2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #37

How’s your weekend going? Today I have only so far brought a birthday flower bouquet to a friend, picked up a power washer and then hosed down the front steps with said power washer. (Anybody got any advice on getting rid of black lichen on granite? Even the Rolls Royce of power washers doesn’t seem to penetrate the unsightly black discolouration on our front steps 😬). But hence a mid-afternoon round-up.

Priest had to be replaced with new photogRAYpher picture immediately…
  1. Not new, but *ahhhh*, that pea coat can’t be ignored. Picture set of Lucas North by armitangel-1972
  2. Don’t know about you, but I would not lock the door if Guy came a-knocking… Gifs by riepu10
  3. Aw, here is a bit of baby!RA in the shape of Dr Alec Track. Not often seen, but well worth looking at. Posted by iviaisha
  4. As a reaction to that clickbait article by Hello! magazine, i-did-not-mean-to posted a little „rant“ 😉. What are your thoughts?
  5. Mininottingham is already in Halloween mood
  6. Lesser seen chaRActer James from MZ pops up in this gif set by riepu10. I mean 😵 that shot of the big hand cradling the head 😍
  7. Astrovian has made Ray her phone background. Nice
  8. This little Guy quip from nfcomics‘ What a Guy Wants series can be universally applied, particularly with regard to pandemic and politics…
  9. A nice sketch of Thorin by my sandwichranaway
  10. LOL – this reminds me of that episode in Father Ted where Ted explains to Dougal the difference between tiny and far away… Posted by mathelawe
  11. Bagginshield fan art by whatever-ten
  12. Aw, some gorgeous head canons re. Mr Thornton attending to Margaret‘s injuries. By rose-edith

There we go. Back to some power-washing now. Once you start, you just can‘t stop. It‘s soooo satisfying.

Have a lovely weekend,

Sonja ❤️

29 thoughts on “2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #37

  1. I kinda like RA’s scruffy look for the new film. He would still look amazing if he didn’t bathe and didn’t shave or cut his hair for a year. LOL
    We get black mold and moss all over our walkways, porches and patios here due to the humidity in Florida and the HEAT. Arrgghh. Just had my patio, steps and walkway pressure washed recently and the dear man who did it had a tough time, but he persevered and got it all off. He used vinegar and the water pressure. There is probably some kind of environmentally friendly cleaner that will get rid of the lichen, but I don’t know what it is. Sorry. Enjoy your weekend everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That man always looks good, and especially so when he is scruffy. I draw the line at the beard, but otherwise, bring it on 😍.
      Ah, great, vinegar is an option. The sort of household remedy that is easily accessible. I might give that another try tomorrow. Thanks for sharing that, Ricky!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Guylty, try vinegar. I’d use a sprayer first, (don’t dilute it) let it sit a minute or 90 seconds. If that doesn’t work, hydrogen peroxide. Again use a hand sprayer, (find an empty windex bottle, rinse out, then fill with hydrogen peroxide) spray area, let sit for 90 seconds, then power wash.

    Use spray facing away from any plants or grass as it will not be good for them.
    Thanks for noticing WAGW, Sir Guy is pretty observant even if the sheriff doesn’t give him credit for much. 🌻🎃

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes vinegar or all kind of acid (citric) spraid with hot boiled water.
    Other natural choices could be hot boiled rice, pasta or potatoes water. Let them acting and wash with water.

    Liked by 3 people

    • (Sorry, better written)

      – Yes vinegar or all kind of acid (citric, hydrochloric ) sprayed with hot boiling water.
      Citric acid kills lichen. Recipe: pour 50 grams of baking soda + 250 ml of citric acid + 7 drops of tea tree essential oil +10 milliliters of vegetable oil (sunflower, coconut, rapeseed, castor…). To be poured into 3 liters of lukewarm water, mixed and then simply sprayed onto perfectly dry surfaces to be cleaned. Leave on for 3 days then brush by wetting with clear water, finally rinse thoroughly.

      – Baking soda recipe: mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 3 liters of boiling water. Use the mixture and apply it with a push broom. Scrub the granite. Leave to rest for at least 2 hours. Rinse with clean water.

      – Other natural choices could be starch, coming from the hot boiled cooking water of certain foods such as rice pasta potatoes, poured directly onto the lichen. Let them acting for a few hours and rinse with water. You can accompany the rinsing with a brush broom to remove the residue.

      Bon courage!

      Liked by 2 people

      • La dernière remarque: 3 jours sans pluie en Irlande, c’est rare. Les recettes rapides seraient plus appropriées. La préférence de Radaghast va vers:) l’eau de cuisson des féculents à amidon.


  4. Sorry, I have no advice to offer about the black lichen, except to agree that vinegar is often the solution, good luck!
    Thanks for the fab round-up, Guylty.
    1) It is great to see some pics of lovely Lucas, he often doesn’t get the attention on SM that he deserves..
    2) I know! What is wrong with Marian?
    4) It was a silly headline, particularly aimed at us, and, compared with other transformations RA has made, it is not all that – and yes, he is an actor. Also if Hello snidely used transformation to mean unattractive then they were way, way, off the mark.
    6) That possessive hand! James’s hair is gorgeous here too – and I love that flinch that he does.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Armidreamer, I agree with you in all points. Thank you for writing this down. And ad 4, as Kate has already written in that clickbait article they even misspelled *delights*. Thank you for the round-up, Guylty. I hope your front steps are still there after such a powerful cleaning 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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