Uncharacteristically Silly Post

A joke post again for you to ease yourself into the weekend…

News from my end: Miss Guylty has now sat all of her 11 exams. Her school years are officially over – her childhood is over. I am proud and happy for her, but I am also sad that I now have to let her go. I never thought I would feel this way. I confess there were times when I longed for the day when both my children were grown up and I could be S___ again, instead of ‘Mama’… But well, life goes on, eh? It’s probably just that I have difficulties accepting change. So let’s distract ourselves.

To find a suitable image, I typed the word ‘sex’ in the search box of my media library. Hm, interesting result

I am so late today with my post because I had a big translation to do. It took me right back to my old job in programmatic advertising *eeek*. Lots of “leverage” and “scale”, “consolidate” and “waterfall”, “funnel” and “ROI”. I hate those buzzwords so much… not least because they are all very difficult to translate into German. Anyway, I got it done. Fingers crossed that it becomes a frequent cooperation between me and them. I would love a long-term work partnership again.

Sorry, really not interesting at all, and neither is it RA-related. What can I say… yesterday’s news have already been posted elsewhere. But ok, I’ll do my thing and crop for our pleasure.

Imagine Blondie singing “your hair is beautifuuuul, a-ha, toniiiiiiight” (Atomic)…

Ok, that may be a little too intense. This is what I wanted:

Why, hello Mykita! Glad to see you’re still around!

Scruplelessly cutting off Head. This ends up a really weird format because the photo has essentially been cut in half, but I wanted to keep the shirt and jacket in. A light-green shirt?????? Unheard of!!!!! And is that some sort of anorak/bomber jacket? Do you think he will steal buy either from the set? We’re not getting the full length here, but I think this suits him really nicely.

And now…


Seriously, all that shrubbery picture exchanging on Twitter is DEPRESSING! I needed this. Yeah. My blog. Pah.

But can we discuss that smile? Jesus William Christ, but the man is definitely a cute puppy. What with the head at a jaunty angle (yeah, the other Head, too, but out of sight!), and those cherrychubbycheeks… Don’t you just want to grab him and snog him?

Right, that’s enough enthusiasm for today. I obviously just needed to release it after it was pent up all day due to my work. Now I can relax.



45 thoughts on “Uncharacteristically Silly Post

  1. Ohh Guylty you are a delight! Head and angle head !! I love this pic what he is wearing color Mykitas!! Hair color a bit longer (some friends will luv that!)!
    Technical question: what is ROI?
    Glad you are busy. You will always be both their mamma and they will find being on their own just how valuable an asset you are !! 😘❤️🌹👏🤗
    Thank you for this delightful post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not only is Mr A looking especially gorgeous lately, his selfies while doing this series look like he is so much happier too. I’m loving seeing that lovely toothy grin – this one reminds me a lot of Sir Guy for some reason. The hair and stubble complete my favorite look on him…sigh 😍
    Congrats to your daughter. How exciting it will be to see what the future holds ❤️


