RA Pocket Shrine 261/? – Happy Pill

I need some happy pills today. The good complaint is that I have lots of work coming in at the moment. The bad complaint is that it is coming all at once. Today I am copy editing for a start-up that is launching in a couple of weeks’ time, and as usual the work needs to be done by… yesterday 😉. Add to that the pressure of “prettifying” a text that has already been attempted by someone else. The client expectations are high, and thus a 2,000 word text will become a two-day job. – My MO on high-pressure days is to concentrate intensely on my work for 45 minutes at a time, with short distractions in between. Thus, a RAPS reveal is the ideal distractor, dipping in and out to see whether there are comments I can reply to. And so I present my latest creation.

This mini RAPS did not need any enhancement on the top lid. But I adjusted the other side a little to personalise it for the recipient.

I made this RAPS specifically as a surprise gift for Sarah-Lena over on Twitter. She provided the inspiration to this RAPS with a recent tweet although I see now that I had originally meant to go for a “Vitamin RA” theme. Never mind, it sparked the creative inspiration, and that’s what counts. RA is my happy pill.

No side effects. Well, or let’s say there are no side effects detrimental to your health.

And freely available, over the counter and without prescription. My German-speaking readers might enjoy this closer look at the inside of the shrine. The background paper comes from a vintage advertising insert in a 1892 edition of (long-defunct) German humour (…) and satire magazine Die Fliegenden Blätter. Those antique ads are absolute GOLD!!!

So whenever needed, a look at this shrine will hopefully provide Sarah-Lena with the little boost of happiness that a brilliant smile will bring.

It even works remotely – I am feeling better already. 😊

Wherever you are, whatever you do, I hope your day will be a successful one!

And now back to copyediting I go!


17 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 261/? – Happy Pill

  1. What an absolute delight! Such a lovely idea; I’m sure that Sarah-Lena will treasure it. Good luck with all that editing. Freelancers can rarely afford to turn down work but crikey, it certainly would be nice if it came at a more even pace, wouldn’t it?


  2. Really sweet!!! With these white and pink pills scattered on a pink background it is also the best promo photo for pills I’ve ever seen. It actually works, thank you 💗. Hihi, Bestes Mittel, new Bond 😉 street London and Riechsalz (by this RA photo it may be useful besides pills, LOL). And now I will also try to concentrate intensely on my work for 45 minutes at a time 😘


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