All Roads Lead to Leeds – #UATSC Premiere Part 1

Some of you may have already been waiting for this. The official write-up and the full photographic loot of the UATSC premiere in Leeds. A little preamble – there is enough material here to draw this out as a loooong, slooooow, and sweet death by guylty pleasure, and since RL demands my attention, I will not be able to post everything tonight. Rather than just upload all the pictures, I’d like to put them into context and describe the event as it unfolded. And that takes a bit of time. I will post about the UATSC premiere in three parts, in chronological order. Part 1 deals with the premiere in Chapel FM on Saturday, part 2 will describe the second screening in Hyde Park Picture House on Sunday, and part 3 concludes the whole saga with a review of the film. I’ll post on three consecutive days, so it’ll be all there, soon. Right, without further ado, let’s get into it. I’ll try to be quick. If you want to skip my “dear diary” style account, jump to the various subheadings that describe the paragraphs.


We arrived at the venue a good bit before the scheduled screening of the film – but we were not the first. The place was still teeming with the attendants of the afternoon showing. Fans were mainly gathered outside the front door of Chapel FM, where a few steps and a ramp led up to the door. Just as we arrived, a lady asked the fans to line up behind the railing of the steps/ramp and arrange themselves there for a nice photo-op with RA eventually signing for us. Guylty slunk into the background, not eager to become a photo-op herself *ahem*. First contacts were made among the fans – I recognised a fan with whom I had spent a post-performance dinner last year in London. Small world. RA, ever the lovely uncle of the fandom, was concerned for his fans waiting in the cold and sent word via text message that he was delayed but on his way. Aw. Ten minutes later he sent another text, asking whether the fans had liked  the film. Ever the thoughtful gentleman, so sweet…

RA’s arrival

Eventually a dark car drew up and among spontaneous gasps and moans of delight (of the fans!), a lanky figure extricated itself from the backseat. Rumour has it, that what sounded like late Guy Fawkes’ night fireworks in the surrounding estate, was actually overactive female reproductive organs popping in unison upon the sight that greeted us: A casually dressed RA in a white V-necked T-shirt under a black blazer, black trousers and the seen-before blue trainers. Devastatingly handsome, especially coupled with his usual shy demeanour. First thought: the beard is off *hoorah*, the hair is short – and the Berlin Station look will be gorgeous. Think Lucas North, 5 years older. Mind you, scratch the “older”. Without the beard, considerably slimmed down and with the short, meticulously cut hair, RA looked amazingly young! Swoon? Hell, yes.RAChapelFMsm9

Signing and selfies

Mr A said a shy but rather happy sounding “helloooo?” to the fans (as if he wondered whether we were really all there for him) and launched straight into signing. I had the impression that he preferred to be near to the throng rather than stand apart, happily signing and posing for selfies. He did not say much although I wouldn’t really know, I am too absorbed in photographing to notice or hear anything that is being said while I shoot but commented favourably on Linda60’s copy of Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew which she had brought along for signing. Duh, I had forgotten my copy in the hotel. But in the event I was too busy with shooting, anyway. He then entered the venue through a side door while the fans piled into the foyer of Chapel FM. RAChapelFMsm1

Inside and introduction

After a short wait, we were allowed to take our seats in the small venue. How intimate it was, I only realised when I saw the official photos afterwards. I think the capacity of the venue was 70 seats. Not all were taken, but what looked like empty seats in some of the pictures you may have seen online, were actually the seats reserved for the celebrity guests who are sitting on the panel in the photos. Before the screening started, RA, Candida Brady and Bernard Hare came to the front and said a few introductory words. By that time I was photographing again, encouraged by the energetic clicking from the photographer who hunched by my side for a while and then took pictures from all angles. I can’t recall anything that was being said (Guylty in work mode) but a fan two seats to the right of me filmed the whole introduction. Edit: A video of the intro taken from further back and courtesy of ArmitageUniverse is available on Youtube here. You will see the pictures from the introduction in the photo grid below – the venue had some rather cheesy pink mood-lighting, which accounts for the weird discolouration in the pics and the grainy look.RAChapelFMsm11

The screening

To my astonishment, RA, Brady and Hare actually did watch the film together with us! I had somehow expected him to sign, say a few introductory words – and slink out. But no, he watched it there and then. And as Lily had said to me beforehand, it felt actually quite special to share this experience with him, being there as he watched the film for the first time. I wish I had sat closer to him – just to hear him laugh at the amusing bits in the film. Ha, someone should’ve taped that. I bet, a recording even just of RA breathing would go down a treat within the fandom LOL. Although the film ended on a hopeful note, applause was delayed a bit until the end credits had almost finished rolling (if I remember this correctly) – I think everyone was still digesting what we had just seen. And I mean that in the best possible way; even though the film is not as gritty and shocking as the book, there was still much food for thought in it. (Proper review following in a  separate post.)

