Uncle Richard Records Again

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Recording a special Audible story for Christmas

A post shared by Richard Armitage (@richardcarmitage) on

What a benign smile. Talk about a holistic approach. Really fits all those recent communications.

And very mysterious – “a special Audible story for Christmas”… for sale or for free? It’s time for a little freebie for your fans again, Richard. Just sayin.

ETA: Here is the moving image that goes with the static photo. Big thanks to Rita Maltese for RTing that (cos I was unable to see it on IG):

Oh, and on the topic of ‘just sayin’ – I nearly choked on my tea this afternoon when I noticed this ad on my YT home page:

The cock of the walk! No, but apparently BS is finally coming to Ireland in some shape or form. I haven’t quite figured it out yet, but RTÉ is “Radio Telefis Éireann” – the Irish state broadcaster. The player doesn’t have BS on the schedule yet, but the trailer here quite clearly features several scenes  from BS1. Maybe it’s some sort of YT collaboration with RTÉ Player? In any case, I am really pleased that the show is finally also accessible here. I might possibly watch it again. Just out of loyalty.

Lastly – are you keeping up with the RAvent CalendRA? We are four windows down. Have a look yourself HERE.

330 thoughts on “Uncle Richard Records Again

  1. Well today’s little filtered out picy is appropriate to Advent day 4 except of course #teambeardage but can’t have it all.. I like the turtlenecks on him but he can wear almost anything and look swoonworthy!
    I hope you are doing well. Check your e-mail today….


    • I like the benign smile. I like turtlenecks. (Although this one looks as if it came from a women’s wear collection rather then menswear, but well, a beautiful man can never be disfigured…)
      Another slog of a day – I went to bed at 4pm because I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.

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          • Listen it’s a normal reaction to withdrawing from something you’ve been doing for a long time. He does an abundance of audio to peruse.. I am hopelessly lost there… will never get to many of them and I still want to view DT Crucible again didn’t get around to that at Thanksgiving due to family “drama”
            Hang in there Schatzchen !!!


            • Thanks for the encouragement! (In other news: the loving husband has just lit up a cigarette right in front of me. I feel like screaming at him with my loudest voice that he should be ashamed of himself and effing get out of my sight!! Seriously, the constant tugs on my emotions are so tiring and infuriating.)
              Oh, and the audio you can do bit by bit…


              • yeah I know but mine was a shithead so I can’t comment there. Maybe just get up and walk out of the room, do some shrine crafting or plug in some Depeche Mode or other decompression music…
                hang in there, things will get better.


                  • Well, you can never say that about someone else’s husband ever, unless their acrimonious divorce is final and you’re out getting drunk to celebrate.
                    BTW, Göttergatte sends his best wishes and support in your endeavor. Made him remember that time when he was quitting and you have his sympathy. He also says that your hubby needs to help, not hinder.


                    • LOL – yeah, you are right. There are only a few situations where you are allowed to call a friend’s (ex)husband that sort of name…
                      Aw, thanks for GG’s wishes. I think I am going to approach the subject ONCE AGAIN with him tonight and suggest that he also give up the smokes. It’s not as if he didn’t have a good reason. Apart from supporting me, he’s also got a lung condition that is definitely not getting better with his smoking…

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  2. Oh and ‘Cock of the walk”‘ hahahaha love your sense of huma!!!! That better be free Christmas tidings! Where do you think he is at? London (hopefully) NYC? NJ? So much for the QA that seems to have evaporated into thin air…


    • NYC.
      I really hope that his hints referred to a freebie for his fans. Let’s face it – we have spent an awful lot of money this year on audio stuff. It would be a clever gesture of Audibles to give us a freebie in return…

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      • What do you make of his colorful trousers? I like the white tennis shoes with it! I think the grey jumper (womenswear ish indeed) is a good color on him although the darker grey jumper from the beach shoot brings out his eyes more. Again the filtering b.s. but that’s a lost cause….