    • He really does look better than ever, doesn’t he? Or maybe not “than ever” but better than lately. I am sure the events of last year had taken their toll on him, and it is truly wonderful to see him lively and at ease again.
      Those toothy grins are really rare from him. It makes him look much younger than his years – he should do it more often.
      And yes, the future is exciting. I am curious, too, even though it is not me who is making the future…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. J’envoie toutes mes félicitations à votre fille et votre fils aussi.
    Guylty, vous pensez que votre vie sera désormais tranquille, maintenant que vos grands adolescents ou jeunes adultes sont partis du cocon familial. Détrompez-vous! Vous avez tout faux ! C’est maintenant que l’aventure commence.
    Vous serez estomaquée de leur inventivité pour se mettre dans des situations rocambolesques, de leurs délires aventureux, de leurs bêtises répétées, de leur insouciance.
    Ne sont-ils pas devenus des adultes responsables?
    Vous connaîtrez, après une semaine sans nouvelle, le coup de téléphone qui tue. C’est toujours inopiné,en plein sommeil, la nuit ou en pleine journée, au travail, que vous entendez leur cri: “maman au secours”!
    C’est du vécu, du vrai, du lourd et ceci en 2 ou 3 ans seulement.
    Maman: je suis à l’hôpital / ma voiture a été flashée par un radar/ j’ai cassé la voiture/ j’ai défoncé un rétro/ j’ai perdu mes papiers, ma carte bancaire, mon téléphone, mon ordinateur…/ je suis arrêtée par la douane, les chiens ont respirez…/ je n’ai plus de logement dans une semaine/ peux-tu me trouver un lieu de chute? ( à 1370 kms de distance) / peux-tu faire mes démarches administratives?/ peux tu déménager mon studio?/…
    Malgré tout, la requête que je préfère est: maman peux-tu relire pour corriger les fautes d’orthographe de mon CV, mon rapport de stage. Alors que moi, leur aînée si savante, je n’y comprends rien!… Je ne parle pas des traductions en anglais (Thank you!)
    Mes collègues essaient de me rassurer en me disant que j’ai de la chance. Car avoir de telles expériences, non ordinaires, leur forgera le caractère. Ils se débrouilleront mieux dans leur vie d’adulte. Bon courage à vous!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is a lovely comment, Squirrel, and thank you so much for that. I think I need a bit of reassurance. It’s not even the ‘letting go’ that I find so hard. It is more that I now feel truly old, with no child to need me anymore… I know, it’s not true, but the depressing thoughts are hard too shake off… I think your colleagues are right though – even if the children live independently, they do come back occasionally because they need us. That’s something to look forward to.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ils reviennent mais de moins en moins. Noël, le premier de l’an sont souvent les périodes de retrouvaille, pour les familles dispersées. Il restera toujours skype.
        Truly old?! Not if you are still active (mind or/and physical body)… Please no cosmetic surgery…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. So many statements and so many questions….
    First off. .Yes. ..I do want to grab dem chubby cheeks and snog him! 😂😂😂 (who here doesnt though?)
    Ahh yes….cool down…..
    Shirt. ..Yes…shirt. …urm…
    Like the “cutting off Head” line!
    Perfect hair and yes, Blondie sung many songs of purr, unadulterated unrequited love..perfect!
    Well done daughter and fingers crossed re work 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ZOMG! What a beautiful man!!! Is that a few greys I see up top???? And that delightful Guy-sideways grin!!!!! Where did this come from and as you said this is cropped, where’s the original.

    Shit. Dammit. I just creamed my chair!!! I needed this today!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve the longer hair. He looks great. As for Anthony, I am a huge fan of his since Buffy days. You are not any older than yesterday. You can still feel young because one or the other offspring will still need mom, always. At least that is my experience with my three. Even if it is letting them do laundry or taking a trip to Costco.


  7. Oh this is a perfect Friday! I love this post! The display of your mind going a different directions at once. It reassures me that other people do that, too! Including concerning him! Yeahhhhh. Speaking of minutia, can we talk about the hairs along the front of his hairline that do not want to behave and allow themselves to be pushed back? What IS that??? I remember photos in the old days with one looooong stray strand across his forehead and I would think (to myself): doesn’t he feel that? Doesn’t it feel like a bug on his skin–as it would to me—eeeeewww—making me jump a mile? How does he ignore that?


    • I think it’s one of the signs of ageing in my case – I find it very hard to concentrate, these days, and so my mind wanders and jumps from one thing to another.
      As for the unruly hair – well, it used to be either a whole strand of hair in the past, or just ONE SINGLE hair. (I remember scrutinising several pictures and always finding that *one* hair that would no stay up 😂) I suppose the hairs are only moving with the breeze and maybe that’s why it doesn’t bug him?


  8. And another thing. In my world, Jesus has a middle initial only, and it’s H, as in Jesus H Christ. Where does “William” come from? Am I about to learn from this fandom that different countries have different middle names!? Weigh in, fangirls, please.


  9. Many congrats to your daughter, Guylty, on finishing her exams. And to you too for all the hard work you’ve put in while supporting her over the years. Don’t be sad though, as was said before. Once a mum, always a mum. The ties are like elastic, they go out into the world to build their own lives but they they always come back from time to time. Meanwhile you get the chance to think of yourself more often, which is quite rejuvenating, I’ve found. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many thanks, Jenny.
      Ah well, my own input has not been that much. (Or maybe I have just forgotten the early years when things were much harder… I often look back and regret now that I did not enjoy them more… It makes me a bit sad and regretful. But maybe all mothers feel like that, worrying that we haven’t done our best, and now we have run out of time to mother them and love them…)
      Hopefully I’ll settle into a new routine together with my hubs.


  10. Congratulations Miss Guylty! It’s true what the others say, you will always be a mum and needed no doubt . And here’s hoping your work will lead to something more long-term. As for Mr A, he is looking gorgeous – with a capital G. l love the hair, love the stubble, his happy expression, and I love the bomber jacket. He looks so good in those, I wonder if it is the tight-fitting one, with the pushed-up sleeves, he wore in Berlin Station 2.


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