The Q&A

RA, Brady and Hare proceeded to the front of the hall and sat down behind the table on the panel for a Q&A. It was very ably conducted by the director of the venue/community centre who asked interesting questions before opening the session up to the floor. It was very interesting to see the three participants answer the questions posed to them, and I am pleased to report that it did not all centre on Mr A but the audience gave due attention to film maker Candida Brady and writer Bernard Hare. The latter was very softly spoken and obviously not a public speaker. And as a non-native speaker of English I occasionally had trouble understanding his Yorkshire accent. But he came across as a quietly strong man, not keen on the limelight, but happy to take the occasion and speak about a cause that is close to his heart. – Candida Brady was an enthusiastic speaker and went into details about how the film came about, occasionally veering off a bit. She thanked anyone for attendance and later added that any help with promotion through Social Media channels was much appreciated. In fact, Mr A proved to be the most articulate and eloquent of the panelists. As a theatre performer, he is probably unfazed by a live audience (although public ex tempore speaking is a different kettle of fish to acting memorised lines), and he is probably also the most experienced of the three panelists when dealing with an interview/panel situation. He had a lovely, clear way of expressing himself, and it was evident that he had pondered the general topic. He also came across as an attentive listener, interested in the questions that were posed and the answers that were given, looking at the speakers and signalling his interest.

The most evocative moment for me came when he picked up a question that had been posed by Hariclea. She had asked Brady how the young actors had reacted to the storyline – had learning about and acting the shocking lives of the “shed crew” affected them in any way? Brady passed the question on to the mother of young actor Oscar Rodgers (?) (Sam), who was present. She answered at length but not quite to the point. Armitage proved very observant and jumped in at the end, addressing the issue of age appropriateness. It was obvious that this was a problem that he had thought about himself, and he expressed the view that while children need to be protected from some content and harsh realities of life, it is also important to teach them not to be ignorant of the strife of others. He mentioned that his family was going to attend the screening on the following day, including his young nephew, and he wanted to make sure that the film was appropriate for his nephew to watch. But he advocated a middle way between explaining and protecting. A fitting final speech before the end of the Q&A. The panelists received warm applause from the audience and then the event was over.

Impressions of a fan girl

A last personal note: Myself, I had a seat in the second row from the front and could not see RA who was sitting between Brady and Hare. And, boy was I glad to be shielded by Helen in front of me who inadvertently blocked my direct view to Mr A. Abby’s comment still rings true: “Looking at RA is like staring at the sun” – it felt too intense, and somehow indecent, an infringement of privacy. Through no fault of his, I hasten to add, but due to my keenly felt internal imbalance between being an anonymous member of the audience, yet “knowing” a lot about an actor whom I *do not* know. I looked at him when he spoke, only, leaning over to see him, but could not bear to look any other time. A weird dichotomy to my behaviour as a photographer, who is a voyeur by default, looking at people through the magnification of a lens, yet shielded by it at the same time. Overanalysing much?

Mr A briefly stood directly beside me as we were getting up to put on coats and leave, a solid, very tall wall of black, who did not exude any particular hurry to get out of there or to be ignored by the public, but lingered and chatted with Brady and Hare. As I turned to go, I received an involuntary update on current trends in menswear. Apparently snug trouser pants are neither de rigueur nor en vogue any more *sound of a thousand fan girl hearts breaking*. Could someone please let Mr A know that it is a shame and a crime to hide the taut, muscular orbs of his peachy bum under loose-fitting hipster pants!

In conclusion

The Chapel FM premiere was an intimate, very special event that exceeded all my expectations. It all felt relaxed, with discreet security, and a star who seemed to be happy to be there and keen to see the reaction of the public to his work. “Approachable” is not really a word I would use in this context, as the gulf between celebrity and fan is always there, but both sides in this encounter were respectful and very pleasant. There was no stampede and no overstepping of boundaries. RA was very generous with his attention, signed and posed for all who hoped to receive a moment of his time. In turn, the fans showered him with their appreciation. The positivity at the event was palpable – there was such an atmosphere of general delight and giddy happiness, I find that quite touching, and I hope that some of that intangible energy also passed to Mr A, as the gift that we, as fans, can give back to him for sharing his talent with us.


More pics

More pics in the gallery grid below. These are the vaguely acceptable ones, although there are more.

All images © Guylty Pleasure 2015. These images are for non-commercial use only. As my usual contribution to the fandom, you are welcome to repost them, but please credit me if you do.


A technical note on photography

For those who are interested in photography, here are a few notes. As usual, the image loot does not live up to Guylty’s stringent demands. Shooting without flash means cranking up the ISO (light sensitivity of the sensor). This results in grain, which makes the images appear slightly fuzzy, particularly at high resolution. It also means shooting as slowly and as widely as possible, i.e. with a slow shutter speed of 1/30s and a large aperture of f4. The former means that the slightest movement takes the subject out of focus; the latter means that only a very particular visual plane is in focus, anyway, while everything else in front or behind that plane falls off. If only Mr A held still for more than a second 😉… Alas, he had too many fans to serve.

The images may look better if your resize them to 1000 x 666 px, which still gives you a decent sized image – but looks relatively sharp. Also, cross lighting inside and outside the venue results in discolouration and unnatural tones, hence the occasional photographer’s trick of desaturating and converting to b/w.

