Evening Update Day 4 – #RA50Auctions

A day full of highlights.

Waking up to see Richard had posted – and retracted – a birthday video. The hardship of time difference is upon me. I snoozed, I loozed. Currently trying to avoid all spoilers 😂 But wow, that will be a treat!

Mid-morning the auction milestone of €3,000 was passed, and I wrote a blog post for that. Super cool!

During the day, more donations came in via Paypal, and guess what? We are in reach of a four-figure sum there, too! Amazing, and thank you to all donors!

And then in the evening I finally published the fixed-price sale. Oh-my-goodness. The power of the RArmy in full force.

The sale went live at 6pm sharp, and literally within an hour we had sold three quarters of the available items. The rarer items (i.e. available in small numbers) were gone in a snap, and at the time of writing this post only 26 out of a stock of 185 available items are left in the shop. You guys are incredible! Thank you for shopping for a good cause, and that way also showing your love to the crafty creatives and designers who made and donated the items for you. As there are still some items on offer, I won’t disclose the totals of the Etsy sale just yet. (Also, I will have to deduct postage prices from the proceeds.) But I will already tell you that the fixed-price sale will most probably add a four-figure number to our donation total!!!

In all the excitement with the Etsy sale, the running auctions almost were forgotten. But only almost. Of course I sneaked a peek, and the eBay total has risen since this morning. Nowhere near another milestone, but nevertheless, for your entertainment here a few highlights.

  • Currently leading the pack is the Leather Love RAPS at €265, followed by the Crucible poster at €203.50 and the RA playing cards at €178.28.
  • The highest number of bids has been attracted by the Crucible poster (44), followed by the Mr Thornton altered tin (37) and the Armitage signature on the LLL Playbill (36).
  • We have roughly 19 hours to go until the auctions will begin to count down.
  • There are still some items currently under €10:
    • Radio Times with article about Richard – €7.50
    • Metro UK with article about Richard – €9.00
  • Under €20:
  • And many other items under €30 – but too many to link to them all. But among them hand-made fan art, CDs, DVDs.

I actually have no doubt that there will be more movement tomorrow. And who knows, we *could* make another milestone. It’s going to be very exciting, in any case. Judging by the way I could hardly keep up on Wednesday when it was just *one* auction, I invite you to tweet along and keep an eye on the prices – and cheering on the bidders.

So, I think I will have another good night’s sleep tonight. Tomorrow I am planning to start packing the Etsy orders. And here is a favour I have to ask of you: Those of you who have bought something on Etsy but are also still hoping to win an auction on eBay, could you drop me a line (preferably via DM on Twitter) to let me know who you are? This is just for the purpose of making a note in my Etsy order management so that I can possible combine your Etsy purchases with your potential eBay win. Saving postage – every little helps 😉. (If you don’t have Twitter, shoot me an e-mail.)

For now: a huge big thank you to all Etsy shoppers! You have done great!



22 thoughts on “Evening Update Day 4 – #RA50Auctions

  1. Amazing success on the Etsy sale. Wow! What a whirlwind. This fandom is amazing.
    Have a good night, you’ll need your strength. You’re a legend for handling all this. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That Etsy sale was 💥💥💥! So many incredible items made by our talented fellow fans. I was lucky enough to get a goodly number of the things that I wanted, although I fear that my multiple purchases will make it difficult for you. Thank you for all of your hard work, both already done and to come. I wish that we could treat you to a holiday!


  3. Haben die Leute die ganze Woche denn geübt, dass sie so schnell waren?😂 Die Sachen verschwanden ja aus dem Korb… Ich habe mich schon über Kates tag mit der Aufschrift *british spy* gefreut, aber bevor mein Mr. G den Satz *das ist aber schön, das will ich haben* zu Ende bringen konnte, war das aus dem Korb weg 😂. Entschuldigung, dass ich zwei getrennte Einkäufe getätigt habe, aber ich wollte nicht riskieren, dass die dritte Sache von denen, die ich im Korb hatte (eine von deinen Masken) auch verschwindet (Youngs memo pads auch weg 😂) … Wie ich sehe kann ich mich sowieso glücklich schätzen, dass ich überhaupt eine deiner schönen Masken und von Kates tags einen anderen ergattern konnte (wenn auch eine für mich – PTGG01; Mr. G muss warten bis (ob) sich Kate eventuell irgenwann mal wieder entscheidet ein mit *british spy* wieder zu machen 😂)… Ich hoffe noch etwas bei ebay kaufen zu können (weiß aber nicht, ob ich gegen dieses Tornado ankomme), verschicke bitte also meine Sachen noch nicht. Danke Ladies für die schönen Sachen.


    • Weia – sorry, Graza. Ich glaube, ihr habt das alle ganz richtig gemacht mit den separaten Käufen. Und das ist jetzt für mich auch nicht sooooo schlimm. Ich kann das alles dann ja alphabetisch sortieren und finde auch die Mehrfachbestellungen so wieder. Gar kein Problem. Ha, aber daran hatte ich eben selber auch nicht gedacht, als ich die Bestellung in einem Aufwasch vorgeschlagen hatte. Jou, bei dem Tornado musste man mit Trick 17 arbeiten.
      Übrigens – Geheimtipp: Wenn du dich mit Kate, die die Tags gemacht hat, in Verbindung setzt (z.B. indem du hier auf dem Blog einfach auf einen ihrer Kommentare antwortest, oder sie auf Twitter antweetest), könnte es sein, dass sie dir vielleicht einen British Spy Tag anfertigt…


  4. Hi Guylty, I purchased three items from the #RA50Auction on Etsy. I think I goofed, I paid with a credit card. Should I have used PayPal? I want to make sure the money goes towards the fundraiser . Thank you


    • Hi Suzanne – no worries – all good. Etsy doesn’t mind which payment type you use. Your order has come through and is paid. You’ll receive a notification via Etsy once I have dispatched it. And your payment will be part of the fundraiser proceeds ☺️. Thank you for your support of the fundraiser!


  5. Sheesh… I wanted to look and maybe get a token of the extra special auction year but didn’t even get to see the items as o was held up with kitchen duties!! Wow!! 👏


  6. Unfortunately all the action happens overnight for us in Australia, but I’ve been very happy to see the results via your updates here. What a fantastic result so far and the finish line is still to come tonight (AEST)
    Have fun!!


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