The Hobbit BOTFA Premiere – Part 2 – Hat-trick

Let’s forget the Dunn School of Marketing for a moment. I know what you have been waiting for – the booty. You shall see said booty in this post, accompanied by a few more comments on the whole procedure of the red green carpet. The hat-trick has been done. And yet the third Hobbit premiere did not really become the ultimate that I had hoped it would be, mainly because there was less booty than I had hoped (see yesterday’s Part 1). But that doesn’t take away from the fact that this journey that started in the spring of 2012 has been hugely fun, majorly inspirational and personally fulfilling. And it is blessing me ever more with hindsight… You’ll see what I mean when you read my post. But without any further ado, here are the images.

This is the closest Mr A came to us:

IMG_9885 IMG_9884 IMG_9886The last image is the moment when Mr A’s publicist steers him away *boo* ;-). I think there may have been some frantic shouting from our corner. I can’t quite remember, tbh, but it’s possible that I may have chimed in, too.

As Mr A turned away to start his path down the green carpet, I kept shooting in continuous mode. At 3.9 frames per second, I got a good number of shots. Of his back. That’s when none of the millions of people who were milling about on the green carpet got in the way. Here are a few highlights:

IMG_9887 IMG_9889 IMG_9890 IMG_9899 IMG_9902 IMG_9903None of this is anything to write home about with the exception of the OOA in them. Without going into technicalities (I’ll leave those for an *ooof*), the reason I was am not enchanted with the photos is that they are grainy (due to shooting at a high ISO/light sensitivity) and strangely coloured (due to cross-lighting).

Here is the whole lot of them in a slideshow:

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What looks like an eternity on photos was actually over in a flash. The EXIF data on my photos tell me that I took the first image of RA’s crown at 18:24pm, and the last one at 18.25pm. One minute! Marathon fan interaction. Mr A has perfected his approach. He probably only signed his initials, too…

IMG_9885  I will not deny that a little flash of disappointment hit me when I realized that Mr A was not going to come within ideal shooting range. But at the time I had no opportunity to muse about that as the show went on and other people moved into my field of vision.  No, I wasn’t really that disappointed – somehow it is all about expectation management, and if anything I might have been disappointed that I again was not in the photography pen, but the fact that RA was nowhere near didn’t really devastate me. I probably also realised at once that we had had our special moment in Berlin – which in hindsight is now GOLD compared to London *ggg*. Little did I know then, eh? But the excitement of the moment takes you with it, anyway – when RA was gone, the next celeb turned up, and so I was certainly busy with my camera all the way, no time to analyse and get disappointed. Actually, even looking through the camera and focussing on RA the few seconds that he was visible to us, I realized afterwards that I was not really feeling the moment or experiencing it at all. I was busy shooting, concentrating on getting a clear picture of the person in my viewfinder. Who the person was, was almost secondary. Looking at him through the lens I did not see *him*, I saw a body which I was trying to get into focus. And you know what – I am fine with that. That’s the way it is at an event like that and if I am shooting – I photograph, but I do not experience. And maybe that has been good this time. Maybe I am not as disappointed as others because I had made peace with this dichotomy at a premiere: If I shoot, I cannot experience but I get a picture. If I opt to experience, I cannot shoot and get no picture. I am almost glad that the former option appeals to me more – 1) a sign that I *am* a photographer (*phew*) and 2) a sign that I yet have my priorities right.

IMG_9886He is, and that is clear *every* *fucking* *time* I see him as himself at an event, a bit of a puzzle. He did not appear unfriendly to me (from what I could see), but to me he also exudes the whiff of distance that I Cumberbatch has. With RA it is slightly less authoritarian and assertive than Cumberbatch’s. RA exudes distance that might be motivated by embarrassment and humility, and to me communicates something like “you’re very kind to be cheering for me, but really, I am not worth it, and actually, I’d rather you didn’t because this attention makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. But ok, I’ll go along with it because this is my job, and I have been brought up to fulfill the expectations of others and put their wishes before mine”. I guess he is very grateful for the attention as such, and he understands that his career is also a reflection of fan demand, but he may feel uncomfortable when directly faced with it. Thus he is more than happy to deflect that attention on others – and to have a publicist who can make the decisions for him *ggg*. A good boy he really is. Well-raised, polite, humble, sweet, eager to please, but easily overwhelmed. Am I in APM here??? A sensitive artistic soul who can switch on pro mode and look self-assured in front of an interviewer and appear to take it all in his stride – but inside is reeling at it all, shaking his head that this is happening to him…and not to sure whether he really likes it or not.

