Two-Post-Day: #TheStranger Is Coming

Urgent news new pictures demand an extra post even when I have already blogged today. After tweets from The Stranger fan page today, I just read on Ella’s blog [German language] that the release date of The Stranger has been announced. The show is going to premiere on Netflix on January 30th, 2020. The news were announced at a (press?) Q&A with cast and crew in London. And there are some photos on Getty of the stars of the show.

Hello, Dr Astrov, with a beard fit for forestation…

For a moment I thought that HJK was barefoot… Nice smile, Mr A!!

Just one week away from nape curls…?

The whole cast. And who’s making himself smaller again?

So January is going to be exciting for us fans, with both Uncle Vanya running in the Harold Pinter Theatre in London, and Richard running for his life as Adam Price. I am surprised, btw, that the show is (officially?) labelled “Harlan Coben’s The Stranger”.

Once again – I love that smile! The bushy beard? Not so much #TeamLawn

Any opinions on grey turtlenecks?

93 thoughts on “Two-Post-Day: #TheStranger Is Coming

          • Also der graue Rolli ist jetzt nicht das, was mich an dem Outfit am meisten stört. Magst du eigentlich die Farbe nicht oder Rollis im Allgemeinen?


              • 😂 Gott sei Dank hatte mein Opa ganz andere Klamotten an, da bin ich nicht vorbelastet. Ich würd die Farbe für mich selbst nicht kaufen, aber zum Waldschrat passt sie. Da find ich die Schuhe schlimmer.


                • Die Schuhe hatte er, glaube ich, schon bei einem seiner Fan-Empfänge in Korea an. Teure Designer-Treter. (Mit weißen Turnschuhen wird man im Wald allerdings nichts, Herr Astrow.)


                  • Zumindest bleiben sie da nicht lange weiß, wenn man nicht ein ausgesprochener Schuhputzfetischist ist.

                    Ich mag einfach keine weißen Schuhe. Die werden auch nicht schöner, wenn sie ein Vermögen kosten. Hab mich übrigens grade eben gefragt, ob der graue Rolli wohl wenigstens von der Stange oder auch Designer ist.


                    • Weiße Schuhe sind für Wimbledon, Segeljachten oder den OP. Punktum.
                      Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass der Rolli von Marks & Sparks ist. Ich glaube, RA ist da mittlerweile nicht mehr so preisbewusst wie früher.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Du hast sicher Recht, aber … Watt willste denn an so nem Teil designen? Warum für etwas, dass man überall kriegt, zuviel Geld ausgeben? Würd ich nie machen, aber ich bin eben auch Modebanause.


                    • Same here. Aber letztlich ist es sicher so, dass sich die Ansprüche und auch das relative Preisempfinden ändern, wenn man mehr Geld zur Verfügung hat. Da wünsche ich ihm natürlich, dass er genießt, was ihm Spaß macht.


                    • Stimmt natürlich. Ich will ja auch gar nicht nur meckern, sooo furchtbar finde ich das Outfit dann doch nicht 😉. Und außerdem sieht er auf den Bildern aus, als ob es ihm gut geht, und das ist das Wichtigste.

                      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank *you* for finding and posting the news in the first place!
      I always make the mistake of letting my expectations run too high. But then again – that is because I *know* what he is capable of. Let’s hope that the script allows him to truly shine.

      Liked by 2 people

        • Ich mag Krimis und wäre mit einem handwerklich guten und halbwegs spannenden zufrieden, solange man sich nicht bereits nach einem Viertel des Films die Auflösung denken kann und vor allem ganz viele Adam-Szenen drin sind 😉.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ich habe bisher der Versuchung widerstanden und The Stranger nicht gelesen. Auf Twitter wollte mich jemand spoilern, aber ich habe den Namen, den er mir genannt hat, sofort wieder vergessen 😂. Die beiden anderen Cobens, die ich gelesen hatte, waren solala. Genau wie Nell sagt – in Ordnung. Aber nicht herausragend.