        • Ok, if I am really honest, I think that the styling is a teeny bit too young for a man of his age. In fact, the whole look as he is wearing it there, is part of my son’s wardrobe – white tennis shoes, maroon trousers, knitted jumper. Looks adorable. But my son is 20…

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          • Oh good I thought the same thing but I’ve already stuck my foot in my mouth (hmmm) . I mean he does look ein bisschen feminine with those trousers. I know a lot of people weren’t fans of the green trousers in his spread eagle position on the couch shoot but I liked him in those with the combat boots. This he looks like a reject of Prince Harry at a boarding school.. sorry!!! .


            • LOL – no, I don’t really mind the trousers in that colour. If anything it is the white tennis shoes. I genuinely have a thing against white shoes – probably a little residue of my 1980s childhood…
              The jumper – nice and normal, if a little too light. And there is probably a big price tag somewhere on it. Tbh, if anything, my biggest problem tends to be with the prices paid for the garments he wears, not so much the style. I just find it very hard not to be judgmental about designer gear and designer prices…

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              • Oh gee I thought the tennys complimented the outfit (hahahaha) who do you think he is wearing? Not really American designer? Maybe old school Todd Oldham but that is digging into the 1980’s! I will say I love his sunglasses even perched in first class they are super cool!!!


              • I agree with you about the white shoes G, but my reasoning is seasonal – in winter with a woolly turtleneck and darkish trousers? All I can think about is how dirty they would get lol.

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                • You mean the shoes, right? That’s exactly the point – who wears white shoes in winter? Well, unless you live in the tropics where the weather is mild all year round, white shoes are definitely not winter gear. But hey, this was obviously just for shoot purposes. I hope and pray that I will never see those white shoes in Armitage’s wardrobe again LOL. (Mind you, I think I *have* seen white shoes in his repertoire before *meh*)

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              • How you do know he paid a lot for the sweater you judgemental lady ? He might have bought it at Walmart, on clearance. And the pants too. Just kidding. I think the pants are the worst, not just age inappropriate but just plain wrong (imho). Hate the way they (don’t) fit. Shoes are OK with me. We wear white shoes all year here, although if you are walking through dirty slush in New Jersey, (or wherever he is that has snow) they might not be very practical. That said, I think he looks great in the picture in spite of his mistaken wardrobe choice.


                • LOL – ok, well, here’s hoping he picked up the ladies turtleneck in the local Goodwill, actually.
                  No, seriously – as long as he doesn’t buy this style straight from the set, he can wear whatever they tell him to wear…
                  Yep, irritatingly and despite all the criticism, the man still looks good. Somebody explain that, please!?


          • Y’know, go the route you were going with the sweater. Just think of the shoes/pants as temporary coverings to be removed forthwith… 🤭 That’ll put everything in a much more positive light!


  3. I have no energy for criticism today. It’s not been a fun one. I didn’t even realize there were pants involved bc the moving picture wouldn’t load in the app. He looks cuddly in sweaters. I like it.


      • No, not you in particular, just the subject matter. RA photos (esp. selfies) are usually analyzed meticulously and found wanting in some way and I just wasn’t in the proper frame of mind for that. I just wanted to say “nice sweater” and leave it at that.


        • Fair enough, Kate.
          And I have to say – for some reason I have found myself slipping into this constant mode of finding something bad in everything he says and does. I don’t even know why – it’s not my usual personality. I tend to be a positive person, focussing on the pros rather the cons… but lately RA only gets cons from me… I really wonder why…

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  4. Der Rollkragen steht ihm richtig gut (die Filter werden heut mal großzügig ignoriert). Auf das Video hätte ich verzichten können. Die Schuhe… einfach nur furchtbar 😲. Außerdem scheint der Stuhl etwas niedrig zu sein, sieht aus, als könnte er seine Beine da dreimal rumwickeln. Falls der Pulli wirklich teuer ist, sieht man es ihm zumindest nicht an 😈.
    Und sonst, wenn dir danach ist, dann schlaf. Schlaf ist gesund. Und in der Zeit vermisst du auch keine Zigaretten. Was deine bessere Hälfte angeht, versteh ich einfach nicht, wie man(n) so rücksichtslos sein kann. Sollte doch eigentlich selbstverständlich sein 🙄….
    RAvent CalendRA enthielt heut tatsächlich eins meiner Lieblingsbilder. Und ja, es ist kalt, also wäre jemand mit Rollkragen hier sehr willkommen als lebende Wärmflasche 😉.