IMG_9884But hey, what do I know? I am not in his head, I am just interpreting, based on some of his comments on the red carpet experience. My very own red carpet experiences were put into perspective, too. I very quickly realized there and then that what I had perceived as mildly disappointing in Berlin 2013 was actually fabulous luck. The number of acceptable pictures from 2013 proves it. And what you make of a premiere, depends entirely on yourself. There is no guarantee that you will get what you want (i.e. pictures, a signature, or the opportunity to interact briefly). The conclusion is that the perceived success of attending a premiere really depends on your very own expectation management. There are so many variables in a premiere – number of fans, number of celebs, number of media, weather, location, layout of the site to name but a few – that you can’t expect anything really. There is little if any opportunity for interaction – purely because the demand for the celebs is higher than what they can actually give in the situation. A signature is doable, as is a photo, possibly even a selfie. My favoured approach is to see the event as a fun day out, preferably in the company of like-minded friends. I was lucky that I had Hariclea, cRAmerry and Linda60 with me. Even though we got but a glimpse of Mr A, we had huge fun – four old bags among the predominantly much younger fans. We made the whole weekend a fun excursion. And we still got what we wanted – lots of opportunity to chat about our favourite topic. What more can you want?

So, the Armitage hangover is slowly lifting. And you know what? I am glad this is over now. No more Hobbit premieres. *phew* I’d attend a premiere again, of course, but preferably in the summer, in a smaller venue. Urban and the Shed Crew, do you hear me?

110 thoughts on “The Hobbit BOTFA Premiere – Part 2 – Hat-trick

  1. The booty shot is priceless! ❤ That was your calling for that night, that moment. If you had gotten no other shot that would have been be "it" Thanks so very much for that and all the other pics you managed to get in a difficult situation. Hugs!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hehe, the stars must have aligned for that – no one walking into my line of vision, focus ok-ish, camera firing. I just wish it was less fuzzy and grainy. But well, that’s it…


  2. Excellent writeup, Guylty! Although I’d hardly call you an old bag! Great analysis, spot-on, you’re like Kevin Costner in “JFK” with the Zapruder film.

    FWIW, I don’t think RA enjoys red-carpets or press tours but he acknowledges them as part of the job and, as always, he’s the consummate professional.


    • *teehee* – the “old bag” comment is bound to get me into trouble with my three fellow-attendees…
      Yup, I don’t get the impression he really thrives on these events. He really does his best – and that is quite good, I have to say. And let’s be honest – I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

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  3. Didn’t notice the” be” before” it” but that shouldn’t be there. Thanks Guylty, you’ve made this well-wisher from Canada really happy! 😀


  4. If you are an old bag, then I am an ancient bag unearthed by archeologists. You did a great job under difficult circumstances. And you had fun. What could be better than that? Well, a few things, but not many.

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  5. what this brought home to me that I never realized before is that when he’s there signing autographs, people are pointing their phones/cameras right in his face. that makes me feel kind of sick to my stomach. I know that’s what is done at these events but it just seems rude to me, like he’s a freak of nature :/


    • You know what – I, a photographer, find that hard to digest, too. Ok, my field of photography is portraiture (where people volunteer to have their picture taken), so I am just as unused to event photography as you are. And the same thoughts as yours flashed through my head as I was training my camera at the celebs in front of me at the green carpet. The only way I can justify this to myself is by telling myself that *that is the deal*. The celebs know that this is what red carpets are like. And they have agreed to be there. Presumably they are getting paid to be there, thus it is more or less their job to interact with the fans, sign autographs and endure the cameras. They are not paid to like it, but it is part of the job description. So no regrets and no guilt. And yes, he is a freak of nature – by his extraordinary attractiveness. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Wahrscheinlich hast Du recht, er fühlt sich auf dem roten, grünen, blauen, pinkfarbenen Teppich nicht wirklich wohl. Man sieht es an der Körperhaltung, sie ist angespannt, er ist höflich, aber distanziert, beim Interview hat man gemerkt wie nervös er ist ;-).
    v.a. im Vergleich zu den anderen “Stars” wie BC oder OB, sie waren viel gelöster und freier, haben es genossen.
    Aber so ist er halt und wahrscheinlich mögen wir ihn genau so! Danke für die *weichzeichner* (unscharf gibt es nicht, immer so gewollt!) – Fotos, ich finde sie schön, weil Du die Atmosphäre und das leise Lächeln ❤ einfangen konntest.
    Auch wenn das Berlinbild immer noch mein Lieblingsbild ist, aber allein aus dem Grund, da dort das Verhältnis von Haarlänge zur Bartlänge genau optimal für mich ist 😉


