Armitage Weekly Round-up #11

Weekends do not feel like weekends anymore, with social distancing keeping me indoors. I decided after my last shopping excursion on Wednesday that we should give it a try and do with what we have in the house for the next four days. Thanks to 3 litres of regular milk and 4 litres of almond milk, the plan has worked. I don’t want to go back to the shop until Monday. If passing on the virus is considerably decreased by social distancing, then surely *catching* the virus is also reduced…

The household entertainments are keeping me busy. I have extended the kitchen list now to include repainting the dresser – Mr Guylty has got all the necessary tools and paints up in our flat already, so now is the time. Hm, I wonder whether I can get him to repaint the chairs, too, and possibly even one of the walls? I’ve been thinking that maybe on a more social level, now is also the perfect time to get in touch with old friends again whom I haven’t heard of for a while. So a new list has been created, with the names of people I want to get in touch with. Could be done digitally via e-mail – or maybe the good old snail mail is even more fun? Not to mention it takes longer to write on paper – so more time to be passed in a reasonable manner.

But first on the list today – even though it is still morning – is the weekly round-up. Has tumblr exploded with content? Let’s see…

  1. First up – just in case you hadn’t seen it yet: A new audio book of Richard’s has been announced. He is performing The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner. The latter has posted an extract from the audio book as a taster. Here’s the richardarmitagefanpage post on that
  2. A digital collage for NS by princessamerigocreations, suitably sepia
  3. Mezzmerizedbyrichard has been raiding her gif folder again and put together a set of gifs taken from red carpet appearances
  4. In case you haven’t seen Castlevania 3 yet, richardarmitagefanpage has some screen shots of Trevor
  5. Never confuse a dwarf with a hobbit! Post by nerddivsion
  6. Riepu10 is on the ball with gifs from the Penguin interview
  7. The first time I have spotted an Adam Price fan fic. Here’s loverichardarmitage’s first chapter (?) of “A whole new life” for your entertainment
  8. A lovely edit for NS by angelkarafilli
  9. If you are not on Twitter, you may not have seen aninomori’s gorgeous drawing of RA. Seriously, this is one of the best RArtworks I have seen. In the meantime, Ani has also posted a second portrait on Twitter. She goes under the same name there
  10. Funny Trev and Sypha scene from Castlevania 3 giffed by riepu10
  11. Tying shoelaces has never been as sexy. Picture set by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  12. Ha! Including this Adam Price gif set by riepu10 for the WRporn!
  13. Drldeboer is doing her screen shot posts again, this time for TS
  14. I suspect I have already posted this before, but I just love this scene between Adam and his boys. And when looking at the gifs and seeing the same scene repeatedly, you can gauge how well this is played. Gifs by riepu10

Right, now that I have done my round-up duty, I can start my household entertainment. That dresser needs cleaning before it can be sanded down and repainted. And I have decided to throw a banana bread together. Must satisfy the chocolate-deprived sweet-tooth.

Have a good weekend, all, and remember: wash your hands but don’t leave the tap running 🚰

Sonja ❤️

18 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up #11

  1. Do you have any idea how much I love Trevor and sypha? I keep thinking that I can simply write a one shot but then again Rider of the Mark was supposed to be a one shot. A 195,000 word one shot…


  2. Thanks Guylty for the lovely round-up and providing some normality. 11. Shoelace-tying porn is not something I’ve considered before but there is something seriously sexy about Richard’s large hands delicately working – although I do have a thing anyway for sensitive male hands with long fingers! 13. Drldeboer’s screenshots are always amazing, “I’ll have that, oh, I’ll have that, and I’ll have that one too…” Happy home-pursuits.


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