        • Ah, bin ein großer Fan der Serie (Alan Alda *fistbite*) und es wird darin viel gesungen, da sich die Ärzte und Soldaten (Koreakrieg, falls die Serie kein Begriff ist) ja zwischen den Stoßzeiten des Grauens die Zeit vertreiben müssen und es im Niemandsland kaum Unterhaltung gab. Das Lied kommt soweit ich mich erinnere mindestens einmal vor und ist außerdem der Titel von Folge S7E10 von 1978 über eine Kältewelle.


    • Ha, super, endlich jemand, der wie ich auch weiße Schuhe einfach nur grauslich findet. Weiße Schuhe gehören ausschließlich auf den Tennisplatz. Und schon absolut mal gar nicht in den Winter. Das ist eine Art von Luxus-Styling, das ich geradezu widerlich finde – weil es so weit von der Realität entfernt ist…
      Lebende Wärmflaschen sind gut. Allerdings würde ich da schon fast die Version OHNE Rollkragen wählen – damit man an die nackte Haut besser rankommt…

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  5. Der Pulli geht in Ordnung. Er sieht gemütlich und anschmiegsam aus.
    Hose und Schuhe finde ich nicht so gelungen, aber auf mich hört er ja nicht, denn sonst hätte er auch nicht (schon wieder) einen so auffälligen Filter benutzt. Das sieht immer leicht verklärt und so unnatürlich aus, irgendwie als wäre der Mann gar nicht echt. Man sieht und hört so wenig von ihm, dass man glauben könnte, er wäre eine animierte Figur, die von Audible erfunden wurde und an einen Schauspieler erinnert, den es mal wirklich gab. (Man merkt, dass BS komplett an mir vorbei geht und ich es immer noch schade finde, dass er bei der Werbetour zu Ocean’s 8 überhaupt nicht dabei war…) *grummel*
    Mir fehlt Schlaf und ich fühle mit dir, Guylty. Lass dich nicht unterkriegen und bleibe tapfer. (Kann frau sich vom Christkind Einsicht für den Ehegatten wünschen?)

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    • Ich finde, du triffst total den Nagel auf den Kopf mit deiner Kritik am Filter. Genau das ist eigentlich das Schlimmste, was mit Fotografie passieren kann: Wenn das Subjekt plötzlich nicht mehr “echt” wirkt, dann hat die Fotografie versagt. Ok, gilt vielleicht bei Selfies nicht ganz so stark, aber ich erinnere mich da an ein paar Sarah Dunn Fotos, wo ich echt gedacht habe, dass Armitage jetzt eine Wachsattrappe von sich selbst zu Foto-Shoots schickt…
      Ja, außerordentlich schade, dass wir hier so wenig von RA sehen – außer gefilterte Selfies und schwer zugängliche Serien. Obwohl ich mich ja gerade freue, dass der irische Staatssender offenbar BS eingekauft hat und bald zeigt…
      Ich wünsche mir vom Weihnachtsmann, dass der Gatte ebenfalls das Rauchen einstellt.

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      • Ich drücke dir die Daumen und hoffe, dass dein frommer und friedensstiftender Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen möge.
        Wenn BS jetzt bald bei euch in Irland läuft, dann könnten sich doch einige der Verantwortlichen dort oder auch im britischen Fernsehen daran erinnern, dass es da einen gewissen Richard Armitage mit beachtlichem Potential gibt. *dieHoffnungstirbtzuletzt*


  6. Pictures like this stress me out a bit because he just floors me, it sounds ridiculous but I sometimes can’t cope with seeing him looking so flipping handsome! Re the outfit, I like it-cosy and classic. Possibly a better choice of footwear than the ultra white trainers.