    • Siehste, ich hab die ganzen Interviews noch gar nicht angeguckt. Irgendwie null Bock. Und ja, er mag den Rummel nicht. Ist aber eben Teil des Jobs. Er kriegt das ja trotzdem gut hin.
      Weichzeichner ist gut. Ok, das ist alles natürlich künstlerisch so beabsichtigt *Hustanfall*.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Du hast bisher auch keine Lust auf alle diese Interviews? Puh, bin ich froh, dass ich damit nicht alleine bin. Mir reicht das tägliche Socken-Selfie-Twitter-Update komplett aus. Vielleicht schaue ich mir das alles in den Weihnachtsferien mal gemütlich bei youtube an.


        • Ja, ich kann das im Moment nicht. Allein schon, weil sich alles in mir sträubt, hinzunehmen, dass man nach einem Tag raus schon völlig den Anschluss verloren hat. Sowas macht mich dann widerspenstig. Dann erst recht nicht. Aber es kommen ja sowieso noch lange Tage, wo dann wieder Saure-Gurken-Zeit ist. Da kann man dann aufholen.


          • Stimmt. Das Gefühl, sowieso abgehängt zu sein führt bei mir auch eher zu einer Verweigerungshaltung. Immer wenn ich anfangen will, schreckt mich der zu erwartende schiere Zeitaufwand wirklich ab. Interessanterweise habe ich aber gerade nicht das Gefühl, sehr viel zu verpassen. Noch eine Pressekonferenz, noch ein Interview? Das was an Artikeln dabei ist, kann man ja so nach und nach abarbeiten.So what. Da lasse ich mich lieber mit überflüssigen Selfies unterhalten 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • In den Videointerviews wird sowieso immer nur dasselbe gefragt *gähn*. Die stellen ja selbst zum dritten Film immer noch die Frage, wie es denn war, mit Peter Jackson zu arbeiten *schnarch*. Nee, danke. Das ist dann mal was für einen grauen regnerischen Tag.


  7. Old Bag = alte Schachtel? 😀 Guylty, guylty,da hängt sich aber jemand weit aus dem Fenster 😉
    Von mir aus können wir weiter auf dieser Schiene herumreiten. Wobei ich nicht weiss, wie du als All-time-39 damit umgehen willst 🙂
    Und noch was zu deiner Bilderauslese: Ein schöner Rücken kann auch entzücken 🙄
    Best Rücken of all! So!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. “Das ist das Haus
    vom Ni-ko-laus …”
    Strange, was auf den Bildern mit der Lichter-Deko im Hintergrund passiert. Ich bin nur noch nicht sicher, ob es das Haus vom Nikolaus ist – oder ein Bischofshut für Richard.
    Angesichts der neuesten Infos wohl letzteres … LOL! 😉

    Ich mag die Bilder, grainy oder nicht. 🙂

    In irgendeinem Video (nur: welchem?!) von der Premiere hat man kurz das ODB beim Signieren sehen können. Die Handbewegung sah für mich eindeutig nach einem schnellen “RA” aus.

    So knapp wie der Anzug am Bizep sitzt, frage ich mich, ob Mr. A vielleicht noch was drunter trägt, was er bei der Anprobe nicht getragen hat. Besser nur 98 % perfekt gekleidet, dafür nicht gefroren, als 100 % und bibbernd? Who knows.

    PS: Okay, vergiss meinen Bildunterschrift-Kommentar von gestern … Es ist der rechte Ärmel, nicht der linke. LMAO! 😀


      • Naja, als Ski-Begeisterter hat er zumindest lange Unterwäsche im Schrank, darauf kannst du wohl wetten.
        Kein Wunder, dass er sich selber eher nicht als sexy betrachtet … 😀

        Liked by 1 person

                • Iiiihhhhh, ich auch! Das ist aber ein farblichen Herausforderung 😉 Hat er jetzt die bunte-Socken-Phase? Na wenigstens gibt er uns was zu reden, der Gute 😀 Hoffen wir bloss, sie bleiben einfarbig. Ringel oder Motive wären fies.