174 thoughts on “All Roads Lead to Leeds – #UATSC Premiere Part 1

  1. Thank you for being an RA afflicted junkie enabler and letting me get my fix vicariously through your extremely thorough and entertaining post. Thank you so much, it is almost like I was able to be there too! I am really looking forward to your review of the film. One question (since you had the opportunity of standing right beside him)….does he exude any particular smell? Not a bad smell of course, just any hint of aroma?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for this, Guylty 🙂 Still feel bad about obscuring your view – but I certainly enjoyed it 😉

    Re the trousers, I did speak to one fan who thought they were great, but I’m with you – what a waste!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Please don’t feel bad – the arrangement of the chairs was not your responsibility 😉 And as I said, I think I would’ve withered away if I had had a direct line of sight to RA 😀
      Re trouser fashion – I accept that these trousers are in fashion right now. So, good on RA for being all up to date. But still a loss to the lovers of aesthetic male posterior anatomy.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. It sounds wonderful. I thought I saw Linda 60’s smiling face in the background of someone’s photo. Did you go out for hamburgers after? Can’t wait for the next installments. Loved your pictures and have to admit I am extremely jealous that you were so close to RA, despite the unfortunate circumstance of baggy pants.


  4. Great fun and very interesting to read–I imagine myself in your shoes and how I would feel and react in the same circumstances. I am so accustomed to having either a still or video camera in front of me, too–I think I’d almost want to keep it in front of me at all times to prevent being “blinded by the sun.” Also love your details about the photography itself and dealing with the less than optimum lighting. Being able to convert to black and white is a nice option and I really like the classic look of it anyway.


    • I was discussing my experience with a photographer friend yesterday, bemoaning the fact that I find myself not pushy enough to be a proper event photographer. My friend is an allrounder who does everything from press calls and events to wedding and art, and he assured me that it is a matter of practice, and that he felt similarly self-conscious when he started out. I didn’t tell him that there is the added issue of being somewhat emotionally compromised when it comes to this particular photographic subject *LOL*. So yeah, the camera remains my shield and my self-induced barricade, to stop me from losing myself completely…
      Photography at events is always a lesson in problem-solving, I find. I actually like that aspect of photography, the spontaneous, you-never-know-what-might-happen-ness of it all, that forces you to apply your technical knowledge and to make deliberate choices both during and post shooting. With a few premieres under my belt, I have the settings and process sussed out to some degree. If it weren’t for the lack of a decent camera flash, I’d probably have produced some better images here. Mind you, I did not want to shoot with flash inside the venue, as the flashes would have seriously distracted people. On high ISO, at least I was able to shoot many pictures in rapid succession and more or less without distracting panel and audience – apart from the audible “click” of the mirror.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Impossible to look very long, unless it is through the lens. Then it’s bearable, because there is a purpose other than mere gratification 😀
      Part 2 coming later today.
      And thanks for providing some of the lasting commentary on what it is like to meet Mr A. Somehow you are always with me at these events, because you coined the words. I can literally imagine what you would say or do at such an occasion. Mind you, I would love to attend a premiere together with you, some day… I’ll even cross an ocean for that!


  5. If my experiences of these kind of events have to be vicarious then thank goodness they are recounted through the eyes of a fan such as yourself, who seems to know just what I want – and need! – to hear. 🙂 Your words make me feel as though I was there. What a special occasion, to share seeing UATSC for the first time with Richard in an intimate, small gathering, with the bonus of a Q&A. For myself, I think I would be torn between trying desperately not to look at him too much out of politeness yet wanting to absorb as much of him visually as I could while I had the chance! (which is what I was like at the Sydney Q&A)
    As for your ever gorgeous photos…..what can I say that hasn’t been said before. They’re wonderful *sigh* Thank you so much for sharing xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • We really seem to have the same sort of attitude and approach to such events, Mezz. I absolutely love the buzz these events give me. I felt giddy and nervous/excited at the prospect of seeing RA close up. And the contradiction of wanting to stare yet feeling it is impolite to do so, adds somehow to the excitement. As if there is something forbidden in it. Of course there isn’t. It was probably exacerbated by the fact that I sat so close to the front. If I had been further back, I probably would have shamelessly indulged in staring – from the safety of the shadow.
      Glad you like the photos. I can already say that the Sunday pictures are better – because they were shot in daylight, which allows for clearer, more focussed images. Alas with a more distracting background. Coming soon.


