RA Pocket Shrine 131/? – White Xmas

Unlike my usual shrine posts, this is not quite the big reveal because chances are that you have already seen the shrine in full, candle-lit glory on my final “Twelve Days of Christmas” raffle post earlier today. However, keeping with tradition, I am putting a separate shrine post out, too, for the record, so to speak, and to show the shrine in slightly more detail before it goes on its way to its new owner.

After 10 weeks of BS, I had already been asked bts why Daniel Miller hadn’t featured more prominently in my shrine-making endeavours. Two answers: 1) I have not done much shrine work full stop, due to my professional life taking up a lot of time lately. 2) *um* *ah* *hm* I suppose I haven’t “felt” Daniel that much, if I am totally honest. Being a spy, Daniel Miller cannot evade comparison with previous chaRActers such as Lucas North and even John Porter – and imo both are hard acts to follow. Without preempting my eventual review of BS, let me just say that I felt RA was shamefully underused in that show, and that Daniel Miller appeared a bit like a sidekick with not a lot of lines to say. I simply did not really manage to fully invest in the character…

But a Miller shrine *had* to be made, and therefore I give you this:

img_9625Sparkly, yet reasonably discreet. I hope.

However, I *will* admit that Daniel Miller was given a few really nice scenes when it comes to fulfilling the romantic notions of the audience. And when it came to making a Christmas shrine, for some reason I could not get over Daniel frolicking in a snow white, fluffy bed… Never mind the presence of Esther Krug, but boyohboy, jeans-clad and topless, smoking decadently in a luxurious hotel bed? UNF. From that scene, the “white Xmas” theme was born…


As many of you know, I am a smoker, and stupidly find a lounging, smoking Danny rather hot. However, I admit that smoking is not necessarily a turn-on for most people, so I opted to replace Daniel’s fag with something altogether sweeter and more fitting for Christmas… In any case – he looked rather heavenly, so I put him in a bed of clouds… BTW, the “a white Xmas” words can actually be taken out of the shrine – and replaced with the word “you”, or the name of the shrine owner, if you want this closer to the heart 😉

Staying with the Christmas theme, I thought it would be fun to make Daniel an alternative Santa… and there was just the right scene for that.


What kind of goodies does he present in the sack, one wonders? *coughs*

img_9626There, happy Xmas in RAland… I light two candles and hum Bing Crosby…


To reiterate – this shrine is being raffled off in today’s final 12DX raffle, so if you want it, hop over to the raffle post, leave a comment, and you are in the draw.

Happy Xmas, all!

48 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 131/? – White Xmas

  1. “What kind of goodies does he present in the sack, one wonders?”

    MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! *Lachtränen aus den Augen wisch*
    Um rauszufinden, welche Goodies er so drauf hat, würde ich sogar weiße Hotelbettwäsche in Kauf nehmen, und bei der neige ich eher dazu, schreiend zu flüchten (ich arbeite mit dem Zeuch – glaub mir, Hell *is* white!).

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL – weia, ich sehe schon, mit dem jungfräulichen Weiß kann man nicht alle wirklich glücklich machen… Ich bin ja schon mal froh, dass ich nicht meinen ursprünglichen Plan umgesetzt habe, ihn in weißen Stoff zu hüllen. Mit Schnee hat das doch noch mehr Potential.
      Aber ja, die Doppeldeutigkeit mit dem “in the sack” musste natürlich sein *grins*

      Liked by 1 person

      • Schneemann-Dannyboy ist besser als Mumien-Richie. 😉

        Und bevor ich es *wieder* vergesse:
        Vielen Dank für deine tolle Idee mit den 12 Days of Rich…, äh, falsche Buchstabenfolge, Christmas. ❤ 🙂


        • Immer gerne. Ich hatte Langeweile, ich sah dem Ende von LLL und BS mit Bedauern entgegen, und ich brauchte mal einen Tritt in den Hintern, um was Kreatives zu machen. Happy ChRAstmas?


  2. I should imagine the snow would be sizzling even as it landed.

    Wishing you and everyone else here the merriest of Christmases, and an extRAvaganza of a New Year.


  3. Love it! Christmas has never looked so good. I am an ex-smoker for 25 years now and though I can truthfully say I don’t miss it at all I was nevertheless surprised to find that I found watching all the decadent smoking in Berlin Station strangely fascinating and enjoyable. The way Daniel, and especially Esther, drag deeply on those cigarettes is like a great 1940’s film noir movie. Love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, what an absolutely delicious finale to a fabulous twelve days of giveaways–Santa Daniel can come down my chimney any day, not just at Christmas. 😉 But who needs Santa when we have Guylty! Merry Christmas everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thank you Daphne. You have raised the bar with your incredible kindnesses in NYC, so I take my hat off to you.
      Santa Daniel is welcome here, too – with or without presents…


  5. Merry Christmas one and all!
    Thank you for a fun filled year Guylty. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas and 2017 brings you good things. Best wishes xx.


  6. Wow. Love this so much, things have been so hectic that I haven’t been able to comment on anything. I hope I am not too late for this shrine. Love the cloud, and all the hearts. Too cute. I will keep my fingers crossed.


  7. Your 12 Days of Christmas raffles have been so much fun 👍 Hoping you enjoyed Christmas with your family, Guylty …. on the Happy and Healthy 2017 💖


  8. Pingback: RAPS in Retrospect – Part 2 [Daniel Miller] | Guylty Pleasure

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