RA Pocket Shrine 32/? – Mr Thornton Travels

To ease myself back into my blogging life, I am choosing a RAPS post today. Presenting and writing about them always gives me so much Guylty pleasure, because they remind me of the fun I had creating them, and – if they have been specifically commissioned – the communication and close contact with the recipient that preceded the “shrining process”. Most if not all of my “commissioners” were already known to me, and so was KatharineD whom many of you know from her research posts on ArmitageAgonistes (such as this recent one on The Crucible in comparison with other currently running London plays). Katharine was also one of the forces behind the birthday RAPS for Microlina. With a large package full of tins and goodies, Katharine was due at least one other RAPS, and with a long delay I am now proud to present you this very special “Travelling Thornton”.


What a special tin! It came from Katharine’s mum’s stash of tins. It’s slightly bigger than the format I usually work with, and deeper, too, but challenges are good, and so I was more than pleased to also take some of Katharine’s suggestions on board. As the tin project had to be disclosed to the kind donator of the tin (i.e. Katharine’s mum), the shrine concept had to be… well, let’s say “mum-compatible” ;-)… and she also disclosed that she particularly liked the look of Mr Thornton in the station scene. Well, no problem for RAPS Inc…


There he is, wistfully gazing out of the compartment window as his train rolls into the station. Incidentally he is in the company of… himself. A case of split personality???


The greatest fun is when the RAPS allows a bit of interaction. Let’s open the compartment door for Mr Thornton. Aw, just to think he is looking at Katharine, getting off the train… The inside of the carriage has been fitted with red velvet – reminiscent of a luxurious 1st class train compartment, I hope…


In keeping with the antique theme, I opted for a colourful, flowery bottom of the RAPS. No candles this time – it would have been a shame to punch a hole into the lid and destroy this beautiful piece of commercial packaging. Instead there are some shiny gemstones on the flowers, and a tagline that any of us would love to hear from Mr Thornton. “Coming Home With Me”…


Well, this RAPS has come gone home with Katharine. It has long travelled over to Australia and has apparently also been given the maternal nod of approval. 🙂 Well, from MumD, that is, not from Mother Thornton. I shudder to think what the Thornton matriarch would have to say about ungodly flippancy like this. Mind you – at least KatharineD and I belong to the group of women who do know what Mrs Thornton’s son is worth 😉

Katharine, I am really sorry it has taken so long for me to present this RAPS – and now I can’t even locate the image of the goody parcel you sent me. Well, you’re due another RAPS, so I’ll get to it, eventually :-)Thanks for your support, the parcel, and the challenge! (And many e-mails BTS!)

PS: Katharine wrote about the process of procuring some tins in a guest post here. For more Thornton love check Agzy’s Mr Thornton , Armitagebesotted’s Mr Thornton, and Helen’s Mr Thornton.


61 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 32/? – Mr Thornton Travels

  1. It’s a gorgeous shrine, Guylty, and even more special for the story behind it. I’m very happy Katharine got such a special RAPS, with her own tin doing rounds around the globe and her mum having the pleasure of seeing the tin up-cycled. Brilliant!


    • I love all the shrine stories, but this one is extra-special, the long distance travel, the unique, antique tin, the involvement of Katharine’s mum… And it’s just another proof that the fun in the fandom is definitely due to our fellow fans 🙂


  2. What a fantastic shrine, Guylty! It’s faboulous as Mr. Thornton is, perfectly appropriated to him. The train doors are genial. So happy Katharine has this beauty, I’m still so grateful for mine! Thanks again K., I. and S.
    The story of the tin and the making of the RAPS are the icing on the cake. Fandom kindness and love. RAPS travels bringing it all over the world 🙂


    • Those train doors were such fun to think up. I had to fiddle a bit to get the “glass” in, but it all worked out in the end… And yes, I love the stories that are generated through the RAPS, and the connections that have been established because of them. You are all part of that. I really would love to make a shrine for each and every fan 🙂


  3. Love it! The opening train doors — such a fantastic detail. 🙂

    You know, I discovered a cache of tins in my house some weeks ago. I’ve been wanting to send them to you, but I was waiting for word from my Tumblr friend who talked to you about *her* collections of tins so we could ship them together. She hasn’t had a chance to look for them yet because there’s someone staying in the room where they would be, and I’m getting impatient. I want to spread the love!