  6. Pingback: And our friends were there! Urban and the Shed crew from the blogger perspective. | Me + Richard Armitage

  7. Guylty, there’s a reason yours is my favorite blog … you never disappoint. Thank you for sharing your experience with us … and thank you for the lovely photos. I believe these pics rival Berlin 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, Clo, thank you 😘 for indulging me with my over-long account.
      You know what, when I looked through the pictures on the back of the camera after returning to the hotel, I also thought to myself that maybe I had even surpassed the Berlin loot with this occasion. I quite like the first two large images in this post, as they show RA pretty clearly and also anchor the situation. The celebrity among his fans. There’s more of that from the Sunday screening. I’ll be interested to hear which image is the favourite one of all…


      • I already have a favorite from what I’ve seen so far (Part 1 and Part 2) … can’t wait to see your Part 3 (write up and photos) … I’ll be sure to go through every photo at least another 3 or 4 times (I know, such a hardship but it must be done) and then I will let you know which is my number 1 🙂


        • Hehe. Don’t get your hopes up too high. I think you have seen the best already. The last part will be rather small, possibly grainy images from inside the cinema. But at least I’ll get down to the review.
          Looking forward to your verdict on a favourite picture. 🙂


  8. Oh, you never fail to deliver a lovely commentary, gorgeous photos, and LOL moments. It’s entirely understandable that the simultaneous ovarian combustions might have been attributed to Guy Fawkes fireworks… happens all the time! ROFL. I do think that was adorably considerate of him to text ahead of his arrival that he was running late and so on… more of his people-pleaser genes expressing themselves =).

    It’s incredibly special that you were able to watch the film for the first time along with not only RA, but BH. What a moment to treasure! And then a Q&A afterwards… SO amazing! If the Q&A has surfaced, I missed it so far, but I’d love to hear more… sounds like Hari asked a great question, and cheers for her that RA picked it up and responded even when the question wasn’t directed at him!

    Re: the pants… perhaps the relaxed, intimate atmosphere was due to the pants. If he’d worn really snug pants, things might have spun out of control. Just sayin’.

    Liked by 4 people

    • The texting was just so symptomatic of RA. It surprised me and then again didn’t surprise me at all. Just like him to care about the people who were waiting for him. (Unless it was all a clever ruse by the publicity lady.) Ok, the perception of him as a dearie is reinforced by my own subjective opinion of him, but he really comes across as a very nice, decent human being.
      And J, you are so right, I should have made mention of the fact that we were also in the presence of ‘Chop’ himself at the screening. I intend to do so in my review of the film. While watching, I occasionally thought “what may Bernard Hare think about seeing his life visualised for all the public to see?” It is a simple, yet obvious question – which no one dared to ask at the Q&A. I have said before that I never warmed to Chop in the book, but I have to say that I certainly warmed to Hare at the screening. If there is one thing the casting agents got right, then it is the fact that she matched an actor who is a decent, lovely man, with a RL character who came across as equally decent and nice.
      LOL at your interpretation of the pant scenario. Spot on! It was a strategic decision to keep the fan girl reactions under control. 😂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Fabulous! And kudos to you for getting the review out. Good call, Hari, because I think our fellow fans are eager to hear about the film. Hope you’ll be comfy in your builder-infested house for the next few days!


      • thank you, builders seem to be nice people, met them this morning and they were happy with me clearing the flat so at least i hope we started on a positive note. We’ll see how it looks tonight when i am back. Funny, i was trying to rush and push myself last night to do the film bit because i thought you did too and i didn’t want to have to wait to read your thoughts, i wanted to read them straight away and be able to talk about it on your blog 😉 Also tbh it is easier for me to pretend to write objectively about the film than to admit to my gushing and fanning over RA 😉 It feels a bit embarrassing how giddy i was this weekend 😉 But i’ll work my way to share that too , i hope. Really looking forward to read all your impressions and i’ll comment more on this once i’ve got today’s ‘happy’ meetings out of the way.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Well, I think it has worked out really well that you started with the review and I did the event first. At least that way readers get both write-ups at the same time and can piece together a picture of the whole thing. I already know that I am going to struggle with the review – my memory is a sieve, and if I do not make conscious mental notes while watching a film, I often forget what stood out, both good or bad. I may have to peek at your review to refresh my memory…
          And yes, it is certainly less personal, writing about the film rather than the event. But hey, a reputation once ruined is a wonderful liberation…
          Good to hear that you got the flat ready for the builders and that they seemed a nice bunch.
          Best of luck for the “happy” meetings. Hope the outcome will be less bleak than anticipated!

          Liked by 1 person

          • yes, we managed to give everyone food for thought and heart! ha, we are wimps! what was all that talk about dragging it out and such, we caved at first plea 😉
            Meetings as expected but i think it is slowly thinking in now and hopefully i’m over the complete panic phase, i’ve got a few months to panic again and unpanic and so. Outcome unchanged so i’m back in search of the man with a van 🙂


            • Well, the dragging out gets old after a while. I mean, I could trickle out those pics, one by one, but I think people would get rather tired after two days. – Just finished editing and have got 25 images loaded on WP for the post. Some nice ones, I think.
              Hm, so no change at work. Sorry to hear that. But you never know what it is good for. My big work cesura was the best thing that ever happened to me. In a round-about way, it even led me to the man who plays the man with a van…

              Liked by 1 person

              • oh 25 moreee?? oh i shall die and go to heaven! i have we also have an addiction going on here 😉 I have edited my little lot, fuzzy as from a distance but will share too.
                And we’ll see i will not kick myself out the door yet, will allow things to run their course and come what is written in my karma, nought else to do about it.
                I had hoped this morning the man with a van would have showed up my door as the business at hand was quite his speciality, but no such luck!


