2023 Armitage Weekly Round-up #15

No prompt needed today – it‘s round-up day! *confetti*

  1. Fizzyxcustard starts us off with a one-shot Guy of Gisborne fic entitled „Why did I trust you“
  2. A nice Thorin fan art by rowanix
  3. Riepu10 has a nice still of William Farrow, in a bar
  4. I absolutely love riepu10‘s collages of the books RA has read. Wow, what a massive library of work!
  5. Throwback to an old photo shoot from 2014 (!) thanks to richardarmitagefanpage
  6. Another photo collage by riepu10, this time chronologically recording RA‘s acting roles in literary works
  7. LOL. A clever little Bagginshield „incorrect quote“ from robindraconis
  8. Guy characteristically to the point in this What a Guy Wants by nfcomics
  9. Puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig writes the end scene of RH. I like the open ending – maybe he – uncharacteristically – did *not* die?

There we are, a nice little compilation for the weekend.

By the way, I‘d like to thank you all for the kind interaction on the last couple of posts. Not only was it great to read your experiences when you started your fan journey, visiting sites like RAC and RAnet, but I was also reassured that there is still a demand for RA-related posts on a regular basis. It is very nice to get that reaffirmation every once in awhile!

A Little Word Re. Fan Site Upkeep

In the comments were also offers of financial support for the upkeep of RAnet. Domain renewal and privacy as well as hosting of the website accrue an annual cost of $175.98 (€163.72) which is currently paid by me. (The Amazon affiliate links do not work anymore – or rather: I have not had any pay-outs from that source for several years. I will look into reinstating the Associate programme again, if possible.) I don‘t want to put the pressure on anyone to make *big* donations for RAnet, especially since I haven‘t really updated the site, so I have rather spontaneously decided to create a „Buy Me A Coffee“ account for RAnet. Buy Me A Coffee is a handy way for creators to monetise their efforts. It provides an easy way of donating a small amount of money – enough to buy a coffee 😉 ☕️ – and thus supports the creator. Or in our case: the costs for keeping RAnet online. The idea hope is that visitors to RAnet – only every once in a while – might feel inclined to honour the fan service by buying a coffee. The BMAC site is set up and you can find it by clicking this link HERE. This is what it looks like:

I‘d like to emphasise that there is no obligation for anyone to fund RAnet. Rising costs of living or not, I can afford the annually paid hosting and domain costs of $176 for now. (They are always pre-paid in November of any year, so we are good for this year.) The site is not meant as a money-making venture but as a free-of-charge resource for all fans, new and old. I will never ever make it a fee-paying site! But if you feel like chipping in, that is of course very welcome.

Enough said. I have a lunch meeting on now, but when I come back later, I will dig deeper into the Amazon Associate programme and try to reinstate that. Because the money from Amazon affiliate links used to be a nice income that paid for all of RAnet‘s costs – and more! (For the newer fans: Check out THIS PAGE on RAnet where all the donations accrued through the Amazon links were documented. The donations via Amazon links were instated by RAnet‘s previous owner/admin, Ali, and her donations added up to several *thousand* Pounds/Dollars/Euro over the years! A pretty amazing achievement! Also, all credit to her for making RAnet a fantastic resource. She put many years and much work into it.) I‘ll also place a Buy Me A Coffee link prominently on the RAnet landing page.

Sorry for all this unsavoury money talk… Hope you have a great weekend,

Sonja ❤️

19 thoughts on “2023 Armitage Weekly Round-up #15

  1. The photo collage posts reminded me of the lady photographer who did such lovely shoots of RA years ago but then had an bad accident and was not able to work. Have there been any updates on her condition in recent years? She had a show in London during the run of The Crucible but that was before her accident. I’m sorry that I don’t remember her name for her work with him was outstanding.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the collage representing Richard’s roles that have come from novels, and I really like the quote that was included in the post, where Richard talks about not only delving into the words on the page but also the author, which gives him a better understanding of what the story really is. that struck me b/c that’s what we do with him, find out more about him as a person and what his background is, etc. so that it adds another layer to his acting for us, as well as giving us a peek into why he is drawn to the projects that he does. some actors say that they appreciate their fans but they don’t really understand them. but I say we all have been a ‘fan’ of something (or in my case, many somethings!) in our lives, and that maybe we choose to express that admiration in different ways or with different levels of intensity but the core is the same; “we are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” 🙂 (quote by Maya Angelou)

    Liked by 1 person

    • His “literary” work (as in: narrations or acting performances based on works of literature) is really impressive and Paula’s collages bring that home for me.
      I like your argument here, that we are *all* fans of something and therefore are somewhat familiar with the notion of taking a strong interest in something or someone. Hehe, maybe RA should use that curiosity in order to understand his fans a bit better 😉

      Liked by 2 people

    • That explains it. I had a look just now at Amazon and I can see that they now only have a programme where you can earn referral fees through specific product links. That’s not going to work for us, but well… it was great while it lasted…


  3. Re: how we as fans seek to know more about RA the person, I totally agree with KellyDS. I’ve always been that way about anything I’m passionate about. When I was a concert reviewer it wasn’t enough to familiarize myself with a band’s recent work to prepare for a show. Instead, I’d dive deep into the group’s history, catalog, etc., until I amassed enough info to speak and/or write knowledgeably about them. So it is with Richard. That “need to know” also has fueled my appreciation for sites like RANet, so thank you again, Sonja, for all you do to maintain this resource. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now that you mention it- yes, every time I liked a band or an actor, I delved into their previous projects and tried to find out more, too. I kind of like to „collect knowledge“…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you enjoyed the round-up :-).
      Yes, RAfanpage‘s throwbacks are actually really neat, reminding us of past shoots etc. I‘m not a massive fan of that particular shoot, but RA *always* looks good 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Prompts | Guylty Pleasure

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