Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/46

Hello and greetings from the make-shift sickbay. In case you noticed my conspicuous silence here and there – after the last word on Friday from the coughy house, I completely folded in on myself on Saturday. I’m still feeling a bit woozy and have a stuffy nose, but it was just so boring in bed, I have decided to get up and distract myself a little bit with the overdue round-up. It just doesn’t feel right to finish up 2019 without the last round-up of the year…

  1. Richard in Cats – was not only a topic on Twitter last week, but also made cell113 reel with astonishment
  2. Cb-strike stumbled over Richard and Holliday Granger. Check the hashtags
  3. Richard made a little promo edit by Leicester City, spotted by richardarmitagefanpage
  4. Riepu10 sent out some fabulous Christmas cards this year, and here is a digital version of one of them
  5. Fizzyxcustard reposts a nice edit found on Pinterest. Where would you fit in on this scale?
  6. Mezzmerizedbyrichard’s Christmas edit
  7. Riepu10 again – because these baubles were so fun!
  8. Including this old bit from a Hobbit promo in 2013 here – for the first gif, and that adorable shrug with the eyebrow action. Posted by gedebe
  9. If *I* were stranded on a desert island, the three things I would want are… John Porter (because he knows how to survive), Guy of Gisborne (because… leather?) and Harry Kennedy (because he’d lighten the mood). Thanks for the idea to everything-the-hobbit. Who would you bring and why?
  10. LOL, yeah, that sounds like the voice of Guy. From the What a Guy Wants series by nfcomics
  11. I missed this little BBC RH ask, posted by 0o-de-lally. But here we go, maybe to be picked up on a slow day
  12. Have to admit I got slightly mesmerised watching a slightly disheveled Richard talking about learning to ride. Gif set by riepu10
  13. LOL. Sometimes you don’t have to say much. Thanks, samsgoddess
  14. Spies in cars – by mezzmerizedbyrichard

That should tide us over into the new year. Because wow, it is now basically only just over two weeks away from UV!!! And that hopefully means plenty of news and pictures.

Oh, one last advent calendRA image – from the 25th. And with credit to Kate who prompted me after seeing THIS tweet by Harlan Coben.

I think I’ll head back to bed now.

Guylty ❤


20 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/46

  1. Sorry to hear the sickness has wrestled you down. I hope you improve quickly.

    Thanks for doing the roundup regardless. I have been in a real energy slump since my cold. I should do the SMC bonus post, but am just sooo tired. I think my year is just done.

    Disheveled Hood Academy Rich is *fistbite* gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad that the round-up was well-received – despite the whole Christmas sweater overdose *hehe*. It certainly was fun to make those. It just leaves me wondering whatever I can do next year – I’m running out of ideas 😂


  2. A cold can really lay you low, hope you feel better soon. I’ve been having a nap in the afternoon getting over mine, didn’t have one for three years and now I’ve had two this year. I’d forgotten how miserable they can make you feel.


  3. You are a real trouper Guylty bringing us a round-up from your sick-bed, thank you. I hope you are feeling much better now.
    9) god, to be marooned on desert island with Richard Armitage, what a fantasy! Second best, I can’t beat Kathy Burke’s Desert Island Disc luxury item of a surfboard with an full-size image of someone from Dragon’s Den, who she fancied to slide about on, except he would be replaced by RA.
    12) Disheveled RA, mesmerising indeed and his hair, ooph!
    13) He suits a car, don’t he.
    Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful new year.


  4. Kann gut nachvollziehen, wie du dich grad fühlst. Hatte vor Weihnachten selbst eine Erkältung. Wünsch dir gute und schnelle Besserung! Rutsch gut in ein (hoffentlich) gesundes Jahr 2020.
    Pullover Nr. 25 schafft es fast, Nr. 6 vom Spitzenplatz zu verdrängen 😂.


    • Oh weia. Hoffe, du bist Weihnachten wieder einsatzfähig gewesen. Ich bin froh, dass es mich erst nachher erwischt hat.
      LOL, hätte nicht gedacht, dass Pullover 25 so viel Anklang findet…


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