              • Ach Mist, jetzt wollte ich noch schnell einen Link posten, aber WP zieht gleich das Bild rein – und gibt mir außerdem die Auskunft, dass mein Kommentar auf Freigabe wartet. Blöd. 😦

                Ich hoffe mal, dass wenigstens dieser Post frei durchgeht.

                ‘Nacht, nighty-night, sweet dreams, schlaf gut …


              • Ein gut getarntes, aber doch dezent quergestreiftes Angorahörnchen im Winterschlaf.
                Mit pinkfarbenen Socken.

                Und jetzt schalte ich die Kiste aus. *schnaaaaaarch*


              • Och, ich fand die sympathisch. Allerdings wird mir die Sockenknipserei jetzt langsam langweilig. Hat der Mann einen Sockenschuss? Oder ist er ein Sockenmolli? Fragen über Fragen… und nichts davon lässt sich übersetzen.

                Liked by 1 person

              • Ach, du warst “off”? – Wohl eher im Kino. 😀
                Aber keine Bange, ich bin großzügig genug, das zu tolerieren. Diesmal. Ausnahmsweise. *streng guck* *gg*

                Was bitte ist ein “Sockenmolli”?? Das verstehe ich ja nicht mal auf Deutsch! :-/

                Ich habe nix gegen farbige Socken, aber Pink muss echt nicht sein. Und mehrfarbige Rauten auch nicht. Sockenschuss?! – Allerdings! *gg*


              • also hor mal, das ist ein Ausdruck der Persooocklichkeit! Rosa muss ich auch nicht haben bei plum Anzug und Aubergine Schuh, aber die multifarben geometrischen zu Schwarz und die lila mag ich :-))) Ist ja so wie Fusstriptease :-p Man sieht sie nicht standig aber er hebt die Hose bisserl und da flascht einen sowas an :-p Wies nicht ob das Scharchfoto posiert ist, aber ich kann mir vorstelln wenn die 5 Min Ruhe hatten dass sie schon schnell weg waren, mussten langsam total ko sein. Das OOA scharcht sogar beim offenen Mund! Noch ne Fantasie runtegespult, jetzt wissen wir wie er schalf… schnarch und sabber bei offenem Mund.. iiiiiiiiiiii


                • Leute, ihr glaubt doch nicht etwa im Ernst, dass die da zu dritt wie die Kindergartenkinder vorm Fernseher eingepennt sind *lol*. Das ist gestellt. Aber sehr schön gestellt. Ich finds richtig witzig, und irgendwie auch süß.
                  Fußstriptease – LOL. Mir gefällt sowas. Ich hab früher auch immer bunte Socken getragen. Vielleicht sollte ich mal wieder einsteigen.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • ja gut gestellt, aber ich wette fast gepennt die 3 :-p
                    und jaaa ich hab auch gedacht, wird Zeit wieder eine Sockenfundaktion zu machen :-p bloss rosa ist bleeeh, nicht meine Farbe, die im Flug mag ich seeehr! Allerdings werde ICH keine 20 Pfund fur ein paar Socken ausgeben!


                    • Gibt es denn gar keine Burlingtons mehr? Die waren so in als ich Teenager war. Ich hatte da tausend Paare von… rosa, klogrün, blau, grau, gelb…


                    • muss ich suchen, was die bei MS verkaufen ist schwarz schwarz schwarz oder rosa fur kleine Madels! Ich will so geometrische in eher dunkleren Varianten oder so blau grun, lila, muss online recherchieren :-p


                    • da muss ich mich noch reinwagen! die Teenies mit den Tausend Papierbautel die da rausfliessen immer schuchtern mich ein! 😀 aber alles fur den Sockentrend! :-p Muss jetzt kurz mal einkaufen, melde mich spater nochmals, sehe mir dann die Sammlung von heute an 🙂 Muss euch noch wegen Links zu fanf anmailen 🙂 ta 🙂


                    • Ach Merry, ich war damals doch noch ein ahnungsloses Herdentier, weit entfernt vom künstlerischen Hochflug *snorts* Aber Popper war ich auch nicht – viel zu uncool…


                    • Na, dann ist ja hintenraus doch noch alles gutgegangen 🙂 Ich war auch kein Popper, dafür war ich nämlich in deren Augen auch nicht cool genug 😉 Andererseits hatte ich das Vergnügen, mit vollkommen intoleranten friedensbewegten Alterna(t)iven. War nett bei ins im Deutsch LK. Seit dem bin ich da seeehr krittelig, wenn Toleranz immer nur in eine Richtung funktioniert.