  7. I used to love his choice of shoes and clumpy boots but his choice of casual stuff is awful remember the canvas ones in Washington Square? Rather than white he should have kept the ‘rottweiler ‘ ones from Ocean’s 8 then we all could have laughed.
    Sorry but I find it ridiculous that he needs a hairdresser to comb his hair for a brief video chat. Come on Richard, where is the lad from Leicester gone?

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    • Not to switch on APM, but maybe the stylist wasn’t really his choice but brought in by Audible to make their prime reader presentable? Cos yeah, that level of vanity doesn’t really sit right with the “Leicester lad” image…
      And ugh *shudders* – the canvas shoes in New York… Espadrilles should be kept where they belong – the South of France.

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      • My thoughts exactly. We see him as this independent entity sometimes and forget that he actually works *for* somebody and must adhere to certain promo obligations. I actually have an idea for a blog post about that filed away…

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      • I think it’s funny that he is using his good looks to sell a product that doesn’t require them. How many of his fans will buy the product because of how he looks in a turtleneck? I am assuming non fans wouldn’t even see this gift of no calorie eye candy. I think the marketing dept. Is smart to use this platform with him, but I would love to know how many audible narrators are seen in promos? Does their sex appeal or lack of it determine marketing strategy when the consumer is buying something where looks are irrelevant? Or are they irrelevant? Me, wondering.

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        • Those are great questions Kathy.. Inquiring minds DO want to know.. I didn’t think it was THAT cold in NYC this week. He needs to bulk up there! Also wouldn’t there be heat in the studio?


        • Well, I’m prepared to do plenty of things just for the way the man looks in turtlenecks or leather pants or uniform or a white T-shirt or a cravat or a nice pair of jeans…

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        • That’s a very good question, Kathy. I follow Audible UK on Twitter and I can see there that RA is NOT the only voice performer whose picture is plastered on media to sell more audio books. But here is the thing: it’s pretty obvious that they are mainly marketing to women, because most of the promo contains pretty MALE actors… I don’t know what the numbers are re. male and female narrators, but it looks to me as if audio books are female domain… no surprise then that they are using Armitage’s pretty to sell more stuff…

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          • That makes total sense. I have a confession to make. I have never purchased an audiobook narrated by anyone. The only time I listened to them is with Mimi at Comic Con, and that’s it.I didn’t realize women were the primary audience for them. Maybe they count on women visualizing the hot male narrator speaking directly to them, or reading to them after a picnic lunch on a summer day by a lovely lake. Well, maybe not for the murder mysteries. But the romances – maybe. Also, good luck on your quitting smoking.Iknow you can do it, in spite of your hubs being insensitive to your struggles. My Dad smoked in between oxygen breaths, and my mom smoked until she forgot how. She used to hide cigarettes in her underwear and smuggle them into her assisted living place.


            • LOL – your mom sounds like an absolute character, from everything I have heard about her so far. Class! (Mind you, I’ll try and not emulate *that* particular thing – I wanna get rid of this addiction.)
              You know what, Kathy, I am impressed! You have resisted the temptation to buy everything that the man does. Good for you! Seriously. I mean, here I am, repeating post after post that I am not an audio book fan, yet I not only have an audible subscription but I actually listen to those damn things, too :-)). So, I don’t think you are missing all that much. Yes, Armitage’s voice is delightful, and his voice performances *are* a pleasure to listen to. But if audio is not your thing – well, that’s fine. Especially since we *do* know that the FULL package is ultimately the best thing – voice AND visuals.
              As for audio book audience – apparently I am wrong with my assumption that mainly women listen to audio books. Just found a statistic about the audio book audience in the US in 2018 – and it’s about equal between male and female… https://www.statista.com/statistics/299800/audiobook-listening-population-in-the-us-by-gender/


  8. You know, Guylty, I’m feeling a little weary of the crush right now too. I don’t know. Work is hell right now, so maybe that’s influencing my general feeling about things? I think he’s a fabulous audiobook narrator, but I don’t always find the choices exciting and I’d much rather see him in a *good* TV series. Saw a bit of the first episode of BS Season 3 and I am underenthused — both by him and by the series. Sigh.


