
Continuing the news updates…

Do I spot dimples?


Probably the best builder’s bum, ever! Also – kudos to the strong man!

And reiterating here: What a joy to see all this happy tomfoolery. Speaks for a pleasant atmosphere on set – which will hopefully translate into a great show.

71 thoughts on “Dimples?

  1. Dimples? Dimples? Dimples? Dimples? Where? Where? Where?? Dimples !!!!!! Awwww…I wanna….. wanna…..👈👆.Goodness gracious me!!! That man!! 😍 Bring me that horn!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Would love to have heard the convo that led up to this silliness. Lovely dimples indeed..and the black undies..standard issue for his characters now? Not that I’m complaining. 😁


  3. In my head this morning…….
    “Dimples?” Ooooh, back dimples, there’s a photo of Richard’s back dimples! Why am I immediately thinking back dimples? What about face dimples? I’d just about convinced myself I was on the wrong track when I opened up your post. Yes!!! Back dimples! And just as good – if not better – goofy Richard. Starting my day with a big smile. 😉


  4. Good to see Richard mucking around, not being “precious” or in “method” (which tends to irritate me).
    Do you think it likely that he has decided to return permanently to UK following his time living in NYC? Personally, I think he is more likely to get access to better roles, more suited to him, in UK than in US at this stage in his career.
    Love the dimples but I’m not sure that guy would have been able to lift Johns Porter or Proctor…can’t help wondering if beefcake Armitage will ever make a return (sighs wistfully)….

    Liked by 3 people

    • Personally I believe that he already moved back home some time last year, possibly during his mother‘s illness, to be closer. It hasn‘t looked as if he has been back much in NYC. In terms of jobs, I think you are right – I believe he has better chances of getting good roles in UK TV than US TV (despite his major supporting role in Hannibal and lead in BS).
      As for Porter – yep, beefcake would‘ve been harder to carry 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Come on, fan forensics. Who shall we assign this research to — Veloce? Brits, don’t let someone who’s half a world away outshine you now. Do we know the name of the cute guy who is holding him? Probably a crew member, right?


    • Nah, I am not into badgering unsuspecting crew members for more info. I think that has just happened, actually. I have noticed that the Instagram post that I embedded into my blog post, has vanished from my blog. I went back to IG and noticed that the account owner – a film crew member called Phill Reeves – has made his account private. Too many unwanted comments?


  6. Love arms and, if course, forehead crinklitage. The fan stories are nice. I’d do one if I could remember how it all went. (Mist seriously look into hypnosis!)
    Re the Witcher whatever—I call shenanigans on him being 1.89 m unless he’s excellent at sly slouching.


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