                • Yup, 25. Not counting the ones that I have decided to ignore because they were slightly blurry or it was too much of a shame to edit the posing fan out of the image. There were a couple of really nice ones where he cosies up to a fan, but I don’t want to compromise her privacy. If I knew who she was, I’d send it to her, because it honestly is really nice!
                  Let the universe sort it out for you, Hari. Honestly, trust it. Somehow things will work out, even if there is a challenge in the short-term. Maybe van man comes another day.


    • Thank you Zan, it’s a pleasure to share with you all, and the least we can do. I so enjoy reading about others’ experiences, too, so I decided to throw all the observations and details at you. And yes, the pics give a nice impression of the Berlin Station handsomeness of Mr A. I think I was slightly speechless when he got out of the car, and all I could think off in that never-ending stream of consciousness were inarticulate noises of the “whoa” and “pwoarrr” kind 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Gorgeous photo’s- thank you for sharing and for keeping your wits about you and managing to take them without shaking too much!

    I look forward to parts 2 and 3.


    • Hehe, plenty of shaking *before* RA arrived. (I do get nervous pre-event.) But once the camera is out, work-mode is activated and I am zoned in on my task. It’s also my defence mechanism 😀


  10. Thank you very much for sharing part 1 of your experience. You had me laughing and nodding in several parts. I wasn’t a fan of the pants either. That he kept the jacket buttoned bothered me, too. Here comes the former mens department manager in me, tuck in the t-shirt – that way it shows of his wonderful physique and leave the jacket open.

    This line says so much about him, and what every woman would love in a man. Every interview I have ever seen he is so connected with the person. He also came across as an attentive listener, interested in the questions that were posed and the answers that were given, looking at the speakers and signalling his interest.


    • Oh Val!!! That means you were there, too?! I have no idea what you look like and who you were – and I suppose I am not identifiable either (save for the camera). (I wish I was a bit more outgoing and made more of an effort to actually talk to more people and find out whether I know them. Funny extrovert, I am…) But I am glad if you agree with some of my impressions. I didn’t all dream it up and/or get it wrong, then 😉
      The buttoned up jacket – spot on! And now take this a step further. What if he had taken it off – and revealed his arms in a short-sleeved t-shirt!? Yup. Chaos. Spontaneous combustion. Mass exodus of fan girls. It was all part of a plan. (See JHolland’s suggestion above ;-))
      His interview manners are absolutely perfect, I must say. He must be a publicist’s dream! Articulate in his answers, quick-witted and amusing when needed (not much occasion for jokes here), giving due respect, space and time to the respective interviewer/counterpart i.e. not hogging the attention but stepping back until he is called upon again, good a projecting interest and attention, answering to the point and not veering off, varying his answers even if the question has been asked a hundred times before, always polite and engaged. Good grief – is he even real???

      Liked by 2 people

  11. What a treat to come home from work and teenage chauffering to this post! You are hilarious and I loved every word. I really like the step-by-step, chronological order so I can savor everything as if it happened to me! I think if I were that close I would have to remind myself to keep my jaw shut! I tend to stare when overwhelmed. Would still love to be there as he was watching the fim too, but I’d be guilty of watching him instead of the movie. I’d have loved to see his reaction. I do terribly want to see the movie as well. Here’s hoping. Can’t wait for the next installments! This was a real gift! Thank you sooo much for the beautiful pictures.


    • Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment, Chazak. Whether it was attending the event together with my fandom friends, or whether it is reading about it online – the sharing of the experience is what elevates it to another level. We were saying that when we were there – the premiere was much more fun because we were there with friends. Personally, I cannot imagine going to one of these things on my own – without anyone to discuss it with, to joke about baggy pants, to swoon at tight-cut neck hairlines, and to scrutinise all details.
      I keep my fingers crossed that the film makes it into distribution. I want my fellow fans to enjoy it, too, and Chop and Urban’s story to spread.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I like how you concentrated more on the event and your feelings and reactions, and not just a review of the film. Knowing that Mr. A was so close by would’ve made it hard for me to concentrate on the film.
    He looked so much thinner in all the pictures I’ve seen compared to Hannibal, especially around his neck.