  9. Pingback: #FlatRichie Is Travelling Again + Misc. | Guylty Pleasure

  10. For the most part he seems to lean toward the safe t-shirt, jeans and leather jacket casual style which lends itself to a “I’m just a regular guy” vibe. (which I love on him) Occasionally when he comes up with something like this combo it makes me think he’s attempting to add a bit of trendy into the mix. I don’t think it always works as planned (and not my favorite look on him) but hey, whatever feels comfortable – go for it! He’s such an attractive guy he’d look good in just about anything anyway (short of a completely hideous fashion disaster) and the mere fact that he’s trying to be stylish is endearing in itself imo. I have to give him credit because it can’t be easy to be in a career where your looks are such an important factor in your success. That said, I really wish he’d lay off the filters. If only he embraced the fact that those lines only enhance his good looks with character. Also I’m praying to the hair gods to give him nape curls again I won’t even mind if they’re sprinkled with a bit of grey. 😉

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    • Agreed! #NoFilters His crinkles are sooo great. Leave them be.
      And I believe he’s talked about the problem with looks being important in this business before. The fact that he would like to not care (or doesn’t really care for his own sake) but is forced to because looks matter to casting agents etc. I would not wanna be in his shoes. It must be a bit exhausting.

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      • Sure it is exhausting. I doubt there is any woman here who *doesn’t* know what he is experiencing. The problem is that he is perpetuating the issue by going along with it. Instead of allowing himself to be seen as he is, he maintaining some kind of front in terms of youthfulness and beauty. In that respect, I do not really feel that much sympathy. If he wanted to, he could break out of the vicious circle…

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        • Maybe he fears he’ll get pidgeon holed in older roles or supporting actor roles and all the juicy ones he’ll get passed by. I mean look at his track record on IG all of them are filtered to some extent, even the king of the ski mountain one when he is physically cold there are porcelain wrinkle free eyes and no laugh lines… it’s not realistic and he’s headed for a crash…. (metaphorically speaking)

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          • Well, even *with* all the sanitised selfies, he’s not getting those juicy roles now, is he? So maybe the strategy is not working? Maybe he should try a different approach – look the age he is and corner *that* market? I mean, I don’t have the solutions, either, I am only wondering…

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            • reminds me of the story Michael Caine gives about Jack Nicholson getting him out of retirement. Caine had given up to a degree because he stopped being offered lead roles-he was a handsome man back in the day- and he felt frustrated. However when he got back into acting and took on character roles -that when he started getting juicy roles and awards.

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  11. Guylty I’m sure he feels frustrated, he reads all these great roles are going to Brits a tad younger than him plus competing with the Oldman and McElvoy and Farrell and Bale and all these other popular actors and it gets old and depressing after awhile.. but we will see with BS3 now won’t we?!


    • True. And now look at it from the other side: He makes himself look younger in order to appear the other side of 40 – and he feels frustrated, he reads all these great roles are going to Brits a tad younger than him plus competing with the likes of Cumberbatch and McAvoy and Hiddleston and Stevens and all these other popular actors and it gets old and depressing after awhile… See, there is no escaping the progress of time…

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      • No doubt it’s a rough and tough profession but he’s been in it for longer than Hiddle and Stevens (love you Kelly) so one would think (as in me) that he would know the lay of the land by now and be able to navigate cuz Cumbie and Hiddle do audio too but they also do tv, film, stage… baffling …. throw now Matthew Goode into it and Cavill .. ughhhh


        • Yeah. There really is no rhyme or reason to it. I don’t think it is all down to talent. He has got that in abundance. It’s also down to coincidence and that little bit of luck – being there and available at the right time. Being cast in the right piece.
          And yet, it’s not all bad. He’s done some amazing things, and he has had some amazing successes. He has done well – and he is still a working actor, that counts for something. (And he has some very loyal fans, too, who love him, 47, grey temples, sanitised selfies or not!)

          Liked by 2 people

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