            • Na ja, schon irgendwie. Mann, was denn sonst!!!!!! Ich dachte, so erstmal von oben bis unten abfühlen *grins* und dann auspacken. 😎 Sorry, laboriere an einer Nasalen-post-London-Infektion und deliriere ein wenig…….


              • uch, tut mir leid, bei mir versucht sich auch was festzusetzen streube mich aber mit Nurofen for cold and flu dagegen! Ist so das einizge das bei mir wirkt ohne mich total plattzulegen 🙂 Gute Besserung, hoffentlich fuhlst du dich bald wie neu! Mir sind halt doch ein bisschen alte Schachteln, oder? :-p so ein bischen Stehen im Kalten und schon sind wir ko :-p


                • Totale Weicheier. Jetzt bin ich nur noch gespannt, ob Linda60 auch aus dem letzten Loch pfeift.
                  Spaß beiseite: Gute Besserung. Hoffe, du packst dich warm ein und nimmst ein bisschen Aus-Zeit. DAS hilft am besten!


                  • ah ja Linda sendet Grusse!!! wir haben noch gestern so ungef 4h+ bei Tee und scones gequatscht, heute flog sie zuruck. Sie sah ganz ok aus, hat die Woche leicht angehen lassen nach dem carpet :-p

                    Und danke, ist schon ok, das versucht mich nur, lass mich aber nicht unterkriegen :-p Muss an Schlafmangel lieger, heute viel besser, ready for Crucible round 3 morgen :-p Ich bin noch immer in dem Stuck verliebt! Mann war es gut! ich habe jetzt aber auch das bemerkt was du erwahnt hattest! Hustel,.. und dann konnte ich nur draufstarren! Diese Korruption per Kinoleinwand ist ganz schlimm :-p


                    • Huch, was hatte ich erwähnt? Das (un)günstig geschnittene Hemdchen in der Schlussszene mit Prime View der Armitag’schen linken Mammilla?
                      Schön, dass du Linda60 noch getroffen hast. Man muss die Gelegenheiten nehmen, wenn sie sich anbieten.


                    • ja wir haben uns Mitten in Picadilly getroffen und tatsachlich noch einen anstadigen Kaffee gefunden, es war seltsam nur 90% voll gestern!
                      und ja es waren die nipp.. glups.. dann war ja auch noch diese Sicht von seitlich hinten vor dem Wasser.. schluck, so bestimmte Sachen waren vor Ort gar nicht so ablenkend :-p aber nicht das selbe wenn er einem auf leinwand den Rucken.. ehem entgegenstreckt! solche Haut sollte auch generell an Mann verboten sein


                    • Ich glaub, das hat auch was mit der Größe der Leinwand zu tun 😀 Wo soll man auch anders hingucken, wenn die nackte Haut da flasht??? Mir fiel auch hier wieder auf, dass RA ein weiches Bäuchlein hatte 😀 Irgendwie alles sehr authentisch. Method Acting vom Feinsten. Flotter Farmer eben…

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                    • Mensch, geteilte Gehirne! ich auch! oben stramm und unten sanft 🙂 totaler Farmer, hatte ich vergessen, vor Ort hatte ich es mal gedacht und dann wieder vergessen (ne, ne , ne , ne darauf hab iiiiiiich doch nicht geguckt! 😉 ). Sein Methodacting mag ich, was deeeer sich alles fur Geschichte uber Proctor ausdenkt! ‘ggg’


                    • Wenn ich mich mal kurz dazwischendrängeln darf: das “Bäuchlein” habe ich am 11.7. bereits erspäht und für grossartig glaubwürdig befunden. Pah, 6-packs werden deutlich überbewertet 😀

                      Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – das Nikolaushaus hatte ich auch genauso entdeckt. Dummerweise ließ sich das beim Fotografieren nicht vermeiden. Das war dieser saudoofe Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Leicester Sq… Echt ey, wohin man auch kommt, deutsche Gemütlichkeit *umpf*.
      Bischofshut LOL…
      Und ja, RA scheint beim Signieren ausschließlich die Kurzform auszuführen. Find ich ehrlich gesagt nicht gut *schmoll*. Obwohl, mir kann das ja egal sein – mir gehen Autogramme ja eh am Arm vorbei. Aber das hat eben so etwas von “Abfertigung” oder “Fließband”.
      *gröhl* – was drunter tragen. Ich stell mir RA nun gerade in Funktionsunterwäsche vor. Naja, er hat ja lange in NZ gelebt, da soll sowas ja von Vorteil sein. Meinte jedenfalls meine Mutter. (Woher die sowas nur weiß…)