    • The film absorbed my attention as soon as it started, but I admit that during the course of the screening I occasionally felt a surge of excitement when I remembered that RA was sharing the occasion with us. I wondered if it was nerve-wrecking for him to watch the film with a live audience, getting the immediate reactions of the audience, while sitting right in the middle of us. The response was all good, of course. The fans were certainly delighted to be presented with previously unseen material 😀 And Choppie was quite a chunky yet somehow soft cutie in the film. Ok, I may be biased. Ahem.
      RL RA at the premiere definitely was slimmer than in Hannibal. He looked much younger, even taller, slightly less substantial. A bit more swoony movie star, too, despite his friendly demeanour. The discipline that actors possess when it comes to constantly changing their body shape, really impresses me.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Ja, dich kann man schicken, du enttäuschst deine Jünger nicht 😉 Könnte jetzt sagen, das hat mir das Ticket erspart. Aber, halt, war da nicht noch mehr?….. 😀 Ne, passt. Sass gerade in Gedanken neben dir hinter Helen 😉 Allerdings wäre ich dann mit einer deutlichen Nackenverspannung aus der Veranstaltung rausgekommen. Denn ich kann leider NICHT wegschauen. Ich hätte nach Art des hypnotisierten Kaninchens gestiert. 😁
    Das Halo-Bild ist wirklich klasse. Und das 2. hat was von “Armitage in Fanblase”. Wobei ihr Haarturm in nettem Kontrast zu seinem geschorenem Haupt steht. Und du bist dir sicher, dass du nicht irgendwo einen Schnappschuss der berüchtigen Hose (von hinten!) hast? Sorry, aber einer muss ja fragen 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • 😀 Hab ich damit die amtliche Bestätigung von dir? Das Event war schon toll, ich würde lügen, wenn ich sagen würde, dass meine Review das Erlebnis 1:1 ersetzt. Natürlich nicht. Aber in Kombi mit den Fotos kriegt man einen Eindruck von dem, was da ablief. Hat Spaß gemacht – ein bisschen mehr als die Premiere in London, einfach weil mehr RA dabei war. (Auch wenn natürlich Abstriche gemacht werden müssen, weil die CraMERRY-Lücke ungefüllt blieb.) Übrigens glaub ich nicht mal, dass du ne Nackenverspannung gehabt hättest. Du hättest sicher überall drüber geguckt! Hab mich bei manchen Fotos (vom Sonntag) amüsiert, dass RA immer wie ein Wolkenkratzer über die gemütlichen kleinen Häuschen drüber ragt.
      Ich finde ja bei den Fotos die technisch fragwürdigen auch immer am besten. Diese Halo-Effekte fand ich spitze, verursacht durch den zufälligerweise zum exakt selben Zeitpunkt ausgelösten Flash einer Kamera im Gegenlicht. Sieht fast schon wie Photoshop aus, isses aber nicht. Ich fand bei der Fanszene mit dem “Bubble” interessant, dass RA dort kleiner aussieht als die Fan-Dame. Vermutlich stand sie auf der Rampe, er davor.
      Und nein, die Hose habe ich ausgeblendet, aber total, obwohl mir schon beim ersten Ansehen durch den Kopf ging, dass man das eigentlich dokumentieren müsste. Aber nun stell dir mal bitte vor, wie das ausgesehen hätte – Guylty auf Knien hinter RA, Kamera im Anschlag, Fokus auf den Arsitage. Geht nicht.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amtl. Bestätigung für was? 😀
        Och, bin immer bemüht, mich unentbehrlich zu machen. 😉 Und trotzdem schön zu sehen, dass da dann deutlich mehr RA-Mehrwert zu generieren war, als in London. Meine Zeit kommt noch, wart’s ab!
        Was ist denn das für ein g’schamiges Getue wg. dem Hosenbild. Die Professionista fummelt an ihrer Kamera, deren Objektiv zuuuuufällig nach halb unten zeigt und peng! ist die Messe gelesen.


        • *laugh out LOUD* clever thinking. Ahem, ja, so kann man das machen, weiß ich wohl. Du hast allerdings noch nicht gesehen, dass auf den Bildern von den Preis immer ein Bodyguard RA den Rücken freihält. Den hätte ich erstmal mit einem gezielten Schlag in die Weichteile außer Gefecht setzen müssen, bevor ich zuuuuufällig den Armitagschen Hintern fotografiere. Ich werde mal nach einer vergleichbaren Hose online fahnden.


    • Hello Katharine!!!! Long time, no hear. How are you? Glad you enjoyed reading this. And you are absolutely spot on, I really need these posts to help me remember and to help me interpret what I saw. The post-event activity is definitely part of the whole experience.


  14. Ich habe reblogged nachdem ich alle Deine tollen Bilder gesehen habe, völlig fasziniert und erst beim lesen danach gesehen, dass wir auf die Kritik noch ein bisschen warten dürfen. Wenn Du alle Teile mit so wunderschönen Bildern bestückst kannst Du auch gerne 99 Parts daraus machen 🙂
    Danke, dass Du uns teilhaben lässt an diesem unglaublichen Erlebnis.


    • LOL – UATSC Premiere – Fangirl-Perspektive in 99 Teilen. Episch! Aber ganz so lang will ich euch dann doch nicht damit in den Ohren liegen. Wenn ich allerdings die Fotos alle einzeln posten würde, könnte ich euch bis Weihnachten jeden Tag ein Schmankerl vorlegen. Vermutlich aber in unterschiedlicher Qualität.
      Macht Spaß, das Ganze mit euch gemeinsam zu verorten. Mehr, als das nur im stillen Kämmerlein Revue passieren zu lassen.


