Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/19

Hello hello hello. An easy post today – because I know what I have to share and don’t have to resort to wallpaper talk. Except that I might – but only after the regular proceedings of a Saturday morning. Here is your round-up.

  1. Hold on a second, is that the continuation to previous week’s post by riepu10? If so, I apologise 😂
  2. “Background Gizzy” is such a funny concept. And such an impossible idea. How could he *ever* be a background man? Thanks nonetheless, riepu10!
  3. This is a really interesting quote by Richard, and one that I didn’t remember hearing before. It sounds very much like him, though. Found by tallian
  4. A thoughtful expression on the Armiface. Looks as if that was at RDC5. Posted by deepestfirefun
  5. Oh, I missed this tweet by Puffin Books on Twitter. Good thing that richardarmitagefanpage is vigilant
  6. Felorinbailenshield2 bought herself Trevor Pop today – and I am still waiting for mine. Honestly, I am annoyed. I ordered this thing in February!!!
  7. Thewarriorandtheking has a close up. Or should I say a “clothes up”? Ok, sorry, dad joke. These are Thorin’s clothes
  8. It’s always nice to see a new collage or edit of some pretty pictures. This one is by nellindreams
  9. Fizzyxcustard posted this clever manip – but wasn’t that by Mat Khal on Twitter?
  10. Wow, another interesting quote, found by tallian. And boy, do I disagree with Rich
  11. “Please Doctor, I have trouble sleeping. Could take a look at me?” A gif set by riepu10
  12. Guy of Gisborne as a painting… by ausschweifendemotte
  13. Oh, this is pretty! Thorin, captured by fizzyxcustard
  14. Don’t get me wrong, I really like this picture, posted by mzperx0506universe. But when I compare it to the selfies from the set from yesterday, it suddenly occurs to me that they made Daniel look relatively old. Possibly even older than Richard’s real age?
  15. Actually, it’s that beard. It makes people look old. There you have it, #TeamShrubbery *evillaugh*. Picture posted by fizzyxcustard

Right, and now those of you who are *not* excited by historic wallpaper design can tune out. Byeeeee xx

About Wallpapers

And welcome back to those who are staying on to see what I have been dropping hints about. I am not even going to try and make a tenuous connection to NS here (even though Kate very rightly pointed out that Mrs Hale makes a reference to wallpapers in the series). I’ll just tell it as it is: I love design, and even though I am not keen on wallpapers on my own walls, I have become quite enamoured of them – for junk journal purposes. While I was travelling in West Cork with my friend last month, we visited a couple of old houses, and I kid you not – I took photos of the wallpapers in there.

The yellow rose came from Emo Court and is only a digital reprint of a 1960s wallpaper. You can guess why I took a photo of that. You have to look hard… All other wallpapers are screenprinted wallpapers copied from 18th and 19th century originals, and I took the pictures in Bryce House on the stunning and inimitable Garinish Island.

Now, the day before yesterday I visited a restored Georgian house in the centre of Dublin that belongs to the Dublin Civic Trust, an organisation that is preserving the architectural heritage of Ireland. I was curious to see the restored merchant’s house, but I also wanted to have a look at the wallpaper exhibition there. Both were stunning.

I had a long chat with the man who looked after the exhibition, and it turned out that he was the craftsman who is actually producing the wallpapers on show. And he had also produced the wallpapers that I had photographed on Garinish Island. He is the only such wallpaper printer in Ireland. Creating a roll of wallpaper takes him several days, depending on how many colours are in the designs. Every colour = another layer to be screen printed. His name is David Skinner and you can see some of his wallpaper reprints on his website. Interestingly, his wallpapers really are a total steal! They cost € 120 per roll – and the experts will tell you that regular designer wallpaper often costs even more than that. Yet Skinner’s wallpapers are basically handprinted, and they are fully customisable, i.e. if you want that wallpaper with the red, blue and yellow flowers on a brown background with purple, orange and pink flowers, he can print it according to your wishes.

This was my favourite – an old design, not a whimsical, vintagified new one, would you believe

Anyway, I was literally drooling over those wallpapers and actually told your man that I wished he’d sell off-cuts, hint hint. Unfortunately he didn’t catch my drift, but well… I have enough wallpapers for my crafting, anyway.

And now that’s it. I hope I haven’t totally bored you to death with this topic.

Have a lovely weekend – enjoy your walls,

Guylty ❤

24 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/19

    • Love it, P! And there is definitely some truth in that… Naturally he is looking a bit older than back then, but all in all the passage of time has been kind to him.


  1. #1 Hair today, gone tomorrow. Pretty please! 🙏
    #2 Hah! Background is the new foreground when Guy’s around. ❤
    #4 “They told me they’d stay seated, but were they 100% sure about that?”

    Lovely wallpapers, Guylty, they’re almost too good for walls – also you can’t scrub them down when you trip on your way back from the kitchen and spill the soup on them .😎

    Thanks for the round-up — you outdid yourself, but then you always do!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gone tomorrow – and forever, please. No more bad wig jobs.
      You are unfortunately right when it comes to those fancy wallpapers. I don’t think they are wipeable as such. But sooo pretty to look at.


  2. Guylty the last wallpaper design that is your fav is simply stunning. I can only imagine in person close up how breathtaking it would be just elegant and regal and enviable to me!! That is a type way too nice to put on a wall !
    Oh beardage rocks !! Proctor and Raymond are the archetypes no?!! 😘❤️👏🤗


  3. just home, been at a comic con all day and i’m wiped out.
    The wallpapers are gorgeous, i have to admit to sticking to Farrow and Ball paints but i have some bird/birdcage wallpaper for my bedroom which will eventually go up
    re the round up, i’ll check it out when i’m a bit more awake ie :not now…sorry!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great RA roundup! And thanks for the wallpapers! We’re looking to rearrange and reinvigorate our Great Room. So I have been looking at traditionally patterned area rugs to add pizzazz. And your wallpapers give me some additional ideas. Cheers!


  5. Thanks for the round-up Guylty. An interesting question whether Daniel was aged. I know I’m a beardphobe and so prejudiced but the facial bush is really ageng. He looks much younger in the Stranger photos but perhaps he is also healthier and in a happier place than in BS ( or more made-up!). I feel like the old RA is back and I’m so excited.


    • Thanks for saying that. I (secretly) believe that, too. The beard ages him, in general. And in more specific terms, I also have the impression he is in a better place with The Stranger. I suspect some of that is also due to having settled back in after the sadness of losing his mum and dealing with her illness before that. In any case, I hope that he has new energy and will make the most of it.

      Liked by 1 person

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