-up (ever) again but then this happened:


Spooks #sunglassesatnight #richardarmitage #forevva #keinewerbung #nurquatsch

A post shared by Mina Tander (@minatander) on


(Damn, does the embedded post show? In case not, this is a screenshot of the picture, or click through to Mina Tander’s post via the embed above!)

Mina’s last hashtag says “nur Quatsch” = only silly fun. Great word, btw – for the sound of it alone /kwatsh/ . So what they were doing there, was “Quatsch machen” – be mindlessly silly. (Incidentally, my favourite use of the word is “Quatsch mit Soße”, which translates into “nonsense accompanied by sauce”, and is a phrase you use when you are rejecting someone else’s facts/opinion/suggestion.)

So for today’s Quatsch mit Soße, let’s dive into the tumblr round-up. A bit of an omnibus edition this week – the last one was posted on the 2nd of June, can you believe it… I never post round-ups on holiday, and this time my motivation had been eroded so much that I also couldn’t bring myself to compiling a round-up even after I had long returned from holiday…

  1. Haslemere shares his/her top ten RA audio books. Which are yours?
  2. Pirincecami focusses on the essentials… More ideas for Kathy and my lyrical limb waxing
  3. Meeow indeed!!! Raadiction captures a Daniel Miller gif
  4. Oooh, with Hugh Jackman making inroads in my affection, I loved this comparison post by pixiedurango
  5. Norloth is sketching Thorin again
  6. LOL – Ocean’s 8 in one sentence. Interesting spin. By blackcanarydinah
  7. Could somebody please lighten up these Guy gifs by ghisborne. I need more definition on those assets!
  8. Uknwwhttheysayboutthecrzy1s has unearthed an interesting sculpture. What do you think – similar?
  9. A collection of photos of Richard with his arms crossed… by phantomsanddetonators
  10. And riepu10 has concentrated on chairs and sofas. Or rather: Richard. On chairs and sofas
  11. Yep, avengerwho, he definitely provided most of the attraction in that film…
  12. Just because this is one of the few selfies I really like. Posted by jassy2101
  13. Reminder that RA is a Tolkien nerd. I’m still laughing about that one. Posted by deepestfirefun
  14. Pixiedurango has put together a playlist for John Thornton. What would be on yours?
  15. OMG, there’s a new richardbirdswitharmitage!!!! Guyyyyyyy
  16. Armitageadoration offers RA her services. Bootporn!
  17. Oh, I never realised that. Good point by decievinglysilent
  18. Moodyhedgie has painted Trevor Belmont
  19. Apt!!! Renaming the Hobbit trilogy! Made by thorinnnnnn
  20. Ok, we’ve all seen this interview, but it’s nice to be reminded of the many funny and attractive faces of Richard. Put together by ausschweifendemotte
  21. Wow, sinnaminie posts an anniversary post. Four years already!!! Congrats!
  22. Eternally grateful to kimanne723 for her captures of Claude Becker wearing the beanie. Saves me from having to watch the film again
  23. Poor Richard. He’s been slapped pretty badly before. Two gifs by riepu10
  24. Nice scenario, caleana-banrion. I think I would like Richard Armitage accompanied by some really dark chocolate, strawberries, and cream. What about you?
  25. Have we seen this before? Richard in the shower. Imagined by aninomori

There’s bound to be plenty more, but 25 is a good number.

Enjoy your weekend!

Guylty ❤️

48 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #20 – and Some ‘Quatsch’ [New RA Selfie]

  1. What an awesome pic of him and Mina! Cool shades on both! I wonder if they were out to lunch or dinner? Does her Instagram show a place (not sure proper technical social media term here🤔) By the way love the pics of his arms crossed. Please post pics of Connemara soon


    • I always find it really nice to see that colleagues are getting on well with each other behind the scenes, too.
      Her IG only noted “Budapest, Hungary” as the location.
      And Connemara pics – I am really frustrated because my Macbook refuses to recognise my SD card, hence I have been unable to access all those pictures.


      • I find it very endearing that he wears a basic white t shirt in a lot of pics I’ll bet his shades cost twice as much as the t. Just gotta love his down to earth style!


        • Hehe, he’s kind of notorious for his economic re-use of his white tee’s. Saving on them, in order to feed an obsession with sun glasses, though… That looks like a fancy, pricey Mykita Berlin number… I passed the shop when I was in Berlin a few weeks ago, and boyo…

          Liked by 1 person

          • I love love love his sunglasses collection I mean mine are like $10. I had a friend who gifted me a Prada sunglasses which I never wear for fear of losing them🤫


  2. Thanks for the roundup! What happened to dampen your enthusiasm? You were in a RAPS creativity streak, weren’t you?
    #1 talks of a N&S audition tape where he read from the book. Where does one find that?
    Also, why is RA’s arm so skinny in the pic with Mina? Is it squashed along the top of a booth or do we need to fatten him up?


