2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #15

Saturday!!!! We’ve had a sunny day and I am just back from afternoon tea with drop scones in the garden. Yum! Now that the big tree is gone, we have a lovely sunny spot in the garden. I am trying to convince Mr Guylty to build a lounge area made from pallets, but unfortunately “your design aesthetic is different from mine”, says the dear husband. Hmph. That’s a pity because it means the garden will only be furnished with broken benches and uncomfortable seats, making it less than likely that I will be sitting there with a book… ah well.

Shall we have a look at some pretty pictures?

  1. Man, even if he is just getting out of a car, I could watch these gifs by riepu10 forever…
  2. Here’s one for all the cat lovers among you. Guy… by angelicstellarr
  3. Ghiva-shel on what Richard Armitage has to do with real estate
  4. A fan drawing of Francis Dolarhyde by losruv – I actually think the greenery suits him
  5. OMG, I laughed out loud at the last picture of mininottingham’s set. *tuttuttut* What would Guy say if he knew he’d been pictured *there*???
  6. Baby!Thorin is always worth linking to. Made by temporoyales
  7. A Hobbit/LotR Venn diagram by thorinsoakenshield8. Guess where Thorin sits?
  8. This is cool. A Bagginshield fan drawing by corruptedchopsticks. Not sure whether it is unfinished, but it also could be a drawing that shows Bilbo post Thorin’s death?
  9. Hahaha, these are the “internal dialogues” in a few Hobbit scenes. Had to laugh out loud. Posted by burglarbagginsbag
  10. And another one by burglarbagginsbag – I like the “comic” treatment they have given Thorin
  11. Not new. But wow, this pic of Guy really hits the feels… by ladyngisborne
  12. 21st century Guy by ladyngisborne. (Looks like there’s some Daniel in there…)

Just before we get to unlucky 13, I’ll stop it here. My dinner is nearly ready now, anyway, better wrap this up.

A little heads-up as to the raffle of this week’s “Fishy” shrine: The shrine is wrapped and ready to go. I spontaneously and autocratically decided upon a winner myself by choosing from the commenters. But no, I am not giving away who. I’ll let this be a surprise! Thank you to all for commenting on the RAPS – it seemed quite popular, so that means either that I need to make more interactive RAPSes, or more with shirtless RA *haha*.

Have a beautiful weekend, all!

Sonja ♥️

40 thoughts on “2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #15

  1. #2 – awwwwww! #5 🤣🤣🤣 #11, 12… oh yes… 😘
    This alerted me to the fishy RAPS – definitely more shirtless please 🤣
    Maybe if you started to make something with pallets yourself he would take pity on you and take over? Not that it would work in this household! 🤣


  2. That Guy picture. Deaded. My god, he was so gorgeous. Very Medieval Biker Boy.

    I hope Mr. G. will find a way to provide you with some comfortable seating in your newly sunny garden without disturbing his sense of style. Some sort of lounge furniture must meet with his approval.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, he was absolutely drop dead gorgeous as Guy. (What a pity it got hidden away under layers of leather most of the time. I mean, as much as I like leather… but…)
      I would‘ve thought such home made pallet loungers would‘ve been right up his street, but no. I suspect he just really wants to have the garden as his own project, without my meddling. Fair enough – as long as I get to enjoy it, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. G, I’ve known households where if one partner threatens to go out and b-b-b-buy something, the other hustles up a home-made (less expensive) version. On the other hand, this is the amazing man who made the first shrine out of love, love, love, so I can also understand just…leaving him alone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is actually a great suggestion. I might just let it drop that Lidl (big discount chain) is selling garden furniture as their special this week and „can I please borrow your car to go and buy it“… It might do the trick!


  4. Was das Loungeplätzchen im Garten angeht … Selbst ist die Frau!
    Linke Hände, und davon mindestens vier?
    Hindert dich doch nicht an der Kissen- und Polsterbeschaffung. 😉

    Und wenn du noch ein bisschen Geduld hast, reicht auch die Picknickdecke. *g*


      • Ähem, da war ich wohl zu enthusiastisch unter den Büschen unterwegs … *verlegen Gänseblümchen und anderes Grünzeuch aus den Stacheln zupf*

        Ich konnte mir gar nichts unter deiner Lounge-Ecke vorstellen – bis ich vorhin über eine Werbung gestolpert bin. Meinst du wirklich sowas, wie es auf der Mitte dieser Seite abgebildet ist? https://www.lidl.de/de/florabest-europaletten-sitz-rueckenkissen/p370368 (Nein, ich bekomme kein Geld für diesen Link.)

        Falls das wirklich das ist, was du meinst, dann … ist das größte Problem – nach Mr. Guylty – das Heranschaffen von Europaletten. Und es könnte hilfreich sein, wenn jemand die Rückwand festhält, es dürfte aber auch ohne weitere Person machbar sein. Außer den Paletten brauchst du dafür nur ein paar lange Kabelbinder zum Fixieren.

        Und möglichst ein Paar feste Handschuhe zum Schutz vor Splittern, Palettenbretter sind nicht gerade glatt poliert.


        • Hoppla, da habe ich im Eifer des Gefechts wohl das H gleich dem Unkraut zugeordnet *ggg*. War ein Verschreiber, sorry, Hedgie!
          Ja, im Wesentlichen ist das auf dem Lidl-Link das, was ich meinte. Ganz einfache Holzbänke mit Rückenlehne aus Europaletten. Die gibt es hier über FB Marketplace zu 8 Euro das Stück. Und ja, man muss die auf jeden Fall vorher ein bisschen abschleifen, weil man sich da sonst Splitter einreißt. Ich find diesen rustikalen Look für unseren eher wilden Garten ganz witzig 🙂


          • *g* Es gibt schlimmere Dinge als mit dem kleinen Kraut verwechselt zu werden. 😀

            Wie gesagt, ich kannte die Dinger gar nicht – hab ja keinen Garten -, aber das hat schon was. Mir gefallen die Palettenbänke auch. 🙂


  5. I just discovered that there is a trailer for the last season of castlevania. I don’t know if it’s new or just new to me 😊🤷‍♂️, but in case someone wants to watch it:


    • ooops, after reading your newer post, I guess this was the worst possible moment to share this link to the castlevania trailer in your comments. to my defence I have to say that I am not on social media and had no inkling that there was anything going on with castlevania that aggravated people…


      • LOL – not to worry, Anja. And it‘s even better if the shitstorm passed you by. In the end, we just wasted our breath on the whole thing. However, I feel better for having voiced my criticism of Deats‘ sweeping statement.


  6. Trying to get back to work but wanted to indulge myself reading your blog.

    The second one perfectly capturing Sir Guy’s responsive eyes. 😀🌷🌸🌼💕


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