  15. Thank you for this wonderful report illustrated by great pictures! Such a delight to read! It feels as if those of us who couldn’t be there were a little bit a part of it as well. 🙂
    I’m so happy the atmosphere was so relaxed and positive. Even by looking at videos and other pictures earlier I could just tell that of the 3, Richard seemed the most relaxed in a panel setting. Fun to see that impression confirmed.
    And I’ve gotta say, I did quite like the hipster pants on the pictures… and although I love the beard, I am totally happy with the bit of scruff I see on Richard now as well. 🙂
    Looking forward to parts 2 and 3!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for reading, Esther! Yes, I definitely thought that RA was at ease. Alert and attentive, but not uncomfortable despite the intimacy of the venue (which could theoretically be quite overwhelming). I am sure it helped that he knew there were lots of people there *for him* – which means that their attitude was generally positive, anyway.
      Re hipster pants – ok, I will admit that I am pleased to see Mr A is going with the times and likes to sport youthful attire. But honestly, the peaches are one of his best assets, and to obscure them with loosely hanging trousers is just criminal…
      The scruff was in full swing, and very attractive indeed. You’ll see on the pictures following today, that there were a few white hairs here and there 😉 Yet the man’s handsomeness shows no sign of waning…

      Liked by 2 people

    • Glad you enjoyed my account, Len. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of occasion to see him at an event. His work on this film certainly will commend him for other roles…


  16. Thank you so much for this, such a wonderful recounting of the night! Can’t wait for Part 2. Your manner of writing really makes me feel like I’m there. And such gorgeous photographs! Thank you so much for sharing them and for writing this!


  17. Wow – dark green with envy here! What a great event, what a great review! Thank you so much for sharing. I never felt I miss something when not being able to attend a great premiere on a red carpet. But for being able to attend a happening like this, I would be glad to offer a kidney. What a privilege to share such an intimate venue with the main people who made this movie possible. And getting so close in touch. And this wonderful Q&A session – not the stupid hype of „big films“, but considerate, adult, respectful interaction between people who are able and willing to look behind the surface. Who care for the issue as well, and not only for the good looks. Although the good looks do not hurt one bit…. 🙂
    Thank you so so much for this post. Tophighlight of my day.


    • Oops, your comment slipped under my radar. Yes, this was an event that was worth travelling to. It kind of makes sense that a smaller event is always more rewarding than a massive international premiere. But then again, you cannot expect anything. It was really nice seeing RA throw his weight behind the film and the issues it addresses. And it was special to have Bernard Hare there, who inspired the movie and shared his own story.


      • These are the kind of pants which make you shamefully blush when you look at photos with them years later. Little sins of the youth!
        Anyway, he looks as gorgeous as ever (with or withoud beard, doesn’t matter for me, but without the facial hair, he looks definitely quite young! ).
        Thank you for the beautiful pics and the lively, amusing report. It’s a quantum of solace for not being there….
        I’m looking forward for the next parts!


  18. Pingback: Casually Strolling Into Madness – #UATSC Premiere Part 2 | Guylty Pleasure

    • TTYTT it has always been a really nice thought to me that I am shooting not only for myself but with a purpose. And with an audience in mind. That is actually quite a privilege. I really hope that everyone gets the chance to attend an event and see RA live somewhere. It’s special, and not least for the encounters with fellow fans!

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Pingback: Armitage-Blindspot-Whoopi-World | The Book of Esther

  20. Thanks so much for having your camera with you and sharing these with us! They are amazing reminders and capture him so well. I find it so hard to choose a favourite. The close ups in the first ones almost make me step back they are so powerful, i get what you say about the sun there ;-)))

    But i think my favourites are the 3 of him standing and speaking or listening, lightly clutching his phone or even better making one of those slight and elegant hand gestures. In those he looks so present, switched on if you will and attentive. He’s there in body, mind and soul or at least it really felt like that to me 🙂
    And so glad you reminded me of the texts… wasn’t that sweet!

    I thought about his arms but then again we got those on screen so that was ok considering how we were shivering from the cold wind outside in our coats i’m surprised he looked so totally relaxed!
    I also felt the same about ‘a star is here’ 🙂 and lucky to be able to be up close and even luckier to listen to him talk about the film and answer questions, what a treat. It really made me smile with pleasure to hear him talk so eloquently, sensitively, attentively and with heart. Of all his charms i think when it comes down to it it’s his ‘silver tongue’ i simply can’t resist!

    I’m afraid i did look at the end, couldn’t help it! But not in his eyes sort of in his general direction, irresistible. So much so that i felt compelled to take 2 quick photos on the phone when he started introducing the film but i hid the phone away quickly and i literally felt as if i had been naughty and done something bad! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind but i just feel like i’m intruding if too close to him and with him looking.