    • Several things dampened my enthusiasm. There was my holiday, during which I usually don’t post and after which I always find it hard to get back into the swing. Then there was the relative silence in terms of projects and communications from Mr A himself. On top of that, my creativity these days has been taken up with a new creative outlet. And then I also had a moment of doubt whether I wanted to continue blogging in the way I do.
      I have never heard of an audition tape, either. Anyone else???
      And *eeek* yes, the arm looks really skinny 😱. I’d say it’s just the camera perspective, with the arm much further in the background than the faces… But I think he definitely needs some care from us, anyway 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • He looks pretty good in that fan photo from Sopron from a couple of days ago. I have to say and I’m not trying to be snarky here but I’m glad the photo of Mina and Richard did not have MF in it. Am I bad for confessing that? I’m lovin his shades in the Mina pic just not that white T so much 🙄


        • Hehe, you can confess anything you like, Michele. As for MF – I’m in two minds about her. I did like her performance in BS, and by and large I actually do like that she is a celeb with an opinion. The militant veganism turns me off a little bit, though. I actually have an open ear when it comes to vegetarian, vegan and animal rights matters. But not when I am being preached at or when shock tactics are applied or I am being manipulated by evoking a guilty conscience. I’m still following her on Twitter, but yeah, I occasionally tune out.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Well in confession mode I looked up her Instagram Acct to see if any old pics of Richard popped up there and there is a very sweet vid she did last Aug for his bday when she had BD crew members say happy birthday to him in a vid greeting! I would totally melt if anyone did that for me! 🤗


            • That was really nice of her, agreed. And anyway, whatever I think of some of her causes, she appears to genuinely enjoy hanging out with RA and has always kept in touch with him on Twitter even through the periods when they were not filming together. Sounds as if they are bona fide friends. Good for her, and good *on* her!

              Liked by 1 person

      • See, for me I actually had time to blog on my holiday, but now I’m back at work I barely have time to breathe. It’s so frustrating! I have a lot I want to blog about, but no time or energy to do it! Anyway, glad you’re back with your roundup. And with the A to Z.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I knew I had this North and South snippet saved in my RA folder, found the file but no source. Coincidentally, one of my older posts with the audio and my gifs turned up again on Tumblr – with a link to the source.Yaay! I bookmarked it then promptly forgot for whom I had saved it! 😕 Anyway, I’ve remembered now and here it is:

        [audio src="http://richardarmitagecentral.co.uk/racwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/06-north-and-south-extract.mp3" /]

        As for it being an audition tape, I had no idea. It’s not familiar info to me and it’s not indicated as such over at RACentral, but that doesn’t mean that’s not the case. He has also read an extract from one of Claude Monet’s letters. Maybe they are both part of his CV reel.


        • I eventually found it. You are right, it’s just a reading, not an audition tape. It’s actually quite interesting to listen to it again. One of his earlier recordings – and I think you can really hear how he has honed the art of narration since then.


  3. Well, what a pleasant surprise. I return home from Comic Con and find a big roundup waiting. I am too tired to be even slightly amusing, but loved the hairy photos along with everything else. Hope you have your RA mojo back and things are going well. I am far too lazy to do the research required to make my own roundup with more than three items in it.


    • Well done on surviving Comic Con! I can not even imagine what an onslaught that must be. So yeah, the round-up was probably a nice little post to calm down to.


  4. Number 8 would only have worked before the ‘nose’ was altered lol
    Glad you’re still rounding up it’s a vital service to those like me who aren’t on these platforms it’s much appreciated
    The hot dry weather is continuing and I attribute anyone’s groucy behaviour to it.
    Yve x

    Liked by 1 person

    • #8: Hehe, good point. Or rather: lack of point!
      The round-up is a weird one for me. I often find it a bit of a chore to remember it and compile (annoying copy/pasting…), but I do understand that it is a popular post and it kind of widens the reach. Not necessarily for me or my blog, but in terms of blog readers who are otherwise not on tumblr. So yeah, it’s a fan service, I guess.
      Re. weather : I just stepped out for lunch – and walked into a hot, warm wall of air. 26 degrees. It’s not even sunny. It’s cloudy out. All very unusual for Ireland. Not complaining, though – I love love love warm weather. Hope it continues.


    • Nicely put! I’m w my sis on a cruise right now (thank goodness for WiFi I was having wdrawal symptoms from your blog) and it is sooo hot in Key West ugh and no ac in our stateroom. 😫


  5. Yay! So pleased to see the Roundup is back. And now packed with extRA oomph! Twenty- five little doses of dellight.
    I see what you mean about #7 but I’m rather enjoying the impression it gives of rounding a dark corner and suddenly realising there is a certain leather-clad someone there.

    Thanks for all your hard work in putting it together, Guylty. You are a 💫


    • After such a long time of ignoring the round-up, 25 links were the minimum 😉
      Re. #7, indeed, darkness has always greatly enhanced Guy’s appeal…


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