    • I guess I am a bit of a playful child – I like bits that I can move in the RAPS…
      Ooooh, a whole cache of tins??? Alyssa, you make my heart jump 🙂 Sorry to hear that your friend hasn’t been able to access her room yet. But there is no hurry, anyway.


      • I like the moving parts too. They make the whole thing that much more special (and fun.) 🙂

        The hurry is all me. I don’t like leaving things undone once I’ve decided to do them. And I don’t like having to wait to make people smile once I’ve thought of a way to go about it. 😉


  4. the 3-D train compartment, the opening door, the bar across it, and the flowered bottom that looks like an old greeting card. classy but whimsical. I get so excited to see these RAPS reveals; something to look forward to 🙂


    • Oooh, I like that “classy but whimsical” – that’s what I was aiming for 🙂 And the RAPS reveals are something I look forward to, too. (I think I have three more RAPSis in my picture library, ready to post…) Thanks, Kel!


  5. Guylty- I’m sorry I only just saw this, or I would’ve thanked you sooner for posting about my beautiful RAPS. I’m so happy to see you back on deck- I’m honoured that my shrine is the subject of your first foray, fully back into fandom matters. As you said, my Mum did indeed think you did a wonderful job, and loved the intricacies of the station scene.
    When I made a tentative suggestion of recreating that scene in some way, I had no idea you’d come up with something so clever, but of course I should’ve known that imaginative mind of yours, and your ‘crafty’ hands would create an unexpected surprise.

    I have to thank you for the other goodies as well, of course- that gorgeous framed print of RA, the personalised calendar, the Thornton chocolate, the magnet, and the hand made card. All wonderful, and the cherry on top of my special shrine.

    I hope this post is a sign that you’re back home again, and feeling more like yourself again, my friend.


    • Katharine, nothing to be sorry for – I only posted this a few hours ago 🙂 I really should’ve warned you, because maybe you’d like to add something from your POV? Did you find anything out about the provenance of the tin? How it came to your mum? What was in it? 🙂 If you feel like it, you are welcome to write it up and I’ll post it here separately!
      Unfortunately I am not back in my own home yet, although I really long for it. (It’s not that easy living back with mum *ggg*) But I am not really complaining, it is the least I can do for my mum (I already feel very very bad about having to return to Ireland, eventually… and leaving her on her own…) But I am indeed feeling more like myself again, and I want to return to life! Thanks for your messages!


      • Mums can indeed be hard to deal with, but I know you won’t regret spending time with her at the moment, much as your own home beckons.
        I wish I could say for certain what the tin’s true provenance is- my Dad certainly worked for a tobacco company for a few years back in the thirties as a fitter and turner, and it WAS the Australian subsidiary of the Imperial Tobacco Company, but Dad wasn’t a smoker, so I’m not sure. I can only surmise that the workers may’ve been given tins of tobacco as a Christmas bonus perhaps, and the tin stayed in the family.

        I have to say, I’m loving reading all the comments- I feel a bit smug sitting here with my beautiful RAPS that many people have admired! I feel very lucky to have it, and to have you as the fiend who made it.


        • You are right re. staying with mum – I am very lucky to be flexible with my work. Essentially I can work anywhere in the world as long as I have internet access. Supporting her now is the least I can do…
          I tried to find out more about this tin, too, but there was very little info on the web. How nice, though, that there is a connection to your dad in this. So three beloved people are remembered with this shrine. Triple strike 😉
          Hehe, and I love how you feel “smug” :-D. Any induced smile is good in my books! It was a pleasure to make this especially for you!


  6. Ist das großartig! Die Türlösung ist spektakulär. Ich sag’s ja,: das mit dem 3-flügeligen Hochaltar war garnicht so abwegig, wie ich feststelle 🙂 Du wächst permanent an deinen Aufgaben! Wo das wohl noch hinführt……..


  7. What a beautiful raps, inside and out. Love the detail of the doors. They are wonderful. The RA world is a little (actually, a lot) brighter today with you and your creation in it. Thank you for sharing and thank Katherine and her mom for the inspiration.