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      • ich glaube da war nichts mit Anprobieren 😉 und den Beinen, ne der verlangerung nach ist nicht drunter… er muss so wirklich eng anliegendes drunter tragen weil man trozt zu engen Hosen keine Linien sieht (Brille besser rucken und Foto nochmal angucken… ne da sieht man nichts 🙂


  9. Well done for getting what you did. After being at the Wellington first premiere I always said I would not do it again. In hindsight comparing to London it was a dream got him right in front of me autograph, pictures and a few words. To be fair to the PR lady who was the same as in London she got him over to our side and was really trying to hone in on his fans. Wellington was hot and held in the day London cold and at night brrr. I just couldn’t follow him one last time so kudos to you and the others for braving it. Having said that I did travel across the world for him when London was a mere hour for me! Just call me a fair weather fan!

    Liked by 1 person

    • ooooh, you were in Wellington, Anney. Did you write up your experience somewhere? Photos? That sounded like a very special occasion to me. Well, it was. the first Hobbit World prem. RA looked really happy there.
      Re RA’s PR lady – I totally agree with you. In Berlin she definitely made sure that RA came past his fans. She certainly pointed out our sign to him. I have the impression that they have decided on a very fan-friendly approach to these events, and I am not in any way annoyed with her at all. There were so many demands on RA at the London prem, they probably didn’t know where to turn. C’est la vie.
      Oh, and I totally agree with you on the optimum climate for premieres. This is the last winter premiere I am doing!

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      • Yes Guylty I did a write up on Ali’s site of the whole experience including the one net party meeting PJ. I do think back to that day as it was very surreal. The one thing that stands out is RA right in front of me doing his best Manchester impression his tie was the exact colour of the dress I had on. I do think he was quite overwhelmed as the carpet was very long but he seemed to enjoy it. We even had a fly past by the hobbit plane which we ended up coming home on. I don’t think London could top that. By the way I did briefly meet you in the summer at the Crucible conversation with Richard!

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  10. Thank you for both wonderful parts of your London premiere writeup, Guylty. The way you write makes me feel like I was there with you and experiencing the sheer fun of being with fellow fans. Your booty shot is priceless. Was that first (gorgeous) shot zoomed in on him? Because to see him that close would make the whole excursion worth it for me, even without any interaction…….I think. 😉

    I gave up long ago taking video on our holidays because I felt like I was seeing everything through the lens, not living the experience as you say, and in hindsight I’m grateful that my camera failed at the Popcorn Taxi event in Sydney last year for the same reason.


    • You’re welcome, Mezz. Sharing the experience is what makes it (even more) worth-while.
      Yes, that first shot was zoomed. I had my 300mm zoom lens on (bought for my trip to Africa – to photograph the animals. But came in very handy at the red carpet zoo, too *ggg*). So what looks incredibly close in the picture was actually about 3 meters away. In Berlin, OTOH, he was right in front of me, at arm’s length. (No wonder my one and only shot where he looked straight at my camera was marred by camera shake…)
      Totally with you on the issue of shooting/filming on holidays. The photographer is always the observer – and by definition on the outside of the action. Well, that suits some personalities. Depending on the event, I often leave my camera at home (although I always have the cameraphone as a back-up…) Personally, I am sort of glad that I have my camera as a shield. I fear the emotions would otherwise run too high…


  11. I agree with what others have said: the Booty Shot is a priceless bit of historical documentation 🙂 I’m sure the experience must have been surreal for Mr. A. I mean, he is used to crowds and fans, but this is a different level of magnitude. Scary. I suspect that there are only a few stars who truly revel in the adulation of a crowd and feel comfortable and confident in that environment.