            • Das mit dem spoilern ist ja oberfies. Ich will mich auch überraschen lassen. Kenn Coben zum Glück gar nicht und kann noch Hoffnung auf einen annehmbaren Film haben. Und wenn gar nichts hilft, dann müssen´s eben am Ende einfach ganz viele Szenen mit Richard rausreißen.


            • I love grey turtlenecks when he wears one! But I really like the green suede jacket. He looks so good in green I think. Harland’s making some coinboth for and from Netflix so having his name above the title isnt surprising to me. Maybe that netflix agreed to it yeah, but he’s shown he gives them gut wrenching stories from his others theyve done.


          • Ja… Sorry, dass ich meine Vorbehalte so laut rausposaunt habe… Ich denke allerdings, aus der Vorlage lässt sich viel (und vielleicht eben auch mehr?) herausholen. Leichte Änderungen sieht das Drehbuch ja wohl auch vor. Deswegen bin ich auch wirklich gespannt!

            Liked by 1 person

  1. I don’t know about grey turtlenecks. Makes a change from the ratty white v-neck tee. 🙂 But what’s with that Aston Villa shirt? 🙄

    PS. Do Netflix ever do DVDs, does anyone know?


  2. i’m going with a fandom friend Caroline that some black Chelsea boots or similar would have rounded off the outfit better than stark white trainers
    otherwise its nice to see him not in filter mode and looking like a man in his late 40s

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There appears to be quite a difference in sartorial approach taken by RA in this production say compared to his turnouts with the Berlin Station cast. He’s definitely not using Ilaria’s services here (and it shows). I think he looks like a scruffy college lecturer in that outfit. I am a bit surprised at how bad it is! Why didn’t he put on one of his smarter leather jackets or smart shoes? Just tie the look together?
    I like the longer hair (it looks real) but not keen on the beard. For some reason, his grin in the photo reminds me of Popeye!
    I shall give this show a go on Netflix. I hope it is good (the cast looks good). I have had zero interest in watching any of his other recent projects.


  4. I was thinking more about how wrong those thin sandals are for a winter outfit than RA’s white shoes! The other women are wearing boots. He has some great boots, maybe he chooses white sneakers because they’re the most comfortable. Anyway, he looks good, very rugged. I’ve been trying to think if we’ve seen this combination of full beard/longer hair on him before. It’s usually short hair with the beard as with Proctor.
    January 30 release for TS? It’s a little late but what a lovely birthday present it will be! 😉 I’m really looking forward to it, so I guess you could say my expectations are on the high side. 😊


  5. I thought it was ‘dress down day’ and I hardly recognised Stephen Rea but perhaps he is in a play at the moment lol
    I personally keep white trainers for the summer but I know a lot of guys who wear them all year round.
    I watched ‘Safe’ to get a feel for Coben’ s work and read one of his books, it’s okay but it’s not really my favourite genre.
    I am hoping Netflix will do some advertising to garner some excitement.


    • They all looked rather casual, I agree. (I kind of like that, though.)
      I made a start on Safe and liked what I saw (but never finished watching the show…). I’m pretty sure that Netflix is going to start the PR machine, soon.


      • I’ve watched Safe and enjoyed it. I was guessing up until the very end with the big reveal which was the sign of a good drama imho. I’ve read The Stranger so there will be no surprises there, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to make one iota of difference once Adam Price appears onscreen!!


  6. They all look chilled out which is nice, has got a very familiar and friendly vibe about it. Bet that leather jacket was pricey 😉 he looks very comfortable in his own skin and maybe they will change his look for the play, it’s a long time to go for the premiere and maybe he can let it all go until then 😉
    Most likely HC is executive producing the series, most writers with first look or exclusivity contracts get to these days.

    Hopefully it will be good


    • Chilled out – that was the impression I had, too. The suede jacket is really nice. Another one to add to the collection.
      Good point about HC as producer. He probably had a lot of clout, thanks to that, and put his name on the title…


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