    • The little personal touches are what make the shrines particularly special. Working with this old tin was great, especially for a history head as myself. So I was very happy that Katharine entrusted me with this special tin.
      My world is also a little bit brighter since I have come back 🙂 It’s all mutual. xx


  8. Lovely, lovely RAPS and the train door opening is just brilliant 😀
    As someone else said, I really look forward to these reveals, they are SUCH fun!


    • 🙂 I look forward to them, too, slightly guiltily. I always feel like such an attention whore 😀 (Grah, typical “artist”… fickle, egocentric lot ;-))


  9. Your creativity is inspiring! Each RAPS is unique and perfectly (sometimes delightfully humourously) reflects the chaRActer so well. Kudos on another heart warming RAPS which has had me smiling for at least 10 minutes 😀 and also congratulations to Katharine for the generosity extended and returned. It truly is a lovely RA world and you light it up Guylty!


    • Thank you, Jolly – you are always so enthusiastic and generous in your comments. I blush but I crave them, too :-D. Anyhow, the RAworld is lit up by every word and every member!


      • Let’s be honest… anything with Richard or any of Richard’s characters – it’s going to be beautiful. (Hoping to have something for you in a day or two…)


        • Spot on. Doesn’t really matter which chaRActer. I mean, even William Chatford has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi behind the abominable moustache *ggg*


    • The shrines sometimes remind me of tiny dolls houses. Or those “Polly Pockets” toys that were in fashion years ago. I wish I had some tiny but realistic RAs I could place in there *ggg*.
      I am glad to be back, too! xx


  10. Guylty, your creativity astonishes and inspires me. This one’s a beaut! Mr. Thornton was my stern, brave friend during my 5 months of chemotherapy last year. N&S was an accidental find while browsing through Netflix on my new iPad bedridden. The past year and a half has been a perilous journey for me and I am grateful Mr. A’s inspiration and his extraordinary fandom. Xo


    • Mia – I hope it does not sound flippant when I send you a heartfelt congratulations on getting through 5 months of chemo. Had I known you, and had I been “shrining” at the time, I should’ve made you a First Aid RAPS… I hope you continue to recuperate!
      And yes – I must credit Mr A for the inspiration, too. But the credits for the fandom – no, those go to you yourselves 🙂


  11. I’m sure Thornton’s mum would approve. She would of course make some disgusted face in public but then she will be so proud of the “Thornton devotion”: “indeed among Milton gentlemen my son is the only who deserves such peculiar proves of affection”. Then she will surely contact you to know if the Thornton RApS have been registered and propose you to expand the business as a franchise 😉


    • 🙂 Thanks Dede – Thornitage rocks every time 😉
      Glad to be back, too!!! In the process of working myself through my backlog of e-mails at the mo…


  12. Wieder zuhause, Guylty? *umärmel* 🙂

    Mein Gott, ist der Blumenuntergrund einer dieser alten nicht-selbstklebenden Poesie-Album-Dinger? – Wie passend: Thornton, antike Box, klassische Blümchen.


  13. North and South has been the second movie I watch after The Hobbit and as thousands of women I remained so impressed by the episode of the station. So much that now, everytime I am waiting for a train I dream that someone like John Thornton opens the door and looks at me like this but unfortunately there are just sad people coming back from work !!! LOL. I say this to you because looking at your RAPS I feel the same emotion as it is so well done. Specialy the door which can be opened. Bravo once again. I am very happy that the RAPS are again in your life and on the blogs. And give a special kiss from me to Pop Thorin !!!


    • Oh yes, that station scene… The writers were very clever to rewrite N&S that way. And the actors were very good at creating the heart-breaking loveliness of it…
      The RAPS are almost like a sheet anchor for me, both making them as well as photographing and then looking at them. Pop Thorin sends his love back ❤


  14. Katharine is a very deserving recipient of this beautiful RAPS – like the others here, I love the opening train door – you clever thing, you! I have enjoyed reading the story surrounding this tin and its origins, and hope to see it “in the flesh” the next time I catch up with her! 😉


  15. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 36/? – Vanity Thorin | GUYLTY PLEASURE

  16. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 48/? – Dear John | Guylty Pleasure

  17. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 178/? – The Original Steampunk | Guylty Pleasure

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