    • LOL – historical documentation. Well, that has been documented much better on film. Referencing tight leather peaches in Robin Hood or exposed bare-skin peaches in Between the Sheets. Don’t look it up in work – NSFW 😉
      RA has stated several times that he finds the red carpet scenario weird. And it is – from both sides of the divide. I mean, I would never in a million years wait for any man for 8 hrs in the cold, with hundreds of screaming people around me. So WTF? I almost feel guilty for perpetuating these strange rituals through my own participation. My only mollification is that this is part of his job description. (which gives him a better justification for being there than me…)


  12. Three shots from this tour stand out for me – and two of them are yours, Guylty. The booty shot ( which is drool worthy IMHO) and the gorgeous one of Evangeline fixing her earring. You capture something special – maybe because you are a true fan as well as a gifted photographer. Your Berlin shot still gives me a thrill every time I see it. I also enjoyed your observations of RA, which ring true to me.

    The third photo is of the sleeping lads in Paris – it crossed my mind it was a set up but I really hope it wasn’t. If it is real, it is priceless!

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    • so agree with you 🙂 all 3 are great photos and not your run of the mill carpet shoots of which there are thousands on the conveyor belt like soup cans! I like the way PJ leans slightly into Rich :-p i have to try and watch that interview as a very good vibe of friendliness and comfort between them came across 🙂

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  13. Ahh, sitting here sipping tea, calm descended once again 🙂 Sorry for the delay in answering but didn’t really want to read your thoughts on the bus or running from work to home or such. I love the photos, they make me smile so much! I love the grainy one with the little smile and the back ones 🙂 1 in a million 🙂 and i am so glad you did snap it as not in a million years could i have gotten than view, regardless of where we had been positioned 🙂
    You know what?it all feels utterly surreal! Not the weekend and you lot 😉 that feels like it so totally happened! (tell that to me vocal cords suffering from Muskelkater 🙂 But those aprox 3h there, i look at the pictures and it’s like it happend to somebody else, the noise, the shouts , the flashes, the light, the trailers.. It’s almost like Berlin feels more real although i only watched that on PC. I had no clue about the movies really back then or anything, i just had a friend who was there and i wanted to see how it went down hoping she could see all that and i was enjoying herself 🙂 It all looked lovely to me with the big pile of coins and the carpet and how it was set up, the interviews, like a massive event but it felt like people cared about what was going on. And watching it it didn’t feel rushed. I think probably that is what i expected and London felt very different. It’s interesting to watch but it’s almost nicer watching your photos of it , looks better 🙂
    These things should really be confined to summer or spring 🙂
    I know i was frustrated there but it’s all gone and honestly looking at your photos it’s more than enough 🙂 It really is. I think seeing Crucible the other day again put it even more into perspective, the amazing thing is watching him at work, in a play, in a movie, something like that. Outside seeing him smile or seeing a snap, knowing he’s still out and about doing his thing is really enough, because it’s never going to be quite as interesting as him at work 🙂
    I haven’t seen the gazillion photos or interviews, but i’ve hoarded them all away, they are all downloaded, photos neatly saved in folders ready for when i have time 🙂 I did look at the Crucible premiere ones just because i was so happy that happened and they were much fewer and provided straight by DT to my inbox :-p Ah yes and i watched that press conference, i have to admit largely because PJ fascinated me after that carpet thing and i was just curious to hear him talk some more, i have to confess to utterly bad fan behaviours (i’ve not watched any of the extras for either AUJ or DOS). I just don’t have all those hours and the task is daunting. I’m more curious now i have to say, may kill the flight time with those.

    I have no idea if you are right about what you think he feels/thinks about the carpet thing, but i agree with you. He seems to vivid and engaged talking about his work freely (thinking Crucible here but also other stuff where he spoke more of his own initiative about work) and he’s more puzzled when faced with crows, no time to talk properly, he knows the expectation is sign and smile for pics and that’s what he does, very graciously i may add, sooo graciously! I didn’t get that vibe either of ‘i know why you are here’ rather the opposite, that he understands it’s about him but can’t really fathom why. It’s sweet and different from somebody why deal with it also very graciously but seems to be very clear what it is about and has no illusions about it. There is some emotion there, gratitude, sweetness, some puzzlement, not just polite giving what people want (there is nothing wrong with the latter either, but it is somewhat different 🙂

    Anyway, this is going to slap my fingers for excess commentary so once again thanks for the lovely and fun company! I miss the laughs and chat, i really do. And i really love the photos and i have Berlin shyly looking away from me just 1 meter away 😀 Nobody smiles like our OOA! What more can a girl ask for? 🙂