    I’m yet to recover from the general impression, maybe because i came so unprepared? But he totally took me by surprise, his looks did, slim, young, energetic, downright handsome 🙂 I thought i had figured that bit out with the Crucible, he sort of jumped his looks on me, unfair! 😀 Almost a relief to hear him talk and recognise the same i heard in the Crucible in conversation 😉 Talking himself down, being thoughtful and such, human after all, phew!! 🙂

    PS great advice on the lighting, im glad i didn’t bring the big one along in those lighting conditions, until i would have managed to adjust my setting he would have been long gone! lol But i love the pics with halos and bubbles 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You know, Hari, I think our approach in the run-up to the event has been proven successful. If you remember, we both decided to have no expectations and assumed that his appearance would be brief and professional, if not impersonal. Well, he proved us completely wrong.
      In that sense I was absolutely surprised, too, when it turned out to be so much more. Friendlier, sweeter, more handsome, more involved, more engaged. The event surpassed my expectations on all levels. And much of that is in fact down to RA himself, but undoubtedly also to the group of people who were present there and interacted really nicely. Such an all-round positive experience with no negatives I can think of.
      My favourites are probably the ones taken outside, where he is surrounded by people. The ones inside irritate me a bit, due to the grain and pink tone. And I am so glad that ArmitageUniverse uploaded that video of his introductory speech – I had no idea what he talked about :-D. Now all that is missing is a video of the Q&A… Looking forward to seeing the images you sneaked of him 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      • i’m glad for that intro video as well as i couldn’t remember a thing either! LOL Just him standing so close and all that. And yes lack of expectations certainly made it surprisingly enjoyable and i was less nervous than i was the day after 😉 Overall great! And you are right in terms of photos the outside ones are great! great pics of him, i just seem to like him more when he talks than when he poses for no other reasons than he goes through different expressions depending on what he is saying 🙂


        • Well, I think the unposed photos are always more authentic, more “real”, more “person” than “persona”. There is also more life in them, really, because when talking and moving we are not quite as conscious of ourselves (or our looks) as when we are posing to be recorded on camera…

          Liked by 2 people

          • true! by the way, we need to take up poker! Cause we certainly have the faces for it, nobody who saw us Sat in row 2 could have suspected in their wildest fantasies that were were fans of anything, hell, they couldn’t even have guess were were enjoying ourselves.. a bit! I wish that photo hadn’t disappeared because it really was all kinds of funny to see our faces LOL


          • I love photos that catch people “in the moment.” In RA’s case, I see more of that genuinely nice fella, looking a bit tired but still easy on the eyes, someone  I’d like to have as a friend and neighbor rather than “dazzling movie star.”  That endears him to me.


      • From what I’ve seen of The Crucible SD (especially towards the end) and this event, it’s as if there are two different men. I was surprised at how young he looked but still with those lovely crinkles. Berlin Station is going to be a swoonfest with Daniel Meyer. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  21. What a spectacular event! Lucky you to be able to watch the film with its star AND the model for his character. I particularly liked your description of being there and dealing with the effects of being “too much in the sun.” And the de facto voyeurism of the photographer plus the plight of the fan–the need to stare and the need not to! All in all a gripping account, with some gorgeous shots!


    • It really was spectacular, and more so because it was unexpected.
      The fan girl reflections are never far from my mind when I attend such things. I am still wondering why “some man” holds so much interest to me, and why I react the way I do.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Pingback: All Roads Lead to Leeds – #UATSC Premiere Part 1 | gpg44blog

  23. I finally forced myself to read your post though I was expecting it with eagerness. It is lovely as usual 😀 but regret and jealousy are my enemies at the moment LOL (I must laugh otherwise I think I will crack 😛 ) . Love the photos ❤


    • I know the feeling, re. regret and jealousy. But you know, what is hot news today, will slink into the background tomorrow, and before you know it, the regret at not having been at an event is forgotten 😉 Just enjoy the photos and don’t think about not having been there yourself 🙂


  24. Pingback: Richard Armitage in the Urban Premiere Q&A | preoccupiedwitharmitage

  25. Thank you!
    I cannot say it often enough. Fantastic pictures and account of events. Thank you for being there.
    Also, thank you to those who asked those really great questions (I’m smiling).


    • There were some really good questions, I agree. But what really stood out for me was that there was general interest in the film, and not all the focus was on “the star”. Probably just the way Mr A wants it? It was great to be there, I have to say, felt quite special to see the film for the first time – at the same time that he did.


      • I don’t want to be a tiny bit envious – but I am! (In the best sort of way, of course :-))
        Your writing and the photographs of “our” very photogenic fellow, genuinely exude the singularity of the event and how special it is to you.
        The focus shouldn’t be “on the star”; focus should be on the children who need someone to care for them. It seems everybody present understood this. The fact that RA partakes in this enterprise (correct term?) of creating awareness of children’s living conditions reflects RA’s personal integrity.
        I’d have to say that all three (CB, BH and RA) came across as being very sympathetic and caring people.

        Liked by 1 person

  26. Pingback: Fan blogs relating the “Urban And The Shed Crew” premiere | Richard Armitage Blog

  27. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 99/? – Ferocious Angel | Guylty Pleasure

  28. Pingback: A RAXS For Thx [Raffle] | Guylty Pleasure

  29. Pingback: Waddaya Mean Waddu I Mean? | Armitage Agonistes

  30. Pingback: See You Next Year… | Guylty Pleasure

  31. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 153/? – Celebrating #UrbanAndTheShedCrew at #NIFF2018 | Guylty Pleasure

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