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  14. Okay, okay, ich bin, wie nicht ungewöhnlich in letzter Zeit, spät dran… old bag, alte Schachtel, was auch immer? Nein, ich wehre mich vehement gegen diese Vorstellung 🙂
    Liebe guylty, ich habe so mitgefiebert beim live-stream, immer gehofft, dass du da irgendwo mit Marky Mark stehst und deine Fotos schießt und ich einen glimps auf dich und die anderen Ladies erhaschen kann…
    Und dann noch zeitgleich Twitter, wie aufregend, ich war bis nachts um halb fünf damit beschäftigt, gut, dass wir so international sind und uns auch noch zu nachtschlafender Zeit austauschen können.
    Die Fotos sind meiner unqualifizierten Meinung nach fantastisch, mach doch mal einen Bildband daraus, die Vermarktung übernimmt dann die Chefbuchhalterin von RAPS Inc. 🙂
    Letztes Jahr in Berlin haben wir gar nichts gesehen und ich habe auch Tage gebraucht, um mir dann mal den Stream anzusehen… Wobei das schwarz/weiß Pic nun wohl endgültig zu den Klassikern gehören dürfte 🙂
    Auch diesmal schien Mr. A so in AWP (ArmitageWorking(Walking)Mode) zu sein, und es stimmt, ich wollte dann den APM einschalten, wie du gesagt hast, er tut es, weil es erwartet wird…
    Aber was sagt uns dann Twitter? All die Selfies? Hilarious socks all the way? Nein, ich genieße, keine Küchenpsychologie von mir …
    P.S: Derdiedas Badge wird am Mittwoch zur “Hobbit”-Premiere getragen 🙂


  15. I thought I had linked to this but maybe not … doing that posthaste.

    I like your observations about documenting vs experiencing and as always, I am extremely grateful that you recorded them. One reason that I live blog these things when I am going to be watching them is that it dulls the effect of the experience for me a lot — an effect I want to achieve. (Maybe I should have been a photographer.) And I think b/c of that my experience w/the Crucible was harder — I had decided I couldn’t say I was there, and so I perforce could only jot down my recollections of everything, so I was immersed in my feelings in a way I am usually not. I admire you for going to these things and I think honestly the hours of waiting and standing just for that 2 seconds of a glimpse would not seem worth it to me.

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    • If anything, my own experience as an observer at the red carpet have really fed into my thoughts about photography in general. I have always been fascinated by photography theory (as in – its sociological impact and use, and the art theory behind it), so this another angle, I suppose. Much has been written about the reception and interpretation of photography – not that much about photographers and their part in creating a photograph. It’s probably too individual a topic to write about in general terms, but it fascinates me all the same.
      As for waiting for hours and then coming away with only a glimpse – well, not entirely true. It may have only been a glimpse of Mr A, but there was a lot more than him happening there, on both sides of the barriers. And that is always worth it for me, both for the photographic booty (in this case Cumberbatch et al.) as well as the collective experience of an event with the public in general and my smaller group in particular. No regrets 😀
      What I began to notice when I saw TC over several weeks in the summer and read your subsequent reports and posts of TC, is that I do actually need a few viewings in order to come to a proper conclusion. When I watch a play or a film, I need to make conscious mental notes in order to remember what stood out for me. Otherwise I forget them as soon as the lights come up. That is one of the reasons why I haven’t written about BOTFA yet – I saw it Friday night and made a few mental notes, but I need to see it again to really understand and formulate a response. Tomorrow is the day 😀

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  16. I certainly understand the exhaustion part. (The photos certainly look worth it though.) Very nice!

    For the same reasons (but mostly because work got in the way) I could not do LA. I thought about trying to go last minute to shoot from the mezzanine level of the Hollywood and Highland (I actually telephoto lens with me, of all things) but I knew the people factor would get insane. I can get claustrophobic in sudden and odd circumstances. So mostly fear kept me away. Mostly. But I did have a story due the next day. Excuses, excuses. I suppose I have my priorities mixed up these days. 😉 Glad people like you have it together, Guylty. 🙂


    • Oh Crystal – I had actually been wondering whether you had made it to the LA premiere because I remember your report from last year so clearly. Your post back then was quite an eye-opener for me, and it prepared me for my own trip to the European premiere in Berlin.
      However, I totally get what you are saying about claustrophobia. These events are a killer in that sense. And no, I think your priorities are totally spot on. RL must come first, always.
      And I don’t have it together at all – I am merely a fun-loving fool 😉

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      • And blessed are the fun-loving fools like you. 🙂 And yes, I at least have the memories of last year. It worked to my advantage that it was not the deluge of fan attention that this one was, as it should be. 🙂


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